
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Good morning!

    Quiet day today. Going to make a big chilli to have with roasted cauliflower and freeze the rest. I love "banking"food. :D Hope my windy system can cope with beans and cauliflower! ;)

    Also reading newspaper day. The Saturday edition is the only one I read. I like the TV guide and can plan my foreign film ordering. I have four more episodes of a German series coming in the post from Lovefilm today. I also note down any new books coming out for future reference. I keep a notebook by the side of the sofa.

    Bon voyage Karen!

    Allie - Sounds like nothing has changed and nothing is going to change unless you change it. Why should he change? He likes bullying and demeaning you.

    Lots of love to all. Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    <3Allie, I'm sorry things haven't changed with Tom.
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    edited February 2017
    Well, I'm up much earlier then I'd typically be on a Saturday. Haven't had a chance to be on the last couple of days. Enjoyed a few minutes to catch up.

    Thursday was better foodwise for me but got very little exercise in. Yesterday was a great day for exercise because we took a field trip and I surpassed my goals but eating wasn't good art all.

    The reason I'm up so early is I got a call just after 4:30 a.m. that a church member is in the process of passing away in an out of town hospital. I'm waiting for the rest of my familyv to be up to head out on the three hour drive to be with them.

    Thanks everyone for the encouraging words and warm welcome.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    edited February 2017
    Lisa- you can cook large quantities of brown rice and freeze suitable portions. It only has to be microwaved or dunked in boiling water for 30 seconds. You can keep it in the fridge, but not for more than a day. Rice is a notorious breeder of bacteria. My son does a multi grain in 20 mins in his Instant Pot as a pressure cooker and then uses it for lots of meals. Before Christmas I cooked loads of dried chick peas and froze portions. :D

    Reading the newspaper and catching up with my recorded tv still. I should do something more useful, but I CAN'T BE BOTHERED,! :D My chilli is cooking. <3

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    Allie take care.

    Ginger love picture of mom.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Allie, has he gone to counseling with you like he promised? If not, set up appointment with lawyer/mediator and send a real scare into him. He doesn't think you will ever go through with kicking him out. Show him you mean business. He changes ..... or you do.

    Shoveled snow for 90 min yesterday
    Did 98 squats and 15 min yoga too!

    Rita from CT

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Kelly Coffee Meyers Ready Stop Go DVD. I wasn't impressed with this DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Floor Burn DVD which is pilates.

    I'm supposed to lector at the church tomorrow. Why she put me on for a Sunday is beyond me.

    Went to go see the play "Hamlet" last night. The guy who played Hamlet did a really good job of portraying Hamlet and how he was mentally.

    Becca - you never cease to put a smile on my face. "Your own noodle"....lol

    tammy - as you can see, I like to try all sorts of different things so popsecret sounds good to me. I know that we can get uTube downstairs in the exercise room, I just need to find out how to do it.

    Keri - in one of my deep water classes we knelt on the noodle while doing something (I forget what) with our arms. Boy, was that a core workout!

    About doing low carb: for anyone who has done it, that just covers processed carbs, right? Not fruits and veges?

    Ginger - your mother looks great. You must get her genes

    pitegny - when my cheek begins to hurt, I am pretty sure it's sinuses. So I just take a decongestant. When that happened the first time, I went to the dentist. Even tho I was pg at the time, he took an xray and determined that it was, in fact, sinuses. I would never have thought, but now I know that it does

    Kristina - you ARE part of a really special community.

    Sherry - loved the busted can of biscuits. And so true

    katla - I go to class for yoga and also do it at home. Sometimes you really need someone to just correct your form. When I go to the gym in the morning, it's the same way, most of the people are past 40 or stay-at-home moms.

    Alison - I was hoping that there was aa change in Tom. Maybe there is...just give it a little time

    Heather - I didn't know you could freeze rice! Well...I usually only make a small portion at a time anyway. But that's good to know.

    This gal didn't know that Newcomers had plates/cups/napkins in supply so she bought some for the Wine & Design. Think I'll go to WalMart and return the unopened items. I'll give the cash to Vince, then we can just issue her a check. I took the forks for Hopsitality and I'll give the spoons for the gal who keeps the social supplies. Then I'll probably go to Ollies since I have a 15% off coupon, I'll see if there's anything that I'd like.

    Michele in NC
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 477 Member
    Accountability Post Progress update of my Feb goals.

    ✔1. Log and COMPLETE the entry daily.
    ✔2. No eating after 9pm.
    ✔3. Fiber 30g daily
    ✔4. Walk 30 active Fitbit minutes daily.
    5. Declutter clothes, books, office supplies.
    6. In bed by midnight.

