

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a fasting blood sugar blood draw this morning. Home now and having my oatmeal and coffee.I lost another .4 lbs! Slowly getting it done.

    Had a wonderful book club meeting at the library last night. We discussed the book The Girl on the Train. Lively discussion! Have to run back to the library because I left my water bottle there by accident.
    Also have to go to the post office today.

    In between I will get in my daily steps and do some strength training at home here. Making a new dinner tonight involving spaghetti squash. Will share recipe if it turns out good.will add a salad to the dinner.

    We got our daughter her plane tickets to come visit us in TX. She hasn't been yet. Since she works from home she won't have to take the entire week off. Flying her into Houston so can spend some time with our son at his apt. Long story about their relationship for another time. It will be forced visiting in order to make mom and dad happy. So it will be!!

    Promises to be another hot day here.

    Take care ladies!

    College Station, TX

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75, 5X5X 85
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR-1X5X 75

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-25X7X 30

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    Day 4-the keto sticks shows I am definitely in ketosis. I lost another .2 pounds today. Bringing the total since Sunday to –2.8 pounds. Thanks for all the sharing of recipes! And all the information from the people that have been on this type of eating plan for a while.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Diary - I wanted to point out to people that may be looking at my diary that I generally do a 19:5 fast. This is where I eat during a five hour window of time. I started this over a year ago because of my Lymes disease. It is supposed to be a long enough time between eating for your body to rid itself of dead and dying cells. This promotes the regeneration of healthy cells that are needed to combat the Lymes disease. So, all the food that you see in my breakfast lunch and dinner slot is actually eaten during a five hour time period Not really definite meals. I start eating at around 3 o'clock until 8 o'clock. I love this way of eating for me because I am a nighttime snacker and this works out really well for my eating style.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,396 Member

    Those of you with home exercise equipment, how many of you have an elliptical - do you prefer it over a treadmill or instead of? Or both? Pro's and con's?

    Many years ago we had a treadmill which was great to hang clothing on. I see elliptical at the gym but haven't tried one yet...but will next time I'm there and they aren't busy (normally every one is taken!)

    Thank you!

    SW WA State
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Sharon in Canada. Awe, everyone is different and have their own personal space specifications. I suppose living in Japan for 7 years has something to do with it. Absolutely no personal bubbles there! I have a theory that I meet a new person every day. (Just now in this laundromat I talked to a guy that we see walk daily to the mini mart that is next door to the laundromat. 86 yrs. Old bless his heart!
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Jolene -
    jolenec1 wrote: »
    OK, so I will give you a giggle at my expense for the day. I was sleeping so well this morning. I had only slept two hours the night before. I was dreaming it was the weekend and we could sleep late....then the alarm went off... its 5:00 a.m. I rolled over and asked my husband why he set the alarm. He says, "so I can get up to go to work":. I said, "its Sunday you goof ball" ! Then he says, "are you alright?". I sat up and looked at him, and said, "Yes, are you?" He said, "Yeah, but its Tuesday". Much to my dismay, I realized I woke up addled. So I went back to bed until time to get up for work.

    I finally get to work, looking like a frayed dust bunny out of the back of someone's closet and get to the office fairly unobserved by the other people in the building. I get settled down and dry out. Then my husband calls while on his break to check on me. Apparently, I freaked him out this morning when I "didn't know what day it was". According to him, I am always on top of it and he was worried something was wrong with me. Golly, a girl can't have an off day without everybody thinking the cheese has slid off the cracker.

    I have had days when I lost track of which day it was. Most times I can get it straight, but I really hate it when it throws me off for the remainder of the week. Like the time I woke up on a Thursday thinking it was Saturday. I thought it was Saturday for 2 full days before it was actually Saturday. Of course, I blame my jobless state on that incident. Easier to get back on track when you have to go to an office.

    Thanks for my morning giggle. I'm still grinning at "thinking the cheese has slid off the cracker." Never heard that phrase before and am planning on using it often.

    Yinka - those cuff links are gorgeous.

