Everyday Healthy Habits - January challenge



  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 16, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, 6k run/2.5k walk
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced meditation: Yes

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Need to re think my exercise plan for the week. The pool was ridiculously busy on Saturday!.
    Current strengths: Meals planned, lunches made..... Let's go Monday!!
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    Date: January 15th, 2017
    Logged food intake:
    Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes
    - 60 Minutes Walking
    - 60 Minutes doing ASL song covers (which I'm counting yes)
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced Yoga: No
    Did stretches: Yes
    Met personal iron goal: No

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 128.4 (need to reweigh monday)
    Goal weight for February 1: 127 (1.25lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Assailed by cravings and everyone's coming back to campus now so I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep with challenges and yoga now it's so busy around. I'll still be exercising but I think I might have to do so in a different way to modify for this.

    Current strengths: Did more today and several other things I'd been forgetting to do of late and managed to keep under my calorie goal regardless of cravings.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Date: January 14, 2017 (reporting for Saturday)

    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal

    Exercised: Yes - 90min. Hot Yoga (Bikram)

    Avoid Sugar at night: Yes

    Current weight: 187.5 lbs

    Goal weight for February 1: 185lbs (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: so tired after hot yoga (90min. nap)

    Current strengths: Got my exercise in.

    Date: January 15, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)

    Logged food intake: - Yes, not under my goal

    Exercised: Yes, hiked 11miles with 10lbs pack

    Avoid Sugar at night: No, ate half a brownie

    Current weight: 187.5 lbs

    Goal weight for February 1: 185lbs (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: drank 2.5 beers

    Current strengths: Got some great exercise in.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2017
    So I've reorganized and reformatted my things to be more relevant to the semester start and add some stuff I'd like to start tracking here (also separated it into categories because it looks nicer)

    Date: January 16th, 2017

    • Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    • Met personal iron goal: Almost but no
    • Got at least 46g protein(new!): Yes

    • Exercised: Yes
      - One heck of a lot of (125 Minutes) Walking
    • Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    • Practiced Yoga: No (switching this out with 'Practiced making ASL covers' since that's my main priority now the semester's starting and takes the time I'd have spent on yoga)
    • Did stretches: Yes

    Did at least one drawing (new! need to keep practicing): Yes
    Wrote a paragraph for a story (new! need to start making more progress actually writing chapters for my books): No
    Updated Keyframe (new! Choose your own adventure I'm running and would like to make sure I keep active): Yes
    Finished drawing at least one IIOB page (new! I update daily so I need to keep on track): No

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 128.4 (forgot to reweigh, will do so either this morning or when I get back from classes)
    Goal weight for February 1: 127 (1.25lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Having trouble figuring out how to get all I need iron with the cafeteria foods there are while staying under my calorie goal unless I fill my backpack with all the spinach available and run. I'm sure there must be something.

    Current strengths: Managed to stay under my calorie goal even with all the food courts and cafeterias opening! Admittedly with the aid of all the walking I was doing. Also used today to get an idea of how much I'd be walking on a daily basis total from tomorrow.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    @ShaleSelkies Great to see you making this board work for you!
    I'm not sure what your stance on supplements is, but if you are having trouble getting enough iron in your diet, have you considered a supplement? For me, when I am limiting my intake to 1200 calories a day I find I need to take a multivitamin to reach my micronutrient goals. Might not be your cup of tea to take a pill, but just a thought.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 17, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, 35 mins stationary bike/ >80rpm throughout
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes (went to the gym!)
    Practiced meditation: Yes

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Freezing rain outside right now... May need to replace today's scheduled run with something else.
    Current strengths: Had a great day yesterday, going to work on carrying that forward today.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    @newbie2143 Actually part of why I joined MFP is because I'm intolerant to iron supplements in all forms other than like a multivitamin with only 44% in it. I need more than 100% so I need to get as much as I can from diet and keeping track of that and similar while switching vegetarian was why I found MFP.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Date: January 16, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)

    Logged food intake: - Yes, not under my goal

    Exercised: No, much needed rest day

    Avoid Sugar at night: No, ate 4 kisses

    Current weight: 186.5 lbs

    Goal weight for February 1: 185lbs (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: very tired in the evening

