

  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good morning everyone. I ordered my first exercise pants and they arrived today. Looking at them, I realized I had not been very bright. I took my usual size and with a twenty pound loss, these are already looking baggy. I will definitely wait a while before I order any more clothes.

    Lanette - Congratulations on your low sugar levels; the diet looks really interesting.

    b]Tammy [/b]- I can relate to the psycho cat. Mine comes in and sits on me in the wee hours of the morning and purrs. The funny thing is that during the day she only wants to sit on my DH.

    Marni - sorry about your fall. A few weeks ago, I noticed black ice on our front steps when I went outside. I gingerly walked around it and warned my husband when he came out the door. Did he listen? Nope. He strode straight ahead and the next thing I knew he was sitting on his rear. Did I say I warned you? No, but I was sure screaming it in my head.

    DJ - I also use five spice in stir fry type dishes. If you are in a hurry this chicken stir fry is quick - http://allrecipes.co.uk/recipe/33925/chinese-five-spice-chicken-stir-fry.aspx

    Tekavincent - definitely sounds like you had an off day, hope today will be a brighter one for you.

    Ravi - sounds like you have come a long way, great to be with you on the journey!

    - Leigh, in France
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    Dealing with a mini heatwave here, the last couple days the metro employees have been handing out chilled water at the city train station.

    Pam in Adelaide
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    today we have a blizzard coming 12-18 inches, heavy snow and I am alone with the dogs.. the snowblower is plugged in(electric start) and hope it works,because I will be sunk if it doesnt. Tom left for work at 3 this morning and will be trying to get home when he gets out at 3 this afternoon.. please keep me in your thoughts as I will be out there most of the day trying to keep up with the snow, we have 2 driveways and a patio and have to make a path for the dogs in the backyard...
    Hoping we dont lose power
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member

    Good morning everyone, so on the topic of potty mouth, I have included a link to an article that will vindicate all of us; swearing is linked to honesty. Honestly, this is true. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/01/170117105107.htm
    Got my ab workout in and ready to go to work.
    Grogers love the story about your DH, so positive
    Re quite the project about your fence, you just can't change stupid, well count the calories you work off!
    Tailwaggers, ccinep, ravjit Welcome
    Joyce sounds like your pt is very helpful for you
    DJ I use 5 spice in stir fries and in marinades for Asian meals. I marinade my tofu all day and I will put that in
    Marni oh no, hope you are ok and loved the video

    Going out into the cold so have a great day today! <3 Sarah, Ontario, Canada
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning ladies! Finally a snow day! I assigned extra practice homework for all of my students with a strict rule: play everything at least 5 times or it won't snow! Guess it worked, cause we're gonna get up to 12 inches here in the lower hudson valley. Can't get to the gym so I am going to do some mega housework, I know some of you have the calorie burn for that, and of course, there's all that shoveling :#

    DD has gone for help with some freshmen year struggles and I am grateful that she has made that decision on her own. We haven't been speaking but I send her little hearts and flowers via text, and she dutifully responds with a smile. You all will tell me that it is part of the process of growing up and I know that but .... (insert broken heart emoji here).

    One week to go before my physical to check that all my numbers are good...I haven't been so good lately, so we will see, now it's off for a second cup of coffee and make an action plan for the day.

    Thinking of all of you as you go about your day make one healthy choice at a time <3 NYKAREN
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    KELLY...My sympathy.

    We lost my youngest sister at age 56 due to emphysema.
    She was a heavy smoker & determined not to quit.A sad time & to this day,I think of things to tell her.
    We love & miss her,even tho it's been 8 yrs.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Back from gym FitBit says 450 calories

    Don't we see some variations in world weather heatwave in Australia snow in parts of USA

    Off to DD's tomorrow for couple of days so no gym but they have got weights and kettlebells and the dog of course to take walking

    Kate UK <3
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,077 Member
    Good afternoon my lovelies!

    So I have made two key decisions since I was last on this board (last night!) -

    1. I will reward myself with the purchase of one item from my favourite label, Desigual, at each 10lb loss point
    2. I will start to add a yoga session to the end of my daily workouts. I'm really missing the flexibility that I was able to reach when I used to do a yoga session each day.

    So this morning's workout was 30 minutes of kickboxing with Fitness Blender, and breakfast was prepared by DH and was two poached eggs on toasted crumpets with sauteed mushrooms - yum! Lunch is on me and I'm making leek and potato soup.

    Marnie your wipeout reminded me of the extraordinarily inelegant way that I fall over. I'm only 5 foot tall in height, but I totally occupy every available inch of space available to me as I windscreen my arms around stuggling to grab hold of anything that might break my fall. This is always an exercise in futility! Thanks for your compliments about my cufflinks - I do make earrings as it happens, but for private commissions or myself. Interesting to read of your Lancashire grandparents. That's a part of the UK that we have yet to explore - DH was just saying a couple of nights ago that there's no reason why we shouldn't spend a weekend away doing just that!

