

  • MrsGLT
    MrsGLT Posts: 44 Member
    It's me again. I don't know why but it left off half my post. Oh well. And I forgot to sign off.

    Grace in Texas
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2017
    Grace- in the wintertime I am a couch potato as well! What I do is I set my phone alarm every hour and get up and do something. Aside from my normal exercise routine I do a set of push-ups situps and jumping jacks on the hour or I take my dog out for a short walk. Your post probably cut off because you inserted in emoji from your phone or computer that wasn't part of the MFP emoji. Some of the ladies on here know how to download emoji's on to MFP so that they can be inserted into their posts. You should have no problem losing 15 pounds by your 38th anniversary.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    edited January 2017

    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Confused - exercised this morning calories burned

    MFP 403
    Gym machines 385
    FitBit. 283

    Which figure should I use

    Kate UK

    I would have used the Fitbit personally UNLESS your hands wee on the heart rate sensors for the ENTIRE time. I never use MFP or the machines, I go just by my hrm
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    I've returned from my 4 day quilt retreat and discovered 305 messages here! I know I will never get through them all and will spend several weeks trying to puzzle out some of the cross talk on topics buried in those 305 unread messages. Sigh.

    I had logged my meals prior to leaving since we had set a menu for our meals. I thought that would keep my logging streak going. But when I logged in today it had reset me back to Day 1. That made me sad. What did I do wrong?

    The retreat was fun, I found time to do serious cardio walking with several members of the group. So I just logged it. Several members were hit with a mild case of altitude sickness, one lady had even lived in the town as a child and young woman and she still had a case of headaches and feeling very tired. Most of us had gotten over it in 24 hours, but one lady came with a cold and it took her longer to feel normal. It was only an additional 2,700 ft higher than we live at normally.

    Charleen in Colorado (Darn, didn't get snowed in at our quilt retreat)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Charleen- there is the help site that you can go to in the can reset your streak for you.

    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-44X7X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Fitness Test
    Push-ups-4X 15
    Sit ups-4X 15
    Jumping jacks-4X 15


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Lisa in West Texas - I have finally tracked down on page 60 the picture of your T-shirt quilt. That is a nice size quilt and you pieced it so beautifully! Bravo!! So pretty!!

    Charleen in Colorado
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    katla = was it you that commented on my hair on the pic of us? that was when it was short. i miss it alot. it was a wash and go style which is what i need since i have a helmet on my head 5 days a week. i grew it out because i had a couple of comments from 2 family members telling me that i looked like my mom, that's all i needed to hear to grow it out.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    margareturk - awwww thanks :-)
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    PIP ~ You looked great with short hair!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    anniehh17: Welcome to a great group! :flowerforyou:

    Lenora: I agree with you about carpetbaggers. They were greedy opportunists. As to owing someone, I think we all owe everyone basic respect until they prove they don't deserve it by harming others. :grumble: I am happy that your property was not damaged during the tornadoes. :star:

    Dr. Katiebug: You look wonderful! :bigsmile:

    Margaret: You've made very good points and I agree with them. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I hope you'll supply us with photos of your new dog when he or she arrives. :smiley:

    Kim: I think you are very brave to host a dinner for your book club. I'll bet it is a fun event, although lots of work for you. :flowerforyou:

    Grace in TX: (((hugs)))

    KristinaHajjar: Lovely rainy day photo! :smiley:

    Pip: I did comment on your short hair because I think it was very appealing. You look great with longer hair, too. Wear your hair any way you like and stay away from family members who make negative comments, or tell them their comments are unwelcome. :wink:

    Yoga today! Yay!!! I need to get moving. I'm up a couple of pounds wiithin what I consider my safety margin. I know how this happened and I will take the necessary steps to get back on track. My knee will thank me.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

    January 2017 Resolutions:

    1: Log every bite and swallow;
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on strength and stamina.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least 3 glasses of water a day.
    5. Monitor sleep. Average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    katla = was it you that commented on my hair on the pic of us? that was when it was short. i miss it alot. it was a wash and go style which is what i need since i have a helmet on my head 5 days a week. i grew it out because i had a couple of comments from 2 family members telling me that i looked like my mom, that's all i needed to hear to grow it out.

    I asked about it, too. I really thought the short cut flattered your face.

