

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited March 2017
    Becca: I do 90% of my typing on a word document that is open on my computer right beside this thread. I read the posts & comment on my word document, then eventually copy and paste the word document into the thread. It seems easiest to me & I like it. I sometimes comment to just one person, but rarely. Usually I comment to a few posts. :smiley: You may be too young to remember Thumper the Rabbit in Bambi. His great lesson was this, "If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nuthin' at all." Lots of times I don't comment because I can't think of anything to say, either nice or not so nice. I try to avoid actually saying not so nice things. I'm curious about your hair experiment. Do you have naturally curly hair? I had a friend in Junior High with naturally curly hair who used a rinse after she shampooed each time she washed her hair and another who used a rinse instead of shampoo. :flowerforyou:

    Lanette: I've been taking the riding lessons weekly even though DH is in the process of having his cataract surgeries. He doesn't mind that. He worries that I'll get hurt if I ride alone and no one is there to help. On lesson days, there are a good number of people around. When I go in during the week, it is just Arrow and me. Those days I lunge him but don't ride. The owner of the stable is around so I'm not totally alone, but she is going about her everyday business and getting chores done. She's available nearby but not watching me to be sure I don't get hurt. :flowerforyou:

    1776: I'm so glad your mom took a turn for the better. :heart:

    Michelle: We have friends who moved to The Villages in Florida and love it there. They have been very happy. They bought a house in a neighborhood, made friends with the neighbors, and have an active social life. I wonder what it would be like to live in a city of seventy thousand seniors. I don't know if that is the actual population, but you get what I mean. It seems very different. :star:

    We are at the hotel near the surgery center and, with luck, tomorrow will be an easy and successful surgery for DH. Then he will be able to see, drive, and go on living a happy life. I'm praying that is how it will go.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,712 Member
    evening ladies~
    got home about 40 min ago from work... am in bed with Jammies on and a snoring dog next to me..
    working 9-6 tomorrow...
    Becca ~ dont go anywhere.. we love having you here...
    sometimes I am chatty sometimes not... all depends on the mood.. will catch up in the morning <3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,931 Member
    edited March 2017
    :)<3Becca, keep on posting. I love the wide variety of topics on this thread and just because yours aren't like a lot of others, doesn't mean we're not interested. Sometimes I think people are tired of hearing about me and dog walking, dancing, and riding the exercise bike, but I keep on posting. My personal objection to going without clothes is that I get too cold. I wear several layers year round, indoors and out.

    <3 Barbie
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,058 Member
    edited March 2017

    Gayle I agree. That is why I kept it short when people called. I thanked them for thinking of us. DH is on the mend. What happened in the hospital stayed in the hospital. It is now time for me to take care of me. That was my speech. That attitude helped. You could ask those who call to pass on info to others. If people press for more info on her status you could also site the HIPA law. LOL It might as well be good for something.

    Love to see you once get past these two weeks. DH can't drive for two weeks. Blood pressure was good at doctors. Must have been the healing soup. LOL

    I know how tough it is with your mom. The ups and downs are hard. It is hard to watch someone you love go through a tough time. I am glad you gave yourself a day off. I plan to get a better night sleep tonight. I already told DH he does not need to wake me up in the morning. I only did it because it is was his first day back from the hospital. I did get a good nap this afternoon too.

    For dinner I cooked our veggies to the wet noodle stage. I then used the liquid to make DH"s minute rice. He is not permitted whole grain for two weeks. Those who don't like veggies it might be another way to incorporate the nutrients of the veggies into your diet. Could also be used in soups and gravies.

    Lanette just respond as you are able. We had this discussion before and many of concluded this is a site to add as a support not as one more thing to do.

    For myself this place sometimes becomes a place to collect my thoughts like Lenora. It is also helpful to me to hear how others are tackling difficult issues. It helps know I am not alone in working through my challenges. I also love this as a place to share those things we celebrate like pets, grandchildren, trips, and NSVs.

