Beautiful Behaviors - January 2017



  • @KimF0715, MFP replaces profanity with *kitten* now. Lol

    @aleahurst, that quote was definitely good to see. I have dealt with depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember, but only just admitted it to my doctor so I could get some medical help. I am glad I finally admitted I can't deal with it myself. Outside time definitely helps as well!

    It sounds like everyone is doing well and making progress toward their goals. I will probably continue to mostly lurk, but I will be reading all the posts and cheering everyone on.
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    @KimF0715, MFP replaces profanity with *kitten* now. .

    That's awesome. I am hysterical right now.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hi, everyone. i had a lovely visit with my daughter today. relaxing now, after cleaning all morning. i haven't tracked my food for two days. i have a problem with consistency. ya think? i'm all gung ho for a few days, and then i get off track so easily. and i don't even care right now. i just want to listen to stevie nicks and veg. later,
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Do you have a "lazy day" routine? Do you have a day per week when you get sloppy with logging food that is eaten? When you take a long bath and slip back into your loosest pajamas? Do you have a day when you permit yourself to drink coffee with extra sugar and cream, and then stand at the window watching squirrels play while you sip?

    More importantly, is it necessary to have those days when we diet? Are we backsliding? Or just taking a vacation day?

    Stay beautiful and have a wonderful evening!
  • xelashelby_89xx
    xelashelby_89xx Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I would also love to join this group. One of my resolutions for the new year was to be more positive. Not to mention one of my biggest challenges is that I lose motivation very easily. :/
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi, @xelashelby_89xx . welcome!

    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.". - Thomas Edison

  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I hate being tired on Saturday. I worked all day and accomplished very little. Fought food all day and ended up 300 over. Could be worse. My goal for next week is to learn about portion size. And to continue to have 5000 steps most days. I am thinking about thing about riding it
    Feeling cranky and tired
  • xelashelby_89xx
    xelashelby_89xx Posts: 2 Member
    I worked out today! Nothing super intense, but I'm still happy about it. :)
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited January 2017
    I walked. Yay!

    @dlm4mom - you got this! 300 over once in a while is going to happen. I wonder, when we do that, could it be because we just actually need the calories? Not that I'm pushing going over calorie allowance, but you are doing well.

    @xelashelby_89xx -yay!
  • gatamadriz
    gatamadriz Posts: 68 Member
    KimF0715 wrote: »
    aleahurst wrote: »
    Good luck at the gym, Kim! Do you go to a privately owned gym? Or a community rec center? Or a dance/exercise studio? I think they have different attitudes at those three types of gyms.

    Jess, keep up the daily burn! Woooooo!

    My best accomplishment is that I am re-learning how to eat. It's been a jolt.

    Today, my goals are primarily self care. Shower, clean clothes, walk to the store, boring stuff, and then KonMarie the house to reduce books and paper clutter. I'm still trying for a simpler life. I know I can find it under this stuff.

    Stay calm and love your neighbors and yourselves.


    It's an LA Fitness chain. Luckily for me, I know how to stave off an silly marketing/personal training ploys. The gym my husband and I worked at was a privately owned gym, but they were trying to market themselves as a chain.

    And if my fellow workout folks want to look at me like some geriatric lost cause as I get on the treadmill, so be it. I know what kind of shape I was once in, and can be again!!!! So watch out gym rats!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Self care, baby! Get in there, kid!

    Sooo Funny! I am in the opposite position in my gym. I go mid-afternoon. The only people under 70 are me and the trainers. So I always feel very accomplished. Also, I've been wearing my raggy stained t-shirts, 2 sizes too big, worn out yoga pants, and 10 year old sneakers. Went out and got myself a shiny new pair of Brooks sneakers which I am living in, some new yoga pants that I actually had hemmed and some really nice workout tees that have all those "wicks sweat" bells and whistles. All on 70% off. But I feel really great going to do my workouts and training session. Do I NEED this stuff? heck no, but it's nice to have it! -- CONGRATS -Cath
  • gatamadriz
    gatamadriz Posts: 68 Member
    I so wish that MFP would rewrite their community boards software! I'm spoiled with FB on this point. I can find my comment and all the replies to it without having to sift through replies that are not grouped with original posts. So if I haven't replied to any posts, it's just because I missed them in the many posts this group now has. How much we've grown!!!! A BIG THANKS to Jessiquoi!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Cath - we have grown! I like this group!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, all! I struggled all weekend again, only did the daily burn one day, and didn't track my food. i have to come up with a plan that works for me on the weekend. first i think i need to figure out what makes me act differently on these days. some thinking is in order.

    i love this group and the way it's grown! it's so good to know that everyone here is working hard, supporting each other, and being human in every way possible. <3

    Cath, I agree that the interface could use some upgrades. i don't expect to see them. two years ago i sent a suggestion to their inbox asking them to allow to search on groups by key words to make groups more usable, and it was seconded by others, and nothing. i'm grateful for what we have, and like you, wish it were easier to group responses.