    Current strengths: Although, just slightly over calorie goal I had an awesomely clean day with lots of veggies.
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,196 Member
    Tuesday 1-17-17. Not sure when I last posted. It has been a few days. got a great 4 mile hike in on Saturday. Started doing some cycling on the trainer watching Gilmore Girls. Makes the time go, but I don't cycle as hard as when I have a training DVD in! Did kick boxing at lunch today, Killer free weight DVD Yesterday morning.
    Eating at or below calorie count. Still weigh exactly the same as I did on January 1, at my maintenance number 110 to 111.
    Doing better with menu planning. Wrote out a dinner plan on Saturday and have stuck with it for the last 4 days. My goal was 60 minutes of planks this month. I have 38 minutes done.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 18, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: No, took a rest day
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes - this is finally getting easier, even after a very full day at work :)
    Practiced meditation: Yes

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Could not drum up the energy to get out after a looong day at work yesterday. Looking forward to the longer (and warmer) days ahead. Much easier to find the energy when it's nice outside!
    Current srrengths: As I said above, the no unplanned PM snack thing is getting easier for me.... Breaking the bad habit!
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Date: January 17, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)

    Logged food intake: - Yes, not under my goal

    Exercised: No, still much needed rest day

    Avoid Sugar at night: Yes, trail mix

    Current weight: 186.5 lbs

    Goal weight for February 1: 185lbs (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: very tired in the evening

    Current strengths: Although, just slightly over calorie goal I had an awesomely clean day with lots of veggies.
  • Gina2xoxo
    Gina2xoxo Posts: 27 Member
    Date: January 17, 2016 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: Yes, determining goal but probably over

    Exercised: No
    Journal food: Yes
    Journal daily goals: no

    Goal weight for week ending Monday 23rd down 1.5 pounds

    Current struggles: figuring out my plan, something that I can do long term therefore, not to restrictive, but effective.

    Current strengths: A willingness to experiment. I have been fasting 18-6 and thought that would cause weight loss alone. Now I am journaling my food and getting more insight. This decision was made today. I journal yesterday and had 1500 calories. Obviously, that is bit too many knowing my BMR is 1600 calories. I also believed that the only reason to exercise is for flexibility and I am re-evaluating that. I am going to do strength and HIIT with fitness bender.

    IMO at the core of all of this is insulin. I believe exercise lowers insulin, and therefore cravings/hunger.

    Journaling and exercise: what could go wrong?
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    Date: January 17th, 2017

    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Met personal iron goal: Yes
    Got at least 46g protein: Yes

    Exercised: Yes
    - One heck of a lot of (167 Minutes) Walking
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced making ASL covers: Not much
    Did stretches: No, forgot

    Did at least one drawing: Yes
    Wrote a paragraph for a story: No
    Updated Keyframe: No, need to think a little more on the worldbuilding for next update
    Finished drawing at least one IIOB page: No

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 125.8 (what the-)
    Goal weight for February 1: 127 (1.25lbs per week, I think I'll hold off on recalculating since I assume this must have been in part a change in water weight?)

    Current struggles: Ate a lot in the morning and regretted it later on since I had trouble not eating much for the rest of the day.

    Current strengths: Decided to walk extra and felt really good actually! Also got a lot of protein.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 18, 2017 (reporting for today)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal, but ate a lot of my exercise calories
    Exercised: Yes, 5k run, yoga class
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes. Did have a planned, post run snack.
    Practiced meditation: Yes

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: I'm thinking I need to refocus on my fluid intake... Step one will be to remember to bring my water bottle to work tomorrow!! I have been forgetting it in my gym bag.
    Current srrengths: Doing the things I know I need to do to be healthy & feeling good... Crazy to think how far off base I got over the holidays!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,117 Member
    Well, I'm not going to post the days I missed, because most of them would be sick, still sick, when is this going to end? ~ or something to that effect. Here's today, my first day truly back at feeling somewhat human and actually working out again.

