What is your WHY?



  • eday79
    eday79 Posts: 86 Member
    My "why" came when I least expected it. I had made many half-assed attempts at losing weight over the years...all the while mourning my youth slipping away and the essence of me slowing disappearing. I have shared this before on another thread so as not to bore anyone, I will give the cliff notes version: My eldest daughter has 3 children and she has been in the grips of heroin addiction for over 4 years. I am raising her children. On February 21, 2016 she came home to shower and eat, seeing her slowly kill herself is agonizing.... I was standing in front of the fridge looking for something to take my pain, if only for a moment. All of a sudden I was shutting the door and muttering to myself that the answer was not in that fridge. It was cold and rainy and dark out but I put on my coat and tennis shoes and headed out the door. I walked over 3 miles that night and while I was out, another thought occurred to me: I want my body back. I want the essence of me back. If she is going to kill herself, I have to be alive for the kids. They need me. I walk in two realities now: one mourning my daughter and the other joyfully discovering myself, my youth AND the gift of raising children at my age. Life is mind bend. But I'll take it.

    I love that. Best wishes in your journey. I'm sending a friend request.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    I want ME back. I used to keep a trim figure, and I admit it wasn't easy. But I was proud of myself for doing it. I think I'm a whole lot better than I have been giving myself credit for. I want the drive and determination of the old me. That's the why. The what: get back to reversing the damage of the past 25 years.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    My "why" came when I least expected it. I had made many half-assed attempts at losing weight over the years...all the while mourning my youth slipping away and the essence of me slowing disappearing. I have shared this before on another thread so as not to bore anyone, I will give the cliff notes version: My eldest daughter has 3 children and she has been in the grips of heroin addiction for over 4 years. I am raising her children. On February 21, 2016 she came home to shower and eat, seeing her slowly kill herself is agonizing.... I was standing in front of the fridge looking for something to take my pain, if only for a moment. All of a sudden I was shutting the door and muttering to myself that the answer was not in that fridge. It was cold and rainy and dark out but I put on my coat and tennis shoes and headed out the door. I walked over 3 miles that night and while I was out, another thought occurred to me: I want my body back. I want the essence of me back. If she is going to kill herself, I have to be alive for the kids. They need me. I walk in two realities now: one mourning my daughter and the other joyfully discovering myself, my youth AND the gift of raising children at my age. Life is mind bend. But I'll take it.

    Now that is a WHY!!! Thank you for sharing and good luck on your journey. Any support I can give just let me know!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Thank you all for sharing. Now that you know your why, you can use that as motivations each and every day. Go to the gym, find an at home fitness workout, go for a wlk, whatever. Just keep moving. It will all pay off over the months to come.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Have any of you read the book called Start with Why by Simon Sinek? If not, I highly recommend it. It gives you some great perspective.


