New You by the New Year Challenge



  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    Can I get in on this? I want to lose at least 50, if not more.

    Yes, Ok I will allow one more even though I said no more, just because well I am a softy, and once more will even out the teams. But sorries to anyone else this group is closed.

    Anyone know how to change the topic name, to say closed?
  • Ciarn
    Ciarn Posts: 92
    I'll start. My name is Lorie. I'm a 33 year old accountant. Married, no kids. Losing weight is hard when you sit 8 hours a day and drive 2.5 hours a day. But I know I can do it. I'm into all kinds of crafty things and love to read. I lost weight a few years back (about 65 lbs) and have gained all of it back. (I blame my husband! :bigsmile: ).

    For the group I'd like everyone to weigh in once a week. You can weigh in more if you like. Also please let me know your goal and I will track everyones progress. If anyone wants to issue daily challenges feel free. Also I am going to work on a pic for you to put in your signature. Would you be interested in doing teams or solo? I think teams would be awesome, a little competition is good right?

    Oh yeah and I would like to lose 50 by 2012!

    Do we have a specific day to weight in or we just do it any day we would like ? and i think teams is a good idea
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    Can I get in on this one too, please?

    Sorry I really need to cut off the group, I want to be able to get to know each other. If we have many more that will be hard to do. :sad: I'm sorry.
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    I'll start. My name is Lorie. I'm a 33 year old accountant. Married, no kids. Losing weight is hard when you sit 8 hours a day and drive 2.5 hours a day. But I know I can do it. I'm into all kinds of crafty things and love to read. I lost weight a few years back (about 65 lbs) and have gained all of it back. (I blame my husband! :bigsmile: ).

    For the group I'd like everyone to weigh in once a week. You can weigh in more if you like. Also please let me know your goal and I will track everyones progress. If anyone wants to issue daily challenges feel free. Also I am going to work on a pic for you to put in your signature. Would you be interested in doing teams or solo? I think teams would be awesome, a little competition is good right?

    Oh yeah and I would like to lose 50 by 2012!

    Do we have a specific day to weight in or we just do it any day we would like ? and i think teams is a good idea

    I think anyday is fine as long as you do it once a week. I will post the results each monday evening say 5 est , so just make sure you weigh in by then.
  • MsBrwnSugga
    MsBrwnSugga Posts: 164 Member
    Hello Everyone-
    I'm Emily and I am married with three kids. I have an 11 year old step-son and 19 month boy/gril twins. I would love to say that the pregancy is what added the weight, but why start out with a lie? I have always been overweight and it has just gotten out of control since I've had the babies. I work full-time so I struggle to find the time to exercise and sometimes it is just easier to not think about what I'm eating.

    My ultimate goal is to lose 100 pounds, but would love to be around 50 by the new year.

    Here is a question...How do I get my tracker to show up at the bottom of my messages. I totally can't figure out that one.

    1. Go to Community
    2. Go to Message Boards
    3. Go to Signature
    4. Then paste a copy of your ticker code in the box and hit save changes

    Hope that helps!
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Can I get in on this? I want to lose at least 50, if not more.

    Yes, Ok I will allow one more even though I said no more, just because well I am a softy, and once more will even out the teams. But sorries to anyone else this group is closed.

    Anyone know how to change the topic name, to say closed?

    Thank you! :)

    Ok. So. My name is Mindy. I'm 22, will be 23 next month. I've pretty much always been overweight, and I work as a medical billing specialist, so I sit 8 hours a day, which doesn't help. Just married 3 months ago, and loving every minute of it. I don't have kids, but hubby and I would like to TTC, which I hear is made easier with weight loss. I love walking, I can walk miles at a time without getting tired, but I'd love to be able to run. I've been trying to do C25K, but I've been off for three weeks because I broke my toe, and then I was on vacation, and then my anxiety was bothering me and I couldn't breathe. I'm back to it starting today, so let's DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    We'll I'll be doing my weigh-ins on Monday mornings. (although I have a bad habit of getting on the scale several times during the week).
  • rsw84
    rsw84 Posts: 34 Member
    Oh no, am I too late? I've got about 80lbs to lose in total

    Heck why not, but then we'll have to close the group, that way we will be able to get to know each other.

    I'm Bec, I'm 26 (27 in a few weeks) and I live in Cheshire, UK. I've been overweight for about 5 years, I lost loads of weight in my final year of Uni doing Weight watchers, but then I put it all back on. I got married just under 2 years ago, and I've put on about a stone and a half since then so I'm really really desperate to get the weight off as I'm fed up of being the big girl of the group!
    I've signed up to Zumba every Tuesday as I enjoy that, and I want to get back into running. I did a half marathon last year (it took me nearly 4 hours!) but I've let the excercise standard slip recently.
    My goal is 80lbs which will bring me to 11 and a half stone which is where I got to last time. I'd love to get into the 10 stone mark but I'm taking it step by step and I'll be happy with 11 and a half!

