March 2017 Running Challenge



  • dubzygirl
    dubzygirl Posts: 1 Member
    Joining! Doing 31 miles
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Goal - 35miles of walk/run intervals

    Mar 1 - 3.1
    Mar 3 - 1.8

    Tot: 4.9

    Thanks so much for the welcome. Nice to be back posting instead of just lurking. I tried this last fall but hip problems took me out. Still a problem but I'll walk as much as necessary. Such a great group it's hard to stay away.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Thanks so much @Stoshew71 - I'll just think of you as my hero. And everyone else who contributed to the pacing talk, even those who joined my in fessing up - cathartic isn't it? You're all my heroes, a girl can never have too many heroes can she?

    Aching still after my Tai chi class, and have a 9 miler planned for the weekend. Problem is, the weather looks bad on one day, and a friend really wants to go for a walk the other. I've been hoping all day she'll abort, but looks like I'll just have to take the rainy day for my run instead. Wearing my HR monitor.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    @MNLittleFinn I know I'm not a regular, but I've been lurking enough that I feel like one. Very glad to hear you are taking those 9 days off. Your students will live :smile: .
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Patellarfemoral syndrome. rest, massage, NSAIDs let it heal. Dr wasn't worried since it wasn't in the knee.

    My poor poor students..... I'm grumpy when I don't run.

    Planning to take 9 full days off,minimum, even if I feel better. Dr didn't say how long to rest, just to ride it out, so I gave myself a minimum to stick to.

    This is what I got the first time I really got into running, a few years ago. I was not following any sort of plan, so I'm sure I was running too fast and doing too much too soon. I was also still dancing a lot, so just a whole bunch of overuse. My stupidity was I ignored all the twinges and aches and soreness for too long. Went out to do my first half marathon with it and ended up walking the entire second half b/c I felt like my kneecap was gonna pop out. After the car ride home I had trouble even walking. Only then did I go to the doc and it was patellofemoral syndrome. More severe than your case sounds though, which is good, because I had to go through the whole PT thing with it. I do know that working on strengthening your quads can help. The PT had me doing things like leg extensions and squats, and this is one of the reasons I'm trying to maintain a focus on strength training now as I'm running, so I can hopefully prevent a recurrence of this issue.

    Just stay focused and stay strong. You got this! I was stupid and let it get to me too much. It really knocked me out of running, and it's taken me quite a while to really get back to that level of addiction/motivation I had. I know now that if/when I get another injury I just need to really keep myself focused and dedicated to my long-term goals, and not let it get me down and discouraged.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @KatieJane83 thanks! Now that I've had a chance to let it sink in, I'm feeling OK about things.....the half a pizza I ate helped too...... I'm kind of looking forward to the time off now, I haven't slept past 0420 more than 2 days a week in over 6 months, so a week of more sleep will probably help too I'm thinking.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    @MNLittleFinn haha, I'm actually glad you mentioned sleep. I really think I need to start focusing more on getting enough quality sleep. I think that's something that I often overlook the importance of!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    edited March 2017
    3/1 - cross-training - strength training
    3/2 - 7 mile general aerobic run (Holy wind Batman!)
    3/3 - 8 mile general aerobic run

    March Total: 15/145

    223 miles/2,017 miles - goal for the year

    Today was a not-so-great feeling run. Not any twinges or injuries or anything, just overall being tired, and heavy legs from Wed's lifting and yesterday's 7 miles. I also wasn't anticipating it still being so windy today, and I think the headwind on the first part of this run really sapped some energy out of me. In addition, my HR just seemed to be all over the place today, although I think I might also need a new battery in my transmitter b/c some of the readings I'm getting I don't think I fully trust, lol.

    Sometimes I just wish that I could I could step out the front door of my home or work and have a completely flat run. Not that I live in the mountains or anything, lol, but days like today I could have really gone for no hills!

    3/11 - Bill Fortune 10k
    4/9 - JFK Runway 5k
    4/29 - Run for the Wild 5k (through the Bronx Zoo)
    5/14 - Tinkerbell HM (Disneyland)
    6/4 - GW Bridge Challenge 10k
    6/10 - NYRR New York Mini 10k
    6/25 - Bay of Fundy HM
    7/ 8 - Women’s Distance Festival 5k
    9/10 - S. Nyack 10 Miler (registration not open yet)
    11/9 - Philadelphia Marathon (1st ever marathon! registration opens 4/1)
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    edited March 2017
    @MNLittleFinn haha, I'm actually glad you mentioned sleep. I really think I need to start focusing more on getting enough quality sleep. I think that's something that I often overlook the importance of!

    Speaking of sleep... I have probably the worst sleep imaginable. I wake up multiple times per night, and a lot of the time I'll wake up and EAT in the middle of the night. So annoying, because I literally cannot control the eating when I'm half-asleep! (Trust me, I've tried so hard!) It's ruining my calorie intake and making it impossible for me to lose any more weight, and I've been stuck at 170 for months. At least I'm not gaining weight, and I believe that's because of all the running I do. This wake-and-eat thing has been going on for years. It's the reason I became so overweight in the first place. Doctor has prescribed different sleep medications for me. Most didn't work. One worked for a while, long enough for me to lose 85 pounds, then stopped working and I was back to the wake-eat cycles again.

    I recently found a supplement that contains melatonin and some other sleep-inducing herbs that I've been taking, and it's working okay. Last night I actually slept through the night for the first time in ages. Hooray! Let's just hope this keeps working and doesn't just stop like everything else.
  • SAFC1965
    SAFC1965 Posts: 15 Member
    01/03 4.17
    02/03 Rest
    03/03 3.09
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    01/03 3.86 miles
    02/03 Rest
    03/03 2.78
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    3/1 - Hate starting a month on a rest day.
    3/2 - 5.0 miles.
    3/3 - Grrr...overslept this morning and have commitments after work. No run. Unwanted rest day!
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    On the topic of sleep, I chose to skip my morning cardio workout in order to get an extra hour and I feel much better. Sleep is so important, that when I'm deprived, it affects everything and makes my workouts feel suckish.

    I'll be back at it tomorrow. :smile:
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @karllundy Deep breaths. It's still so early in the month that you'll catch up, no worries. :smile:
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member

    3/1 - 5 miles
    3/2 - 8 miles
    3/3 - 16 miles

    I wore the hydration vest on the treadmill today, not so much for practice drinking from it, but to add the weight of the water and adjust the fit/remember how to keep the ends of the straps from flopping around and whatnot.

    As long as I had the vest, I didn't have to take walk breaks to drink my 2 mouthfuls every half mile - so this was a PR for longest ever continual run with no walk breaks. It may also be a speed PR for that distance - I don't recall what pace I was targetting for the last marathon (but it was probably too fast, anyway.) Today's entire 16 miles was run at 11 min/mile. Heart rate crept up to 15 bpm over Fitbit's cardio/peak threshold, steadily over the course of the run. The average is 2 bpm higher than that cutoff. I shall target 10 seconds slower next week and see if I can average into "cardio" range.