

  • annvey
    annvey Posts: 30
    @grandydancer: I also was addicted to carbs. My doctor told me that women our age (50's) tend to carry our weight abound our
    mid section. She said carbs is the culprit. So I stopped the carbs. Cold turkey. When I do eat them I do not lose any weight!! Therefore my motivation. My sugar content goes over when I eat fruit. Fruit is a carb too. So no more fruit for me. And I do love my fruit. I do have it every few days though so as not to feel deprived. Lots and lots of water keeps me satisfied. Huge salads for lunch & dinner. Nuts & protein drink (low sugar) for snacks. Eating every 2-3 hours keeps my cravings at bay. Hope this helps.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone, sorry I've not been in touch for a while, not been in a chatty mood sorry.

    I'll be glad when tomorrow is over - I'm sure everything will be fine (all the nurses at work keep telling me so too) but I am a little nervous. I've been told I might need to take between 5 days and 2 wks off work, but it depends on how sore I am afterwards.

    I hope I am one of the first to get done, I have to be at the hospital for 7:30 a.m. good job I get up early anyway, but must remember no breakfast for me - just plain old water. It will be the waiting around that will make me more nervous.

    I'll catch up with you all in a few days.

    Bye for now

    Viv xx
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone.......

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to our "Newbies" ...This is a great group for sure.

    :happy: We've finished our DIY ....well it wasn't all DIY 'cos we had some professionals in to do the heavy stuff......but it's finished.
    Today I mastered the art of buttoning a chair cushion. Our pine dining chairs had loose,tie type cushions that were blue...and sooo thin they were not worth having. So I decided we must look for new ones to match our new decor. could we find any? :noway: No!!.....
    In the end I've found some ordinary cushions that with a slight modification will do nicely thank you!! Off to buy them tomorrow...fingers crossed they're still on offer!

    :heart: Our family weekend away is coming closer......:wink: anyone care to referee? I 've realised it's a two floor lodge and have just checked they do have baby gates top and bottom. I'm soooo nervous when it comes to stairs and children. Maybe adults too ... :bigsmile: if the grape juice has been imbibed!! Not that I'll let too many calories pass my lips...well just a few anyway!! 'tis my weekend after all.
    I'm going to book myself in to a water colour class on the sunday ...apparently I have to go out while DIL's get a surprise ready. Mmmm? Wait and see time!!:bigsmile: Robin Hood in tights maybe? ...Anyway I'm sure all will be well in Sherwood Forest and we'll have a great time come rain or shine.

    :sick: I've been skimming the posts really but can see there are some of you with worrysome health issues.........I do hope all goes well with treatments etc. Not easy to say to yourself don't worry but ..........don't worry!!
    Good luck for tomorrow Viv.xxx
    :frown: Those with home issues.......don't worry it usually all comes out in the wash.....My wash often comes out pink!! Rose coloured glasses or Wot?!!! I know it's easy to say when things are going well for you but not so easy when all seems troubled.
    :happy: I just love that song from the Monty Python crew...."Always look on the bright side of life" ..."Whistle, whistle " etc

    Anyway folks ....off to do a bit of ironing now.
    :flowerforyou: Take care
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good day.Spent part of our 18 year anniversary with my 3 year old grand daughter.She`s always so much fun.
    Got a 45 min swim in.
    Viv,good luck tomorrow.
    Everyone who is struggling with motivation-U CAN DO IT!!!1 day at a time.
    Now`s time for you to take care of u.
    have a great day!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Well, today is another day of pain, went to PT again, they use alot of ultra sound and stimulus to try and rid my leg of pain.
    Still waiting to hear from the doctor... it's been since Friday noon, I keep missing their call.
    Still maintaining weight... no weight loss in a week, that is ok.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    HI!I`m proud of myself.I have difficulty when it comes to going to affairs.Had a wedding reception tonite.
    Planned what I was gonna eat.I told myself no cake.Well got there ,there was a whole table of homemade Italian cookies.I was so proud of myself,didn`t touch 1,because 1 would have led to 2,3 +.I drank my ice water and was content.
    For me this is a huge moment and wanted to share with you all.
    have a great night to wonderful ladies.