    Would love to lose 50 by New Year.....and I'm definitely up for the challenge!
  • rsw84
    rsw84 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm weighing in on a Sunday night if thats OK with you guys?
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    Welcome Mindy.

    Dave I totally hear you, I weigh myself everyday. Which probably isn't the best thing, but it would drive me crazy if I didn't.

    Since it seems most like the team concept, here are the teams:

    Team 1
    wvualum - Lorie (Me)
    MsBrownSugga - Kedia
    snobuni8 - Nikki

    Team 2
    BigDave1050 - Dave
    afng4n051 - ShaRon

    Team 3
    ljjorgensen - Jeanie
    minni2906 - Mindy

    Do you all want to have team names? I thought teams of 8 would be better since some may drop off. (I hope not though)

    Make sure you are friends with your team, so you can encourage each other. once I have all the goals I will list the numbers!
  • ljjorgensen
    Ok, first of all I am Lories (wvualum) proud mother and i have a weight problem caused by years of overeating, laziness, putting everybody else first, a failed marriage, a stressful job, (nobody likes a metermaid), disability do to arthritis of the knees, lower back and hips, degenreative disk disease, spinal stenosis and just getting older (60yrs old). I am sick of feeling like crap and looking like a beached whale, (sorry but that;s what I feel like). I have been on numerous diets, weight management programs, arthritis classes and just keep failing. I can say i have very little willpower. I would love to get in shape so that I could start living again. I use to walk about 6 miles a day as a metermaid, now I find it difficult walking a couple blocks. Looks like I am probably the oldest person on this challenge so I can be the gloating mom and you can all be my encouraging kids.
  • PamelaRose88
    Hey Lorie! I'd love to do this! I dont necessarily have a number of how much i want to weigh by new years but I definitely have a clothing size in mind! I think that new years is a great time to close the challenge because it'd be starting the new year in the right way!!! Let me know what you think!!
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    Hey Bec, welcome. Sundays are totally fine.
  • DancinSMartiPants
    My name is Marti and I'm 34. I have two biological children (6 &2) and a stepdaughter, all lovely. I also wish I could blame my weight gain on my pregnancies, but can't. With the first one I only netted 7 pounds gained over the course of the pregnancy (330-337). Since she was 6lb 13oz that's pretty much a wash. I gained a lot more with second one (220-280), but since he's 2 now I can hardly consider it baby weight. [big smile] In fact, I'm sure I threw in a few extra pounds in the period where I was supposed to be losing them after he was born. How many extra pounds I'm not exactly sure of because of an evil scale story I'll save for when we're better friends. ;)

    I like to exercise and recently developed a love for jogging when I finished Couch to 5k in March. I've been jogging on avg. 15 miles a week since then. And, in addition to wanting to wear a skimpy-ish costume for Halloween, I mostly want to lose weight so that I can run faster when my running season picks up again in October. (I live in the south and it's too hot for me to run long distances outside, so I've been hitting the treadmill instead.)

    Current Weight: 273
    Current Run Speed: 12.5 min/mile avg on a 4 mile run

    Goals for January 1, 2012
    Weight: 223
    Run Speed: 12 min/mile avg on a 6 mile run
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    hey Pam I'm sorry we are full. The goal is to keep the group small so we can get to know each other. Maybe next time. :wink:
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    Hey Marti, I wish I could develop a love for jogging, but as it is, I think the only way you could get me to run is by chasing me with a gun. LOL I look forward to getting to know you and being on a team together! :happy:
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    I have 150 to loose but would love to loose 50 by the New Year as well! :)
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    Hey Marti, I wish I could develop a love for jogging, but as it is, I think the only way you could get me to run is by chasing me with a gun. LOL I look forward to getting to know you and being on a team together! :happy:

    Tazers are good motivators too. LOL. I do alot of hiking on weekends for cardio. But it's my treadmill M-F.
  • rsw84
    rsw84 Posts: 34 Member
    looking forward to it! How many weeks is it til the new year?
  • snobuni08
    snobuni08 Posts: 54 Member
    Here we go!!!
    My name is Nikki. I am a 29 yr. Insurance Agent (honest we are not all bad :) ). Not married and no kids. I will go with Lorie and blame my boyfriend though :) Just kidding, I know it all boils down to me. I have always been "husky" (lol that word just sounds nicer) and go back and forth with my weight however right now I am at my all time heaviest and am NOT impressed. I am not afraid to work out. As a matter of fact I acutally enjoy it. The problem is finding the time. So I am hoping by doing something like this it will finally give me the motivation to put myself first and make exercise a priority.

    I am up for anything.. teams work :) Now lets go kick some BUTT!!!

    Hey Nikki, welcome How much would you like to lose for the challenge?

    50 would be nice but 60-65 would be nicer.