

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sarah- I absolutely love this way of eating as well! It is very easy for me to hold off eating until 3 o'clock. I generally am not hungry first thing in the morning ever! I love to eat in the evening while watching TV! That's probably how I put most of my weight on I was eating three meals and snacking in the evening. Now I have a hard time getting enough calories in before I go to bed! That is why I try to pre-plan my meals so that I know what I need to eat for the evening. I love the quote!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    @MichelleM0719 you've joined just by posting - just tell us who you are, what you're trying to accomplish, February goals, and join in the conversation as you feel able. Oh, and what you'd like us to call you... like I'm signing my name here.

    Lisa in West TX
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Blooming Belles!

    Houston, we have Springtime! (and Dallas, too.) Yes – in Texas, the weeds are growing, the Robins have arrived and I guess I should have sprouted my seeds already, to get my herb garden growing... I have heard that we are surely going to be frost-free going forward, as the Alligator ate chicken... Don’t ask me. It’s some weird Groundhog Day thing... If the Alligator eats the chicken – we are done with Winter. Um... ok. DH found that on the internet somewhere. Guess I am going to have to Google it myself, to get the details. But, regardless of where the surety comes from, anyone in North Texas can tell you – we are well down the road to Spring.

    *sighs* That means I have no excuse not to get outside this weekend and do a little more work on my Frankenfence. I am trying to re-build the fence without having a large financial outlay.... and without digging a whole lot of post-holes... I need to just scratch the whole fence and start over – but, I can’t afford either the time or the money for that right now – and God knows I don’t have that kind of energy – so, I am trying to work with the materials at hand – mostly – and the posts that are already in the ground – to rebuild one small section at a time - using what few posts are still steady and as many of the old boards as I can.

    Somewhere in the past – the people who lived in this house didn’t like the fact that they had only a short fence – maybe 5 feet in the back... So their BRILLIANT solution was – NOT to just take down the short boards and put on long ones – nooooo – that would have made too much sense. They did this crazy thing where they dug a few more post holes and kind of put a second layer of tall fence on... So for the last 15 years – the fence has been this weird conglomerate of those short round wood posts and some tall 4/4 square posts – with two layers of boards. Can you say “Dry rot?” Sure you can!

    What I have been doing is what the other people should have done – tearing down the old fence – shoring up the supports, and nailing the long boards on without any crazy extra layers. It’s not beautiful – but it keeps the city off my back until I can afford to just hire someone to come in and build the fence properly – new metal posts, all new cross beams and all new boards. IF I can get the post-hole digger to work (translation – if my Hubby can get it to work!) I will probably do the fence myself in small bits – dig a couple of holes, set the metal posts – and put up one 8 foot section a weekend. I can handle that – despite my naturally lazy tendencies – but I have to be able to dig the holes without damaging myself.

    My Frankenfence work is actually looking all right – but, I need to get the half that I haven’t re-built done.... Then it may be ok for another year while I save up some additional funds to get the real fence built.


    Sherry – LOL – I am that cat.. First I drink the coffee.... And I love a good omelette – I mean, what’s not to love? Eggs, veggies and cheeeeeeese. It sounds like you are doing much better in the new place - and that makes me very happy for you. ((Hugs!!))

    Lenora – Man, I almost forgot the stupid lunch again, today... Fortunately, as I pulled out of the driveway, I had that moment – and I just backed up and ran inside to grab it. I ate my delicious veggies and dip, today!

    DJ – I would LOVE to be able to keep my curves... DH seems to like them – and I would hate to lose all this weight just to look worse than when I started... LOL. So far, the gods have been kind – but we shall see. And yes – she had a paperback in her hands about 12 inches out of the water. Must have been some incredible isometric exercise just keeping the thing that high out of the water while she kicked her feet up and down the lane. Hope you are feeling a little more the thing, today. ((Hugs!))

    Katla – Thinking good thoughts for your Honey’s speedy healing and much improved vision!

    Sarah – Excellent work on the additional steps! And hey, potty mouth is so much more attractive if it isn’t full of food... LOL. (yes, I know from experience!)

    Kelly – My DH says he wants me to scatter his ashes in the local sewer pond... my Honey has a dark, dark sense of humor.

    Lanette – I graduated from Joseph High School in scenic Joseph Oregon in 1983. It’s a fantastic place to live... if you don’t have to earn a living. And I LOVE the elliptical... far more than the treadmill... it’s such a great calorie burn with such a low impact! I don’t have one at home – but my gym has a lot of them, so, when my PT releases me to do weight bearing exercise, again, I am all over it!

    Charleen – There is also some research to suggest that if you allow your body to get a little chilled – it has to burn more calories to warm you up – so you lose more weight because of the chill... I am just sad there isn’t more cold weather around here...

