

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Karen, congrats on the new grand!!! flying-stork-carrying-a-baby-smiley-emoticon.gif And congrats on not ordering anything you shouldn’t at the drive through. Keep up the good choices. (later) Hope he is okay.

    Jbrinker, welcome. This is a wonderful place for support and information. Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you. We also appreciate it if you will sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    SueB, I can’t believe you didn’t recognize my Texas drawl when I type? Lol After all these years you’d think I would lose it. cowboy-lasso-smiley-emoticon.gif

    MicheleNC, every time I read about you going to Aldi it makes me so anxious for ours to open. The building is coming along nicely after their long delay in starting it.

    Joyce, I have a number of friends that use Home Advisors. I have never used them but hope I remember to the next time we have a need.

    Pit, congrats on your loss. That is fantastic. Keep up the great work.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    A question for you cooks. I have some Oriental Five Spice. What shall I use it in? It smells a bit sweet. I went to the gym again today so trying to get back in the swing. I didn’t really want to go but gladly didn’t talk myself out of it. I am tired now so going to bed and will try to catch up tomorrow.
    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.
    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DJ- we use it in stir fry.
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    edited February 2017
    Well I wiped out on the ice in the hospital parking lot AGAIN today, heading down the ramp to my car with my winter snow grip shoes on .. we’ve had so much icefog lately that everything is really slick! A super nice lady helped me up and together we brushed off my coat. It was kindof comical - feet shot straight out from beneath me and I landed square on my derriere! (that’s a pa-tooty you the non-Canadian’s) LOL OW!!! .. had to put off my mall walk for another day. Tailbone is pretty darned sore - again!

    Got to my car only to have a couple of drifter types come walking up on my drivers side window and ask if they could borrow my phone and $5 bucks. Hospital security guards were on their tail. Crimes been bad lately again in Anchor-town - Denny’s was robbed at 8 am the other morning just two blocks from the hospital - they robbed the cashier and 4 patrons at gunpoint - A-holes!!!

    Here's a quick review of how not to fall on the ice - seriously, it could be a little softer to land on!

    Joyce - my heart goes out to you - you surely have your hands full coping with your MS and your hubbies challenges - it sounds like you have great therapy people to work with. I love the TENS .. my PT will use it after ultrasound therapy and I will often fall asleep - unfair of them to wake me up to send me home again

    Lanette - great blood sugar readings! I really liked that plan you wrote up - very doable!

    Grogers511 - my husband Scott is the head chef in our household too - usually supportive of my eating too but a sneaky saboteur as well! Great that your hubby got off those constipating pain meds. Good for you helping out your mum with the dentist!

    Sarah - glad you are feeling better, eating well and still swearing (it’s good for you!) LOL

    Toni - have a great time in the pool!

    Tammy - I like the psycho cat reference - my 3 weenies went mental at 12:30 am when the mouse trap in our kitchen clicked !

    Lenora - I always wondered about those HGTV home sweepstakes - they always look so great!

    Fanncy - Ocular migraines - had my first one after being caught on a commercial fishing vessel in a huge storm off the south end of Kodiak Island in 2002. My world was “bent” like a fun-house mirror for 2 days. Now I only get them when highly stressed - not pleasant!

    Katla - glad you and your hubby are home from his surgery - wishing him a quick recovery

    Barbie - your walk sounds wonderful - dogs - audiobook - snowfall - perfect!

    Re - Springtime sounds great! Here in Alaska we call it “Breakup”. Spring comes at us all at once - everything melts fast, typically over a 2-3 week period of time. We live on a hill and our road turns into a river.

    Pitegny - AWESOME weight loss for the week! Congratulations!!! Woot woot!

    Yinka - the cufflinks were great! Do you make any earrings? My grands were from England; Blackburn and Lancashire. I traveled to Blackpool alone a few years back to sprinkle my granddads ashes along the beach where he used to love to go and ride donkeys as a boy.

    Rita - great job on the squat challenge!

    Pip - those black lab pics are really making me want another - so sweet!!!

    Charleen - climate related weight loss article was really interesting - thanks for sharing!

    Cheri - congrats on the weight loss! Great job!

    Mary - congratulations on your weight loss and getting into keto! Burn baby burn. The 19:5 fast is fascinating - I will check it out some more. Might not be doable for type2 diabetes though.

    Margaret - I really like the way you think - and the way with which you say it!

    Welcome new ladies ! ccinep - tailwagers - grogers511 - jbrinker23 - starr68 - tammyclf - michellemo - ritabaumann - frannieshack


    My word for 2017 is “Mindfulness” .. age 52, -32 lbs lost, 50 to go! 1200 cal/day avg.


