Is it healthy to completely cut out carbs from my diet?



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited February 2017
    annacole94 wrote: »
    I would say people have been vegetarian/vegan in India for a few thousand years. Does that qualify as "ancestral"?

    Eating no wholesome fruits and veggies gets backlash because, generally, the average North American would be more healthy if they ate more fruits and veggies (and less crap).

    India could work if we look at their diet from before western contact... That's quite a while back though.

    I think the key dietary change for better health could be "less crap". The crap should be eliminated and replaced with something, and the something could be fruits and veggies; it could also be replaced with animal products.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Is it healthy to completely cut out carbs from my diet?

    It's neither healthy nor unhealthy - depends how you do it - and might depend on your body makeup. It does require much more effort to tune the food balance, it's not just a jump in and eat less carbs for 2 weeks [that would be a bad experience]. There can be unwelcome side effects if not done correctly.

    My scale tells me it's the right thing for me - lowest weight in 30 years [still more to lose]. My blood tests are totally normal,
  • hughiepie
    hughiepie Posts: 2 Member
    Pretty much the vast majority of people "trying" to lose weight are still back in the seventies and reading questionable research. All one needs to read is "The Obesity Code" by Dr. Jason Fung. It is not about calories in vs calories out. This has been proven to be a complete falsehood. If you eat more, your body boosts its metabolic rate to burn those extra calories. Ever notice how you sometimes feel really warm/hot after a big meal? That is your metabolism at work. As for carbohydrates, your body doesn't need them, it can manufacture all the sugar it needs. I challenge anyone here to name me one essential carbohydrate. The body requires essential amino acids (that's protein) and it requires essential fatty acids (that's fat), but there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. We also eat too often. 3 meals and 3 snacks per day is overkill and unnecessary. Try cutting out the least important meal of the day and the 3 snacks.
  • hughiepie
    hughiepie Posts: 2 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    So @EbonyDahlia you don't agree that having vegetables everyday is essential? Strange when that should be close to 50% of our diet. That astounds me, unless you are not knowledgeable enough to realise that vegetables have carbs.

    Carbs are not an essential nutrient, therefore vegetables are not essential. Vegetables can certainly contribute to a healthy diet but they are by no means needed. There are actually quite a few carnivores and almost zero carbers on MFP who are thriving without plant matter in their diets. As long as you eat quality animal products, it is not difficult to maintain excellent health without plants in one's diet.

    Terrible advice and one to avoid.


    What do you suggest?

    Any good cut of meat (especially eating a varied diet of meats) along with healthy fats from things like eggs and butter will provide all of the vitamins and minerals that the body needs to thrive.

    Phytonutrients - a catch-phrase used by the health food gurus backed by lots of correlation studies that do not offer direct cause/results to justify needing them.

    Fiber - needed only to clean out the residue of higher carb diets

    Again, as has been posted before, carbs are not a required macro and the body can and does manufacture any glycogen that it needs from both protein and fat.

    Still not advised.
    You'll be hard pressed to find an RD or RN who'd agree with the above statement.

    I'm an RN and I do agree that carbs are not required, as do my two cardiologist friends and colleagues.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited February 2017
    hughiepie wrote: »
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    So @EbonyDahlia you don't agree that having vegetables everyday is essential? Strange when that should be close to 50% of our diet. That astounds me, unless you are not knowledgeable enough to realise that vegetables have carbs.

    Carbs are not an essential nutrient, therefore vegetables are not essential. Vegetables can certainly contribute to a healthy diet but they are by no means needed. There are actually quite a few carnivores and almost zero carbers on MFP who are thriving without plant matter in their diets. As long as you eat quality animal products, it is not difficult to maintain excellent health without plants in one's diet.

    Terrible advice and one to avoid.


    What do you suggest?

    Any good cut of meat (especially eating a varied diet of meats) along with healthy fats from things like eggs and butter will provide all of the vitamins and minerals that the body needs to thrive.

    Phytonutrients - a catch-phrase used by the health food gurus backed by lots of correlation studies that do not offer direct cause/results to justify needing them.

    Fiber - needed only to clean out the residue of higher carb diets

    Again, as has been posted before, carbs are not a required macro and the body can and does manufacture any glycogen that it needs from both protein and fat.

    Still not advised.
    You'll be hard pressed to find an RD or RN who'd agree with the above statement.

    I'm an RN and I do agree that carbs are not required, as do my two cardiologist friends and colleagues.

    So? I'd be much more interested in your real life experience with weight management. How many pounds have you lost? How many years have you been successfully maintaining your loss?

    eta: my sister is an RN and is also obese and a smoker. Being a medical professional doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot, when it comes to weight management and nutrition topics.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    ok, just for giggles, @Lillymoo01 (and just to clarify this conversation), please define 'optimum health' for us.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    ok, just for giggles, @Lillymoo01 (and just to clarify this conversation), please define 'optimum health' for us.

    Where you are at your best physically and emotionally without being sick or rundown. Without adequate nutrition including all the required micro nutrients I can not see how this is even close to possible. Why you would get giggles from this is beyond me.
  • dawnflowers104
    dawnflowers104 Posts: 12 Member
    lcrivas4jc wrote: »
    It's impossible to completely cut out carbs. That said, there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate, unlike protein and fat. Check out the ketogenic lifestyle. Don't believe conventional medical advice about what a healthy diet consists of. Most doctors have less than eight hours of nutritional instruction! Also check out Ancel Keys and his completely flawed study (he blatantly lied and skewed the data) back in the 50s, which our government bought hook and sinker and has been shoving down our throats ever since ( There used to be a really good video about Ancel Keys on Youtube but I have been unable to find it for several months. Ever since his "findings" were published, we've been told to cut the fat and up our consumption of whole grains.

    The current American food pyramid should be turned upside down with the grains section deleted. Of course you can lose weight on a lowfat diet but it won't last long and it definitely won't make you healthy. The other thing about the keto lifestyle is that food cravings are dramatically diminished!

    I've been eating 25-30 carbs per day for a while and my blood sugars (previously in the low 200s almost immediately went to an average of 80-90.

    Totally agree with you on the Ancel keys thing! There are SO many people that are uneducated about this fact. I teach this to my clients (I am a personal trainer). Question, do you exercise regularly? I have thought about trying the ketogenesis diet just to see if it could work for me to help cut body fat but I exercise alot and sweat alot so Im afraid to go that low with carbs.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited February 2017
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    ok, just for giggles, @Lillymoo01 (and just to clarify this conversation), please define 'optimum health' for us.

    Not littlymoo01 but I'll play :)
    -healthy weight for your stats
    -no medical conditions/no need to take prescriptions
    -healthy range waist circumference
    -consistent good blood work panels (I know there's debate about what that actually looks like, but I go by what my doctor recommends as I respect and trust his judgment)
    -normal blood pressure
    -good mental health
    -no detrimental habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption etc

    And I personally think you can hit all of these by eating all sorts of macros ratios combinations. You can also be doing everything 'right' and still not be in optimal health due to genetics/medical conditions that are out of your control etc.

    One thing I've learned over the past few years is to not take things so seriously. I eat how I like, am successfully managing my weight, have solid feedback from my doctor and I enjoy life. That's good enough for me :)