I like to eat and am looking for things I can eat a lot of!



  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Oh yeah and Halo Top ice cream!

    what flavor? the one i tried was YUCK!

    Yeah some flavors are good and some are awful. First let me warn you- the salted caramel is disgusting!!! Also not a fan of the cookies & cream either. So don't bother with those. But I do like the vanilla and strawberry a lot. Mint chocolate chip and lemon cake are both kinda weird but good. Birthday cake is very popular. I haven't tried the higher calorie ones yet but I hear they're good. (The higher calorie ones are like 350 calories a pint instead of 250 like the other ones I mentioned- so still pretty low calorie for ice cream)

    Oh no! The salted caramel is sitting in my freezer. I really like the Chocolate Mocha Crunch, but didn't like the Chocolate Almond. Tasted too much like an overwhelming almond extract flavor.

    Well some people like it... but to me it tastes like fake butter and chemicals, sorry!

    Well since all of our tastes vary, I will probably have to experiment with every single flavor until I know what I like. Poor me. :smile:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »

    Do you substitute something for the heavy cream? This calls for 3 C of (unwhipped) heavy cream, which has 2,463 calories. Looks like the sweetened condensed milk might provide another 1,300 calories. Doesn't seem like something one could eat in volume.
  • rosinmelody
    rosinmelody Posts: 1 Member
    Weight watchers 0 point soup! I replace the zucchini with extra of the other veggies and I double the green beans and carrots because I like it thicker. Instead of tomato paste I add a few tomatoes with skin removed and I also add one boneless skinless chicken breast and shred it. Bingo! VERY low calories with bulk
  • NewGemini130
    NewGemini130 Posts: 219 Member
    Vegetable soup with beans. Lots of recipes out there- you don't need much oil to start, add all veggies you like plus herbs, a can of tomato dice and garbanzo (or whatever beans you like). A big bowl is low cal, filling and satisfying! I use the mfp recipe function.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,049 Member
    Agree with blueberries! Have you ever frozen grapes? My daytime diet is boring and pretty repetitive though. Yogurt, fruit, hummus, maybe a whole wheat waffle with peanut butter, avocado, rice, coffee. Then I eat dinner early.
  • NancyYale
    NancyYale Posts: 171 Member
    As others have said, steamer bags of veggies are great.
  • jhelton1997
    jhelton1997 Posts: 3 Member
    eggs, just need to watch cholesterol :( I am 6'0 and lost 7 lbs in 1 week by adding 1 meal of just 1-2 eggs to go along with my 7500 step goal per day. I am taking in 1500 calories per day.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Light string cheese
    Oyster crackers
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited January 2017
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »

    Do you substitute something for the heavy cream? This calls for 3 C of (unwhipped) heavy cream, which has 2,463 calories. Looks like the sweetened condensed milk might provide another 1,300 calories. Doesn't seem like something one could eat in volume.

    Eight servings. The recipe mentions substituting half and half. Using half and half the recipe comes out to 355 calories a serving. Agreed this could be a challenge for a Bulk eater on a 1200 calorie a day diet.
  • ActionAnnieJXN
    ActionAnnieJXN Posts: 116 Member
    One of my favorite simple meals is a whole can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup for 158 calories, followed by two cups of watermelon for about 100. Seriously stuffed and a lot of food for around 258 calories! Yay!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Zucchini and mushrooms. (less carbs than broccoli per 100g)
    For fat - avocado gives you a substantial amount compared to butter/oil, I call it edible fat (something that adds to my meal, not like oil than disappears)

    I have huge salads, mostly raw vegies (so they don't shrink) with lots of leafy stuff. Add a lean protein and something for fat (because you need some, and it's tastes awesome)
  • dazaliah
    dazaliah Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you all for your great responses!! I do have the calorie restriction for weight loss, however, I know that in order to not revenge binge eat I need to be satisfied. Not everyone's brain puts food in the same category. It is something that I enjoy and hits the pleasure centers for me so I need to enjoy what I'm eating and feel full in order to maintain my motivation at first. Eventually, I'll get to where I won't need to do that but life has been hard lately and this has been one of the few things that still gives me pleasure. I just need to eat less of the things that make me fat!!

    PS I have a middle-eastern background and love, love everything like moussaka but thought it too caloric to have so thanks for the recipe!
  • grammageegee
    grammageegee Posts: 78 Member
    boiled shrimp with cocktail sauce
  • ArcticSero
    ArcticSero Posts: 63 Member
    I have a guilty pleasure of seafood/fish. Salmon, tuna, crab, shrimp, clams, all of that stuff. Especially crab. Thank goodness it's low in calories and you can mix it up with stuff. Also, kimbap/kimichi/other asian cuisines are great and normally low in calories, but high in salt so keep an eye out for that and try to reduce salt when possible.
  • dazaliah
    dazaliah Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for all the great suggestions!! I actually am a foodie and have been gifted with extra taste buds (genetics). I am a slow eater, I love the taste of food. I am a good cook and experiment with recipes and herbs. I actually don't eat a lot of sweets, it's me eating 3 oz. of steak rather than the whole thing.

    I love popcorn but need real butter :smile: I have gotten cheese sticks so I don't sit down and eat all my cheese (I currently have five different kinds in the fridge), I have gotten a ton of salads for this week.

    My strategy is now this...lighter on the calories for breakfast and lunch, one to two snacks around 100 calories, and use a bit more calories for dinner
  • dazaliah
    dazaliah Posts: 37 Member
    Yeah, a lot of people have said broccoli...I do enjoy broccoli but have to remain by myself for awhile after consuming haha. I try not to eat it when bf is over and he is over frequently ;)
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    If you're just starting out, OP, there is a chance you will adjust to eating smaller qualities over time.

    I know some people are volume eaters and before I started this weight loss journey I would have thought I was one of them, but I just can't consume large amounts of foods anymore. This is coming from the woman that used to eat like a bottomless pit.
  • SaraMA1
    SaraMA1 Posts: 410 Member
    Vans gluten free pancakes (frozen) with homemade raspberry puree on top (or any fruit I suppose would work)

    2 pancakes are 190 calories and the fruit, just throw in a food processor and make like a homemade preserve (a little goes a long way).
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    please someone explain POPCORN to me. Am I counting this wrong?

    3 tablespoons 130 calories.... I air popped that amount and was saddened.

    I'm more of a 6 tablespoon kinda girl. that's 260 calories and that's not a low calorie snack.

    Most people are eating about 1 cup popped and 35 calories, that's nothing. Who are you people?!!! and How is 1 cup popped enough for you?!! Teach me your ways!!1

    I am a volume eater. Popcorn at volume for me is just too many calories.