January 2017 Running Challenge



  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    @RespectTheKitty Hello, neighbor! Elgin, IL for me. It really was gorgeous out, today - especially for the time of year. I keep having to remind myself that we've still got February ahead of us.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @calvin2008brian great job on the HM. My friends ran it too, though they complained about the heat. Funny you mention the amount of women running, a woman finished first overall. Great picture.

    @ddmom0811 map my run will do the same thing.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Huckleberries Yummmmm. On one of my Hiking Trips into south central British Columbia I hit the middle of HB season. While standing in the middle of a patch beside the trail - gorging like a Grizzly - a couple walked by ( Day Hikers ) and were worried that I was eating Wild Berries and could get poisoned, also that I wasn't washing the berries. My answer - every time it rains they get washed and no other human has ever touched them so no danger of contamination. What can I say they were City Slickers with limited wilderness experience.

    @Orphia You should teach a Yoga for Runners Impressive strength and flexibility.
    @RespectTheKitty Great weight loss and life style change. Sorry to hear about your ongoing fight with depression and anxiety. Glad that you feel comfortable with us as a group that you can open up and vent. #belletstalk.
    @9voice9 Sorry for the PTSD induced loss of your nephew. There is more recognition of the issue now than 10 years ago but as a society we still have a lot of work to do. @JessicaMcB said it best
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    Me and my SIL are planning to attempt a few gym hours a day while we're there if all goes well. Run for your sanity and whatnot :/
    - As someone who deals with mental illness, I am so very saddened to hear about your nephew. It always hits me hard when I hear of someone dealing with a mental illness who doesn't make it. I will keep a good thought for your wife and her sister, and you as well. Running really does help us process these things, so I'm glad to hear you're still out there doing it.
    @greenolivetree Glad to hear you got out for a little walk about - movement always helps me relieve/reduce stress.
    @AdrianChr92 - Trees coated in Ice/Hoar frost always look great.
    @zipsterj - Great pics. Reminds me of my favorite events - Don't Get Lost in the Woods and the Root's and Rut's races. Great name Canada Wood.

    11 km this morning. Was supposed to be 16-18km today but we had a Howler of a north wind giving a -25C windchill. For some reason I had -9C in my mind and dressed for that temp. I wasn't the only one who was under dressed. The first 6 km were okay, then 3km straight into the wind with 5 more ahead of us, we had that silent telepathic conversation of enough made the left turn onto the cutoff trail for a final 2 km and called it a day. Hot Coffee and BS for an hour.

  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Just dropping to say hi. I try and run twice a week, slowly, but I do. Joined a couple months last year but pneumonia put me back a long way. Just had another month out with illness but have managed 2 2 mile runs this week. Chest is still not great but today's was definitely better than the first one on Wed. Slow and steady, but I'll get back. Reading the posts is inspiring to keep going. I'll join you in setting target for Feb soon, might be slow and short but I'll be here.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Not a good day. Woke up with low BG, overcorrected and was nearly 300 mg/dl by the time I got to the trailhead. Went out and wasn't in optimal shape because of the BG swing, but then the trails were super muddy and slippery. These are the same hills I did last weekend when dry and had an average of about 18 min. miles. Very challenging when dry. I ended up cutting to some roads somewhere on the way back, but I think avg pace was over 19 min. /mile still. I hate that I couldn't run as much, but I know I wasn't feeling at full health and I didn't want to sprain an ankle because of mud, so I can't beat myself up too much. Anyway, I'll update the ticker when I get home.

    Updated ticker with today's terrible run:

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @MobyCarp you did your 16 in around the same amount of time I did 13.1. Great job! looks like you're really in the swing of Boston training.

    Yeah, and I'm pondering whether I ran it too fast. My HR was fine, never got above Zone 2, but I felt more beat up than I think I should after 16 easy miles. Or maybe this is a normal part of getting my conditioning back after taking time off for injury. I don't know.
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Definitely understand the worry. Glad to hear she's feeling better pain-wise. Hope the PT helps her stay injury free for the spring season!

    @autumnblade75 @RespectTheKitty I grew up in Naperville and my mom, who I visit several times a year, lives in Woodridge.

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I just finished a 5 mile run. I was supposed to do 12 this morning, but that didn't happen. I went to a surprise party for a friend last night, and afterwards a bunch of our friends ended up coming back to our house for a fire pit. I did a good job of controlling my wine consumption, but the night just flew by and before I knew it, it was almost sunrise! I have not done that in quite a while! Needless to say, I did not make it up to meet up with the running group at 8AM. But I did take advantage of the 60F January afternoon and did two fun miles with Stella and then another three solo. It got dark on me and I did not have any of my night running gear, or I think I would have stayed out there forever. It was so nice to head out the door in shorts and a shirt and not have to worry about jackets, hats, gloves, etc. In fact, I was feeling so light and free, I didn't even take my music. Hoping the weather repeats itself for my 12 tomorrow. Looking forward to a nice flat run on the bike path!

    @MobyCarp - I did 16 last week and it has been quite a while since I have run that distance. Mine was also slow and easy, but I was surprised at how beat up I felt afterwards too. I think we just need to recondition ourselves to that distance. For me, over 14 always feels like a big jump up, especially in terms of recovery.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member

    @autumnblade75 @RespectTheKitty I grew up in Naperville and my mom, who I visit several times a year, lives in Woodridge.