    I prefer this site to Facebook becasue I feel I have gotten to know many of you here in more depth than Facebook. Your posts make me laugh, cry, smile, want to fight for those that are hurting., and take a break from my day. Thank you friends.
    :heart: Margaret
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3<3
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited March 2017
    KJ – Sorry to hear about your friend; ouch that hurts, and so inconvenient. You won’t find me walking on my treadmill without holding on. Several years ago, I decided I would kick it up a number; had not been holding on, thought it would only go up 1 number like it does from zero through 25. It kicked up 5 points and I did that zzzzzzzzzzzzzz, kaboo! – just like the commercial Taylor Swift was in where she falls off backwards. I know 'it was a double'; but, Louis and I laughed hard every time it was on. I got penned between one of my dining room chairs with my wrist stuck on the belt. It took off several layers of skin and the only way to bandage it was to wrap gauze around it. Talk about ‘hard looks’ … it looked like I had tried to ‘slit my wrists’ and failed. I am just now getting the pigment back.

    lsargood1211 – How to bookmark page. When you come to this month’s site, there is an outline of a star; click on it, it will turn yellow; then the next time just click on the gray star between the bell and gear and a dropdown list will show up for anything you might have bookmarked before. On the last day of the month, barbiecat will post a link to the next month, so you will have to bookmark it again, the same way. If you don’t follow the link, then your post won’t be seen by those already in the new month. When posting, you cannot go back a page, unless you ‘post’ your post; then you will have one hour to ‘edit’ it. After posting you can roll your cursor over the upper right-hand corner of the post and a dropdown screen will appear with how much time you can ‘edit’ it. A lot of us open up a word processing program and minimize both the WWP and MFP side-by-side and respond as we read; then we cut and paste it to the yellow box for new posting. You just need to make sure you are at the end of the posts. Don’t delete you WWP page, until after you have pasted it to the posting box. Occasionally, depending on the time of day and your location … it might take a few moments for it to actually post, especially if it is long.

    Tell us something about you, preferred name to be called; location (general of specific), family, children, grandchildren, hobbies so that we can get to know you. Since we are mostly women, we feel free to say just about anything, we rant, rave, vent, encourage, suggest … like having each of us as a neighbor who has just come over with a hot cup of coffee.

    Margaret – I do have the luxury of going back to bed in the AM. Louis wakes me up so I can have ‘fresh coffee’ with him; but, the other night I could not get to sleep, so he let me ‘sleep in’. I don’t even think I looked at the clock. He’d left me a couple of cups in a YETI. I need to try to see if they have a lid without a slit in it.

    When I refer to ‘any’ of my family members the ‘D’ does not always mean “dear” either! I know a ‘lot’ of “D” words I can think to add to it (so if you ever see a DDDDD in front of the name, you know I am ‘really’ pissed! LOL!!!!!

    Barbie – Sounds like you need to order one of those caps that has the lights in the bill of it.

    Those with dogs that walk on a leash; my DOGD is ‘trying’ to get her 5- or 6-month old lab use to a leash since they just moved to a place without a fence. She pulls and runs and all that; has to be dragged, etc. She is a tad frustrated by her inability to get her walking on a leash without fighting. My sister told her that she had a real problem with her Brittany Spaniel and her coach (a retired Marine) told her to give her a little slack and if she started running, to turn around and run the other way as fast as she could; if she continued, to continue turning and running the opposite way. She got the dog so she could walk her ‘off a leash’ and they lived right on a very busy street in Miami. The main street as you cross over the Intercostal Waterway. I can’t remember the name of it. But heavy traffic and fast traffic.

    Michele – Welcome Home!!!!! I found the few pounds I had lost 2 weeks ago, that I had lost the previous 2 weeks. She said the pizza did it … full of sodium. My dinner of chicken, 2 veggies, rice, and gravy was a better choice. I know she was right; but, Louis just insisted on having pizza. So I paid for it. UGH!

    I used to wash my hair about every other day; now I go for 4 or 5 days without doing it. I think I have just lost that natural oil as I have gotten older and the gray in my hair is pretty course, too.

    Becca – I don’t see you as wearing your heart on your sleeve … I think a lot of here think that when someone doesn’t respond (especially if directed to them) we feel a bit slighted. But, I’ve gotten over a lot that has been said or ‘suggested’. My heart is where it is supposed to be (usually in my throat).
    You can PM me anytime you want … I love your posts … hair and sans the clothes as well. You always bring a smile to my face. I've been 'dough-popped' several times because I have 'said something' that someone hasn't liked. I do try to put a filter on my mouth; but, that isn't always easy; when you brain and your heart is saying otherwise.