    Jane, that is an enormous victory. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I learned early on to "say no to birthday cake" and it has served me well. I know how to eat no cake or cookies and I know how to eat enough to stuff myself, but I don't know how to eat just one.

    :flowerforyou: chiclet, the lavender farms are in NW Washington state.....the lavender festival is the third weekend of July but lavender blooms all summer.

    :flowerforyou: K, you have joined our group just by posting........read and post every day and you will become part of the greatest family of sisters and learn a lot to help you on your weight loss journey.

    :flowerforyou: doobiedoo, the longest journey starts with a single step or ten minutes on the treadmill......in the world of couch potatoes, that is a great accomplishment

    :bigsmile: Leslie, congrats on your successful first week.

    :flowerforyou: daniran, welcome to the group...... most of us make goals for the month or the week and that helps a lot. read the posts and you'll get some good ideas for goals

    :flowerforyou: viv, thanks for checking in and reminding us that you have that surgery tomorrow. I'll be thinking healthy thoughts for you.

    :flowerforyou: we are busy with all the packing and chores and making progress......someone told me that move is a four letter word:laugh: :laugh: we are trying to make it fun:bigsmile:
  • CatharinaC
    CatharinaC Posts: 32
    you are all very inspirational.. Today I had a yahoo moment when a co-worker asked if I lost weight.

    I do not have allot to say.. but thanks for being here.. sometimes just reading helps :)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Well, here I sit at the computer at 3:25 (yes, a.m.). I told you I wouldn't be able to sleep! I've already put away the dishes that had to air dry, put the newspapers into recycling, emptied the recyclables, and now I'm on the computer.

    Say, does anyone have any suggestions? This Friday we're supposed to go to a baseball game. We're having a "dinner" right before the game. It's something like burgers, chips, hot dogs, bbq, cole slaw, chili, dessert tray (I'm sure that doesn't include fruit), and pepsi products. What would be the healthiest of choices? Vince arranged for it so it would be rude for us not to be there and eat. But what would be the healthiest of choices?

    Congrats janemartin on the good choices. You seem to know a lot about yourself, you knew that 1 cookie would lead to 2 which would lead to 3, that's great that you just stayed away.

    chicklet - the prune puree that I use is the baby food, just the pure prunes, not the prunes with apples or blueberries. If Vince can't tell the difference in a chocolate cake, then it doesn't change the taste. Gerber usually has it in these small plastic containers, usually about 2.5oz in each container. Applesauce changes it a little, not much. I've also substituted pure pumpkin puree (usually get it in a can, Libby makes it) for the oil, but the pumpkin does change the taste. One thing I make around Halloween is take a box of the spice cake mix (Duncan Hines is the only one I've found who makes a spice cake mix) mix in a small can of the pumpkin and then bake at 350 for 30 minutes. One box usually will make a dozen muffins. Not bad on the calories, either. At least this is a healthier alternative for a dessert. Not the greatest, but certainly not the worst either. And with the spices, you can't taste the pumpkin. One time I made brownies with pumpkin instead of the oil. You could faintly taste the pumpkin, but they were very moist. Of course, even tho they were brownies, Vince wouldn't eat them, so I did. To me, they were quite good. I've tried using the prune puree in white cakes and it does change the color somewhat. It is much healthier for you, something like 124 calories for 1 Tbs (most recipes call or 1//4 to 1/2 cup) of oil, versus like 93 for 2Tbs of the prune puree. Good for you having that pie! I know me, and if I don't have at least a little bite of what I'm craving, then that's all that I can think of. So I'll have a bite

    What exercises did you find to be able to do in the pool? When we were at the condo, I went into the pool the morning we left. They had noodles so I would stretch my arms out holding each end of the noodle and swim on my side, I also would swim forward, would bicycle my legs, march, do a ski motion where I extend my arms and legs alternately. I'm always on the lookout for something new to be able to do. I'm hoping (hoping, hoping) for my pool and I will be able to suppliment my exercise by using the pool. I'll probably still go to a class at least once/week because I found that a group motivated me to not slack off.

