

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Checking in ladies. (((((hugs)))))) Doing well, down 5 lbs since last December in the TOPS books, a bit more at home because I weigh naked! They won't let me do that at the TOPS meetings dang it!

    In January I rec'd a certificate saying I had lost 3.6 lbs in January. Something for my frig to keep me on track. Then my weight buddy and I lost the most for the month! She contributed 1 lb, and I did the 3.6 so a certificate saying we lost 4.6 together. Some MORE frig art! Yeah me!

    Today husband and I drove to Portland OHSU for his ERCP procedure taking out a stent and putting new ones in. We started our trek at 4:30AM, procedure at 9AM and then home by 1:30PM. It has been a long day, and even though he is napping now, I am staying up so I will tumble into bed when the time comes. I drove home, roads were dry but really windy and bone cold. The car was being pushed around, so by the time I got home my right hand was cramped up! I was gripping that wheel!

    Sorry I haven't been posting more, but I am logging my food, and husband is on the computer so my Amazon Fire doesn't get the internet all the time.
    Be good all!

    Question: when I am calculating the nutritional info to have my daily logging be 50% carbs, 20% protein, and 30% fats, I am always trying to drum up more fat and protein for my dinner meals. Tell me some "pure proteins". Presently I eat chicken, some beef, nuts, beans, some salmon when I can afford it, but I have a hard time reaching that 20%!!

    Love Becca
    from Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    just reposted this because I had put it in January's thread ooops!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Great job Lacruiser – I eased off the wine habit by cutting the wine in half with fizzy water

    Sue – happy to trade poms for pecans

    Betty – in a previous life I taught adults to swim, and a good coach could help but if she can’t find one - I would recommend starting by sitting on the side of the pool at the deep end, and move closer and closer until she can sit with feet in so she begins to break the negative thoughts… How good were her swimming skills before? I can outline a few other steps if she is interested.

    Re - I do make pom juice, and pom margaritas and martinis, and pom molasses….

    Allie – going into this with counseling and your eyes wide open is good. I’m sending good thoughts to you! So what I heard in your post about your paycheck, was not the 2/3 (although that is a lot) it was the lack of trust that he has that you will spend it “frivolously” Lets see in the time I have known you maybe the most frivolous thing I have heard is some candy for HIS father’s care givers… but I certainly feel that spending money/time on a girlfriend on the side of a marriage qualifies as FRIVOLOUS…..

    Heather – glad you’re home safe and sound, and are feeling better.

    Kate – that is a beautiful coat!!!!

    Lisa – so glad that a broken wrist is all that happened, with a 5 foot drop to a concrete floor….

    January Goals:
    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…this was for nov. but still working on it. Jan. still working on this….**** GET THIS DONE******* NOT done but got 2 cards from others this month LOL

    Read and report on a book –no
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.no
    11,000 + steps everyday –yes
    Work on water consumption –no
    Lunch with Kyle -no

    Ok That is an eye opener! I failed January…. So I get to repeat the month with the exact same goals….


    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Here are my new simple shoes.[img]https://us.v-cdn.net/5021879/uploads/editor/x1/f35yk4u6nz8s.jpeg[/in .never thought I would be wearing Velcro closure shoes.[/img]
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Cute shoes, Joyce!
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hey gals,

    Re - Yes, I checked my blood sugar! Thanks for checking up on me. My doctor wants me to do it 2 hours after my biggest meal. This month I am trying to make that lunch as much as possible. My sugar was 106 two hours after my lunch. It's amazing what cutting carbs down and upping fat and protein will do. Thankfully my A1c is normal even when I have been eating like crazy. I'm really blessed to be on a very low dose of Metformin. My goal is to never, never have to go on insulin. If it's okay with you I'll give you all a report each day. That will make me accountable.

    Elissa - It sounds like you have had many challenges lately. This is a great group for support and encouragement.

    Other Newbies - You are in a terrific place for support, accountability, and friendship.

    Heather - So glad you are home safe and sound (and lighter!)

    Beth - I think chocolate becomes extra aggressive in February. It thinks it is "all that". Resist, girl, resist!

    Barbie - Bess sounds like a real love!

    Marni - Where are you my quirky friend? Hope you didn't meet up with an unfriendly moose!

    We are short handed at work right now so I am doing a double shift on Saturday (basketball league day). What was I


    2hourPP blood sugar - 106; Blood Pressure - 122/67
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: It is good that you are safely home. Yay! One of the best things about travel is how much it helps us appreciate home. :wink:

    Scubabumm57: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. My best advice is to count calories in and calories out. (CICO) Make sure you are eating fewer calories than you are burning through exercise and you will lose weight. To do this, you will need to measure your portions and log every bite and swallow. It works, but it doesn't work quickly. To get weight off and keep it off most of us have to adopt a new, more active lifestyle. If we can do it, so can you. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: Not killing a whining husband is definitely a huge NSV! Keep up the good work! :devil:

    Joyce: The new shoes look great & very feminine. I hope they feel as good as they look. :smiley:

    DH and I both got in time on the recumbent bike in the living room today. YAY! I'm good at getting my body in gear and exercising. Today is DH's second day in a row!!!! I am not being sarcastic. I am very pleased to see him doing something that benefits his health other than simply taking medicine.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Hey now....

    Joyce - shhhhh...don't tell me that......if I can manage to lose 54 lbs in about 7 months I should get pretty darn close to my goal. I'm starting February with 92 lbs left and a full 11 months to do it, my calculator says that's 8.36363636 and so on per month. Sure it's a lofty goal but I have to challenge myself or I won't even come close. I haven't been eating my exercise calories back and I've been keeping my carb count under control which is my biggest problem. And with doing a little house cleaning everyday for these folks, plus my steps and my PT exercises I will burn about 845 calories each day if not more. With my 1100 calorie goal intake, 845 calories output and my BMR of roughly 1850 calories I should have no problem at least getting close to my goal. So for now that goal stands.

    Katla - I'm as happy as can be expected! I do still have my really sad moments, like when I look at Missy's pic. But I try to keep in mind she will one day be with me again.

    Leggings......ummm, no......picture that big 5lb blob of fat in the plastic wrapped in those loud leggings! That would be me, lol. Think I'll wait to get my svelt legs back like I had in high school. Then maybe!

    Housework is done, daily walking is done, and I am watching "Setup" with Bruce Willis on Tubi TV. This Roku is great! Well, I'm gonna get off this thing but first here's some memes for everybody, enjoy......


    OK, I'm outtie! Love you all!! Peace!

    Sherry in "Bruce Willis Ville"

  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    edited February 2017

    Geeze!!! Ladies .. I step away for a couple of days and it takes days to get caught up!! LOL .. what a great chatty group. Lots of interesting stories! I clearly missed a bunch of stuff. I will hope to get all caught up with you by the weekend.

    Still working the WOE fairly successfully. The body count is still piling up at work and we have two more quitting. The rats are leaving the ship! Our manager just plain sucks which is a major part of the problem.
    Another farewell pot-luck tomorrow and I'm in charge of the cake. I got the biggest one I could find from Costco - a buttercream with chocolate mousse filling - it typically will disappear in less than 15 min!!! (staff of 45) Sugar!! *ssssiiiiiiggggghhhhhhh*


    Been absent a couple of days due to this autoimmune skin condition I have that goes along with the other autoimmune crappolla I have (type 2 diabetes, plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis) - its called Hidranitis suppurativa (what a mouth full!). My aunt on my dad's side of the family wound up dying from a secondary infection caused by the same condition - however she had it much much worse than what I cope with. The cysts are very painful and I'm either icing them, soaking in the bath in epsom salt (LOVE epsom salt!) or using a hot pad on them. Because they typically occur in my armpits or between the legs - it makes sitting at work all day a whole new kind of torture. Luckily, I've learned to manage them over the years (since I was about 17) and I can usually get them to settle down in about 4-5 days.

    Hubs and I are going to do "Date Nights" now like some of you suggested. We'll call them pay-day Friday's - so we are headed back to the Olive Garden tomorrow night for soup and salad :-) yayyyyyyyy!!!

    Sad news on the moose front - two city moose were found murdered in town this past week - some *kitten* thought it would be fun to drive-by-shoot them. Its heart breaking. Sadly the crime here in Anchorage is high for the size of the population, and the number of gangs has really grown over the past 15 yrs. Bad boys escaping the scene from the lower 48 come to Alaska to escape their crime fueled lives - only to discover all of the other bad boys did too :-(

    “Hello new people!” - Nice to meet you!!

    My word for 2017 is “Mindfulness” .. age 51, -28 lbs, 50 to go! 1200 cal/day

    Marni in Alaskatif5a5u99oca.gif

    This is me over the last 5 days..
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Marni sorry about the senseless killing of your moose.
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Oh yeah....

    Joyce - no animals unfortunately, he's allergic, but they do have an awesome fish tank in the living room. I guess that might count as animals....lol!

    RE - I know, how lucky can I get? A neat freak cleaning for neat freaks! I love it, I clean just like it was my own home and so far they seem very pleased with my work. Of course everything is spotless but I still clean it anyway to keep everything that way. I'm getting the feeling that this might be the perfect place to transition to my own place from when the time comes. Eventually I will have to move on but for now I really like this place and the people.