    Marni in Alaska


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,312 Member
    I mistyped my calorie consumption for the day - it's 1800. If I can I try to eat a little bit under that, but that amount keeps me steady on maintenance. I'm using 1200 as a base and adding in my 600 exercise. I don't often go over.
    The exercise is 536 on the machines and 64 on the mat in my bedroom and dumbbells. I try every day to strengthen my knee, my feet arches, my pelvic floor and I do face exercises while I'm on the machines. :D

    I'm awake now in the night, but I will be going back to bed. The house business is on my mind. :s

    Hoping to hear from DDIL about when we can go and see the grandchildren. It's Bea's first birthday in March, but we hope to visit before then.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Marnie, there was a man about my age there at PT and they put the TENS on him and he made them take it off. I laughed to myself, he couldn't take the 'pain' of it.

    Re, when I first read your heading I thought you wrote bloomin bellies!

    I saw a commercial on TV today on a shower head that shuts itself off when you move your head away from it. Has anyone seen it? I'm sure it would be expensive but in the end would save a lot of money on water and electricity. I put it in a search engine and Moer but it is an older one that has a blue tooth speaker for when you just have to be on the phone. Well that's what I have an answering machine for. Yes, I still have a land line. Anyway I was hoping some one knew about this shower head.

    Joyce, Indiana where it has been thundering while it snows
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    edited February 2017
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Marni, there was a man about my age there at PT and they put the TENS on him and he made them take it off. I laughed to myself, he couldn't take the 'pain' of it.

    Re, when I first read your heading I thought you wrote bloomin bellies!

    I saw a commercial on TV today on a shower head that shuts itself off when you move your head away from it. Has anyone seen it? I'm sure it would be expensive but in the end would save a lot of money on water and electricity. I put it in a search engine and Moer but it is an older one that has a blue tooth speaker for when you just have to be on the phone.

    Joyce, Indiana where it has been thundering while it snows

    Joyce - guys can't take the kind of pain we women can! They always give me the TENS control so I can keep turning it up.

    Shower head (seriously ask me anything - i love doing research) .. EVA


    Marni in Alaska
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Hey now.....

    Wouldn't you know it.....more freakin' snow again today!!! Then this afternoon it turned to freezing rain making it a deep and slick as snot mess. No evening walk for this girl, I'm not taking the chance of slipping and falling again. That last time hurt bad! So I've been wandering around the house trying to get my steps in, lol. I'm ready for summer dangit!!

    Tonight's dinner was a nice thick ground sirloin patty with cheese and a couple strips of bacon on it, no bun, yum, and a couple cups of steamed broccoli and baby carrots. For desert I splurged a lil on a few fudge dipped mint cookies since I had the calories available for them, yummy!!!

    Have I mentioned lately how much I love this Roku stick??? I just can't get over how much educational stuff and documentaries I have access to! And all the movies!!! I still miss Discovery, Nat Geo, Animal Planet and such, but I think I'm as close to TV heaven as I can get for free!

    I also found an app in the Amazon App Store for daily listings of free ebooks! Good ones too! I've already downloaded enough ebooks to keep me going for months and months, but i keep checking the listing everyday and keep finding more free ebooks I want to read! Thank goodness this Fire tablet has an SD card slot that I can transfer the card I had in my other tablet to and store all the ebooks on it. It's a high capacity card too so I still have tons of room for even more ebooks! I'm lovin' this Fire tablet more and more. Definitely a good trade-up!

    Katla - I am so happy your DH's surgery went well! Got my fingers crossed for his appointment with the eye doc tomorrow!

    RE - hahhaahaha, Frankenfence!! That's too funny! Wish I was there to help, I love building "new" from old. I'm sure you are doing a wonderful job with the materials that you have. You should have taken "before" pics and pics along the way so we could see your progress.

    Ellipticals....tried one at a gym many moons ago, was only on it for maybe 5 minutes but the next day was I sore! Heck of a workout for me, so when I can get into an apartment I think I'm going to purchase a good used one to put in my living room. I found it fun to use and can burn a butt load of calories on it. Treadmills are OK, but I would rather walk outside.

    OK, time for some memes before I cash out for the night so you early risers can get your giggles on.....


    OK, that's it for now....lol....think that's enough of them?? Gonna go watch a movie before bedtime, so it's time for jammies! Love you all!! Peace!