    I would've been in bed by midnight - if I had done my walking earlier. Took a late bath and in bed by 1am. Really happy to cut out the late night snacking. It was quickly becoming a bad habit. And it was always something sugary. Slept well last night... and might go back to bed. It sure felt good and I don't feel done with it yet! No big plans today. DH and DM90 still sleeping... so it's tempting to stay up and have some quiet me time.

    Have a great day folks! I'll be back later.
    -- Ginger in Texas
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pdboys1999
    pdboys1999 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for your post. I enjoyed the quote. My goal is going to be called "The New Normal" I am ready to start ahealthy lifestyle again. I had significant life changes last year and ended gaining 20 pounds back. I need to lose that plus the final 30 I had to lose at the beginning of 2016. So 50 to go. But with my new attitude and support system I've got this and it's going to happen.
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Good Saturday morning to all, I caught up on my reading and wish everyone well. Jack and I are still in AZ and will be home on Monday. We're glad we missed the snow in the Pacific Northwest but miss home and especially miss our sweetie, Ella.. (our dog). This ten days has been great for walking and hiking but my eating hasn't been healthy like when I'm home. I'll see the damage when I weigh on Friday. :-)... Have a great weekend everyone.
    Barbie, the dog coats are beautiful! and practical.
    Allie, thinking of you and hoping you are safe. Betsy from NW Washington
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Happy Saturday,

    Stats for today:
    Treadmill 60 min @425K
    Strength training 30 min @ 150
    Leslie Sansone x 93 min = 3 miles @ 600k
    Total burn: 1175

    Got some tomato sauce in the slow cooker and about to have lunch. Then rest and reading for the day, my reward for my workout!
    Have a great day everyone.
    <3 Sarah, Ontario, Canada
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    There is a saying fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.
  • Jaja99
    Jaja99 Posts: 21 Member
    Karen in VA, Your sweet Olivia is in my prayers. Hope your trip goes well.

    Carey, I love the quote. It really fits my work stress right now.

    Charlene- I missed my license renewal a few years ago. They changed the date from the last day of your birthday month to your actual birthday. I didn’t know that and my grandson was in the hospital after a major surgery so I didn’t go until about 5 days too late. Anyway, since I missed the date I had to show my birth certificate. The supervisor decided my birth certificate was a fake and insisted they spelled Cincinnati wrong. They didn’t, but I didn’t have a way to prove it right there. She also said the seal was too flat. Um, probably because it was 50 years old. I had to send off for a new birth certificate even though she could have looked it up in the computer and seen that I had a license in that state and only in that state since I was 16. Funny thing was, I used that old birth certificate a couple of years later to get a passport with no questions at all.

    Yinka, loved your cufflinks. Have fun with the quilting! I enjoy it.

    Sarah, good luck with the new job. Sometimes change is so exciting!

    Heather UK- wow, what a trip you had. Glad you are better now.

    Sherry- you make me laugh!

    Lisa in W. Texas- Hope the surgery goes well and recovery is speedy.

    Penny, I don’t know if I missed your posts, you’ve been busy on your trip, or you froze up there in the Arctic. Hope all is well.

    I got way behind on my reading in this group because I had report cards, IEPs and IEP updates all due and then was sick for a week with a sinus infection. I teach special education students and I got 2 new students in January and 3 new students this month. The 3 new students have schedules and needs that don’t match up with the kids I already teach, so I am having to reconfigure my day and try to figure out how to adjust things to meet everyone’s needs. I’m taking my mom to Florida next week so I had so much work to get done before I could take off for a week. I still have one more IEP to write, three parents to call, and 4 days of sub plans to finish. But the end is in sight. Monday and Tuesday will be more long days at work trying to get everything ready, but Wednesday will begin a week of rest. I finally caught up on this group. I skimmed some of the 50 pages, so I know I missed some things. Loved the moose pictures.

    Jana in VA
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Jana - as a retired teacher I totally empathize with your class struggles. New students at midyear can throw a monkey wrench into schedules and routines. I used to spend at least 5 hours getting ready for a sub so I could miss six hours of school the next day. I can imagine how hard it is for a dedicated special ed teacher. And your paperwork load is unbelievable! Enjoy you time off.

    VAKaren - safe journey. Prayers for some meaningful time with your stepdaughter and little Olivia.

    NYKaren - are you the one going to Morocco? I get so mixed up sometimes. Whoever is going have a wonderful time.

    Allie - so sorry about Tom's blowup. Stick to your guns, sister.

    Penny - Where are you???????

    Marni - hope your back is getting better.

    I work from 1 - 6 today. It's basketball game day again. ARRRRRG!