    Lea, yay for walking! i hear your questions about having vacation day/rest days... somehow, i feel like i don't deserve those until i'm on maintenance, but maybe i need to figure out a way to work in at least one per week. maybe if i work harder during the week, i can slack off on the weekends and still lose. i dunno...

    @xelashelby_89xx , congrats on working out!

  • elleelle03
    elleelle03 Posts: 63 Member
    Been down for the count this week, unfortunately, my appetite stayed it's usual course :smile: however... lost almost 2lbs for laying on the couch all week ?!! Go figure... Back at it this week but only 60% of me is working.. Next week will be better.

    jessiquoi... i do hear about peeps who plan a cheat day/meal weekly but have no idea how to do that intentionally :blush:

    xelashelby_89xx & aleahurst, good job on getting some exercise, hope to tackle that next week
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    My question for those of us who eat more than we intended on particular days:
    * Were you eating to socialize?
    * Were you eating alone?
    * Was it one food that tempted you?
    * Was it an avalanche of several foods you consider "off limits"
    * Was it just over indulgence in "diet" foods?

    My answers (yesterday was an over the allowance day)
    No, it was a combination of five foods: coffee, chocolate, milk, sugar, almond
    No, it was just an avalanche of foods

    Note that I expect everyone's answer to be different from mine. These are just questions to start a self discovery process.

    Love you all,

  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Hi all!

    Happy Monday! My apologizes for not being so active, I have been really down and out! Trying to get the job thing sorted out again, the living situation sorted out, money, and losing weight! It has not been easy! But I think I'm over the worst part. I handled it better than I normally would.

    This weekend was a nice vacation, but there were few times that I felt alone/out of place/regret.

    You all are doing fantastic and I'm so grateful for you all!!

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Libby, no apologies needed! good for you for handling things better.

    Lea: no, yes, no, no, yes. i just keep eating on some days, whatever i have in the house, and it's all "healthy" food options. it's definitely quantity for me that's an issue.

    @elleelle03 glad you're feeling better!

  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    Greetings from the center of the country -- 50 degrees and sunshine. Going to leave work soon and get an annual mammogram. Busy day, but good day. Hope this is a satisfying week for all. Jess mentioned the weekends being a challenge at times. I'm not sure what the correlation is, but I drink less water on the weekends. More regimented at work with water. When I drink less water -- I seem to be off track for everything else health related. Not sure if that helps, but I have to really watch that glitch. Agree with general consensus. In a time of upheaval in our country we must find peace within. Way too much stuff to be stressed about, if we let it. Trying my best to meditate and focus on the positive. Kind regards -- jean
  • DarkSinestra
    DarkSinestra Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, ladies and gents. What a lovely concept for a thread! Count me in. Over this past year I've been focusing on cultivating positivity in my life and cutting out influences that drag me down or put a drain on my time and energy without contributing anything in return.

    I have added to my life:
    -Long walks in nature with my dog and on the weekends my husband weather permitting
    -Kayaks! (Can't wait for it to warm up a little so we can get back out on the water!)
    -Calorie counting and MFP. For so long since my last weight gain, I've been telling myself all sorts of reasons why I couldn't lose the weight. I'm learning that for me, portion control and accurate logging are key. No foods except for what I consider my "trigger foods" are forbidden as long as they fit in my calorie allowance. I avoid trigger foods simply because they awaken cravings in me that are difficult to curb, and I am actively trying to avoid sabotaging myself.
    -Regular massage. I got a great membership deal from Massage Envy that fit into our budget.
    -Physical therapy. Finally getting a handle on some health issues I've ignored for too long. Denial not only isn't just a river in Egypt, it's a terrible place for a cruise. :)
    -Socializing with other writers and artists and starting a local writing group since there wasn't one when we moved here.

    I have banished from my life:
    -Reality television, except for "Born This Way," because the young adults and parents on that show are so positive and inspiring. I love following their accomplishments.
    -Gossip. It's draining and pointless and usually creates unnecessary drama.
    -Users and moochers. If a friendship isn't a two way street, it's not a friendship.
    -Beating myself up. I'm learning to treat myself the way I treat my valued friends and loved ones. I'm quicker to notice negative self-talk for what it is and nip it in the bud than I used to be. Every success at noticing and redirecting builds the skill to continue in the same vein.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you and offer mutual support toward our goals in improving our lives. All of us were born with the capacity for curiosity, wonder, and joy in the experience of living. Cleaning out the baggage we've agreed to carry through the years reconnects us to our ability to notice and enjoy without judgment or guilt. The time is now!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Hi, Jean!