    Mia in MI
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Charleen - interesting article, thanks for sharing

    Mary - sounds like you found a good regime for dealing with your Lyme disease. I was diagnosed with it about 20 years ago, before it was very common here in our part of France. I was bitten by a tick visiting family in North Carolina. It was low on my back, so I did not see the rash. By the time I returned home I had forgotten all about it. Two months later, I started having ocular migraines, beautiful light shows that lasted a few minutes at a time. My optometrist didn't find anything. Then I started getting a strange pain in my back and went to my generalist. I just happened to mention the migraines and he asked immediately if I had been bitten by a tic. He ordered a test, which came back positive. A month of heavy antibiotics later, I was free of symptoms. I am very grateful that he was an amazing diagnotician. Lyme disease is now very common in our area. Out of twelve neighbors at a dinner a few weeks ago, three had had the disease and we have another neighbor who had to retire on disability, because his was not diagnosed until the disease was very advanced.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good morning friends,

    I am struggling with some issues with hubby today. Determined to not let it derail me. Busy day ahead - haircut, chiropractor, grocery store. (That's not busy for you, Michelle, but it is for me!) Tomorrow I am finally getting back in the pool. Made a "date" to meet a friend and go together so I won't back out.

    Marni, Sherry, and more - enjoying the jokes, stories and memes that bring a smile and chuckle to my day!

    Karen - your new little guy is in my prayers.

    Katla - It will be so good to get this surgery behind you.

    Rita - hope the day goes better for you.

    Toni in Tennessee

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,312 Member
    The viewing went well, but they are people who already live in the village and their house isn't even on the market. It is being valued next week. ;) That would prolong the chain a lot. Oh well, we will see. We are getting a lot of pressure from our vendor's agent. Can't blame them. :*

    We did a nice big shop and I got DH a Valentine's card. I've already ordered him a little present from Amazon. I bought my two white t shirts. Only £6.50 each. Loads of veg, fish and meat. And DH found the frozen leaf spinach. Bought two bags. :D

    Was feeling a bit blah, but that's normal for me after a holiday.

    Trout fillets tonight with mushy peas and loads of asparagus. All the way from Peru. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    had to work late, then stop at Costco, then dinner, then HAD to catch "This is Us" - so it put me to 9:00 to do any exercise. but I drug myself up to do it! Did a light weight workout for shoulders, biceps and triceps - can't go heavy right now due to dislocating my shoulder - but it's getting a bit better and stronger.

    Had another blizzard last night, but looks like a bit of sun trying hard to peek through today.

    Psycho cat woke us up 3 times during the night, so dragging today. Also have grandson tonight, so will have to FORCE a workout again! haha Have a great day everyone!

    Tammy in Montana
  • jbrinker23
    jbrinker23 Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm enjoying the stories and the humor! Yesterday was a beautiful almost-70 degrees...today, we're back to the 30's! If you don't like the weather in MO, just wait a minute!! Have a fabulous day everyone!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited February 2017
    Tammy in Montana, oh I love"This Is Us". It doesn't really seem like a series just getting a glimpse of a family. All the characters are so multi-dimensional. I have a goal for this month to go to bed with husband at the same time he does, so I am going to watch it today. Don't tell me what's gonnsa happen (la-la LA can't hear youuu)!!

    Today we travel with teenager to Longview Wa. For his DEP meeting. Suppose to rain most of the afternoon.

    Our eldest son called us last night from GREECE! He is stationed on an aircraft carrier and presently not liking it. He started out in the Navy working on helicopters, and now works with jets. He isn't really keen with all the lines. It takes hours to get anything done, whether it's getting lunch, or getting off the ship. All the ships tours were filled before they even arrived to Greece. As a sailor, he can't leave the ship without a "buddy". And these buddies have to go to the same place you go to. My husband never had to do that, and could just explore freely ports his ships went to. Changing times in the Navy.

  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    Becca - it's just the best show right?! I LOVE the characters! I won't give any spoilers, but we may need to chat after you watch it!

    What is DEP meeting?

    My thanks to your family for its service. I grew up in the Air Force - my mom and dad were both A.F. - dad marine before a career in AF - and many military family members. and yes, changing times!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • starr68
    starr68 Posts: 62 Member
    Good afternoon all.
    I was not on yesterday and just can't read through ALL the posts at this time.. but man there are some inspiring people in here!
    I am soooo excited that I get to order my elliptical machine tomorrow. Hubby gets his bonus then .. woohoo.
    I am currently doing the Acti-labs 7 day shred as a kick start to my weight loss and am happy to report that I am so far down 3.4 lbs this week. This is only a temporary kick start and I know that I will gain a bit of it back but it is teaching me to eat a little healthier!!
    I hope everyone has an amazing day!!

    Starr in Ontario
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I love This is us also. Love how they give you todays characters then you go back in time and see why they are who they are. Then you see them doing something in the present and they go back to understand who they are. I don't think I have ever seen Kate's boyfriend in his early life though. I just really love the main couple and how they are so deeply in love and both work so hard on it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    Starr in Ontario - what is Acti-labs 7 day shred? is it like one of those weight loss detox or shake/supplement plans? Yah for your own elliptical! that will be sweet!