    Have a great day everyone.


    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Paula Y – I grew up in a family and knew I was loved; but, neither parent (especially Mother) was very physically demonstrative. My Daddy was - up to a certain age, when he felt it was not appropriate for us to sit in his lap. I’m not sure I understood it, then; but I do now - that I am much older. We always got what we ‘needed’; just not always what we ‘wanted’. I, too, started hugging my children when they were young; and, they never left my presence without a hug, kiss, and an “I love you!” Both sons, now 38 and 40 will still hug, kiss, and say, “I love you!” without hesitation. I’m only a hugger of others that I have a good, personal relationship.

    Because I was physically attacked, I won’t sit with my back to the door in a restaurant, I feel like I have a certain amount of ‘personal space’ in which nobody has the right to infringe upon unless invited in or with a bit of a notification that it is about to be. If I bend my elbows; and you draw an imaginary line in a circle around me that far out, that is my 'personal space'. If someone intends on hugging me, they need to hold their arms out and let me make that choice. I will jump 2’ straight up in the air, if someone comes up behind me, touches my shoulder [in other words, invades my space]. They need to come around and face me, or they need to call me by name, so I will turn around.

    The attack happened by a stranger, in a situation that I should have never been put in, and I did not get help until someone found me unconscious. It cost a MD her job because of it and I have never regretted reporting her to the Composite State Board of Medical Examiners (for quality of care and failure to release my medical records to my OWN doctors). She has, since, bounced around a lot in different practices and different towns around this area. One thing that helps is knowing that she will never do to another patient, what she did to me. It will follow her around like 'white on rice'. Doesn't matter if she moves, even 'out of state'; if her record with the CSBME is ever checked, my complaint against her will 'pop up'. Just because I have a 'mental disorder' (that is controlled with medication) does NOT mean I am 'stupid'; and, she learned this the 'difficult way'. That was a case of me, 'not getting mad'; but, getting 'even' instead. She is definitely 'in the wrong field of medicine'. I was talked out of 'suing her and the hospital' ... because I did not want to have to relive 2 1/2 months of her sorry treatment.

    Scary and very much of a ‘trust breaker’. But, with family and my pets, I hug and love unconditionally. Both Louis and I hug our sons and daughters-in-law and grandchildren. Last December, when DH and DOS went to visit with DYS (for a week of hunting like they do every year), DYS and DH went to ‘shake hands like men’ and DYS grabbed DH and hugged him ‘long and tight’. He came home and said that he ‘about lost it’; but, did not want to upset either son with his ‘emotions’. When he was telling me about it, he burst into tears. Of course, that made me do it, too. I cried every time we left him; until he married in May of 2015. Now, I rarely cry (or very long, anyway) because I know he is loved and cared for by his ‘new’ wife and daughter (who loves him as much as if he had been her ‘biological’ father). I get sad, because I don’t get to see him/them but 2 or 3 times a year. They did not come this past Thanksgiving, and I was ‘sad’ because DYS has ‘always’ spent Thanksgiving week with us. They came at Easter, a surprise!

    VA Karen – I’m happy that you and your partner will be able to go out to see daughter and Olivia. I can’t imagine how it would feel to know you needed to be somewhere and not able to get there fast enough. Angel Wings with {{{{HUGS}}}}} for a quick and safe trip.

    For the other baby in ICU (sorry, I can’t remember whose grandson it is); I send the same to you and your family.

    My sister had to fly from Miami to Los Angeles when her son got seriously hurt and I know from listening to her that it was the most god-awful experience of her life as it concerns her children. Both her children have lived as far away as NY or LA and now her DS is living with her until he finishes school.

    When DYS busted his scalp open while putting in a pig trap with a helper, my DDnL#2 sent pictures of it. OH! Flip-Flop stomach. This happened right before they were to be married and he was growing his hair out from a buzz cut she had given him earlier. I don’t remember how many stitches he had; but, it was a lot. Thankfully, he did not ‘crack his skull’ open. He is getting bald, very quickly so he wanted it buzzed to see how he liked it; thankfully it had been buzzed; because he came down with a roaring, raging case of the Shingles shortly afterwards. Had it up the side of his face, in his mouth, up his head. He thought he had a really bad toothache, when to his dentist, who sent him to a Periodontist (had to drive across the state of Louisiana to go to him. The moment the dental hygienist walked in, she went and got the dentist. He took one look at him and said that he had the shingles and sent him 'next door' to be seen by a MD. Got medication for it, back to dentist, who gave him a mouth rinse; then after it was all over with, he had to have surgery on his gums for receding gum line. He had to stay out at the lake place; because DMYGD had not had the chicken pox. Shingles is only contagious to someone who has not had the chicken pox. You only get the Shingles 'if' you have already had chicken pox. Being around her, he could have given her the chicken pox. Safe side ... live apart for as long as it took for them to clear up.

