Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Snatch, C&J: Post your best videos



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Also- I'm watching the awards ceremony for bikini- "oh great suit selection"
    "oh she's a beautiful girl- and that electric blue is beautiful- so popular this year"

    OMG- F***KING DIE.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    edited March 2017
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Also- I'm watching the awards ceremony for bikini- "oh great suit selection"
    "oh she's a beautiful girl- and that electric blue is beautiful- so popular this year"

    OMG- F***KING DIE.

    Hahahahaha! Yeah, I'm not a fan of bikini either. I agree with you about the physique girls getting almost too big. I need to go look harder for vids from the figure girls, I saw some pics of them and thought maybe I should just become a figure fan and forget about physique lol. Like maybe I could get somewhat close to that natty at least? :#
    ETA- like a chubby off season version of course lmao
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Also- I'm watching the awards ceremony for bikini- "oh great suit selection"
    "oh she's a beautiful girl- and that electric blue is beautiful- so popular this year"

    OMG- F***KING DIE.

    Hahahahaha! Yeah, I'm not a fan of bikini either. I agree with you about the physique girls getting almost too big. I need to go look harder for vids from the figure girls, I saw some pics of them and thought maybe I should just become a figure fan and forget about physique lol. Like maybe I could get somewhat close to that natty at least? :#
    ETA- like a chubby off season version of course lmao
    I keep thinking one day imam do it- and looking at the girls at the physique who won didn't look too big. I'm pretty big even though I'm super fluffy.

    But getting under 20% for me is super hard- and even then I would have another 15 pounds to go to get on stage- figure would have to be me. I'm way to big for bikini- and way to fluffy for physique- so that would be where I would have to go.

    except. ugh- heels man- why.

    As soon as I posted that I was like WAIT the heels, nope! lol
    You wouldn't have anything near that kind of competition at a smaller/local show any way. You could probably do whatever division you wanted and crush them!
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited March 2017
    JB035 wrote: »

    295 x 6

    Current best on this cycle.

    Weighing in about 170 right now.

    That 5th rep almost took me out. Ha

    You could add ten pounds to that if music wasn't edited. ;)
  • JB035
    JB035 Posts: 336 Member
    @TresaAswegan Nice Work!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Also- I'm watching the awards ceremony for bikini- "oh great suit selection"
    "oh she's a beautiful girl- and that electric blue is beautiful- so popular this year"

    OMG- F***KING DIE.

    Hahahahaha! Yeah, I'm not a fan of bikini either. I agree with you about the physique girls getting almost too big. I need to go look harder for vids from the figure girls, I saw some pics of them and thought maybe I should just become a figure fan and forget about physique lol. Like maybe I could get somewhat close to that natty at least? :#
    ETA- like a chubby off season version of course lmao
    I keep thinking one day imam do it- and looking at the girls at the physique who won didn't look too big. I'm pretty big even though I'm super fluffy.

    But getting under 20% for me is super hard- and even then I would have another 15 pounds to go to get on stage- figure would have to be me. I'm way to big for bikini- and way to fluffy for physique- so that would be where I would have to go.

    except. ugh- heels man- why.

    As soon as I posted that I was like WAIT the heels, nope! lol
    You wouldn't have anything near that kind of competition at a smaller/local show any way. You could probably do whatever division you wanted and crush them!

    maybe- I haven't been to any of the shoes- but I've seen what my gym girls look like- which is funny #pettyforaminute- people fawn on them- the little stage groupies- and I just keep looking at them and chuckling in my head because they are so tiny.
    They are leaner- far leaner than I am- but I'm easily twice the size of most of them- so it's just all very comical to me.
    And then I repeat Grrrl Mantra- not my competition.
    They are in there working- and it doesn't *kitten* matter- it's not a popularity contest LOL- I just keep squatting away.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    _Phill727 wrote: »
    235# snatch from a beach competition jiv4nt49bcho.png

    Probably one of the most impressive things I've seen on here. Hat's off, mate!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I was sick as a dog 6-7 weeks ago and didn't train for a week. Squat? Oy, went down hard. 365 is a bytch now. Bench? Eh, went down a little, although that might be due to cutting a little bit of weight before my meet on the 25th. Deadlift? Up. :huh:

    455x3. Didn't quite lock out the 3rd, but that was probably for 4 reasons: general fatigue; got a little lightheaded after the second, so I took another breath or two, but might not have been ready; tore a callus on my right middle finger which hurt like hell (wah); and TMI:

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    @TR0berts we don't judge you- it happens LOL

    @TresaAswegan did you see Crystal Tate's lift from the Arnold? someone just posted it up on another group- HOLYFKCSTICK.
    She pulled 600 DL.

