What Other Factors (Besides Nutrition) Help You Succeed?



  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    Lost my pregnancy weight after my 4th baby the same way I did before--weighing and logging my food, being more active.

    I lost an additional 10 lbs to be smaller and lighter than I've ever been as an adult by shifting my exercise focus from running to weight lifting (with cardio as a support, not main activity). To compensate for reduced cardio, I try to be more generally active--I aim for 20k steps a day. I like seeing my "earned" calories go up as the day progresses.
  • thoughtfulnest
    thoughtfulnest Posts: 20 Member
    For me, exercise is the #1 element. So I want to feel and look better in my clothes? Yes. But at 42 and being a mom and role model, my priorities have shifted. I have a responsibility to let go of the habits of learned self-hatred and self-abuse and show the kids around me what it looks like to love my body right now, in this moment, the way I am.
    I have suffered with anxiety and depression for much of my adult life and I've now found a naturopath who has put me on serotonin and dopamine and a natural Thyroid supplement instead of the synthroid that caused more problems had it fixed. This combination of supplements has enabled me to get off the couch and make exercise a priority and I have to tell you, once I'm doing regular, high intensity cardio, the other decisions start to change naturally after a few weeks. I drink more water, I make better food choices, and I'm mentally in so much better a place that I find myself getting excited and making plans for the future, as well as enjoying the "little things" that can seem grey when depression is not dealt with properly.

    Exercise is the best antidepressant. Do some of us need other help? Yes. For me it's serotonin, for someone else it might be prescription mess or therapy or both...but exercise has been the catalyst for my 18 lb loss (so far) and I'm so happy to feel positive about the future again.
  • thoughtfulnest
    thoughtfulnest Posts: 20 Member
    Sorry, that should have said "prescription meds," not mess!
  • scraphappysteph
    scraphappysteph Posts: 3 Member
    This app, my trainer and my fitbit.
  • grocksout
    grocksout Posts: 1 Member
    I started drinking this detox tea and I really love it! I wrote a review about it on my blog... https://yourhealthyfriend.wordpress.com/2017/02/01/lose-weight-best-detox-tea/
  • smellwelsh
    smellwelsh Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi this is new to me but my brother absolutely swears by it. After doing ww and sw for many years and now realising these aren't for me! I hoping this is going to be more realistic for me!
  • yessie916
    yessie916 Posts: 18 Member
    Consistency, consistency, consistency! Since I have made it a goal to exercise 4 days a week, I have stuck to it consistently for more than 6 months. Even when I have a bad workout where I just wasn't able to get into it, it makes me feel good knowing I stuck to my goal. Consistency is what has pulled me through and helped me lose 70+ lbs! This time 2 years ago, I was never exercising regulary so to me, making exercise routine is a big freaking deal.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,669 Member
    clepant wrote: »
    THE 12 principles I learned on my journey to a healthy lifestyle.
    1. Diets don't work. If you go on a diet, you have to go off of it. Who wants to stay on a diet their entire life. If you change what you eat and how you live, it ibecomes a way of life.
    2. Hold yourself accountable. Get a person to tell it like it is and won't buy your excuses. Fitness Pal is a great tool if you use ithonestly.
    3. Good habits are just as hard to break as bad ones. Once you establish them they become a part of your life. Like brushing your teeth. You don't really think about it but you do it anyway.
    4.The best piece of exercise equipment you can own is the one you will use. If you don't use it what good is it. My equipment is my walking shoes, running gear and my bike. I have a gym membership for lifting weights two times a week.
    5.Portion distortion. Don't be tricked by size. We are a society of bigger food amounts are better. This where My Fitness Pal will help. It made realize that I was consuming too much food. Once I changed that my stomach shrunk and I could not eat as much. A new habit.
    6. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Drink lots of water. You are mainly composed of water. Your skin is the biggest organ on your body and it needs hydration. It also keeps you feeling full. I need it for running now too.
    7. You have to walk before you can run. Take things in baby steps. Your changes, your weight loss goals, your exercise habits. You did not gain weight over night so you need to take it off slowly. You are more likely to keep it off.
    8.Make time for you. You have to take time in your day to exercise. I squeeze it in, early morning, late at night, immediately after work.
    9.Sleep is healing. When I am tired, I go to bed, when I feel a cold coming on I go to bed, when I ache, I go to bed. Science proofs that we do most of our healing while we sleep and rest.
    10.Don't sweat the small stuff. Most of time stress truckers eating and bad habits. You can only control what is in your personal circle.
    11. Abuse it and lose it. If you don't take care of your body with nutrition and exercise you will be heading for major health issues later in life. Diabetes, heart disease, arthritis all result from an unhealthy diet. If you go out to fast exercising, you only create injury and you will be put out of action until you heal.
    12. Good health is empowering. It gives you lots of energy, it sharpens you brain, it gives you new freedom.

    I'm quoting this in its entirety so we can all read it again. Excellent post.
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    My Fitness Pal and My Fitbit. Life Changers. Also getting down to the emotional reason behind the food binges...
  • rgrossma2016
    rgrossma2016 Posts: 2 Member
    Determination, daily excercize, and premium plan
  • daworley
    daworley Posts: 238 Member
    Staying the course - you will have bad days, good days and days in between forever! After a bad day, just move on! Also, my son who is an MD, said to me that what I eat is MY CHOICE! No one is forcing me to eat anything or not eat anything, It is just food and it is my choice. This has been one of the biggest factors for me; for some reason it just clicked and made sense. He said this during a health conversation we were having...he is not a primary care Dr, he is a specialist in an entirely different field, so don't worry he would say that to a patient!
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