    Date: 18 January 2017

    Daily Devotions: Not done - no excuses

    Hit 100g Protein Daily: Not done - 51 g Protein (probably going to eat some more as I'm way below my calories for the day with the workout, but won't get to 100)
    Drink at Least 8 Cups of Pure Water: Done - 8 cups
    Dry January: 18 of 31 days done

    Workouts (M-F primarily):
    • Mileage (20 miles/wk): 3.3 miles (Total Weekly Mileage: 9.33 miles)
    • Strength Training (2-3 days/wk): 0 of 3 for week
    • Planks (M-F): Done - 5 minutes

    Start Weight (30 December 2016): 127.2 lbs
    Current Weight: 122.8 lbs
    Goal Weight (end of Jan): 125 lbs

    Struggles: Finally getting over my cold/flu (over 7-8 days of yuck). Super tired after the paddle today, but it's my first semi-hard workout after being sick, so expected.
    Strengths: Finally got some miles on the water (so happy); got my planks done; doing good with my water intake. Weight is dropping even though I've not been as far under my calorie goal as I'd planned especially while sick and not working out, and I'm supposed to be slowing down due to moving into maintenance...meh, bodies are weird, and weight loss is weirder at times. Though I've been pretty good with my water intake even when sick, so wondering if that is flushing out any water retention.
  • Gina2xoxo
    Gina2xoxo Posts: 27 Member
    I am finding many of your goals very interesting. I see your goals and think; hey, I should try that. But, I better just stick with the things I've started and add on later. I hope you feel better soon, b3achy. I had a cold for New Years and it has taken me a while to start feeling normal. Sadly, that is just starting in the last few days. It is frustrating because I never catch anything.

    Date: January 18, 2016 (reporting for today)
    Logged food intake: Yes, under and fought mindless night time snacking (yeah!)

    Exercised: No
    Journal food: Yes
    Journal daily goals: no

    Goal weight for week ending Monday 23rd down 1.5 pounds

    Current struggles: starting to exercise consistently again

    Current strengths: journaling my daily intake!! And, I didn't give in to temptation. My husband went to bed early and I was alone watching the Housewives and kept thinking about grabbing something and I just kept riding it through and kept drinking water. I haven't really persevered lately ... I kind of gave up hope because I was sure that I was doing enough to lose weight. It is frustrating really. That said, I've decided to saddle up and do more since that is clearly what it is going to take. I want to feel well and look better.

    Goal for tomorrow AM: doing a 30 minute strength training workout and then taking the dog for a walk. Depending on time, I will either take her for on the short path in the AM and the long path after work or, on the long path in the AM.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    Date: January 18th, 2017

    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Met personal iron goal: Yes
    Got at least 46g protein: Yes

    Exercised: Yes
    - 109 Minutes Walking
    - 10 Minutes Ice Skating
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced making ASL covers: No
    Did stretches: No


    Did at least one drawing: Yes
    Wrote a paragraph for a story: No
    Updated Keyframe: No, planning on it on the 19th
    Finished drawing at least one IIOB page: No

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 125.8
    Goal weight for February 1: 125 (1.75 lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Planned on working on IIOB, writing, and doing stretches on getting home but ended up crashing really hard and couldn't instead.

    Current strengths: Looked up the ice skating hours since I didn't get to do much in the intro session today (mostly off-rink explanations of how the course will work) - it was far too busy to go today but I asked a friend to go with me on Saturday!
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Date: January 18, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)

    Logged food intake: - Yes, under goal

    Exercised: Yes, 60 Crossfit and it was a cardio killer!

    Avoid Sugar at night: Yes

    Current weight: 185 lbs (hit goal weight for the month, but I'm going to keep this ball rolling)

    Goal weight for February 1: 185lbs (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: need to get my mini workout circuits done at work missed yesterdays

    Current strengths: Feeling really positive about all the changes I made this month and I just want to continue to stick to them. :smile:
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Wow everyone! You are all doing so well with your goals.... Be proud of yourselves!!!
  • Gina2xoxo
    Gina2xoxo Posts: 27 Member
    Date: January 19, 2016 (reporting for today)
    Logged food intake: Yes, right on

    Exercised: Yes
    Journal food: Yes
    Journal daily goals: no

    Goal weight for week ending Monday 23rd down 1.5 pounds

    Current struggles: starting to exercise consistently again

    Current strengths: I got my walk and strength training done today.