  • vlnielsen519
    vlnielsen519 Posts: 75 Member
  • Master_Butcher
    Master_Butcher Posts: 50 Member
    In terms of health, maxing out my physical potential. What could be more fun than journeying to uncharted physical territory.
  • 194to135
    194to135 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all for sharing so much, it's such a relief to see all my why's in various posts. I have lost the weight, gained it back, lost some of it, gained back more and now I am at my all-time no excuses (like pregnancy) high. I want to get dressed in the morning and feel good about the clothes. I miss clothes. My biggest fear is becoming visible. Right now, I hide myself in layers of security fat. My life is not exciting. Not that it has to be. I am in pain every day. I don't want to be. Mostly, I am tired of being scared of life. I've been broken too many times. But maybe, just maybe, I can put myself together one more time and find the life I want to live. Granted, I don't know what that looks like, but maybe, I can find it along the way. Feel free to message me if you want to. I don't think I can do it alone and maybe someone out there can't either.
  • MOMfit4life
    MOMfit4life Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you for sharing! I'm with you in this journey!
  • MOMfit4life
    MOMfit4life Posts: 46 Member
    Love this post❣
    Your whys are all inspiring!
    Most important is they are who YOU are.
    My why is because I'm ready to love 'me'
    That's it in a nutshell.
    I know I must learn to love myself.
    Thank you for walking this journey with me
  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    Because this is something i want. You're going to fail. No one said the journey would be easy, you just need to take it one day at a time. I want to be healthy, not just skinny. I want to feel comfortable in my body. I want to look into the mirror and not point out every flab. And i ultimately want to be fit for my upcoming trip. I've failed. I've failed a lot. But im here. And im trying.
  • lost_work7
    lost_work7 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm tired of being the fat person. My brother and sister are slimmer and I've always been the "chubby" sibling, or the "fat friend." I hate clothes shopping and I want to feel nice in clothing, without having to wear a jacket because I'm trying to hide some of the fat. I'm embarrassed to go out with my boyfriend sometimes because I'm afraid people are judging me since he is so much thinner than me (he loves me the way I am and would prefer I not lose weight). I know it's all in my head, but it's not just him. It's going out with my slender friends too. It's something I need to work on mentally, but weight loss will help.
  • MOMfit4life
    MOMfit4life Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you for sharing your heart and your story!
    Half battle is won when we know our battle.
    Mine is learning WHY I think/believe.
    Powerful stuff, our thoughts are!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,417 Member
    I will be honest....I'm a christian, have been since I was 19 (I'm now 62) my whole life I was afraid of the physical part of dying...my 3 older brothers would take me thru cemetary & take me to movies like the living dead, It really scarred & haunted me & I always thought it very sad to get old, so now that I'm older, the Lord is doing things in my life where my worst fears are not coming true. I got laid off from a very stressful job that I thought I'd have to be at the rest of my life, we're debt free so we can live on our small income, and I started loosing weight, not really looking for it because I ate so healthy & was active & thought my hormones kept me from loosing wt but I have lost 34 lbs so far & 25 more to go and I NEVER want to be over weight again. I eat what I normally would & new things I thought weren't good for me, I feel better in my older age, I was always so afraid of, than I have in years, so whatever time I have left ,I want to spend the time enjoying my slimmer body, helping others, loving my children & spending time with my dogs & volunterring, bless His name
  • Bigbear1990
    Bigbear1990 Posts: 2 Member
    My why is a long story. I was at 430 lbs at my heaviest and just scared to try new things. I was scared to travel, go out with new people, and even just talk to new people, my social anxiety was horrible. About two and a half years ago i finally quit smoking to get my life back on track. Then i quit drinking sodas and started to loose weight fast, something i thought was impossible. So i just kept it going and two years later i don't eat out, and i go to the gym 5 days a week. still have not had a soda and im now 180 lbs down trying new things the confidence that you get back is just astonishing. I have met so many people at the gym that is willing to help you, movate you in ways that you did not know you could be movated. So when i say my why is for me and everyone around me its true. Because i have reached alot of goals and set some new ones, but my friends at the gym when they see me cross another goal they are extremely happy and excited because they know that they had something to do with my success pushing me harder than ever before. So my why is for everyone now, to movate as much people as i can with my success and for the people that has helped me and not just for weight loss as well as trying new things.

    Just move. TNT (Try New Things).
  • UltimateTrashBae
    UltimateTrashBae Posts: 175 Member
    I'm doing this for a couple reasons. I hate the feeling of my skin touching itself. Especially in places it shouldn't. One day, I felt my chin skin touching my neck skin every time I sat down. That made me feel really, really gross.

    I'm still too fat to fit into any of my pre-pregnancy clothes. And I was pregnant 3 years ago. Sheesh, that's a long time.

    I love the praise I get when my family notices my weight loss. It's the only thing I've done to make anyone proud of me.

    I have a toddler now. He's a super rad kid and I just want to have the energy to play with him. I never want to have to tell him that I'm too big to do something.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    My why is a long story. I was at 430 lbs at my heaviest and just scared to try new things. I was scared to travel, go out with new people, and even just talk to new people, my social anxiety was horrible. About two and a half years ago i finally quit smoking to get my life back on track. Then i quit drinking sodas and started to loose weight fast, something i thought was impossible. So i just kept it going and two years later i don't eat out, and i go to the gym 5 days a week. still have not had a soda and im now 180 lbs down trying new things the confidence that you get back is just astonishing. I have met so many people at the gym that is willing to help you, movate you in ways that you did not know you could be movated. So when i say my why is for me and everyone around me its true. Because i have reached alot of goals and set some new ones, but my friends at the gym when they see me cross another goal they are extremely happy and excited because they know that they had something to do with my success pushing me harder than ever before. So my why is for everyone now, to movate as much people as i can with my success and for the people that has helped me and not just for weight loss as well as trying new things.

    Just move. TNT (Try New Things).

    Totally awesome. Such a major accomplishment. Thank you for sharing!

  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    I need to be physically fit enough to keep earning a living in my physically demanding career. I need to be strong enough to not get hurt doing it. I need to provide benefits for my family and feed them. It's either get stronger and fitter or get weaker and more vulnerable. I choose to run run run and lift lift lift, and try to stay ahead of the decline that inevitably will one day bring me down into the dirt. Till then I will never stop trying and striving to stay my most alive and well.