    TNToni – Stay Strong, Sister! Eating everything in sight won’t make you feel any better – it will actually make you feel worse...

    Heather – Got my fingers crossed for an offer for you! And I totally agree on the exercise. 1) it’s good for you. 2) It allows you to eat. I will find a way to exercise – no matter what – for as long as I am breathing on this earth.


    Well, Girls – I have to get back to it... this week is a busy one. Tomorrow I have a doc’s appointment and a PT session before my full day of work... so, yeah. No cooking, tonight... and none tomorrow, either. We are eating leftover lentils, tonight and delicious pizza tomorrow. Yum. I will just have to be sure to remember my LUNCH tomorrow, so I can afford the calories at dinner.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Hello all: Still yucky weather here. I moved from SD so I wouldn't have to put up with the snow and ice anymore and I am definitely not appreciating this. I am debating going to choir tonight as it has melted some today but will probably freeze tonight again. I do not like driving on slick roads, snow I can do, ice not so much. Don't like the feeling of not being in control of my car. Eating going well today, white chicken chili in the crockpot for dinner tonight.

    Karen - Hope all goes well with the new grandson.

    Katla - Glad you are home and things have gone well so far.

    Rita - Sorry for your son but have fun looking at those RVs.

    Sherry - Loved the cat with the hair cut. We had a Himalayan cat that had to be clipped every spring. She always looked so funny and the other cat would hiss at her for days.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa--AKA Clarkia Kent, mild mannered editor & reporter for The Daily Planet -- :devil: :bigsmile:

    Barbie: Living in a safe community can't be over appreciated. :heart: DH is currently asleep in his recliner and we're looking forward to tomorrow's appointment with the eye doctor. Our dog went along for the whole adventure but he had to wait in the car during the eye surgery itself. He was a very good boy at the hotel and didn't bark even when the people in the next room were loud and obnoxious. Dog-- :smiley: People-- :grumble:

    MichelleMo719: Welcome to a great group. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: Thinking about your son's situation and sending good thoughts for all of you. Enjoy yourselves looking at RV's. :star:

    Sue in WA: You moved to an area that usually has easy weather. This isn't usual. In South Dakota I would guess that most people know how to drive in slick conditions. That isn't something you can count on here in the Pacific NW. Be careful if you decide to go to choir practice. Other drivers may be the biggest hazards on the trip. :flowerforyou:

    DH is sleeping in his favorite chair and wants pot roast for dinner. I guess I'd better go and get it started. The best part is that we'll have leftovers to make into this and that for days. :devil: :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • ccinep
    ccinep Posts: 2 Member
    OK I just found out how to post on here lol had to scroll all the way to the bottom. Well ladies I am on a mission :) I love the fact that there is support here. I always seem to do things of this nature by myself and then I let myself down. So I am so so glad to be here and have support. Now I can be lazy lol. I just went through my closet a couple of weeks ago and now half my closet is gone. Its good in one way but no so in another. I really want to feel good about myself and not have to look down and not see my toes lmao. So I hope to make some friends here so that I can be accountable for what I am trying to do and have support. Thx ladies!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
    . Pip In tacoma wa. Welcome new peeps, on the train, had a long call with a customer
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Re in TX

    The hubs and I were questioning whether it was springtime in College Station! The birds are chirping, the weeds are sprouting and the trees and bushes all have new buds!!! Being Texas Newbies were weren't sure if these were signs of a real springtime or not! Thanks!

    a hot day in College Station, TX
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    sorry I can't read anything tonight. have payroll to do and it takes awhile.

    Hugs to all. Hope you all had a great day
    Paula Y
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    ccinep wrote: »
    OK I just found out how to post on here lol had to scroll all the way to the bottom. Well ladies I am on a mission :) I love the fact that there is support here. I always seem to do things of this nature by myself and then I let myself down. So I am so so glad to be here and have support. Now I can be lazy lol. I just went through my closet a couple of weeks ago and now half my closet is gone. Its good in one way but no so in another. I really want to feel good about myself and not have to look down and not see my toes lmao. So I hope to make some friends here so that I can be accountable for what I am trying to do and have support. Thx ladies!

    :) Welcome. I learned how to navigate this thread a little at a time and as I did that, I learned about the other women and began to build connections. These women have encouraged me for a long time. I eat my breakfast while reading their inspiring and comforting words.

    <3 Barbie from snowy NW Washington
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,409 Member
    Thank you all for your comments on ellipticals. Hope to try one out!

    And Charleen, when I'm on the treadmill at the gym I make sure to grab one of their giant square fans -- they have a lot of them.

