

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Charleen ~ What a blessing your were to that poor man. I hope his cat makes it.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Frankiesgirl21 – Of course, you can come back; just drop in and post. Proud that you have stopped smoking, keep up the good work. Don’t worry about ‘falling on the weight boat’; we’ve all done that at some point. Don’t worry about the way you look – have loads of fun in the Bahamas. Yeah, unfortunately BP pills will make you gain weight; but, tracking you food, measuring out and being mindful of portion controls really work and you know you are in the right spot for encouragement.

    Kate UK – Since Sunday, I haven’t done well on calories either. Hope my GP’s scales are off a little. Could not get my cowboy boots off to get weighed. I won’t make that mistake again. Because I am going to literally ‘cry’ if I have put the 5.5lbs I had lost the last weigh-in and gone out and found them. One more week to get my butt in gear and eat properly. Breakfast this morning and my evening snack are well over ½ of what I am supposed to eat. I have not gone outside yet to see what the rains brought – cooler weather (???).

    Barbie – Neither my husband nor I could walk on our elliptical for more than 5 minutes without being so winded we’d have to sit for 30 minutes; so we gave it to DOS because he will use it. I don’t think it has become a tree horse for clothes.

    Heather – The kids are still beautiful!!!! I like the poses they take when they are being themselves and not the posed ones where half the time, at least one of them, is crying.

    My GP explained my MRI results and made me feel so much better. I'm convinced that my Neurologist doesn't know his nurse was spawned from the Devil. >:)

    Got a few errands to run this AM.

    Nothing much happening around here. I walked around the property yesterday with Cracker; then came in and did 25 minutes on treadmill. I get more calories burned by walking on treadmill for 20 minutes more than walking 45 minutes outside.

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hello all -

    March already! How is that possible? Today is a bright, windy spring day here, and there were already bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush in bloom on my way home from my uncle's funeral.

    Barbie - Thank you for keeping us moving forward!

    Karen - I'm so glad Olivia is continuing to get stronger.

    We did a lot of eating in Houston, but I'm home now and ready to get back to work. Everybody have a great day!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Charleen2 wrote: »
    February was a good month. My February goals were to 'Be Lighter' and 'Be Kinder'.

    I lost a surprising 4 lbs in February and no longer need to take prescription medications. I consider this my biggest reward (NSV) to date for sticking to my plan. Eat less, exercise more. Check = Be Lighter.

    I was in the right place at the right time for my Be Kinder goal. An elderly man who clearly was cash strapped had brought in his 22 yr old cat for an emergency visit to the Vet. He couldn't cover the $600 bill for his fur baby's emergency visit, meds and tests. He was clearly out of money, credit card was maxed. I quietly talked to the staff and paid his Vet bill.

    They let him know that he didn't have to stress over the balance, that it was taken care of. I didn't want him to know. Confused but happy he left to take his cat home and care for him. I couldn't help thinking he had made a choice of love over money. 22 years is a long time and clearly this cat was the only thing he had left in his life that he loved.

    I think my March goals will again be 'Be Lighter' and 'Be Kinder'. After all, those February goals made it a good month for me.

    Charleen in Colorado (So tell me again...where is the snow???)

    Charleen - What a beautiful story and such a gentle loving soul you are. You made me cry. Thanks for sharing.

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lisa, miss you, sending warm thots. Hope all is well with you and Corey.

    Janetr okc
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Charlene - You are truly an o:) . I want to give you a big kiss. X . And congrats on getting off the meds. Terrific. :flowerforyou:

    Even though I am fit, exercise a lot and at target weight I still have to take one blood pressure pill. That really annoys me, but I guess it's genetic. I'm fine with the one pill and got it even lower by taking two beetroot capsules a day. That dropped it a bit more. I think I could lower my BP if I lowered my sodium, but I don't enjoy my food without it. I've cut back over the years, especially as DH doesn't like it, and commercial food tastes way too salty to me these days, but I do still like a bit, maybe too much. I prefer to keep taking the tablet. :laugh:

    Had a long nap this afternoon. :D Still very coldy.

    My cheque from the travel insurance company has arrived. :D Will pay it in tomorrow.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Well, my adventures in meal prep and cooking are going to get a work out for the next 40 days. My son has decided to give up fast food (anything with a drive-thru is what he considers fast food), fried foods and dairy (this includes, yogurt, cheese, and butter) for Lent. I am looking towards those cultures that eat many "cheese free" dishes. Asian, Indian, Middle eastern...if you have any good recipes that you have tried and enjoy, please pass it along. I really hope he can stick to this plan. #1- it would be healthier choices and #2- we looked over his receipts and figure he spends about $300/month on eating out! Money that could go towards a trip!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    March 2017 Goals:
    1. Eat a pound of vegetables a day
    2. HFLC food plan
    3. Exercise a minimum of 4 times per week
    4. "Putter" more
    5. Look for opportunities to perform random acts of kindness

    Karen in Virginia

    karen My dear blunt husband asked me it you were part horse, with the lb of veggies a day! Don't worry, I swatted him for it! I say that's awesome work!
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
  • cbw1958
    cbw1958 Posts: 14 Member
    I did post at the end of February's thread quickly and have enjoyed reading all the posts! It sounds like all of you are very supportive and great friends! I know that helps! I did count calories on here years ago and I joined a great group like this and it really helped be accountable and not feel so alone!

    I am going to try and get to know the names and lives that go with them...so far really enjoyed the pictures from the museum and grandchildren along with all the stories. Such a wonderful story of helping the man with his 22 year old cat.

    I live in the snowy UP of MI. As a matter of fact today we were let out of school early due to snow!! I did go to the gym(good) but then stop at taco bell(bad) on way home!

    I have gotten these goal idea from all of you (thank you)...

    March Goals:

    1. Log every bite, everyday
    2. Work out minimum of 4 times a week
    3. Weight myself just once a week
    4. Lose 6 lbs this month
    5. Be happy and thankful (most days)

  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
  • quohogtwist
    quohogtwist Posts: 7 Member
    New to MFP and to this group! The idea that you should decide your goals and write them down is a very positive start! Thanks.
    My overall goal is to lose weight so my sciatica and back feel better so I can get moving again. Missing my tennis, pickleball and hiking. Shuffling around right now, feeling old and heavy.

    Log daily
    Figure out when ok to have a cocktail, as doing it 7 times a week is just packing on the lbs.
    Gentle exercise daily, even if for 30 mins.
    Ordering salads when out.

    Stick to the plan!

    Coming from The Villages, Florida
    Lots of activities, happy hour, and nightly entertainment on the square!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member

    I see the Feb page with the March link and I still post to it. Nothing radical. Just a post to say I'm still here.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member

    I have done that before. Its frustrating. I was like where IS everyone?!!!