Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,113 Member
    Goals for Thur 26 Jan

    -Drink minimum 4 glasses of water (I barely drink anything) YES
    - Stay under my calorie allowance YES
    - Exercise for at least 45 minutes. YES 1hr!!

    Goals for Fri 27 Jan

    - Drink 4-6 glasses of water
    - Exercise for 1hr
    - Stay under my calorie allowance
    - Have some 'me' time by crocheting (1hr if poss)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    Just for Today - Thursday
    1. Stick to food plan! SERIOUSLY! STICK TO PLAN! No "sneaking a few carbs here and there". :)
    2. Hydrate with WATER! :)
    3. Task list today for work is to get Nikki's handout for WWD done, create exercise for Nursing Home visits for Rusk, Review Health Coach Lesson Plans and exercises. :/ Too many meetings today to get this stuff done. Moving to tomorrow's J4T list.
    4. Review January's expenditures so far and see where I can cut back and save for vacation, as well as set budget for February. Pay 2nd half of month's bills ;) Started this. Finishing up tomorrow.
    5. Gym tonight!!! 30 minutes of activity, then tan and spend 20 minutes in massage chair :) 20 min of treadmill because my ankle and knee got sore....5 minutes in massage chair. But I went and that was a big step for me!
    6. Read for pleasure. :) Doing this in the next 15 minutes when I finish logging in MFP.
    7. Do not bring work home with you. Go home and really 'be present'. Work will still be here tomorrow. :) Did it!
    8. Prep for tomorrow :) Lunch is ready, coffee is set and ready to brew at 5:00 a.m., clothes are set out.
    9. Bed one hour early. :) Going that way as soon as I'm done logging in MFP. Planning to read in bed where it is quiet.

    J4T - Friday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss food plan and journal every bite
    2. Hydrate!
    3. Get up every hour and move
    4. Add 100 more steps than yesterday on Fit Bit
    5. Task list today for work is to get Nikki's handout for WWD done, create exercise for Nursing Home visits for Rusk, Review Health Coach Lesson Plans and exercises.
    6. Finish plan for vacation savings.
    7. Gym after work for workout, tan and massage chair
    8. Read my novel
    9. Bed one hour early to write in Gratitude journal and meditate
    10. One random act of kindness (at least)

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,113 Member
    OConnell - well done you got so much done! :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Weigh in :)
    2. Track all food :)
    3. Weight workout at gym :)
    4. 60 situps :)
    5. 10 pushups :neutral:
    6. 12+ cups water :smiley:

    1. No tracking or gym today, out of town most of the day
    2. 10+ cups water
  • lisbeth9816
    lisbeth9816 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone! Joining too!!
    1. Avoid all simple sugars
    2. Attend my x3/ week HIIT class
    3. Smile and laugh as often as I can
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    What a week. Pretty much set no goals. Work has me so stressed out, could barely sleep or eat. Not even really sure why I care that much. Might be time to move on. Finally got my appetite back, and boy, did I. Weigh in today. Wondering how much damage I've done.

    Just for today:
    Make it through the work day without incident lol
    Regroup and balance

    Happy Friday! Wishing you all the best working on your goals!!

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    edited January 2017
    Yesterday R 1/26/17 - my cold is almost gone (finally! if only the coughing jags would be done):
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water - YES :smile: 9 - slipping a little, need to keep on this
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs - YES :smile: 29 - really helps count when I make time to walk stairs at work throughout the day
    3) Meditate in afternoon - YES :smile:
    4) Wrap hubby's bday gifts - No :neutral: - instead I washed dishes and read through all the Sunday papers sales ads - move this item to F as a MUST DO
    5) Complete meal plan / grocery list - YES :smile:
    6) Floss - YES :smiley: and wearing my retainer every night again too, helps that my cold is almost over
    7) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off - YES :smile: - in bed 10:22, read book until 10:44 - will try to make it earlier next week

    Just for today F 1/27/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs
    3) Meditate in afternoon
    4) Wrap hubby's bday gifts while he's at work - no choice, his bday is Sat.
    5) Floss
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off, no a.m. alarm Sat. yay!
  • nicruns
    nicruns Posts: 201 Member
    for today:
    1) bring my yoga mat to work ahead of starting back into it next week (done!)
    2) drink 8 glasses (min) of water
    3) walk home from work (5,000 steps)
    4) get some planking/core work in
    5) avoid late night snacking
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited January 2017
    1. log all food :/
    2. drink 6 glasses of water - 2 with each meals :)
    3. journal when I want to eat :/
    4. read success stories on here when I am temped to have late nite snacks :/
    5. drink 4 glasses of water while sewing to keep me from snacking :/