    Becca and Katla – Yeah, my Mother tried teaching me that lesson. I taught it to my sons; but, one loves ‘bringing his Drama to his Mama and leaving. I got him, all alone in a closed vehicle the other day and he ‘knew’ he had pissed me off. For him to say that ‘he is an @$$-O’ isn’t like him, I could hear someone in his life TELLING him that; … but she is ‘never’ wrong. I told him that ‘what they are going through is going to be hard on their marriage’ and he admitted that it was barely hanging on. I told him that maybe they should think about their ‘actions and reactions’ and how it affected the girls. I think he is afraid of being ‘alone’; but, more than anything I think he had been ‘beat down’ by someone that is supposedly ‘in love with him’. I don’t think so … I just think at this point, that they are doing way too much harm than good by staying together. I am not the least bit concerned that she has made comments on FB and to others, that ‘if’ I wanted to run her off with a stick, I’d do it. Hurt my child, hurt me and I don’t get over it very quickly. I’ve bitten my tongue because Louis is afraid if ‘we’ say anything, then they won’t let the girls come down here. That won’t last and I tell him that. Besides, they don’t come down here unless Taylor does. It might ‘hurt’ but, I consider the source.

    Lanette – Yeah, sometimes I would like a ‘single middle finger sign’ to click on. I don’t ‘hate’ anybody; but, ‘not liking’ something or agreeing with it ought to be a ‘choice’.

    Becca and Barbie – I pack the layers on, day or night, and winter or spring; but, I do sleep on top of a mattress pad warmer, so I sleep in the ‘nude’. Of course, I have 4 robes on the door for emergencies, too. What drives me absolutely nuts is that Louis will crank the AC/Heat up/down and by the time I get around to lunch time, I am either burning up or freezing.

  • cbw1958
    cbw1958 Posts: 14 Member
    I hate to post but must admit I only lost .5 lbs last week...not sure that even counts as a loss! I just not getting serious about eating better and posting. I do exercise 3 - 4 times (hour of cardio) a week but nothing compared to what I read from many of you with lists of squats and kettle bells! I am a wimp!

    Thanks for the reply on the Vitamin D, I am getting back on and going to do 3000, 1500 morning and night because my husband reminded me that when I was on 5000 the doctor took me off because m level got too high!

    Also looking forward to making the mint buttons...thanks for posting link!

    Another confession... I am a high school teacher and have some girl scout students so guess what I did...you guessed it I got my boxes today! So I decided to give away 4 out of the 5 boxes...started on the 5th box tonight! Thin mints are my favorite in life...no will power at all! One sleeve is almost gone.

    Last year when I was in better control and ordered them and told the girls to give to anyone they thought would want or give to any food pantry...but no control this year!

    I am trying to post more and be better about writing names with responses...I hope I have not offended anyone...I know I have not been offended about anything everyone writes, quite the opposite...very interested!

    Well hoping to have better news to report soon!

    Have a great week!

    ~Cathy in the snowy UP, MI~
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Still major snow storm here today and is not supposed to let up for at least another 24 hours. Stayed home from work - driveway is packed solid with snow up to 4 feet deep and vehicle is in garage. DH has called to see if we can get it plowed out but nobody doing that until the storm is over. Busy day at home - bathed the dog and gave him a hair cut with the scissors. He looks a bit scruffy, but will use the clippers on the weekend and clean him up nice. Looks like tomorrow will be a home day too - the whole City is closed down - no school, malls closed, no taxis operating. Worse storm I've seen in a long time.

    Hugs to all. Hope you have a great day.
    Paula Y
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,559 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 13.41min, 13amph, 143mhr, 2.9mi = 119c
    apple watch- 93c
    TREADMILL jog- aerobic plus program- 45min, 0-9incl 5-5.5sp 12.22ap 135ahr, 154mhr, 3.64mi = 434c
    apple watch- 459c
    bike ride gym 2 dome train station- 7.13min, 144mhr, 11.6amph, 1.3mi = 96c
    apple watch- 61c
    jog station 2 wk- 4.51min, 9.40min mi, 160mhr, 145ahr, .5mi = 80c
    apple watch- 55c
    jog wk 2 sta- 6.11min, 11.48min mi, 148mhr, .5mi =78c
    apple watch- 60c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 21.31min, 7.3amph, 148mhr, 2.6mi = 212c
    apple watch- didn't record

    total cal 941
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,754 Member
    PaulaY ... where are you again??

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,559 Member
    damnit - lmao!! ok, I'll always put names on the 2 goldens, there is only one black yogi
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member

    I had to do speed reading but I got caught up with the posts!

    So many wonderful pictures! Love seeing the babies, fur babies, scenery, etc.