    I used to live in both Naperville and Woodridge in my younger days. I love Naperville, such a lovely town and a great Riverwalk.

    I have a job interview in Naperville next week! Fingers crossed... I've been looking for a new job because I can't stand my current one.
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member

    @autumnblade75 @RespectTheKitty I grew up in Naperville and my mom, who I visit several times a year, lives in Woodridge.

    I used to live in both Naperville and Woodridge in my younger days. I love Naperville, such a lovely town and a great Riverwalk.

    I have a job interview in Naperville next week! Fingers crossed... I've been looking for a new job because I can't stand my current one.

    Small world! Good luck on your interview next week...fingers crossed for you!

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MobyCarp @lporter229 not that I wish feeling beat up on anyone, but I do feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one. My LR was only 13 miles, but my left (recovering) leg doesn't like me right now.

    Some of that is my fault (pushed too hard) and some is the conditions (icy/slushy roads made for not great running) but I'm totally whooped after this morning.

    I'm watching both of your training for Boston with interest as I get in gear training for my marathon.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Thank you! Yes, it was very unusual to see the first place runner was the first woman. We got to see the lead runners coming back towards us before the turnaround, and everyone was asking/commenting about that. I'd somehow looked at the results and mistakenly thought she ended up 2nd overall, but looking again now I see that she was 59 seconds ahead of the first place male.

    Did your friends enjoy the race overall? I didn't feel like the heat was that big a deal, but then again my expectations were pretty low. I can see how it would be more problematic for someone really targeting that race.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Funny you mention the amount of women running

    I looked more closely at the results and there's a good reason I felt women outnumbered men: they did, and not by just a little bit. In every age group between 20 and 60, there were way more women then men.

    I find this very interesting. Kind of makes me want to race there again! ;-)

    AG :: M / F
    20-24 :: 13/45
    25-29 :: 47/126
    30-34 :: 82/192
    35-39 :: 98/258
    40-44 :: 108/256
    45-49 :: 125/224
    50-54 :: 123/176
    55-59 :: 98/131

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Wow @Orphia ! Nice run! I'm so jealous of your gains (and losses!). :wink:
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member

    January 1- Travel Day
    January 2- 8.1km
    January 3- 8.1km
    January 4- 8.1km
    January 5- Rest Day
    January 6- 10km
    January 7- 15.1km
    January 8- 6km
    January 9- HIIT Day
    January 10- 10.1km
    January 11- Rest Day
    January 12- 10.1km
    January 13- 7.1k
    January 14- 21.1km
    January 15&16- Off
    January 17- 16km
    January 18- 5.1km
    January 19- 12.5km
    January 20- Travel Day
    January 21- 16km


  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited January 2017
    Look like I'll make the goal after all but it's gonna be close


    January 1 - 12.1 km
    January 2 - 7.0 km
    January 3 - 12.9+5.3 km
    January 4 - 11.5 km
    January 5 - 7.0 km
    January 6 - 3.8 km
    January 7 - 9.45 km
    January 8 - 9.8+6.0 km
    January 9 - 5.2 km
    January 10- 10.0+6.0 km
    January 11- 8.0 km
    January 12- 7.0 km
    January 13- 7.0+7.4 km
    January 14- 10.0 km
    January 15- 13.1+6.1
    January 16- 6.0 km
    January 17- 10.0 km
    January 18- 13.4 km
    January 19- 10.0 km
    January 20- 13.5+6.0 km
    January 21- 7.5 km
    January 22- 17.2 km

  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    edited January 2017
    After how I felt yesterday the question was whether to do an easy 5k or nothing, and in the end the former won out. Even though I knew I'd only be out for half hour or so, I had a bit of a dilema - my phone told me it was -3C at the time I was getting ready to go out but would warm up to 5C within an hour. At first I thought about waiting a bit, but knew if I didn't get out at that moment I'd likely not do it at all. I went for my thicker tights and debated between two thin or one thick layer on top. I plumped for the single thicker layer in the end as I tend to warm up quicker in it and was only a short run, plus there was only light wind so didn't need special protection on that front.

    The run itself was still hampered by my cold and the first 2k or so were really hard, but once through that I was able to plod on to 5k and a bit beyond. During the run I kept thinking it was bizarre how my glasses kept steaming up immediately because I wasn't going that hard. Only took me 25minutes to realise that it was actually just that foggy and wasn't my glasses at all!

    Pace felt easy enough but was actually about MP again. I guess because I haven't felt well enough to do a long run in a while that although the cold is still beating me down, my legs are probably in fairly decent shape. I had hoped to make a decision this weekend about spring races based on how well my long run went, but going to have to postpone signing up for anything just yet, (ideally want to schedule a marathon then will fit everything in around that).

    3-Jan: 11.49k [6.7k MP + 4.8k easy - suffering with cold]
    4-Jan: 5.3k treadmill intervals [TM]
    5-Jan: 12.9k MP (slight hills)
    6-Jan: 5.2k treadmill tempo + 2.2k treadmill intervals [TM]
    7-Jan: 5.8k + 6.1k 'tired' runs (slightly slower than MP)
    11-Jan: 24.2k long run
    16-Jan: 5.6k MP
    17-Jan: 10.6k Fast
    18-Jan: 13.1k Easy
    20-Jan: 14.6k MP
    21-Jan: 8.5k MP
    22-Jan: 6.3k MP