    Welcome, @DarkSinestra, great post.
  • DarkSinestra
    DarkSinestra Posts: 45 Member
    @jessiquoi Thanks! Glad to be here! Thank you for starting this.
  • SpicyGorilla
    SpicyGorilla Posts: 6 Member
    Hi people.
    I'm new. I was pretty fit until I injured my back and spent a good two years suffering, being treated and then in physio, regaining regular motion. I'm having a hard time rebuilding good habits now, and being kind to myself when I don't always meet the expectations I set. I'm looking for an encouraging space.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Jean - yeah. I drank water while at work, too. 8-9 cups an 8-hour day. Now that I'm not working, I don't remember to drink water! Hmm. That's something to think on. Any way, it's good to see you here again! I grew up in central Illinois. Are you anywhere near there?

    @DarkSinestra - welcome! Everybody should ban beating themselves up. It's so pointless. And gossip, too. What sort of writing do you do?

    @SpicyGorilla - Welcome! Goodness yes! Do be kind to yourself! I hope you come back here and tell us what you've done.

    Libby - you handled it, and that's what matters. You'll be better than fine. You'll be great!

    Jess - my gosh! We've grown! Wooooo. I've got two friends that I'm trying to get interested in this forum because I think they would benefit from the "baby steps" approach. (I did)

    It was a good day!
    1. I got out of bed
    2. I got out of the house
    3. I came back and planted vegetable seeds on the window sill
    4. It feels good to be active!

    May each of you have a wonderful evening.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @SpicyGorilla what a great screen name! :)
  • DarkSinestra
    DarkSinestra Posts: 45 Member
    @SpicyGorilla I am so familiar with the injury, working up to rehab, trying to get back on the wagon scene. I feel for you. It's tough, especially when you work so hard just to get back to able bodied, and then you feel like there's so much work left to get to where you want to be. It can feel like treading water with your nose barely above the surface. Feel free to vent and friend me if you'd like. I will be more than happy to be supportive of your efforts.

    @aleahurst Thank you! I write creative fiction, mostly sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, but I occasionally dip my toe into the realistic and historical fiction genres, too. Congrats on your day. It sounds like a nice, productive one. What kind of veggies are you growing?
  • SpicyGorilla
    SpicyGorilla Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much for your support already ❤

    I just prepared a pile of food to go for tomorrow. Usually I rush to do it in the morning.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Good morning, all!

    I'm very happy when gardening. I'm not good at it. Something about playing in the dirt is fun. I'm growing non GMO samplings of eggplant, tomato, wild spinach (lamb quarters), and dandelion. I couldn't get many regular seeds to produce fruits, so I am trying the wild stuff! Surely I can grow dandelion.

    Today's beautiful behavior:
    I am attending a ladies' luncheon at a church. I will speak, be kind and friendly, but when I wear out, I will not push to socialize with a big fake smile, instead I will sit quietly, breathe deep, and enjoy the stillness inside of my head.

    Sometimes the act of watching the softly moving waters inside our heads is more satisfying than chocolate.

    Love you all.

  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good morning!

    Beautiful behaviors today:

    Take a shower (literally the depression is real right now)
    Clean/vacuum/shovel (as long as I move, I'll be ok!)
    Breathe and worry not

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday!

  • DarkSinestra
    DarkSinestra Posts: 45 Member
    @aleahurst Not only is the wild stuff easier to grow, it is usually a nutritional powerhouse. Dandelion greens and flowers are delicious! My grandmother swore by lamb quarters and ate those more than almost any other kind of green. (She also made poke, but I never learned from her how to make it safe, so I won't touch that. No neurotoxin for me, thanks. lol) I hope it all comes up for you. Really enjoyed your insights today.

    @woznube7 With depression, even the simple things are big victories. It's good to hear you engaged in some self-care today.

    Today's beautiful behavior:
    Worked my butt off in PT. I want this back pain gone, man. "Hurt now or hurt later," is my mantra on the mat. Now I'm off for a walk.

    Enjoy your day!
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 600 Member
    I had my 2nd appointment yesterday at the free Weight Management Clinic. I was pleasantly surprised that I lost 4 lbs already, in less than 2 weeks. Accountability and motivation have always been stumbling blocks for me. Participating in this thread has also helped with both. My thanks for all the positive vibes!

    @DarkSinestra and @SpicyGorilla : I spent almost 3 years doing PT 5 days/week aftery my injury. I walk, work and function now. The effort and pain you invest now will pay off. Hang in there :)

    Beautiful behaviors for today: to continue my food diary, to communicate with likeminded people (like yourselves) and to burn some calories with cleaning when I get home.