    Goal for tomorrow AM: doing a 30 minute strength training workout and then taking the dog for a walk. I need to do it again tomorrow morning.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,117 Member
    Date: 19 January 2017

    Daily Devotions: Not done - no excuses

    Hit 100g Protein Daily: Not done - 58 g Protein
    Drink at Least 8 Cups of Pure Water: Done - 8 cups
    Dry January: 19 of 31 days done

    Workouts (M-F primarily):
    • Mileage (20 miles/wk): 5.25 miles (Total Weekly Mileage: 14.58 miles)
    • Strength Training (2-3 days/wk): 0 of 3 for week
    • Planks (M-F): Done - 3 minutes

    Start Weight (30 December 2016): 127.2 lbs
    Current Weight: 123.0 lbs
    Goal Weight (end of Jan): 125 lbs

    Struggles: Might have over done the paddling today...sore and exhausted. When you have a crazy high calorie burn, it's hard to get enough calories in, which doesn't help recovery.
    Strengths: Got a good long paddle in today (5.25 miles), got some planks done (though I wanted to do more), and water done.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 19, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, but over calorie goal by 134 kcal
    Exercised: No
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: No
    Practiced meditation: No

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Unlike the rest of you, did not do so well with my goals yesterday. I'm finding Thursdays especially difficult. I have reworked my exercise schedule for next week to include going to the gym straight after work on the Thursday.... This will help in two ways - I'll get the workout in and not have to motivate myself to go back out after supper, AND I will be out of the kitchen in that dreaded/snacky 4:30-6:00 timeframe. Hopefully with some advance planning I will be better prepared next week.
    Current srrengths: I know enough not to let one off day derail the bigger picture:). I won't be perfect every day, but will continue to learn from my mistakes.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Date: January 19, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)

    Logged food intake: - Yes, under goal

    Exercised: Yes, 60 Crossfit

    Avoid Sugar at night: Yes

    Current weight: 184.5 lbs (hit goal weight for the month, but I'm going to keep this ball rolling)

    Goal weight for February 1: 185lbs (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: worried about the weekend and it's challenges

    Current strengths: Feeling great about all the healthy food I'm putting in my body.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    Date: January 19th, 2017

    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Met personal iron goal: No
    Got at least 46g protein: No

    Exercised: Yes
    - 115 Minutes Walking
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced making ASL covers: A little
    Did stretches: No

    Did at least one drawing: Yes
    Wrote a paragraph for a story: No
    Updated Keyframe: Yes
    Finished drawing at least one IIOB page: Yes

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 125.8
    Goal weight for February 1: 125 (1.75 lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Losing track of time a little. Having trouble keeping aware.

    Current strengths: Getting back in the swing of things decently, hopefully should be hitting goals more consistently come next week now.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 21, 2017 (reporting for yesterday) Just realized my last entry was dated wrong-it should have read "January 20 (reporting for yesterday)"
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, 4K run w/hills, 3k walk
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced meditation: No

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Weekend is here... Working on doing better with my calorie intake than last weekend.
    Current strengths: Pleased I worked my run into yesterday's schedule.... It meant going out dark & early, but I got it done.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2017
    Date: January 20th, 2017


    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Met personal iron goal: No
    Got at least 46g protein: No


    Exercised: Yes
    - 139 Minutes Walking
    - 30 Minutes Skating
    - 25 Minutes Elliptical
    - 35 Minutes Stationary Bike
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced making ASL covers: No
    Did stretches: No


    Did at least one drawing: Yes
    Wrote a paragraph for a story: No
    Updated Keyframe: No suggestion yet
    Worked on/Finished drawing at least one IIOB page: No

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 125.8
    Goal weight for February 1: 125 (1.75 lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Attended a processing space and ended up eating a lot, which in itself I had expected.

    Current strengths: Did enough exercise to stay under my goal.