  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Charleen, bless your heart for saying the page number for Lisa's quilt pic!! Lisa, it's amazing--and with all those panels being different sizes, I can see why it was hard to piece. Great job!

    Today the scale punished me for the two or three loose days I had toward the end of last week. And, based on the discussion about mfp being high on burned calorie estimates, guess I'll have to either adjust or eat back less. Neither option sounds appealing. I'm going to wait and record weight tomorrow... that big loss I had the first week certainly isn't repeating itself. Can't help feeling a little down. :(

    Lenora, the same front that caused y'all's trouble came thru here last night. Had a tornado up by west palm, rain and gusts here. Thankfully no damage.

    Off to Coral Springs to deliver paperwork to the HOA mgt company...

    Nancy D in breezy Delray Beach

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    [b]Katla[/b] - I did not mean to say that people deserve to be treated with 'respect' until they prove us wrong, just wasn't thinking and omitted it. I was also taught to say, 'yes sir', 'no sir', 'yes m'ham', 'no m'ham', 'please', and 'thank you', as well as 'excuse me' (in some cultures it is ('pardon me'). especially 'if' that person is older than I am. But, out of habit I say it to anybody who is doing something for me. If I get good service somewhere a tip is somewhat expected, I always leave the % you would pay for whichever meal you are eating. The least I leave for good service is $2. A $1 tip is what I leave, if the service was 'horrible'. That was just the way I was brought up. When I said what I said, it was because the 'younger generation' don't seem to do any of it. Eight years ago, I had someone say, 'aren't we blessed' now that we elected 'our new POTUS'. I did not and still don't agree; but, if that is what he felt he certainly had the right to say it to me. I had the right to disagree. The present POTUS 'might not' have been my first choice; but, he is the new POTUS and we are 'expected' to, at least, respect the 'office/position' he is in. You still have the 'right' to march in protest - as long as you don't bring harm to another person or to property or a business belonging to someone else. This election was probably the most hotly fought one; but, like the last time, we should move on (giving him a chance to prove himself). To put on our 'big girl/boy panties/pants' and move on from here. We still had the right to protest; but, I cannot remember much, if any, being done before ... except during the Vietnam War.

    I'd much rather get a 'yes' or a 'no' instead of a 'yeah' and 'nah'; or an 'excuse me' or 'pardon me' instead of a 'huh'. "Gee, I'm sorry, ... I did not realize you had a hearing problem." I was also brought up to 'write out thank you notes' to anybody who had given me a present of any type. Now, people 'thank' people on FB or in an email, if at all. Sorry that just does not get it (for me, at least). The younger generation ... mostly the age of a lot of our grandchildren, or even a lot of women on this site don't do it. Some, just a generation down, don't do it. My Mother used to say, 'you can't a "buy" class; that is something you "learn/earn" (either through your own doing), or because you were taught better'. But, you are no 'better' or 'worse' than anybody you meet, no matter what race, ethnicity, religious, or even their 'sexual' leanings/background'. I might not understand it - but; I have had friends and family members that were 'gay' or 'lesbian' and never thought anything about who that person is because of the way they have treated me. I definitely do not understand 'transgender'. I think just about everybody has their own 'political' beliefs'. I know this site is NOT meant to be the place for expressing them. I try not to; but, I will send a PM to someone if I have something to say to them that has in some way 'offended' me. I did that once; only to have that person 'post' then entire PM on this 'site'. It made me mad and it upset me that people 'took sides'; then, someone posted how to 'block' another user. It was already something that was 'divisive' and posting 'instructions' on 'how to block' someone ... well; all I can say is - It WORKS! Just like FB. Sure, I would 'like' to see what they have posted because it would make what others post back to them make more sense. But, I just skim over those comments ... not interested that much.

    I can remember when my DYS was going to put an engagement ring on his (now) wife. I told him that he needed to 'ask her Daddy for her hand in marriage' before putting a ring on her finger. He told me, 'she's an adult with a child'. Even so, 'that is his daughter.' I did not know if he would do it - He did ... and was told 'sure, as long as you promise never to hurt her'. He was impressed, she was 'surprised and impressed'. That, alone, made her realize that he was brought up in the same manner that she was and that was important to both of them. He gave it to her while they were on a 'hunting expedition' and he took it back so that her daughter would see him 'ask to marry him'. Her daughter walked her down the aisle and they 'joined as a family'. All 3 of them said their "I do's."