    I just checked Calorie King about the basball "dinner". I would have thought the chili would have had less calories, but according to them 1 cup has 287 calories whereas one hamburger has 279 calories. Not that big a difference, I know, but it was surprising just the same. I don't really know why the book "Eat This Not That" recommends a hot dog as the best choice at a baseball game. The hot dog has 464 calories and I'm sure all kinds of preservatives. So looks like the best choices (not that they're stellar, but they're better than the others) are a hamburger and chili.

    Did an hour of the extremepump today. Tomorrow, I'll do a step DVD and then I found out that there's a class in TaiChi at 9:00 so I'll try that. Maybe if I get good enough, I can take a DVD with me when we go down to FL Update: Vince wants to cut the grass tomorrow before it gets too hot, and for some reason he wants someone home when he does (I think he's thinking in case of an accident at least someone is here), so I'll go to taichi next week and just do the DVD at home tomorrow.

    Kathy - welcome to a great place to be! You'll find lots of support and hints here.

    Viv - good luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.

    janemartin - happy anniversary!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening!

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member

    This is the link to the swimming pool exercises I found. She did mention some that you said, but there are a few more too. She uses a noodle and a beach ball and even suggests a weight belt and water dumbell. I think I will get the beach ball and the dumbell.

    (Hope this works, let me know if it doesnt)

    I take it you measure the prune puree the same as the oil in the cake?
    I am going to try the spice cake recipe. There is a bakery here that around Thanksgiving makes a pumpkin/zuchini bundt cake. (I think that is what it is.) Could be pumpkin/spice bundts. I'm going to find out. They are scrumptious! When you mentioned the spice cake I immediately thought of that. I hope it is close to that because they wouldn't spill on the recipe.:grumble:

    Well tomorrow I am going to my old apartment's management company to complain and hopefully be reimbursed for taking too much out of my deposit that I gave them when I first moved in. They charged me twice for the 7 days I was there in May and I have my receipt showing I paid on time. they also charged me for a late fee, which wasn't true. Then they charged me for 2 smoke alarms when mine were perfectly fine. They claim that they change them every time a tenant moves in. I said "Reallly then why does it say on my move in sheet "good condition" meaning they didn't have to replace them? A few months before I moved I asked them to fix my patio screen door. It kept falling off the track. After the 3rd "repair" they finally said they were going to replace it. Turns out my patio door was larger than everyone elses, so they had to buy a larger one. So when I moved out it was practically new. It even still had the stickers on it. Well they charged me for that too. When I asked why they said they had to replace it. I said "It was new!" They said when we went to the apartment the screen door was missing. THAT'S why they are charging me! I told them I should not be held responsible for what happens after I move out, especially if their apartment is vandalized while vacant. So tomorrow I go to the actual management company to plead my case. Their stories change every time I go and fight this. I've been told it will be a losing battle, but I don't give up that easy.:angry:

    I figure they owe me at least $400!:grumble:

    Cross your fingers for me okay?

    Viv :flowerforyou: Good luck tomorrow and I hope you will not be in much pain. Be strong and just think that eventually you will be able to walk pain free soon and you will be like the other ladies who say "It was the best thing I ever did!" I will be thinking of you.

  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    Just a quick good morning to everyone before I begin my 8 hours of work! I'm not complaining..... I truly love my job and am bless that 1) I have a job and 2) that I love what I do. It makes a big difference when you can get up in the morning and not hate to go to work. I worked in a job for 5 years that I literally hated and it took its toll on me. My life has changed since I started working where I am now about 4 1/2 years ago.

    I was delighted again this morning when I weighed in and lost another lb. 3 lbs. since July 12..... I'll take it!!!! I actually took some measurements last night (which I hadn't done previously), so I'm going to start tracking them also.

    My biggest struggle since started my journey has been BREAKFAST! I have never been a breakfast eater and I know it's probably the most important meal, but I've just never been one to eat in the morning. However, I began trying to get something in each morning, starting slowly with a granola snack bar about 9:00 am at my desk. That is the earliest I can get food down in the morning. I've worked myself up to a little more..... light English Muffin with spreadable fruit and a turkey sausage patty yesterday and today I'm having a light English Muffin with a stick of low-fat string cheese. I'm trying! But it's still a little difficult. I guess eventually I'll get used to it and be able to vary what I eat in the mornings.