    Rita - Happy Birthday! Where would you "land" if you come to Tennessee?

    Welcome to the new ladies. This is a great place for encouragement.

    Hubby and I are having a bit of a tug-of-war about a few issues. My mood is pretty blue but it will brighten soon. Thinking of all of you and enjoying hearing about your lives. Hugs to those of you hurting.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Beth, so glad I’m not the only one. My pictures are fine on my computer and I still didn’t think Sarah had on any pants. rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Chris, I’m crossing everything I have for you in that things work out the way you want.

    Sue, yes, Sylvia had BO and ended up having surgery once or twice. I do hope she is well and really miss her. I hope her art co-op is going well.

    Pip, I absolutely adore the baby Yogi!!!! Love the pics of Bullwinkle and Floyd too.

    Barbie, I’m the same way in hearing stories about toxic co=workers and bosses. Lordy I love being retired.

    Allie, it sounds like you need to give “Mary” at work a kick in the rear. Glad you rested well.

    Kelly, that is terrible for your friend. I broke one wrist a few years ago and thought that was awful but can’t imagine two at once.

    Ginger, you are rockin’ it with those check marks. Way to go, girl.

    Isargood, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you and sign each post with the name you want to be called. A location is great too, general or specific.

    Lisa, the pictures were great. I hope ya’ll had a great time.

    Margaret, I heard tired in your typing. I hate broken sleep, too. I do hope you get the needed rest. ((((Hugs))))

    Michele, so good to hear from you. I’m glad it’s going well down there. If you just stay a little longer you can be there for Bike Week. Some of the bikers came through here on their way.

    Margaret, it sounds like you have your work cut out for you in that diet for DH. Lots of meat but not too much protein has me scratching my head?? Good luck.

    Kate, if the hospital didn’t do an ultrasound how did they figure out it was gall stones??? Hope you get it scheduled soon. My gyn sent me for an ultrasound when I told him about the pains I’d been having. The next week I ended up in the emergency room and right in the hospital for a week to get rid of the pancreatitis before my surgery. Two days after I got home from the hospital the doctor’s office called and told me that I had gall stones. I said, “Not any more, I don’t”. lol

    Kay, you are just going gang busters with your exercise. I’m so inspired by you. Go girl!!!

    Becca, I for one never felt like you were trying to convert anyone to your “weird” way of things. LOL Not that it would matter if you were. We are all pretty much set in our ways by now. There is often just no comment to make but it’s usually an interesting read. Just don’t be showin’ me your sex records, that’s all. LOL

    Lanette, I love that you said: “My "filter" developed a gigantic hole”. The next time I get a short fuse or as you say, a little sassy, I’ll think of that.

    Janetr, since you had gained back a few pounds, then don’t take my congrats on losing some. LOL I don’t care if you had gained 100….lost weight is lost weight and I think it’s wonderful. So there. (((Hugs)))

    Gayle, so sorry for what you are going through with your mom. Glad that she had a turn for the better. That is very stressful and I’m glad you took a bit of time off. Please take care. ((((Hugs))))

    Re, so glad you are seeing progress from your PT.

    Katla, I hope the surgery goes well for your DH. Sending good thoughts. Before we moved to Myrtle Beach I mentioned an “Active Adult Community” (55 and over) to DH and he said, “I don’t want to live in a neighborhood with a bunch of old people”. He did say it mostly ‘tongue in cheek’ but what’s so funny is that he is now the least active and sociable senior that I know. Thank goodness he doesn’t mind if I still go and do.

    Lanette, I agree that there are times I’d like to let someone know that I care and am thinking of them yet don’t have time to respond to everyone. But to be honest, I still forget that we have the responses that we do. Plus, how do you know someone has responded with a Like or Awesome without going back to your original post?

    Sue, beautiful flowers!! Glad you are making baby steps but hope to hear that you are leaping soon. Please take care and feel the love we are sending.

    Mia, she’s cute. I love the smell of a clean doggie.

    Cathy, for sure you need to post more so we can congratulate you when you “GET A GRIP” on yourself. Lol Package those cookies in very small portions and put them in the freezer. Quick. You can do this. Come on now.

    Paula, sorry for all your snow. Unless you like the snow days? Can’t tell. Just stay safe and enjoy your time in the house.

    Toni, just know that we are here for you if you need to rant a bit. I hope you and your DH can work it all out. (((Hugs)))

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC