

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :) We have snow here this morning. Bess went out before breakfast and seemed to be OK with it. More will be revealed when we go for our long walk after breakfast.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • melaniecostello921
    barbiecat wrote: »

    A new month always feels like a clean slate for me--a chance to make a new beginning. I hope you'll join me in this adventure.

    If you made any goals or resolutions for January, how did you do?

    If you've made any goals or resolutions for February, please share them with us.

    If you have a loved one who wants to give you a meaningful gift for Valentine's Day, consider making a list that includes such non-food items as leggings, yoga pants, exercise DVD's, dumbbells, or ankle weights.

    This journey is more fun and more satisfying when done with like minded companions. You'll find lots of us on this thread.

    Don't forget to bookmark this thread so you can find it again.

    winter-cold-smiley-emoticon.gif Barbie from chilly NW Washington

    Resolutions for January: (with end of the month comments)
    *assemble the necessary papers and numbers to prepare 2016 income tax return (only one document missing)
    *meditate daily, increasing time gradually (yes)
    *do physical therapy exercises daily (twice a week, not nearly good enough)
    *act the way I want to feel (yes)

    February Resolutions:
    *mail income tax documents to the accountant
    *meditate daily
    *do physical therapy exercises twice a week
    *act the way I want to feel

    My word for 2017 is "balance".

  • melaniecostello921
    January didn't go well for me. I was good at hitting my goals of exercise and food intake but my weight loss is zero. I don't know how to look forward to February. What's the point if my body just won't respond. What do I need to do differently? Why is this so ridiculously hard? Is 1500 calories a day still too much? I don't know how to be an overweight woman over 50.

  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi Melanie. Don't get discouraged. Do you weigh all of your food? I was surprised by how much the scale helped. I found I had been eating more than I thought.
  • frannieshack
    frannieshack Posts: 327 Member
    Good morning,
    New to the group.
    February goals:
    Weigh myself (I haven't weighed myself since October)
    Log in current weight
    Log in every day
    Keep to my weekly calorie goal
    Lose 2 pounds

    I am tracking a weekly calorie goal because I like to have a glass of wine and splurge a little on the weekends. I am hoping that if I allow myself this, that I will be able to stick to it during the week, and have long term success. I do not have a lot to lose (10 maybe), but I need to stop the upward trend that I was on last year. This year we (my boyfriend and I) are planning a beach trip with a group of his married friends. I want to make him proud, and myself of course.

    Well, the Superbowl was a little crazy for me. We went to a restaurant, always a dangerous decision. I added it all up, gulp! But at least when I look at my weekly calories, I did not go over my maintenance calorie total, so I avoided any gain. How about you all? How did you do yesterday?
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,968 Member
    edited February 2017

    Official weekly weigh in 183.6 down .2 since last Monday. Bad week with salt

    Squats, stretches, cardio.... null.. lazy day again
    Steps: Apple Watch 5381. Fitbit 4416
    Breathe app 1
    Water 9.5 cups

    Going to look at RVs today just for giggles.

    Rita in CT

    Ps, squat challenge I started runs 9 weeks. Final day you do 314 in one day! I am up to week 3 ....day 1, 77 squats...2, 88 squats, 3-98 squats. Phew!
  • jlseaman13
    jlseaman13 Posts: 10 Member
    Hit rock bottom when I woke up feeling like garbage, then stepped on the scale. Sigh. Decided to get back on track and logged in only to find my son has been back on here for 8 days! It will help to have some encouragement. This does not get easier as we age. Glad to see others succeeding. Hoping I do also.
  • Brady1965
    Brady1965 Posts: 4 Member
    HI Ladies! Thought I would join your thread, if that's okay!?
    I fired up my FitnessPal acct again with a couple of goals.

    I live in Vermont with my BF and our Boxer. I lift weights, love to Fat Tire Bike in the snow, walk our dog on our 200 acres.

    I'm 51 and would like to loose 6lbs and some fat%

    I'm at 136, 23% Fat 21 BMI
    I did 45 mins of elliptical this am burned 341 cals.

    I'm hoping to make time to check in daily with all of you, hopefully to encourage you and me.

    Great game last night, unbelievable Pats pulled it off!
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Welcome to everyone new! I look forward to getting to know you.

    Sherry: Love the memes

    Marni: Congrats on the football pool win!

    Janetr: Daffodils! I've got serious spring envy. I'll have to wait until April before we see any here.

    Sarah: I love the Canadian temperature chart. I hadn't see it before. LOL!

    Pip: Bea - u - ti - ful.... I wouldn't be riding a bike in it but I should would enjoy having a cup of coffee on the deck :)

    Kate: Wow that's a big daily increase! I'd be worried about the 30 days too!

    Kelly: I liked the insta pot too. Getting used to being a wife and a new mommy requires a huge amount of effort and new priorities. I'm sure you did the best you could at the time.

