Looking for friends...75lb+ to lose



  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    Patsfan802 wrote: »
    I'm looking for friends. I'm down forty pounds got 50-60 to go. Let's do it together.

    Congrats on the major weight loss so far!

    Adding you! :)
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member

    I'm working on losing 100 + pounds so I'd love to find friends that also have a good bit to lose.

    Add me! =]

    Adding you! :)
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    Naboo325 wrote: »
    Hey there, feel free to add me, i'm on everyday and love having a community of friends to see their posts and I can vent too when need be. My goal is to lose 160 lb and I've lost 116 lbs so far, 44 more to go! Started Feb last year. We got this! :)

    Go you! What a major accomplishment!!! You're so close!!!! :)

    Adding you! :)
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    alygeo wrote: »
    This looks like the perfect group for me! Goal is 60 lbs for now...just started and lost 8 in 2 weeks but like all of you not my first rodeo so know the challenges ahead and would love a group for motivational support! Add me!

    Just the friends I've made in the past week have really helped keep me motivated - I love seeing all the inspiring stories of those who have made it so far in their weight loss. It's awesome! :)

    Adding you!
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    Prefect group for me, I need to lose at least 80lbs by tomorrow... Lol
    I have a long road ahead of me, so if you will be kind and add me.

    Haha, wouldn't we ALL love to lose 80 pounds in a day!?

    Adding you! :)
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    shancnj wrote: »
    Hi Hilary and all other posters! It's so helpful to know I'm not alone. Weight loss has definitely been a struggle for me too. Over the past 7 years I've lost 114 lbs total (no surgery just nutribullet juicing and counting calories). I went on a cruise late 2015, came back 10lbs heavier and have been gaining since. I'm so mad at myself that I was 25 lbs close to my goal weight and let it slip away! Now I have 50 lbs to lose and although it's a lot, I know it can be done with some of the methods I used before. Let's support each other!

    You've done it once - you KNOW you can do this again!!! :)

    Adding you! :)
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    llm161 wrote: »
    Maybe if we chat enough, we'll all be able lose our goals. I can't lose anything. I've been going grain-free for a month now with a maximum of 1200 calories. I'm keeping track on mfp because it's easy. It works everthing out for me. My problem is medication . ... and the fact that I have arthritis in both feet. Sure, add me as a friend, It would be great to have a buddy. . . . . . .

    I've got arthritis in both of my knees...it definitely poses a challenge when just trying to get around and such. It's so frustrating!!

    Adding you! :)
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    Stacey3479 wrote: »
    Relatively new to MFP. I've lost about 15 lbs since Christmas, hoping to lose around 70 more. PCOS and being in my 30's with a desk job aren't making it easy! Feel free to add me. :)

    Desk jobs definitely do NOT help make this process any easier! I have alerts set up on my fitbit to buzz once an hour just so I remember to get out of my chair sometimes!

    Adding you! :)
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    Avalon0014 wrote: »
    Congrats on losing 18 so far! I have 30 to lose and could definitely use some positive support and friends on the journey!

    Thank you!! I think positive support could make or break it for me this time. Just going to surround myself with it! :)

    Adding you! :)
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    hollyfoord wrote: »
    Totally a newbie. Have lost 90 lbs. so far with another 50 or so to go. Would love some friends & support!

    You are DEFINITELY not a noobie with 90 pounds down! That's awesome!

    Adding you! :)
  • emmett_harpers
    emmett_harpers Posts: 5 Member
    I started on MFP a few years ago on and off - ultimate goal was to lose 100 lbs, so far I'm down 28, a work in progress. Add me if you'd like :)
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi! I'm intermittent fasting 11 days in and 6 lb down with around 80 to go. This has so far been the most tolerable and effective attempt at weight-loss I have ever tried, I started with 30 minutes cardio per day and am now up to 60 minutes and am starting to work on intensity. My diet is not ideal but getting better all the time :) happy to add anyone, or for anyone to add me as it helps to see others progress and achieve their goals!
  • TruV34
    TruV34 Posts: 6 Member
    ADD ME
  • tammylgroves
    tammylgroves Posts: 4 Member
    Hello like you I've been using this app for over a year now and this is my first time checking out the community here. I've lost 50lbs from Jan 2016 to June and regained 15lbs over the fall and Christmas time and I'm working on taking that 15lbs off and 80lbs more. I'm hoping meeting more people that are on the same lifestyle change will help.
  • juliad277
    juliad277 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also new to MFP. I am looking at losing 140 pounds. Looking for friends for motivation and support.
  • GLady1980
    GLady1980 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello, Congrats on the great work so far!!! I am 4'11" and aprox 165lbs which is quite high for my size would like to lose 40-50lbs please feel free to add me :)
  • belleshep417
    belleshep417 Posts: 24 Member
    Add me! I've lost about 90lb in the last year. I'll help in anyway I can!!
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    I started on MFP a few years ago on and off - ultimate goal was to lose 100 lbs, so far I'm down 28, a work in progress. Add me if you'd like :)

    You've already made some awesome progress! :)

    Adding you! :)
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    Hello like you I've been using this app for over a year now and this is my first time checking out the community here. I've lost 50lbs from Jan 2016 to June and regained 15lbs over the fall and Christmas time and I'm working on taking that 15lbs off and 80lbs more. I'm hoping meeting more people that are on the same lifestyle change will help.

    Getting back on the wagon after falling off is pretty much my life (BUT NO MORE! haha).

    Adding you! :)
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    juliad277 wrote: »
    I am also new to MFP. I am looking at losing 140 pounds. Looking for friends for motivation and support.

    Friends make all the difference! Adding you! :)