    I know a lot of ladies here marched in the "Women's March" ... they have their 'right' under the Constitution and Bill of Rights; and, I would like to think that none of you made the banner that was posted on another site; it was so far 'offensive' I am surprised that someone did not 'rip it out of their hands' and burn it along with someone's bra. It offended me; not because of any female rights; but, it certainly 'offended' me as a Christian. "If" we are 'in a mess' ... it isn't because of Mary and that alone would make me want to defund Planned Parenthood. That isn't the only place to obtain 'free' birth control - you can get it at most Health Departments run by the county or parish or borough in which you live. We always went to the Health Department to get all of our 'vaccinations'. That is, up to this point, my last 'political' statement - I won't promise that I will 'stop' completely; but, next time I will remind myself to 'put it in a PM to that person'. I will 'banter' back and forth or agree with any woman that has something to say to me in a PM and would never post a PM sent to me.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Knee is feeling much better today. Two days of taking it easy and keeping stress down really helped. I am also drinking water and other liquids with ginger. I also eat something with turmeric daily. Both ginger and turmeric are anti- inflammatory. Pineapple is also good for me to eat right now. I love pineapple so I am not complaining about that. I continue to do strength exercises for my knee. The pain does move around. The good news to that is the pain is probably not due to an injury. Maybe just finally deciding it was doctor time did it. I do think I am on the right track I just need to be more patient and not rush the healing process.

    The biggest thing I need to do is to get more weight off. I have least quit gaining, but I do seem to be stuck going up and down the same couple of pounds at that moment.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2017
    Nancy D- don't worry at this point in time. Did you take your measurements? That is an excellent way of showing the results of your increased workout level. I do not eat very many calories back from exercise when I am trying to lose weight. For the reasons that people say that the calories burned are estimated high. As well as, everybody works out at a different intensity. To be successful I try to remember that 80% of weight loss depends on what I put into my mouth. I can gain up to 2-3 pounds of water weight just by eating too much salt. Hang in there and don't let the scale scare you. When I am attempting to lose weight I weigh myself every day. You as well as I know different things that will make the scale go up or down. If you are weightlifting our bodies repairing of the muscles cause water retention. And, don't forget about hormones. Even if you are postmenopausal like me my hormones fluctuate once a month. That is when I will get an occasional hot flash or two every day! I weight will also fluctuate up during that time. You are doing fantastic!

    Lenora - I agree with you about sending a PM to someone if you disagree with something that somebody says on here. Thanks for your honesty! The truth is, I really thought that by posting what I did about supporting the president that the people that were posting about protesting would realize just by that small statement that people may disagree with the protest. I do not believe in abortion! I have seen firsthand the destruction that that can cause to the woman having the abortion. There are people here that have only seen negative behavior from protesters. In Minnesota here there have been so many protests lately by BLM protesters that have shut down our freeways, police headquarters, and people have destroyed other people's property, and physically attacked people. When I watched the news the night before they were showing video and talking about riots and The destruction of property.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Good morning - oops! - good afternoon all!

    Lenora - Most of the signs at the Austin march were humorous and/or pointed, but I saw a few that crossed a line for me. It was a very diverse group, which I guess was the whole point. Our elected leadership needs to hear all of our voices if they are to represent all of us.

    Drkatiebug - "Katiebug" is such a cute nickname!

    My husband and I just finished the last of the turkey gumbo. It's delicious and full of good stuff, but it's also relatively high in calories so I don't make it too often.

    It's time for a trip to Goodwill - I was down to only two pairs of regular jeans (plus a pair of black ones) but I destroyed one pair in the accident last July and the other pair is getting just a tad too big (yay!). Might as well buy them cheap for now, since I hope to continue dropping sizes.

    Enjoy your day!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    Kate UK ... Lisa pretty much nailed it in the exercise calories ... I was going to suggest taking an average and I would only eat half back.

    Sarah ... the scale ... sigh. You know you had a great weekend so just figure those pounds are doomed and making a last ditch effort to hang on ... they'll be gone next week!

    Drkatiebug ... you look great!

    I'm resting my head ... made the mistake of cleaning with a really toxic smelling product ... head is pounding.

    Check back with you all later.

    Beth near Buffalo