
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    exactly right Allie

    Barbie you all look so happy, lucky Bess to have you all around her.

    Heather this vacation will go down in the books! You will weather it and get through it, I hope the sunshine will send you healing and peace

    GRace. Good that DD is home, I don't remember what is the next step for her recovery?

    Glo you are an amazing woman, don't you love it when you fix something yourself and save $$,feels powerful. I have always wanted to take the cruise up to Alaska and then visit Denali park, my friend did this trip with her sons 5 years ago and they still talk about it!

    as long as we're armed with a plan, wearing warm tights and carrying a bag of veggies - we can do anything!

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    I was away just for the weekend, but find it overwhelming trying to catch back up on the conversation.

    I am feeling really happy - I got through a whole weekend with friends in the mountains and still managed to lose a pound, despite really heavy cheese-laden dishes. There was even one called Cholera Pie, a Swiss dish with a double crust, potatoes, bacon, raclette cheese, leeks, apples, pears and onions. It was so named because centuries ago there was a cholera outbreak in Switzerland and the villagers in the remote mountain valleys, not wanting to expose themselves to the disease in the larger towns, invented the dish with whatever was already in their larder. I think I
    was able to stay on track thanks to the food planner and walking in the village. (My town is fifteen minutes across the border from Geneva, Switzerlandand our part of France shares the Swiss love for cooked cheese dishes.)

    Penny - sorry about your airplane woes, but how lucky to have been able to talk with the composer. Will definitely look him up. I loved the Artic Philharmonic clip!

    Joyce - community is hard to find on the MFP ipad app - if you click on the three dots at the bottom right of the home page, it takes you to a list of further features, including community. It should work for you.

    Marni - the photos of Denali are beautiful

    Charleen - the quilt is stunning. I did a little quilting when I was younger and I thought I would do a lot when I retired, but it really bothers my eyes. Wish you were closer, I have a huge fabric stash (fabricaholic here) and I am trying to find a way to pass it on.

    Paula - I would ultimately like to lose about the same amount, although I am starting with an initial goal of about 60 pounds.

    Marni - belated happy birthday!

    Re - sorry to hear about the osteoarthritis. Hopefully you can come up with a good plan for reducing the pain.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Barbie Bess is adorable.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Gloria in WA Just a suggestion about your knee strengthening endeavor: the original low impact step exercise program was designed by a knee surgeon to help his knee replacement patients strengthen the muscles around their knees both before and after surgery. Not the high impact programs it eventually morphed into, but the very low impact, low step original program. All you need is a DVD and a step (you can use your Wii step if you have one).

    MrsGLT Hope Megan does well, sorry she is having problems.

    Pip Wonderful quilt!

    Charleen Fantastic quilt mock up. Pretty fancy software. I had no idea!

    Heather This has been a tough time for both you and your husband. Are you on your way home soon? Sounds like you both need to get home and recuperate.

    Joyce Isn't it so great to get a new appliance? I am enamored with appliances and love kitchens.

    Barbie Barbie Barbie!!! Bess is the BOMB! She is gorgeous! You and your husband look so happy!

    Marcelyn Wow! a half-marathon...I can only dream of such an accomplishment. I could walk it, but I couldn't run one. Congrats!

    KJ It will be good to get the colonoscopy behind you. (LOL!)

    WELCOME to all of the new folks! Some of us are chatty, others not so much, but there is something for everyone here, I believe! We are a diverse, supportive group.

    Karen in Virginia
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    edited January 2017
    BARBIE - Bess is gorgeous

    HEATHER - Sorry your trip has been so memorable (not in a good way) hope you feel better soon

    JOYCE - Happy cooking in your new oven

    ALLIE - Keep going girl you can do this and so deserve it

    I visited the Doctor this morning and showed her my BP readings ( I check it at home) I want to come off meds so she suggested dropping one of them for a month and if there are no hiccups then drop the other one Yayy
    Need cholesterol checked in April hoping that is down too but actually not sure that high cholesterol causes the things they say, there is a lot of evidence to the contrary. Would never take Statins, they are prescribing them like crazy here in UK makes you wonder who is making all the money?

