March 2017 Running Challenge



  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    epr3996 wrote: »
    5km on the dreadmill last night for a total of 12km yesterday


    Is running on the Treadmill boring? After all it takes out the excitement of being chased by a dog or almost hit by a car and don't forget the excitement of wondering if you will step on uneven ground and twist an ankle miles from home!

    Those kinds of excitement, I can live without.

    I love my boring treadmill!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    dkabambe wrote: »

    p.s. Is it wrong to sign up for the bling when I'm not really going to "race" the 10K and only use it as a training run?

    I do this all the time. One race here in the fall is a 10-miler three or four weeks before the local half/full and promotes themselves this way a bit.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    3/1 6.3r + 4.2w
    3/2 7.25r + 4.5w + 1000m row
    3/3 6.5r + 4.8w
    3/4 10.2r + 0.5w
    3/5 0.0r + 4.0w
    3/6 5.1r + 5.1w + 1200m row
    3/7 7.1r + 3.5w
    Total so far: 42.55r + 26.6w = 69.15 miles

    Giving up my run tonight to go help out in a flower shop after work. If this becomes a more regular thing, I may have to revisit running in the morning (UGH).
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    @7lenny7 I posted that series to my Facebook feed a week or so ago when I ran across it. I didn't even get a single like from any of my friends. The runs are pretty well spaced, about a month apart, so I was thinking to fill up my race schedule all in one place - but then second thoughts kicked in and I realized that I hate taking the train into Chicago, they're not chip-timed and they don't close off traffic - and it would eat my entire day, for a 5k fun-run. If they'd had a single price for a season pass, I'd have already paid before I talked myself out of it. They should really consider that as an option.
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    Question for the experts here...

    Lately I've noticed that my left hip area becomes a little sore after I run and it takes a while for it to go away, sometimes days. When I stretch though, I do a yoga pose called pigeon which really focuses on the hips, and it doesn't hurt, so I'm at a loss as to what the cause could be. I will be checking with my chiro this week and doctor soon, but I figured I'd pick the brains of the group.

    I appreciate any feedback. :smile:
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    epr3996 wrote: »
    5km on the dreadmill last night for a total of 12km yesterday


    Is running on the Treadmill boring? After all it takes out the excitement of being chased by a dog or almost hit by a car and don't forget the excitement of wondering if you will step on uneven ground and twist an ankle miles from home!

    Well Eddy Bear it is boring hence why I call it the Dreadmill! I ran 7km in the early morning outdoors and even saw a Pepe Le Pew!!! However, I wanted to get a bit more distance in and it was pouring and very windy and late when I could get more in....there is a purpose for the Dreadmill from time to time. My first choice would be to run OUTSIDE!!!!

  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    edited March 2017
    Date - Mi - MTD
    3/1 - 1.26 - 1.26
    3/2 - 6.00 - 7.26
    3/3 - 1.43 - 8.69
    3/6 - 3.55 -12.24
    3/7 - 1.20 - 13.44
    3/8 - 6.00 - 19.44
    Miles remaining 50.56

    A bit of advice? I've been running recreationally for 5 years but I am still relatively new and slow to races (2 HM PR2:40). Signed up for a marathon 19 weeks away. I will roughly follow the Hal Higdon Novice 2 distances but am worried about finishing in 6h so thinking about tacking in a speed workout a week as follows

    Mon: 1.2mi WU/CD + strength training + 2-3mi treadmill hill workout
    Tues: easy run or break
    Wed: 1.2mi WU/CD + strength training
    Thursday: pace run
    Friday 1.2mi WU/CD + strength training
    Saturday long run

    Do you think this is feasible?
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited March 2017
    @chichidachimp - Just based on my personal experiences at those same paces (HM and Full), I found I was able to increase my pace best by doing speedwork and limiting myself to HM's as my longest race. The idea is to first get faster HM times, then work on translating those paces out to a longer distances training for a full. The miles needed to build up for my first full were very taxing and I simply wasn't able to reasonably do a lot of strength building speedowrk on top of it while base building to the marathon weekly distances for training. There's always other ways to do things, so your way may not be the same as my way. But in my opinion, you are going to already be "building up" to do a full marathon distance. So the speedwork and increased pace are not the focus, the focus is the added distance. It's when you try to increase too many factors, like distance + speed that injuries happen.