    Date: January 21th, 2017


    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Met personal iron goal: No
    Got at least 46g protein: Yes


    Exercised: Yes
    - 230 Minutes Walking
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced making ASL covers: No
    Did stretches: Yes


    Did at least one drawing: Yes
    Wrote a paragraph for a story: No
    Updated Keyframe: No suggestion yet
    Worked on/Finished drawing at least one IIOB page: Worked on it

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 125.8 (reweighing tomorrow)
    Goal weight for February 1: 125 (1.75 lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Generally felt like a cooked spaghetti noodle. Need to get back into doing drawing I've been feeling foggy and unfocused lately.

    Current strengths: Attended a march and did more socializing as a result.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    I haven't abandoned the board... I was hit with some kind of bug this weekend and stayed in bed. Not much to report for Saturday or Sunday... I'll be back tomorrow.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 24, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, 35 mins exercise bike
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced meditation: No

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Weekend was a write off... Getting going again now. Workout was tough, felt weak,but I think the worst is over.
    Current strengths: Back to my usual "healthy habits"!

    How is everyone else doing?? This board is getting QUIET ;)
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2017
    Date: January 22th, 2017

    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Met personal iron goal: Yes!
    Got at least 46g protein: Yes

    Exercised: Yes
    - 63 Minutes Walking
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced making ASL covers: No
    Did stretches: Yes

    Did at least one drawing: Yes
    Wrote a paragraph for a story: No
    Updated Keyframe: See 23rd
    Worked on/Finished drawing at least one IIOB page: Worked on it

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 125.8 (Monday is my reweighing day I don't know why I thought tomorrow)
    Goal weight for February 1: 128 (1 lbs per week, decided I shouldn't just keep increasing it aha)

    Current struggles: Forgot to post here and spent a lot of the day zoning out/had trouble getting the mind off food.

    Current strengths: Stayed under calorie goal and went and played CAH with a friend and their friend group and got introduced to a really great snack as a result too.

    Date: January 23th, 2017

    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Met personal iron goal: No )^:
    Got at least 46g protein: No )^:

    Exercised: Yes
    - Walking
    - 25mins Ice Skating
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced making ASL covers: Yes
    Did stretches: Yes

    Did at least one drawing: Yes
    Wrote a paragraph for a story: Yes!
    Updated Keyframe: Turns out I just didn't see the command aa
    Worked on/Finished drawing at least one IIOB page: Yes!

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 128.6 (Should be water weight for reasons)
    Goal weight for February 1: 128 (1 lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Decided since I was getting obsessed with my step count and it's a spiral I am familiar with for me that I should hold off on logging my walking until better settled at least. Also decided due to fluctuations I should probably just reset my goal to my original one and if I go over I shall go over.

    Current strengths: Did really well with my food control today in terms of cravings at least!

    Date: January 24th, 2017

    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Met personal iron goal: No
    Got at least 46g protein: Yes

    Exercised: Yes
    - Walking
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced making ASL covers: Yes
    Did stretches: Yes

    Did at least one drawing: Yes
    Wrote a paragraph for a story: Yes
    Updated Keyframe: Worldbuilding!
    Worked on/Finished drawing at least one IIOB page: Worked on it yes!

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 128.6
    Goal weight for February 1: 128 (1 lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Had three donuts.

    Current strengths: Stayed under my calorie goal pretty easily regardless and regret nothing.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: Jan. 25 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, 30 min run (on the treadmill, couldn't bear to face winter outdoors today)
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced meditation: No

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week)
    Editorial note - unfortunately I don't think I will hit this goal... Weight is coming off more slowly than last year but (i) I'm trying not to obsess about the number... I know eating well, mental health and daily physical activity are the REAL goals, (ii) I know from experience to stick with it... Weight loss (for me at least) does not happen in a linear fashion, and (iii) my body composition has changed for sure... Clothes are fitting better!

    Current struggles: It has been grey and dull here for weeks! Lack of sun is making my energy level and motivation dwindle... Could not face a 6:00am swim session.
    Current strengths: Got myself to the gym for a run after work instead.