    Lillian: Enjoy those southern Californian steps :)

    My pork roast turned out well but maybe a bit overcooked as I left it on warm for a couple of hours. I added green peas, rice and gravy for supper. I'll have to get better with timing. Experimenting to commence :)

    Have a great day ladies!

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

    Carey - Northern Alberta
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the people coming to see your home fall in love with it and make a fair offer. :heart:

    Allison: We are not football fans but we watched the Super Bowl. You missed an amazing ending. I suspect you'll be able to find it online. :smiley:

    Sarah: I love "Meanwhile in Canada!" :bigsmile:

    Pip: Love the 4 am photo of your yard. "Purdy" indeed! :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday one of our hummingbird feeders fell off of the window where we keep it. I put it back first thing this morning, and a little girl Anna Hummingbird landed on the perch closest to me and began drinking while I was taking my hand away. I love those little birds. :heart:

    Most of the snow is gone! YAY!!!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying that DH gets to have his eye surgery Wednesday morning.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • TravelGurrl
    TravelGurrl Posts: 19 Member
    Good morning all and happy Monday!

    Just a quick check-in... I think I'm going to have a very busy week ahead of me.
    Pup when to the vet yesterday because of a sore on his paw... now he's in a cone! I'm running home a couple of times a day from work to make sure he's okay and not stuck somewhere in the house!

    Pip: Love the snow pics - of course I don't have to live or drive in it.
    Allison: I watched the SB up until halftime and then flipped it over to the Puppy Bowl. Boy, the ending WAS a surprise!

    Margaret and others who asked about my knee replacement: No, the surgery isn't immediately imminent. Doctor wants to start with some shots first. But yes, XRays indicate it's bone on bone so I will eventually need to have the surgery. I personally want to lose some weight first to help make the recovery easier. If that's not a motivator, I don't know what is!

    Have a great week everyone - stay warm (if you're cold) and healthy (if you're not feeling well) :smiley:

  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Love that Canadian temp chart! Gave me a laugh that I needed this morning...for some reason my coffee and yogurt decided it wanted to make a repeat appearance in bodypump class. Didn't throw up but it was close--blecch. I think I just got hot.

    Pip, all this time I've been picturing you on a Harley! Do u have snow tires on that bike?? Brrr.

    Going to put the dark wax on the mirror this morning...almost done with it. Then will move on to the wine cabinet.

    I ended up going way over my calorie limit yesterday, so need to be sparing today.

    To the FL condo owner, I would have a conversation with the HOA and/or your property management company. If this flooding has happened more than once there are issues that need to be resolved. I sympathize with your frustration. The HOA has a vested interest in resolving this so it won't keep costing them $$. Good luck!

    Nancy D in sunny Delray Beach
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Kate- I am doing a 30 squat challenge also. I added a 30 day plank challenge, 30 day crunch challenge, and a 30 day jumping jack challenge. It gives me a good 15 minute routine in the morning.
    I can't do anything that involves jumping or getting on the floor. I do HIIT on the bike and the rower at the gym and do Kettlebell workouts at home

    Kate UK
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    See pictures of beautiful snow and remember days of early years before climate change. If you don't believe move to Minnesota, last 5 years February 40,s no snow, very scary. We used to have a wonderful winter carnival, great ice and snow sculptures, they melt and no snow. Having weather more like KC. Will be nice for hosting the super bowl next year!! Great game last eve, wow who thought at halftime. Lady gaga sure did a fab act, that energy! I don't think I ever moved like that. How many chicken wings, pizza, dips and chips eaten yesterday? We had low cal popcorn, baked chicken and carrots, really not the same. Have a great day, I'm going out to sun bath! Always Gayle Minneapolis. Hi Margaret you have to agree this weather is scary. Mary still cold and snowy north??
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    Love that Canadian temp chart! Gave me a laugh that I needed this morning...for some reason my coffee and yogurt decided it wanted to make a repeat appearance in bodypump class. Didn't throw up but it was close--blecch. I think I just got hot.

    Pip, all this time I've been picturing you on a Harley! Do u have snow tires on that bike?? Brrr.

    Going to put the dark wax on the mirror this morning...almost done with it. Then will move on to the wine cabinet.

    I ended up going way over my calorie limit yesterday, so need to be sparing today.

    To the FL condo owner, I would have a conversation with the HOA and/or your property management company. If this flooding has happened more than once there are issues that need to be resolved. I sympathize with your frustration. The HOA has a vested interest in resolving this so it won't keep costing them $$. Good luck!

    Nancy D in sunny Delray Beach

    nope, bicycle rider, no snow tires.. not brr. i'm pretty toasty when i ride
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    JANET ~ Thanks for your 10 second thought because I just went through that with my sister. Everything that I have suggested or tried to get done with my mom's house, she has said "NO" to. I am so frustrated.

    PIP ~ Your outside photos of the snow and lights are lovely.