    Sherry in "slicker than snot Columbia River Gorge"

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce - There are days when I will use a spoon over trying to get 'anything' on a fork. Sometimes you can mash things like 'rice' in the tines; but, only if it is sticky. It just gets worse if I try to 'think' hard enough to concentrate on getting food on a fork. A sharp 2 prong fork is great when trying to cut meat; but, rough on your lips and nose if you try to eat with it. What I find best when eating steak is to turn the fork downward; and not 'change' hands to eat it after cutting my meat. I don't know when a lot of us started putting our knife down and moving our fork back to our dominant hand. Lefties or right-handers. I am definitely a people-watcher. I've watched other people eat and some change hands, some keep the fork turned downward and don't change hands. Some turn it over to eat. I hate the forks at most 'Mexican' restaurants ... always flat! I'm sure they are a lot cheaper; but, I will take mine and push it against the heavy plate to bend it slightly so it will 'scoop' a little. I've often wondered if it was a 'habit' or some sort of 'etiquette' movement. Surprisingly, I can use chopsticks. I think it is because my hands natural will cramp up in that position, so I can move the fingers and pick things up. I'd just like to think I could get most of my food 'in my mouth' before I shake it off the fork and all over me. Funny thing is that I do not like to sit with my back to the door, ever! One Italian restaurant we go to (will sit 2 people at a 4-person table; both with their backs to the door. I'd rather sit across the table from someone than sit side-by-side. Eating spaghetti, some cut it up; some twirl it on a spoon. I cut mine up; but, in large chunks, then twirl it on the fork against the plate. If I don't cut it and try to twirl it up against a spoon, seems like it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger ... and I still get spaghetti sauce on my chin. I eat spaghetti at home. I do great with finger food! I'd rather have a salad at Olive Garden, that I have to cut up; than to have one at Wendy's or Zaxby's that is cut up so finely you can't keep it on the fork. You can't scoop it and you certainly cannot stab it. Oh, and a cherry tomato ... I am going to cut that sucker in 1/2 ... if I am lucky enough to stab it to begin with. Love them, but occasionally they are just not at all cooperative.

    Lenora - SW GA (USA)
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Thanks for the welcome. Today's been a bit of a bust for me. Got up late not feeling good - maybe weather change? Didn't do morning stretching exercises. Got asked to cover a couple coworkers on my break when I usually walk. Got surprised at lunch when as I'm sitting with my healthy meal, some one brings me an expensive high fat, high sodium meal. Carbs high too. Kinda got stuck eating it. Also wasn't able to get evening strength exercises in. I try to be a positive person, but today was truly one of those days when you want to ask, "Why bother?" Fortunately, I just stayed at goal even though I usually try to come in under.
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    last one tonight .. if you want to listen to some interesting stories about Alaska - this is a good series...

  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    edited February 2017
    Marni in Alaska haha about psycho cat! these pets can sure interfere with sleep right?! Are you in Anchorage? terrible about the crime you mention. I used to live in Anchorage area - first on Elmendorf AFB, then in Eagle River area. I moved to Montana, and had not been back to Alaska in 34 years, until October before last I got my hubby (born and raised in Montana) to finally go visit. We stayed with a niece in Anchorage, and we LOVED it so much! Oh man - I had truly forgotten the enormity of the mountains, and the next range behind that range, and the next range behind it! so many mountains! We were in Heaven! loved several breweries we visited, and some great eateries. We have mountains here (and I'm grateful) - but just not the same as Alaska! made me miss it! We took a day drive to Seward and somehow lucked out with a blue sky day! hiked to Exit Glacier. The fall color was spectacular. Now my husband can't wait to go back! I remember "break up" there too! we get break up over and over - we have a lot of freeze/thaw. I remember how it would happen all at once there! Can't wait to come back!

    oh and the falling on ice - no fun - not cool! been there done that - and oh man the tailbones! ouch! I hope you're not too injured and heal quickly. the video was hilarious though!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tailwaggers: Welcome to a great group. I'm a retired middle school teacher and there are several other teachers in the group. :smiley:

    Lanette: Congratulations on your fabulous blood sugar readings! WTG!!! :bigsmile:

    Joyce: It sounds like you had a great PT session today. Congratulations!!! :flowerforyou:

    Marni: I guess I'm a shower pig. I am sure that people in areas where there is a shortage of water would be very interested in both water conservation and power savings on heat. I like to stand there and let the hot water pour over me. oink oink :embarassed:

    Sherry: I love the dog assembly kit instructions! :laugh:

    I am so glad to be home. Tomorrow DH has an appointment with the eye doctor to check on his eye. I think he will be told to remove the plastic guard that is currently protecting it. After that we need to go into the state office that handles records and get a birth certificate for our daughter. She lost her copy somewhere along the way and needs it for a job application. I thought the address was on the forms I downloaded but it is not there so I'll have to look it up again. :ohwell:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    tammyclf wrote: »
    Marni in Alaska haha about psycho cat! these pets can sure interfere with sleep right?! Are you in Anchorage? terrible about the crime you mention. I used to live in Anchorage area - first on Elmendorf AFB, then in Eagle River area. I moved to Montana, and had not been back to Alaska in 34 years, until October before last I got my hubby (born and raised in Montana) to finally go visit. We stayed with a niece in Anchorage, and we LOVED it so much! Oh man - I had truly forgotten the enormity of the mountains, and the next range behind that range, and the next range behind it! so many mountains! We were in Heaven! loved several breweries we visited, and some great eateries. We have mountains here (and I'm grateful) - but just not the same as Alaska! made me miss it! We took a day drive to Seward and somehow lucked out with a blue sky day! hiked to Exit Glacier. The fall color was spectacular. Now my husband can't wait to go back! I remember "break up" there too! we get break up over and over - we have a lot of freeze/thaw. I remember how it would happen all at once there! Can't wait to come back!

    oh and the falling on ice - no fun - not cool! been there done that - and oh man the tailbones! ouch! I hope you're not too injured and heal quickly. the video was hilarious though!

    Tammy - funny - we've been thinking of moving to Montana LOL My hubby was born and raised in Upper Lake California and came to Alaska to work and live when he was 19. I'm from Niagara Falls Canada. We met online in 1998 and married in 2001 on Kodiak Island. Its definitely been one heck of an adventure. It is so beautiful here! I wish the state could get more $$$ for more state and local police. .. tailbone is still quite bruised tonight and while I work at a hospital - I definitely don't want to become a patient! LOL
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it through pg 25.

    Karen in BC -Sending prayers for Reid

    Pip - Yogi is very handsome.

    Becca - I have no problem talking to stranges. Now hugging them is probably never going to happen. I have worked up to hugging most of my immediate family. Hugging Larry, kids and grandkids was never a problem.
    I do believe human touch is very important that may be why I enjoy a massage so much.

    Today was busy again. Work (boss in foul mood), getting my hair coloured and cut then taking sweet Harmony to her tap dance class. I'm not sure her Mom stopped chattering long enough to catch a breath. I am trying to give her a chance for Jason. Fought with Larry over the dumbest thing. (trying to get better and take the moral high road)

    Craving for chocolate was really strong today. This No Sugar is terribly tough. I still have not made the No Sugar fudge brownies. It is on the to do list for this weekend.

    Larry's brother is not coming so I think we will take Harmony overnight so my son and Kim can go to Calgary.

    Past time for bed. Have to be at work at 6 a.m

    -Sharon in Lethbridge
    ( I hear a Chinook is on the way)
  • ravjit2
    ravjit2 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi there beautiful ladies & gents ! My name is Ravi (mum of 2) from the UK & I turned 50 years young in December 2016 ! I am also recovering from breast cancer stage 3 (diag may 2015)& am in remission after completing 15 months of treatments (chemo, lumpectomy, total node clearance ops, radiotherapy & 1 year of herceptin therapy (mini chemo)). My treatments finished last August 2016 & chemo has left me very very tired, overweight, diabetic & menopausal ! My hands & feet still tingle & I have no taste back yet, but can smell plenty ! I have rejoined MFP after about 3 years & am really enjoying it again.. my cons & oncologist have said it will take me 15-24 months to recover from everything..I thought I could be "normal" in sept -Dec 2016, but only resulted in mobility problems & a set back in my recovery ..so am taking each day as it comes & loving the slow steady strength & stamina that I can feel in my body ! Please add me as a friend & I will try & do the same ! Thank you & God bless !
  • ravjit2
    ravjit2 Posts: 20 Member
    Err... how do I befriend anyone ? I seem to have forgotten !?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,312 Member
    Ravi - I don't do Friends, but welcome! I had breast cancer in 2007, with all the chemo thing and it left me very overweight, hairless and tired. With the help of this group I have lost the weight and got fit again. It does take a while, but you have time.

    Best wishes to you.

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Yvonne - I love the word discombobulated!

    Karen - hope the little one is doing better. Was he a preemie? One of my gandsons weighed 1lb 11oz when born and had breathing problems because his lungs were not fully developed yet. But now he's 18, 6ft tall and a really awesome guy.

    Carol - prayer sent. Hope things are better (((Hugs)))

    Heather - I've been meaning to ask this for awhile - what are mushy peas?

    Toni - hope those problems with hubby are short lived.

    Hello to all you new friends I hope you stick around. The more the merrier and we are a pretty merry group!

    Love to all,

    Gloria in WA