    DJ - I actually DO feel safer here than I did even at the shelters. I think this was a good move.

    Michele - thanks dear!

    Got to see some of Marni's state, Alaska, in a documentary on Giant Grizzlies earlier this evening. Marni, yoohoo, I'm jealous! What a beautiful state you live in!

    OK, now I'm really outtie! Good night ya'll, sweet dreams! Love you all! Peace!

    Sherry in "Yay for educational TV!"
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    joyce, love the shoes! I have to admit I wasn't expecting them to be so cute.

    Re, I am reading your knee stories with much interest. I've got to make me an appointment. My left knee, which is the one hurting at the moment, is also part of a "short leg."

    Michelle, I say this with much love. You are way pickier than I am. Anything they do landscape wise is going to look better than what we have. I'm sure I will be pleased. I have seen your river rock. Your place is Better Homes and Gardens eligible. Mine - nah!

    Sherry, it does my heart good to see you posting and happy.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Marni :'(
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member

    Got to see some of Marni's state, Alaska, in a documentary on Giant Grizzlies earlier this evening. Marni, yoohoo, I'm jealous! What a beautiful state you live in!

    Sherry in "Yay for educational TV!"

    Sherry - I'm sure you would love it .. Kodiak Island where I was married is beautiful too .. that's where the biggest bears in north america live and where my hubby used to hunt. He said when he killed a deer it was like ringing a dinner bell for those bears. They would bear down on you and pick up the deer like it was a dog toy, and run off with it! Even after being here 16+ years the views never stop being jaw dropping. There is however a saying about the men up here "The odds are good, the goods are odd."
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    ...just fell head first into a container of dark chocolate almond hearts ... dang ...

    Oh, Beth, you gonna be ok? Ha! <3

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2017
    Becca, we miss you boat loads when you are gone so long!! Great big (((hug)))

    Janetr OKC
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Here I am again. I keep forgetting to tell you about my new Rx insurance from work. My last prescription was a whole 40 cents! And I asked what it would cost me for a Shingles shot which would have been $200+ from my old insurance plan is going to be FREE! This plan has no deductible for Rx. My last plan I would have to have paid $6700 before they paid anything on prescriptions.

    I'm going to have to start putting in applications again because the end of June is when this position ends and it will be here before you know it. I want to have another job waiting so I am not out of work looking for another position.

    I am now yawning which means I might be ready for sleep so good night everyone!

    gloria in wa 513089dttmkwara0.jpg
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Becca - so good to hear from you!

    Hot flash of epic proportions (for me anyway). Just had some frozen grapes. Will check in here and then try to get to bed again.

    Marni - :(:(:(

    drkatiebug - I honestly don't think that it's pickey. One thing, and I REALLY stressed this, was that I wanted plants that bloomed early in the season. I told him that's why I hated the crepe myrtle -- it doesn't bloom until august. So what do I get? Plants that don't bloom at all. I had him put down grass seed on one small area (we have more, but I wanted to see his work first). When the spring arrived, I called to ask him when the plants were going to bloom. I was told "I have to go home and see what it is I put in". That's reasonable. Only I never got so much as a courtesy call saying "they'll bloom xxx or I made a mistake they won't bloom". Nothing. I asked him about these thick blades in with the grass (I'm totally ignorant about landscaping so had no idea). I was told "that's weeds from the straw, that's why I wanted to put down sod but you wanted to go the cheap way and use seed". I'm sorry, but there's never an excuse to call someone cheap. You may think it to yourself, but you don't call that to their faces. Just about everything else I could probably live with, but I am so, so disappointed that I didn't get plants the bloom early. I stressed that so highly. It's almost as if he called his nursery, told them the location of where he'd be putting the plants, not mentioning that they needed to be something that bloomed early, and took their suggestions. Of course, they'd suggest things that they had in stock.

    Gloria - fantastic prices on the prescriptions.

    Michele in NC
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Caminogirl - the Dan Robertson book sounds intriguing.
    Rita - love the yoga stretches photo; I wish I was that supple
    Re - I can totally imagine thinking "alert the media" if Bill said that.
    Yvonne/Katla - the reward and fun goal ideas are inspiring
    Janettr - love the leggings
    Gloria: your insurance sounds great. When I visit the US, I have to pay my bills and get reimbursed. Two years ago, I was prescribed two creams for a psoriasis outbreak. The pharmacist announced that would be $450 for one and $650 for the other. I said, ratherly loudly in front of a long line, "That is highway robbery! Outrageous!" The pharmacist, flustered, said that she did have a reduction card that might help. The first prescription magically went down to $65 and the second down to $350. Evidentally the difference is what they bilk the insurance companies for.