    Heather I do hope that you can get to see your grand daughter soon - and before her birthday. And I envy you your exercise room!
    Pam I have to admit that my lip curled when I saw that you were experiencing a mini heatwave, until I realised that you are in Adelaide! Hope you're enjoying your summer :smile:

    And with regards to the choice of treadmill over elliptical, I have no opinion of either as it's some years since I went on either of them. My exercise kit consists of free weights - a variety of dumbells, a balance ball, resistance bands and an aerobic step.

    Warm welcomes to Tailwaggers, ccnep and Ravi

  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Ugh...weight up 2 lbs on scale this morning. Had no exercise yesterday due to babying sore knee. Stayed under calories, did have glass and a half of red wine. I try not to be obsessed with scale; weigh every day but only record on tuesdays. Still a bit disheartening.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    "I rest as much as possible, avoid loud sound and bright lights, pray, eat carbs, but no sugar; drink a lot of water. The projects I have going, I at least look at, even if I can't do anything. That way when I feel better, I don't feel like I am beginning from scratch."

    I sympathize.......have to advoid several things......after yrs of bad migraines.Need to cover my eyes at any flashing lights on here,tv or in a movie.Even neon colors can be a trigger.Only a super dark room without a speck of light allows me to relax when it's starting to happen.UGH
    Finally,finally an OTC med works for me & no longer use the prescription " bombs".Horrid stuff that wasn't much better than the migrane!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,312 Member
    Yinka - My exercise room is a small spare bedroom that still has it's old 1994 decoration. Really awful, but we're not looking at the walls! I am lucky to have my very fit DH doing the exercise with me. Makes it much easier. We love listening to Radio 4 while we are getting fit. Intellectual stimulation. :D

    Gloria - Mushy peas are dried peas reconstituted. I am lazy so I buy them in tins. One small tin (2 portions)makes a nice mushy base for fish or sausages. One portion is 125 calories. If you buy fish and chips from a takeaway shop, mushy peas is always on the menu. :D

    Well ladies - DRUM ROLL - ****************** - I have done my insurance claim forms and sent them off! :drinker: o:) Now we wait to see if we get the refund or if they find some reason to wriggle out of it. It was really complicated to do. Grrrrrrrrrr. There is a £100 excess.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,395 Member
    Sarah in Ontario -- very interesting article about swearing! I love Jesus but I cuss a little! Or a lot if need be.

    I last worked with a prim and proper Bible thumping gal who was offended at someone even saying "damn" (I was careful around her).

    One day she was going to file a complaint against a co-worker Bob who was always jolly and kind but would let an "F-bomb" slip now and then in a silly way.

    He was born and raised in Canada, as was my husband. I sat her down and starting saying "Tabernac" and "Chalice" (with French accent) and other choice Canadian swearwords my hubby knew were verboten -- of course she hadn't a clue this was very bad swearing in some religious circles - and was stunned.

    I told her that his heart was in the right place and as far as I was concerned, what came out of his mouth was inconsequential as swearing is cultural - if she wanted to file a complaint go ahead but it didn't bother me so I wasn't going to side with her.

    On that note, I need to check the flipping weather report and see the updates on flooding, lol. Been trying to get the dog in for a clip and have cancelled twice due to snow or freezing rain. When I got a new appointment for tomorrow (a week ago) I told the gal we should be safe, no cold weather in the 7 day forecast. Of course now there's potential flooding and the river might go over the road to her shop.

    I am grateful that's all I have to worry about today, really.

    Welcome to the newbies and I so enjoy all the posts even if I only click "like" or "awesome" I try to get through them!

    SW WA State

  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Katla - before I forget, recipes make a big difference in quinoa, but also the quinoa itself. My favorite is a blend of the regular white, red and black quinoas - much nuttier and more flavor. I think the cooking makes a different. Quinoas I had in the past called for equal parts of quinoa and cooking water. The lemon quinoa in the link I gave earlier used two parts water to one part cooking water and let it cook 15-20 minutes. Softer, but still a little crunch. Probably won't make you a quinoa lover, but it might help!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    snowy and windy here..
    ok so now I know what I have , I get Ocular Migraines.. had one the other day in the car.. thank goodness Tom was driving... my eyes feel crossed and wouldnt straighten out, It last a couple of minutes. could see out of my left eye better than right.. well out to shovel and snow blow .. wish me luck
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    yes Lisa you surely are our tigger!!

    Sometimes I feel like Roo, but most often I'm Pooh!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Well, now there are 2 Karens with grandchildren in the NICU.

    My stepdaughter had a baby girl on Tuesday and she has had a very rough time. She is intubated in the NICU getting transfusions and undergoing hypothermia therapy. Her name is Olivia. I am afraid for her.

    Karen in Virginia