    Hugs to all who need them
    Welcome all newbies

    Kate UK
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    Stomach bug today. So quiet day.


    184.7 pounds
    Squats 43
    Stretches 11min
    Steps: Apple Watch 8682. Fitbit 9000
    Walked 41 min
    Water 8 cups
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :'(Heather, I'm sorry your vacation has been such a disappointment to you and DH. Sending hugs to you. <3

    :)Allie, I am so proud of you for sticking to your guns and not letting Tom bully you into things.

    :)Betsy, your Ella is so fortunate to have found you.

    :) I took Bess out this morning in the big field behind the house and she had a blast running around. Now I've had breakfast and will take Sasha for her long walk and Jake will take Bess. She has her new blue collar and new black retractable leash. Her coat won't come for awhile because we had to order it.

    <3 Barbie
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • choklityum
    choklityum Posts: 35 Member
    chokliyum – Didn’t you say your name was Paula? Yes, it really was bad on both she and DH; the oldest child was also affected; I think he might have been 9 or 10 when it happened. I was the same way … when I was 199lb; I was NOT going to top 200lbs if I could help it; that is when GYN ‘ordered’ me into their diet loss program. It’s been expensive; but, worth every dime! I’m also 5’4”; but, not ‘small-framed’. Just sort of regular framed. I could imaging that losing a child; would make you lose a lot of weight. How old are you? Louis started losing weight the older he got. No real reason; he is a man who works out because his job requires manual labor (he is a house painter so he does climb up on a 44’ ladder). Our DOS has now started climbing up them and letting his have the lower one. He is 75. He used to be 5’7” which made him only just a few inches taller than me; now he is about my height. Last night and yesterday were bad for me; DYS came from Louisiana to spend the night (we ate spaghetti; but, I weighed/measured mine. When I was ‘trying’ WW; I bought a nice scale and a set of good measuring spoons, 1 cup, ½ cup, and ¾ cup. Then I had a good set of measuring spoons. With all of them you have to scrape off the spoonful; so that the measurement will actually be 1 Tbsps.; instead of 2. Losing anywhere from 1 – 2lbs. a week is good, so you will lose it slowly; but, safely.Lenora

    Yes, my name is Paula (named after the 60s song - it was my mom's favorite at the time). I'm 52; my older son just turned 20 yesterday. My heart is broken for the loss of my younger son, Caleb, and for what it's done to Joshua. Like a lot of guys, he doesn't talk about it; neither does my husband. And I'm off-the-scale emotional. It's not a functional system.

    My daddy was a painter too! Started back in the early 60s as an apprentice, when you learned it all - mixing paints by hand, paper hanging, staining (mixing to match existing if necessary), etc. He was good. I remember when he'd come home smelling of lacquer and lacquer thinner; you could get high off of that stuff! Unfortunately, he had to quit around a decade ago. He's the same age as your husband. But he developed essential tremor and the best guess anyone's been able to make is that it's from all the years of fumes he was exposed to on the job. They didn't wear masks of any kind back in the day. It's hard to see him the way he is now.

    I totally crashed and burned this weekend. We ate out twice, then there was Joshua's birthday cake, I couldn't talk myself into exercising... *sigh* It's a new day/week, right? I brought apples, tangelos, and yogurt to work. I can get soup or a salad at a little cafe in the building where I work. I'm telling myself to get my head out of my *kitten*, suck it up, and get back on track. Send some pozzie vibes this way - I need all the help I can get!

    Have a great day, Lenora!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Hi all!

    Had a reasonable sleep and woke up at 4.30. Still uncomfortable lower down, but I have a bit more energy today. I am taking an antibiotic and an anti spasmodic/imflammatory.
    DH had a complete crying jag this morning because I carefully mentioned the room was a bit noisy for me. Oooops! He must have cried for 45 minutes. I am ok, of course. :|;) He feels things very, very hard.
    We went out in the sun and had a very nice breakfast on the beach. But they've run out of black tea!!!!! He seems to be recovered somewhat now and we hope to swim later if my bowel spasms calm down. It feel like I have needles in my bladder.

    I don't often mix with the rich, but there are a lot of highly groomed trophy wives here with their sloppier, rich husbands. Money no object.

    Love to all, Heather UK