    Total fail yesterday. Again, did so good all day, only to give into trail mix after dinner. But..... I am back on here.
    Have to remember and work harder at drinking water more, and like @cschmitz110515 - keep a glass with me to keep sipping.

    so JFT, friday
    1. log all food
    2. drink 8 glasses of water
    3. get to bed earlier! Last nite, it was 1:30 when I finally got to bed. This backfires on me the next day, and also I tend to snack more
    4. work on year end tax stuff
    5. make out grocery and menu lists
    6. take daughter out tonite, and spend some time with her
    7. sew 2 more embroidery blocks for the quilt I am making
    8. keep a glass of water with me in the evening for sipping
    9. preplan what snacks I will have
    10. get back on here tomorrow. BE ACCOUNTABLE
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    I have noticed that many of us are really stressed at work. There must be something in the air... I know when I am stressed, I want to eat more, which is all the more reason I love this thread to keep myself accountable.

    Happy Friday everyone and I hope you have a nice restful rejuvenating weekend!
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Just for today.

    - walk at lunch
    - Keep within my calorie goals
    - Don't beat myself up for eating a donut
    - Burn that donut off
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    edited January 2017
    Just for today - I will log my food, even when I don't want to.
    I will stay within my calorie goals
    I will consider going to the gym

    Edited to add - And I will pin this so when I come to work on Monday morning, this thread will open up first thing in the morning.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. No tracking or gym today, out of town most of the day :)
    2. 10+ cups water :)

    1. Track all food
    2. Weight/cardio workout at gym
    3. 60 situps
    4. 10 pushups
    5. 12+ cups water
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,113 Member
    Goals for Fri 27 Jan

    - Drink 4-6 glasses of water :( only 2 today
    - Exercise for 1hr :( only 20 mins
    - Stay under my calorie allowance :( over by 85 (but allowance is 1200 so not like I've pigged out)
    - Have some 'me' time by crocheting (1hr if poss) :| like that was ever going to happen!

    Been running round all day taking the car to get brakes checked, running after the kids and my OH, just been so so busy and I'm shattered!
    Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

    Goals for Sat 28th Jan

    - Log everything
    - Stay as close as I can to my calorie allowance
    - Get all the house tidy before inlaws arrive :#
    - Drink 4 glasses of water
    - Try squeeze in at least 30 mins exercise.
    - Hope and pray that we're going out for tea rather than me having to cook for everyone!

    Have a good Sat guys!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    @Bex953172 Good luck tomorrow! I hope you get some quiet time this weekend to crochet and rejuvenate!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,113 Member
    @OConnell5483 I hope I do too!! In need of a lazy Sunday!!
  • zoeyzo1
    zoeyzo1 Posts: 9 Member
    No more caffeine
    Salad for lunch
    6 glasses of water
    2 loads of laundry
    2hrs working on cleaning garage out
    Clean boat
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    I have really been beating myself up this week, instead of celebrating the positives. Did surprisingly well on the weigh in. I'm down 8.9 since the first! Woo-hoo. Don't think I've ever done that! Today, I am mom to a 29 year old daughter. She has a beautiful 23 month old daughter. I really want to tweek a few more things going into next week.
    Just for today:
    Love on MYSELF and my family
    Oh and drink water lol

    I enjoy reading all your stories! Good and bad. I hope you all can revel in even the smallest of your successes. It's cake baking time!! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. log all food :)
    2. drink 8 glasses of water :):):)
    3. get to bed earlier! Last nite, it was 1:30 when I finally got to bed. This backfires on me the next day, and also I tend to snack more :/ A little earlier, but it was still 1 Am before lights were out!
    4. work on year end tax stuff :)
    5. make out grocery and menu lists :/ Hope to get this done today
    6. take daughter out tonite, and spend some time with her :/ She did not want to do anything but stay in her apartment. Hoping tonite to get her out
    7. sew 2 more embroidery blocks for the quilt I am making :)
    8. keep a glass of water with me in the evening for sipping :):):) This worked for me.
    9. preplan what snacks I will have :)
    10. get back on here tomorrow. BE ACCOUNTABLE :)

    Did so much better yesterday, just by having a glass of water with me at all times in the evening.

    1. get to the gym
    2. log all food
    3. clean house
    4. sip on water in the evenings instead of snacking
    5. sew 2 more embroidery blocks
    6. try and get together with my daughter tonite
    7. laundry
    8. drink minimum 2 glasses water with each meal
    9. get back on here tomorrow. Be accountable!

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Track all food :(
    2. Weight/cardio workout at gym :(
    3. 60 situps :(
    4. 10 pushups :(
    5. 12+ cups water :(

    1. Light weight/cardio workout at gym
    2. Box moving--at least an hour
    3. 40 situps
    4. 10 pushups
    5. Latin dancing--at least two hours of bachata and salsa
    6. 12+ cups water