The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • IsabelleKnox
    IsabelleKnox Posts: 9 Member
    42 ... feel free to add me
  • eyeguru675
    eyeguru675 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, New to this and looking to connect with others at similar places in life. I'm 41 and have over 100 lbs to lose. Thought by posting here would help me be accountable. Feel free to add me.
  • slimmint
    slimmint Posts: 288 Member
    44 and have 79 more to lose... Need friends
  • slimmint
    slimmint Posts: 288 Member
    I love how whoever created this thread relegates everyone in their 30's as being "middle aged"'m only 33, and I'm far from middle aged. 33 is not middle aged, dog gone it! I'm only 3 years outside of my 20's, for pete's sake. That said, anyone reading this, please feel free to add me!

    Said upper 30
  • leigh199538
    leigh199538 Posts: 40 Member
    44 here.. and starting again, lost 40 pounds last summer, got lazy and put 25 back on. But now I want to lose that 25 and a whole lot more, but my metabolism isn't being so kind to me. Feeling frustrated and having trouble staying motivated. Feel free to add me, also looking for people for motivation and support.
  • zephyrblack1
    zephyrblack1 Posts: 52 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi! I'm soon to be 35. I was very athletic until I turned 30. Climbing the work ladder in my previous environment resulted in a sedentary lifestyle with crazy work hours and a steady diet of junk food. I transitioned to a more stable work schedule and I'm improving my sleep schedule. I just started focusing on exercise and nutrition. I have had many peaks and valleys with regard to weight and overall fitness for the last 5 years. I'm looking to make a permanent improvement in health and lifestyle.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Hi, 38 year old Mom of 2 here. Trying to lose this weight again that I regained, anyone feel free to add for accountability.
  • Crystel22
    Crystel22 Posts: 242 Member
    37, but my mind says wait I think we are still in our 20's! Married mom of 3 teenaged boys. Life is hectic and I need to figure out my routine. Lost 16lbs and 15 more to go. Need motivation and encouragement. Who wants to yell at me a bit to stop eating junk food?
  • tarana36
    tarana36 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everybody! I've been on MFP for a number of years, but this is the first board I've been a part of. I am a late bloomer, athletically speaking, but I enjoy it tremendously!! I lost nearly 80 lbs about 5 years ago and have held most of it at bay. I do have the occasional 10-15 lbs that come and go it seems.
  • mel_her
    mel_her Posts: 7 Member
    I didn't start regularly lifting weights until last year and saw a huge difference and have learned so much about my body since then. Going on 37 and feeling healthier than I ever did in my 20s!
  • vickib30008
    vickib30008 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, new to the message boards. I just turned 50, I was diagnosed with diabetes, my Dr. wants to put me on cholesterol medication, and I decided to get serious about weight loss. I'm looking for support and encouragement.
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    39 - but I'm Irish so my liver is about 63.
    Did my first Triathlon last year and plan to do 3 this year!
  • HopeG45
    HopeG45 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a 45 year old stay at home mom and wife and does it show. It's difficult to get motivated at times. I'm up at 5am and don't get to bed till almost twilight. I have a 14 year old son that I need to get moving around. I have come up with the idea of making a daily workout plan for both of us and hopefully getting my husband and other son to jump in on their days off of work. I'd like some help in coming up with a beginner plan for my youngest. I need some good ideas for my husband who has MS and my self who lacks energy. I've cleared out our kitchen from unhealthy food and need some good info on healthy recipes. I'm gluten intolerant but what I've noticed gluten free foods are high in sugar, starch and very oily. I love fruits and veggies but I need something that's different every now and again.
  • Constant_Nova
    Constant_Nova Posts: 108 Member
    37! Feel free to add me!
  • alphabull
    alphabull Posts: 45 Member
    Hi group! I'm 46 and looking for more motivated friends. Feel free to add me also. Most of my friends on here have left over the last couple years. I'm active and post daily.
  • ulcaster555
    ulcaster555 Posts: 1,150 Member
    52 and still working at it, lost 45 and trying to maintain and you know how hard it is at this age I'm sure, feel free to add me.
  • dtcjem
    dtcjem Posts: 76 Member
    Man o'man - Sick for a few weeks and my body decided to hold on to everything and find some! . Don't remember this happening so quick when I was younger! Back at it.
  • mwstewart207
    mwstewart207 Posts: 16 Member
    Nice to see this group here. I am at the top end of the range here but staying fit and training for my 6th marathon.