    If the race allows for 6 hours, and you can train for running that kind of mileage and time on the feet, then you can still do the full at that pace. I did three of them at a 6hr pace in a single season, so it's not like it's that God-awful terrible. Ultra runners run for 6+ hours. You just have to be conditioned for long, taxing runs. I adapted my training from the standard marathon training to ultra training since my time was more suited to an ultra runner than a marathon runner (something no marathon training plan I have seen takes into consideration because they assume you are a sub 5 hour runner). Granted, the distance ran was a marathon, but the toll taken on the body was more of an ultra run due to the time spent running. For me, that meant mid-week long runs and some back-to-back long runs (to do a long run on depleted legs). Speedwork is nigh impossible to fit in with mid-week long runs and back-to-back long runs. Everything is either a long run or a recovery run.
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Today was "60-minute fartlek with long duration efforts". My session probably looked roughly like this:
    5 minute warm-up, (6-7min tempo, 3-4min jog) x 4; 20 minutes increasing pace from MP->5K pace (even including a mini-sprint for the line!); 5 minute cooldown
    I wasn't actually measuring any of it so any given interval may be a minute or two off.

    Felt really tired before starting (hardly slept last night) but run itself was good. Felt good to play with my speed after two days of easy running. It was fairly windy as well, which helped mix up my effort levels even more. With it being 14C and overcast though was just about perfect for me temperature wise, and for third time this month I went out in shorts! All round enjoyable affair really and should definitely help me sleep tonight!

    2-Mar: 1k TM + 7.8k steady
    3-Mar: 10.1k easy
    5-Mar: 10k steady
    6-Mar: 21.2k easy
    7-Mar: 4.3k easy
    8-Mar: 12.1k fartlek (long efforts)
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    It's a gorgeous day today: sunny and 67, and I'd really love to go for a run today. However, I feel like my legs need a rest day from running. So, I'm planning to do the lateral elliptical tonight, because I'm sure doing this once before my ski trip next week will totally prepare my legs for skiing! :lol: Maybe I'll at least take Spotty for a walk to enjoy the fresh air.

    In regards to getting out the door, that's never the issue other than the normal girly things I do. If I'm running before sun up in my neighborhood, it's a pony tail and maybe chapstick. If I'm visible, I've got to wear mascara and lipstick. Lol

    When I started running, I would often start talking myself into running shorter distances than planned, but that was mostly on a dreadmill, and I always ended up talking myself back into the planned distance. I only cut runs short 4 times: hamstring injury, knee injury, 100 degrees outside and ran out of water and Gatorade (trying to squeeze in a run before going to Afghanistan), and on a hotel dreadmill where it felt like it was 90 degrees in that exercise room and I ran out of water (I ran 8 miles outside the night before in 6 degree windchill without issue . I'll take that any day over a hot dreadmill run!)

    Anyway, I think cutting runs short is more common when you're newer to running, except for injury, being sick, weather, using a dreadmill. Now that I'm used to running longer distances, the thought of stopping short doesn't cross my mind anymore. I really love long runs on the's my "me time" to enjoy the outdoors.

    @KatieJane83 It sounds like a rest day is in order. Don't feel bad about it. When you're sick, I think it helps to recover faster when you give your body some rest.

    @MNLittleFinn Sorry you're still sick, but glad the knee is feeling better.
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @ariceroni It could be that, I'm not sure. This is a first for me. The strange thing is that it started after I started doing the workout my personal trainer gave me to do twice a week. He's away this week, so I'll ask him about it when he's back. Thanks for the feedback!
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    I'm probably behind the curve on this, but I just saw this hilarious "active wear" video for the 1st time today. :lol:

    I work from home now, so in order to have "less laundry," I wear active wear A LOT! Way more than I should...Lol! Right now, I'm eating Cinnamon Life in my active wear, active wear...

    What do you do in your active wear (besides running of course? ;)
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    @chichidachimp - Just based on my personal experiences at those same paces (HM and Full), I found I was able to increase my pace best by doing speedwork and limiting myself to HM's as my longest race. The idea is to first get faster HM times, then work on translating those paces out to a longer distances training for a full.

    Thank you for your feedback. I also feel like I may have rushed the FM a bit. I will taper the speed workouts down.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Well, I put on my big boy pants and decided that I should set up a coaching call with the coach who made my training plan, top get his input on modifying the plan to take into account the time off I've had from injury and being sick. Hopefully that will get set up pretty quick so I can get some structure into my return to running and get my training somewhat on track again.