    I am in this for the long haul! It didn't take a couple days to put on the 40 lbs. I want to lose..... and I know it won't take a couple of days to get rid of those dreaded lbs..... but 3 lbs. is a beginning!

    Have a wonderful and healthy day everyone! :drinker:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies...
    Just checking in. Been trying to keep the foods undercontrol, and found out once I did a cupboard and freezer nutrition value check, that some of the favorite foods have been working against my efforts. So now I will cut those portions in half and have twice the amount to enjoy!

    Day off today and I am hiding away from the phone, do not feel like it would be a good day to work. Very hot here and the humidity is unbearable. If only the Fall season would last all year long.

    Have to get some work done, so I will catch you all again some time soon, take care.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hello ladies.
    Another hot and humid day with heat index warnings.
    good luck Chiklet with your fight.
    Everyone have a good day.
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Well, I just got off the treadmill and went past 10 minutes! :drinker: My knee feels great and I am looking forward to increasing the time each day. It is encouraging to read all the posts. We are not in this alone, are we? Sometimes it's hard for my family to understand my struggles, but I know each of you do and are here for each other! I've got to move this weight off!:flowerforyou:
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    :flowerforyou: Well, I just got off the treadmill and went past 10 minutes! :drinker: My knee feels great and I am looking forward to increasing the time each day. It is encouraging to read all the posts. We are not in this alone, are we? Sometimes it's hard for my family to understand my struggles, but I know each of you do and are here for each other! I've got to move this weight off!:flowerforyou:

    So true! We are not in this alone! We are lucky to have each other's support!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I am still here just having trouble finding motivation or time to post every day. I guess you could say I've been lurking.

    Haven't lost anything in 2 weeks. But haven't gained either, so guess that is good considering this is the month well over half my inlaws have birthday suppers (and cake). Being a carb addict, if I ever take the first bite, I'm wanting to binge until its all gone. So not going there in the first place works best for me.

    Good news is hubby started a new job yesterday. He'll be doing the same thing for a different company, but NO MORE NIGHTS! :happy: So now maybe I can get my metabolism revved up and get these last 15 pounds off to stay.
  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    I've been working out like a crazy lady. My PB is looking great but all my other numbers are hung, I loose 2 gain 2 loose 2 gain 2.

    I go back to see my nutrritionist on the 28. I must be doing something wrong. ( or it could be all the meds I'm taking.)
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,:flowerforyou:

    We're getting back on our 3x's a week gym schedule today now that the funeral is past. As others have also posted about resisting foods served at family gatherings, I am also proud of myself today. Yesterday after the funeral at the potluck there were sooo many temptations, :drinker: but I stuck with a small piece of brisket and 2 salads, both greens, resisting the beans and potato salad and of course since I am Celiac I did not even think about eating any of the pies, cakes, or cobblers there but had fresh fruit for dessert...I had brought both a greek salad and the cut up fruit myself so I knew no matter what else was there I would be able to eat. I was rewarded this morning with the scale going in the right direc tion again...albeit a tiny bit but still, I'll take it.!:bigsmile:

    Natalie, I had my 2 knee surgeries 2 years ago, the first in March was an orthoscopic fix of the meniscus which was torn again in physical therapy and the second in September was a partial knee replacement. I had a few other health related side effects that delayed my getting back to normal but they are not ususal.

    Looking forward to the gym today...I helped move tables and chairs yesterday setting up the buffet and I have some sore spots :noway: that need to be worked out. xoSissy:heart:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Changed the surgery for TKR (knee) to Aug 4. It was scheduled for Aug 11. The sooner I get it done, the better off I am goign to be.
    I am SCARED, but I need to do this, the pain that I have now is unbearable.
    I have maintained my weight, but expect to lose weight after surgery and rehab... guess the pain pills just make u not want to eat..
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    Hi! I just found this page and I was wondering if it is a closed group or if any one over 50 can join in? I got onto MFP 3 weeks ago and still learning my way around.

    I have a few friends but I need all the help I can get.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome Denise.
    Natalie,glad they pushed your surgery up.You will be glad when it`s all behind you.