    Re, thanks for the info on Joseph, OR! Have you been back there since you were a child? My friend and her hubby love to go and hang out at one of local taverns - I can't recall right now but they have some special meal or fancy iced tea they love and haven't found anywhere else. Love your fence story -- I can't recall, are you fencing to keep critters in? Or out? I could have used you when we had the farm, we were always redoing fences.... interesting how folks cobbled things up and how they managed to keep cattle in.

    Today, just for giggles I decided to check my blood sugar -- this is basically day 4 of low sugar eating -- no junk food, candy, snack cakes or chips.

    So right before lunch it was 84.... a couple hours after lunch it was still 84..... an hour after supper it was 92.

    It's never been that low in my life. I kind of ate all day - mostly low carb stuff, nuts,- fried egg with sautéed mushroom for breakfast, plain whole milk yogurt and a tablespoon of applesauce with a handful of walnuts and maybe 1/4 c frozen raspberries stirred in, and black bean/quinoa salad for lunch. Supper was big salad with coleslaw mix, about 1/4 c of kidney beans fished out of the three bean salad (the dressing has a lot of sugar in it!), a whole avocado cut up, a tablespoon Caesar Caesar dressing and about half a cup chopped rotisserie chicken leg.

    Last time I was at the doc's it had crept into the "watch it" column -- diabetes does run in my family. So this is a great NSV (non scale victory). I'll be curious to see how my BP responds; I need to dig out the little BP cuff and check it out.

    Flooding possible here over the next couple days. Our place is high so no problem for us but some roads will be under water and closed. Happens a lot here being surrounded by hills and mountains in the Pacific Northwest. Good excuse to stay home - glad I don't have to drive into work - I used to be the person who dispatched the road crews out to close the flooded roads, not my worry any more!

    SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 13.39min, 12.9Amph, 140mhr, 2.9mi = 136c
    apple watch- 106c
    SPIN CLASS- 41MIN, 89ar, 93aw, 128ahr, 158mhr, 10-15g, 18.1mi = 353c
    apple watch- 335c
    bike ride gym 2 dome train station- 7.49min, 139mhr, 10.9amph, 1.4mi = 90c
    apple watch- 52c
    walk station 2 wk- 9.39min, 3.0ap, 121mhr, .4mi = 55c
    apple watch- 44
    walk wk 2 sta- 9.58min, 3.2ap, 100mhr,.5mi = 39c
    Apple Watch- 46c
    bike ride dome 2 hm up Mst.- - 20.29min, 7.3amph, 154mhr, 2.4mi drizzly = 210c
    apple watch- 155c

    total cal 890
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora, when I first developed my MS I had a lot of tremors also. Eating peas was an adventure. Tonight we were eating steak. I had always got on Charlie because he never used a knife to cut meat up. He would always say shy use a knife when you can just use a fork. This was for steak or a good juicy pork chop, and I mean thick pork chop like you get a a steak house. Tonight he was having trouble cutting his steak with a fork and knife. He said it was like exerting 6 pounds of pressure. Oh well, I guess it is progression of his Parkinson's. He told me that he wouldn't be walking on the mall today because tonight being Karaoke night he took a shower and the shower wore him out enough he couldn't do both. It's also ileostomy bag day and it's just to many activities for him to do in one day. We think our men our going to live a long healthy life. My face book memories told me it was in 2014 on this day he had his 2nd two stents put in.

    I had never thought of it but Charlie is an Eore. Did I spell that wrong????? He is the pessimist and I am the forever optimist. Opposites do attract. I often wonder what a marriage would be like if he weren't so much of the eternal pessimist.

    I was reading a comment I made Sunday on face book. It was my Mom's birthday and I always write a comment on Feb 5th saying what she meant to me. My Dad meant the same to me but I never write any comment on his birthday. I wonder why????.

    I certainly hope that This is us continues for several more seasons. I don't see how they could not. It was nominated for peoples choice award. If anyone who has not watched it want to start, I would say it is very important to start with the very first episode. It sets the whole tone of the rest of the shows and it kind of helps you get used to going from past to present. Very interesting about Toby wearing a fat suit. I wonder why they couldn't have just hired a fat guy.

    I have been freezing today. Winter has arrived again or us and I guess I was enjoying the 50's for to long. But it's snowing tonight. Even with the temp in our house at 74,I am cold. I have been wrapped up in a blanket all day. I didn't go to church for that reason.

    Physical therapy was different today. She had me walking on the treadmill. I had tried a treadmill at the Y before and I never liked it. But she helped me learn that I don't have to move the treadmill myself and I found I felt better holding onto the back of the treadmill instead of the rails. Then we used restistance bands. Then it was the wonderful TENS. I have her put it on the very top setting and then today she put heat on me at the end. I left very happy. Next Monday is evaluation day.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member