    I think the emotional connections I have tried to have unconditionally, has caused me to spoil Cracker absolutely stinky rotten. She is my daily companion and she has weaseled her way into Louis’ heart so that he can’t resist loving on her, too. She is so animated that she keeps us laughing all the time. Tux, our outside kitty, just looks at us when we let her in and out with this look as if to say, ‘why does SHE get to go in and out; and, I DON’T’? He is the most loving cat I think I have ever had. Well, Kissy Kat (black cat I had in HS) was also very demonstrative and she even ‘loved’ getting into water. I’d be lying down in the claw foot tub at home and she’d get up on the dresser, then on the edge, and slowly slide down into the water with me, purring up a storm. When I take Tux to the vet; he eagerly goes to the worker; hugs their neck and then goes totally limp so that his full length is evident. He is a big cat; and, he purrs like crazy. In the winter he weighs way over 20lbs. They are all surprised when they find out that he is an ‘outside’ cat. He is good with our DOS’s dogs; but, he hides if DYS’s dog come home with him.

    Our last cat, “Miss Kitty” … was, at least, 21 years old when she passed away. So old and decrepit that she would look awful … like she was going to just keel over. BUT, if she heard Louis and me talking about her; by the time we got home, she had groomed herself; from the head down about ½ way … like to say, ‘I’m fine … oh, the back? Well, I can’t see it, so just don’t criticize … I’m going nowhere any time soon’. That was the most determined cat we had had up until now. Tux comes running up like a dog when we drive up. Because of DOS’s lab; we put just ½ a handful of cat food in his dish every time we come in and out, so the dog won’t come down and eat it all. She’s being left outside during the day; but, thankfully she doesn’t come down but once or twice a day.

    pitegny – I can remember the first time I used a ‘Nettie Pot’ … I sucked up and thought I was drowning! I did not know until my sister told me that I just needed to turn my head and let it flow in one side of the nose and out the other. Yeah, right! When one side is so blocked up; that is difficult to do. But, once you get the directions down pat, it will open up your nose. I have been so stopped up, that trying to wear my C-pap has been like someone holding their hand over my nose and mouth. Last night, I had it on; but, I could not breathe. I sat up in bed and about scared Louis to death. I was gasping for air and he kept trying to calm me down. That hasn’t happened in a long time.

    I don’t worry much about the nutrients; except now to make sure that I get more protein than I have been, drinking more water, and exercising more - so that hopefully I will be knocked off that plateau I’ve been on for nearly 2 months. GGGRRRrrrrr!!!!! MD/nurse with weight program, said that now I have gotten down to the point I have, I will need to kick up calories in, with more protein, water, and exercise. I have a question; can you 'drink' too much water in a day? I've been getting about 14.5 cups of water in; but, it makes my bladder ache, like it is distended, even though I pee a lot. Sometimes I will pee a lot; feel like I am finished, then pee another couple of tablespoons full. This has been going on for at least a couple of days or more.

    Katla – Caloric count for Olive Garden must be some ‘new’ on their ‘menus’ … I’ve not really noticed. I know that Waffle House does … and that really helps when we are travelling.

    Heather – Isn’t ‘Hummus’ made of ‘smashed chick peas’? I love Hummus! Especially the dried roasted tomato variety.

    I missed a lot of comments when I lost my ‘last’ post before I hit ‘Post’. But, guess something I had responded to, just did not ‘need to be posted’ … that is how I look at ‘lost posts’. A way of ‘shutting my mouth when I should’. LOL!!!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: You can't fix Tom. He has to fix himself. This quote is from Deadwood Days: “Even at his hour of doom, a skunk cannot change his stripe,” said Doc Peirce." I don't know whether or not Tom is a skunk, but he seems to act that way. Sometimes people change, but it requires a lot of desire and stubborn determination on their part. No one can do it for them. Each of us is changing her stripes one day at a time by changing eating & exercise habits to take off weight. To do this we have to really want to change and be willing to work at it, and it is not easy. To fix his life, Tom would need to do the same. Unfortunately, you can't do it for him. (((HUGS))) PS: I like Rita's advice.

    Karen in VA: Sending good thoughts for your trip. :heart:

    We used to buy free-range organic eggs from an old hippie (50+) & her DH. They were evicted from their home and were homeless for a time. Now they're back in business and we'll be getting fresh, free-range eggs later today. DH will be home for sure. I may not be home because I have a riding lesson this morning. I'm looking forward to it.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn