Foolish things you did, when you were young..



  • kwph
    kwph Posts: 7,375 Member
    Stole a teachers car in high school
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    edited February 2017
    I convinced my cousin, my older brothers, and sister, his mom said he could ride home with us after school one day. We played and played, so much fun...Until my aunt showed up raving like a lunatic BC she thought he had been kidnapped from school.

    Yep, I lied. He got a spanking but my dad wouldn't let her touch me!! She brought it up for years. Never did get that spanking though.

    I also used to talk this cousin into sneaking our classroom snacks while everyone else had naptime. >:)
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Me and another kid got some .22 shells and were smashing them with a rock to make them go off

    I got some 22s also. Made a little rack to hold some and set a small fire underneath [inside the house]. One of them ruptured open and the casing flew just past my head and embedded in the stairs.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Me and another kid got some .22 shells and were smashing them with a rock to make them go off

    we would shoot at 22 shells with our 22's.

    and have fights by shooting bb guns at each other.

    .....we did both of these last Tuesday night
  • toned_thugs_n_harmony
    toned_thugs_n_harmony Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited February 2017
    when i was 5 i took the keys to my dads car. i walked next door to get my friend, had him get in the car with me, locked the doors, started it up and was attempting to drive away. when our parents found us, we refused to get out of the car so they called the police who came and picked the locks and gave me a stern talking to.
  • kwph
    kwph Posts: 7,375 Member
    I was dared in 7th grade to girl in the girls locker room before they cam back from gym ...Thought I was slick cuz there was another door u can go out that they had all the gym supplies...Got in there & the door was locked & the girls came back in from gym& I had 2 hide ..I had no way out ...I thought I was screwed ...
  • TommyW45
    TommyW45 Posts: 112 Member
    Pamela_43 wrote: »
    My siblings, cousins, and I were playing in this condemned house that we were not allowed to go near. My brother made me mad so i got a bucket of muddy water and climbed into the attic. I was going to wait for him to walk by this hole in the ceiling and pour the water on his head. Well the beam i was walking on was rotten. It crumbled and i fell through the ceiling into a bathroom. I fell flat on my back on a gallon paint can. My head hit the toilet. An old bicycle with no tires was sitting upside down and the part that holds the tire stuck in my shoulder. Knocked me out. I woke up in the ambulance. Sprained spine, broken ribs, some stitches and a concussion. I was lucky i know but the worst part...I was 10 and it was week one of summer vacation. I was well just in time for school to start. Worst summer ever!
    Pamela_43 wrote: »
    My siblings, cousins, and I were playing in this condemned house that we were not allowed to go near. My brother made me mad so i got a bucket of muddy water and climbed into the attic. I was going to wait for him to walk by this hole in the ceiling and pour the water on his head. Well the beam i was walking on was rotten. It crumbled and i fell through the ceiling into a bathroom. I fell flat on my back on a gallon paint can. My head hit the toilet. An old bicycle with no tires was sitting upside down and the part that holds the tire stuck in my shoulder. Knocked me out. I woke up in the ambulance. Sprained spine, broken ribs, some stitches and a concussion. I was lucky i know but the worst part...I was 10 and it was week one of summer vacation. I was well just in time for school to start. Worst summer ever!
    Pamela_43 wrote: »
    My siblings, cousins, and I were playing in this condemned house that we were not allowed to go near. My brother made me mad so i got a bucket of muddy water and climbed into the attic. I was going to wait for him to walk by this hole in the ceiling and pour the water on his head. Well the beam i was walking on was rotten. It crumbled and i fell through the ceiling into a bathroom. I fell flat on my back on a gallon paint can. My head hit the toilet. An old bicycle with no tires was sitting upside down and the part that holds the tire stuck in my shoulder. Knocked me out. I woke up in the ambulance. Sprained spine, broken ribs, some stitches and a concussion. I was lucky i know but the worst part...I was 10 and it was week one of summer vacation. I was well just in time for school to start. Worst summer ever!
    Pamela_43 wrote: »
    My siblings, cousins, and I were playing in this condemned house that we were not allowed to go near. My brother made me mad so i got a bucket of muddy water and climbed into the attic. I was going to wait for him to walk by this hole in the ceiling and pour the water on his head. Well the beam i was walking on was rotten. It crumbled and i fell through the ceiling into a bathroom. I fell flat on my back on a gallon paint can. My head hit the toilet. An old bicycle with no tires was sitting upside down and the part that holds the tire stuck in my shoulder. Knocked me out. I woke up in the ambulance. Sprained spine, broken ribs, some stitches and a concussion. I was lucky i know but the worst part...I was 10 and it was week one of summer vacation. I was well just in time for school to start. Worst summer ever!
    Pamela_43 wrote: »
    My siblings, cousins, and I were playing in this condemned house that we were not allowed to go near. My brother made me mad so i got a bucket of muddy water and climbed into the attic. I was going to wait for him to walk by this hole in the ceiling and pour the water on his head. Well the beam i was walking on was rotten. It crumbled and i fell through the ceiling into a bathroom. I fell flat on my back on a gallon paint can. My head hit the toilet. An old bicycle with no tires was sitting upside down and the part that holds the tire stuck in my shoulder. Knocked me out. I woke up in the ambulance. Sprained spine, broken ribs, some stitches and a concussion. I was lucky i know but the worst part...I was 10 and it was week one of summer vacation. I was well just in time for school to start. Worst summer ever!
    Pamela_43 wrote: »
    My siblings, cousins, and I were playing in this condemned house that we were not allowed to go near. My brother made me mad so i got a bucket of muddy water and climbed into the attic. I was going to wait for him to walk by this hole in the ceiling and pour the water on his head. Well the beam i was walking on was rotten. It crumbled and i fell through the ceiling into a bathroom. I fell flat on my back on a gallon paint can. My head hit the toilet. An old bicycle with no tires was sitting upside down and the part that holds the tire stuck in my shoulder. Knocked me out. I woke up in the ambulance. Sprained spine, broken ribs, some stitches and a concussion. I was lucky i know but the worst part...I was 10 and it was week one of summer vacation. I was well just in time for school to start. Worst summer ever!

    You are lucky to be alive !
  • Racouol
    Racouol Posts: 53 Member
    Lit my finger of fire. Been hit by three cars riding my bike across the street. Got bad road rash after losing control of a bike with no breaks going down a steep hill wearing only shorts. Rode into the side of a Wal-Mart causing the bike to snap in half. Nearly lost my bike trying to ride through a pond(thought it was just a puddle) . Had a new bike fall apart on my while riding home from a Wal-Mart. Charged a bear with an ax. Set myself on fire making a peanut butter sandwich. Nearly froze to death when I went backpacking without the right equipment. And I have been surfing without knowing how to swim.
  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
    I talked a girl into letting me cut a her pony tail off and her mom wanted to beat the hell out of me.

    HAHA. My daughter had GORGEOUS blonde hair down to her thighs in kindergarten. One day I went to do her hair up for school (I was a sucker for intricate braids so my daughter never went to school without something awesome and original) and found that half of her hair had been cut off at her shoulder. I asked her how it happened and she lied and told me the next door neighbor girl had done it. So I took her by the hand and escorted her to the neighbors. I knocked and the mother answered. I asked to speak with her daughter. I knelt down and asked her, "Sarah, sweety, did you cut my daughters hair?" She of course said no, and I said told her that's what I thought. I looked back at my daughter and she burst into tears and admitted she had cut it. All her friends had short hair and she wanted short hair too. Needless to say, we skipped school and took a trip to the barbers. It was her very first hair cut ever. I got the half that was left long still in an envelope with my sons first hair cut.. his was at 4. He had gorgeous red hair to his waist!
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    I was bad about sneaking out of the house and going to a seedy bar to watch bands.
    Smoked a lot of dope. Convinced this is why my memory sucks.
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    Reaverie wrote: »
    I talked a girl into letting me cut a her pony tail off and her mom wanted to beat the hell out of me.

    HAHA. My daughter had GORGEOUS blonde hair down to her thighs in kindergarten. One day I went to do her hair up for school (I was a sucker for intricate braids so my daughter never went to school without something awesome and original) and found that half of her hair had been cut off at her shoulder. I asked her how it happened and she lied and told me the next door neighbor girl had done it. So I took her by the hand and escorted her to the neighbors. I knocked and the mother answered. I asked to speak with her daughter. I knelt down and asked her, "Sarah, sweety, did you cut my daughters hair?" She of course said no, and I said told her that's what I thought. I looked back at my daughter and she burst into tears and admitted she had cut it. All her friends had short hair and she wanted short hair too. Needless to say, we skipped school and took a trip to the barbers. It was her very first hair cut ever. I got the half that was left long still in an envelope with my sons first hair cut.. his was at 4. He had gorgeous red hair to his waist!

    You must have been Damn mad for your daughter playing the barber lol
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    Reaverie wrote: »
    when i was 5 i took the keys to my dads car. i walked next door to get my friend, had him get in the car with me, locked the doors, started it up and was attempting to drive away. when our parents found us, we refused to get out of the car so they called the police who came and picked the locks and gave me a stern talking to.

    My kids. At 6 and 9 my kids tried to wake me up and demand donuts for breakfast at 6am. I told them to go back to bed. They didnt. They kept aggravating me and I told them to just go get a bowl of cereal like normal kids. When that didnt work I cleverly mumbled "you know where the keys are, get your own damn donuts." Whoops..

    I heard the car start and the sound of it backing out of the driveway. I was up and running out the door barefoot and found my son already backed into the street and just putting it into drive. His accomplice, my daughter, standing behind him pointing out different things on the dash board. I can only assume she was telling him what to do 6.. I DID yell then. I ran up to the window and told him to pull the truck back into the driveway this instant! They both just grinned at me, but he did. He told me it was my fault, I was the one who told him to get the keys. So I capitulated and admitted my defeat, got shoes on, and drove my kids to Dunkin to get bloody donuts.

    If that was me, my parents would have showed me what a donut looks like after the beating lol
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    All the foolish things young people do while thinking they're indestructible, plus got married at 20. I guess I was somewhat indestructible because I didn't get killed or injured, or with some incurable disease, but I really wish I've listened to people who were wiser then.
  • Pamela_43
    Pamela_43 Posts: 315 Member
    @TommyW45. I feel lucky!

    Grew up on a farm, so I can drive anything. One day my cousin and I stole the Mack truck cab and went for pizza. Neither one of us even had a driver's license. Totally got away with it! LOL
  • djwar9858
    djwar9858 Posts: 43 Member
    Actually got my tongue stuck on a frozen pole. DUH