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So. What's the worst weight loss myth?



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Modern definition of Myth: a widely held but false belief or idea. I believe that the biggest modern myth is that farming, food, and Pharma are working to make us healthy. America is about profit not people and the brainwashing permeates everything we eat and believe. I do not need to go into detail myself because it has been covered for generations, by far smarter people than I. All you need to do is look it up!







    MercLOLa. Great strong woopost.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Eating healthy is the only way to lose weight.
    Gluten free foods doing anything at all unless you have celiac disease.

    Food intolerance does exist. I've seen my wife doubled over in pain from gluten, and she is not celiac. I've also seen the same for her for potatoes, beans, milk and quite a few other things.

    That's one thing. There's a big myth that gluten makes people fat and that eating gluten free aids in weight loss though.

    Unfortunately, the diet industry and books like wheat belly screwed it for people who actually have issues. Because it gets over shadowed with BS.

    No No no no no.

    It's the best thing that happened for my wife. She has lots of options now where if the fad didn't happen, there would be a lot less choices for her.

    I see I was beaten to this comment.

    In some ways the GF fad is good but in others its a hindrance. People know more about what is GF (no, the whole wheat bread is not GF because it is whole wheat ;) LOL) but there are so many people who are doing a half-assed version of GF that it isn't taken that seriously anymore. KWIM? I had so many instances of well meaning friends telling me tales of the "glutenous" food one of their GF friends ate because it was a treat or it wasn't a lot. That part isn't helpful to celiacs...

    On the other hand, many gluten sensitive people do feel better just keeping their gluten intake low so I guess it does help.

    I just wish people who are not GF would stop saying they eat gluten free. No. You don't. You eat gluten-lite.

    The whole thing just reminds me of the South Park episode Gluten Free Ebola. Watching that, after having been an MFP member for years was a beautiful experience.

    Trey and Matt are on MFP.....didntchyaknow?
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Blood type diet.

    Yeah, I guess it would work for me... stomach cramps and bathroom visits =weight loss, right? :/
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member

    MercLOLa. Great strong woopost.

    And, apparently, her last post. Really seemed off to me at the time and still does. But it does get repeated by people quoting her, so the message is getting out.

  • DomhDomh
    DomhDomh Posts: 3 Member
    All of the above pretty much.

    Any '30 DAY _______ Challenge' that uses bodyweight-only exercises and you will supposedly grow a booty, get six-pack abs, etc...
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    I have actually gotten e-mails the last couple of days discussing the Fingerprint diet and the Eye-color diet - no *kitten* - to go along with the blood-type diet...
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    That you have to combine certain foods in a meal / can't eat certain foods together.
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    Any of the fads/trends that are along the lines of do this one thing and you'll magically lose weight (IE sprinkle this stuff on your food, take this pill before you eat, drink this shake for breakfast, etc.). The myth that anything but actual hard work and effort will make you lose weight is just the worst.

    When I read "sprinkle this stuff on your food" I immediately thought of this powder the vet gave us once to put on our dog's food so that the cat poop in the litter box wouldn't taste good to him any more. Apparently, they're like gourmet tootsie rolls to labs.

    whoah! there's a powder for that? my dog NEEDS that. or maybe i NEED my dog to have that.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I was recently told that eating any more than 100g of protein a day would automatically turn to fat even while in a deficit.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    I have actually gotten e-mails the last couple of days discussing the Fingerprint diet and the Eye-color diet - no *kitten* - to go along with the blood-type diet...


    I have no words.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    I have actually gotten e-mails the last couple of days discussing the Fingerprint diet and the Eye-color diet - no *kitten* - to go along with the blood-type diet...


    I have no words.

    No kidding.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I tried to find the eye color diet as I want to know what I should eat as a green-eyed person, but was unsuccessful. Did find a bunch about how if you eat the right diet you can change the color of your eyes which is just, well, my new submission here!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Eating healthy is the only way to lose weight.
    Gluten free foods doing anything at all unless you have celiac disease.

    Food intolerance does exist. I've seen my wife doubled over in pain from gluten, and she is not celiac. I've also seen the same for her for potatoes, beans, milk and quite a few other things.

    That's one thing. There's a big myth that gluten makes people fat and that eating gluten free aids in weight loss though.

    Unfortunately, the diet industry and books like wheat belly screwed it for people who actually have issues. Because it gets over shadowed with BS.

    No No no no no.

    It's the best thing that happened for my wife. She has lots of options now where if the fad didn't happen, there would be a lot less choices for her.

    I see I was beaten to this comment.

    In some ways the GF fad is good but in others its a hindrance. People know more about what is GF (no, the whole wheat bread is not GF because it is whole wheat ;) LOL) but there are so many people who are doing a half-assed version of GF that it isn't taken that seriously anymore. KWIM? I had so many instances of well meaning friends telling me tales of the "glutenous" food one of their GF friends ate because it was a treat or it wasn't a lot. That part isn't helpful to celiacs...

    On the other hand, many gluten sensitive people do feel better just keeping their gluten intake low so I guess it does help.

    I just wish people who are not GF would stop saying they eat gluten free. No. You don't. You eat gluten-lite.

    A friend of mine actually stopped eating GF-treats made by others because more often than not, they were NOT fully GF. She also avoids gluten-free store-bought treats for the same reason. She spent far too much time at the ER to want to continue risking her health and people just don't seem to get it. Celiacs in her case means absolutely no gluten and not lifestyle-GF where a bit of gluten never hurt anyone...

    So true. I've been "glutened" by contaminated sugar bowls before. Right at Xmas too. Blah.
  • berrios96sean
    berrios96sean Posts: 8 Member
    Weight loss is simple be at a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories per week to lose one pound a week. That requires knowing your tdee though and any calculator online will serve and you find the actual amount through trial and error. And the guy that said cardio doesn't burn fat. The oxidative system is based on science and happens at rest and low to moderate excerise such as light boggling. The primary fuel for those workout are atp from fatty acids and glucose (carbs). Cardio does infact burnt fat but at low intesity for long periods of time.
  • berrios96sean
    berrios96sean Posts: 8 Member
    Jogging not boggling my apologies.
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