    Her total number is now 1540.

    I am in awe. Truly in awe.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    @TR0berts we don't judge you- it happens LOL

    @TresaAswegan did you see Crystal Tate's lift from the Arnold? someone just posted it up on another group- HOLYFKCSTICK.
    She pulled 600 DL.

    Her total number is now 1540.

    I am in awe. Truly in awe.

    Holy crap, no I don't think I've seen that yet!
    I follow a girl on IG who pulls 500+ and I think she's only totaled 1100+ @ 165. I thought she was hella impressive, but geeze. That's like double my total lol.
    Now I'm drawing a blank on the name of the younger guy who's been squatting 1000+... Ray Williams? Crazy *kitten* there too. He was on Mark Bell's powercast a while back and was like yeah I usually lift alone and this and that. Just casually squats 1000 lbs by himself... Crazy.
    Sometimes I have to remind myself most of the world doesn't even lift, and then I feel slightly less inadequate lol.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Also- I'm watching the awards ceremony for bikini- "oh great suit selection"
    "oh she's a beautiful girl- and that electric blue is beautiful- so popular this year"

    OMG- F***KING DIE.

    Hahahahaha! Yeah, I'm not a fan of bikini either. I agree with you about the physique girls getting almost too big. I need to go look harder for vids from the figure girls, I saw some pics of them and thought maybe I should just become a figure fan and forget about physique lol. Like maybe I could get somewhat close to that natty at least? :#
    ETA- like a chubby off season version of course lmao
    I keep thinking one day imam do it- and looking at the girls at the physique who won didn't look too big. I'm pretty big even though I'm super fluffy.

    But getting under 20% for me is super hard- and even then I would have another 15 pounds to go to get on stage- figure would have to be me. I'm way to big for bikini- and way to fluffy for physique- so that would be where I would have to go.

    except. ugh- heels man- why.

    As soon as I posted that I was like WAIT the heels, nope! lol
    You wouldn't have anything near that kind of competition at a smaller/local show any way. You could probably do whatever division you wanted and crush them!

    maybe- I haven't been to any of the shoes- but I've seen what my gym girls look like- which is funny #pettyforaminute- people fawn on them- the little stage groupies- and I just keep looking at them and chuckling in my head because they are so tiny.
    They are leaner- far leaner than I am- but I'm easily twice the size of most of them- so it's just all very comical to me.
    And then I repeat Grrrl Mantra- not my competition.
    They are in there working- and it doesn't *kitten* matter- it's not a popularity contest LOL- I just keep squatting away.

    I just saw this :#

    It's crazy how excited people get when someone is lean haha. Body fat is such a trivial thing though. You could take top level bodybuilders and get them a lil over fat and people would blow them off because they don't have abs so they must not be that great.
    I follow (was friends with but no longer) a girl who does bikini and has lost over 100 lbs. She looks great, but not bikini competition great. She's supposedly sub 15% bf but does not look it because she has so little muscle. All the comments "omg your legs/shoulders and sub par squat, you're so wonderful!" (she loves to post like "30 lbs above bodyweight!" and I'm always like b!tch, please! I'd like to think if I got down to 15% I'd look pretty decent lol)
    (Maybe I'm just salty because not many people appreciate my slightly above average squat? ;) )
    I like eating all the food and being strong though.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,440 Member
    I have my USAPL State Referee test this Sunday! I'm actually nervous, because I get performance anxiety, which I know sounds odd from a guy who wears tight spandex that gives a good view ones package making the faces I make up on the platform odd, but there it is.

    That's really cool! I'd be nervous, too.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    @TR0berts we don't judge you- it happens LOL

    @TresaAswegan did you see Crystal Tate's lift from the Arnold? someone just posted it up on another group- HOLYFKCSTICK.
    She pulled 600 DL.

    Her total number is now 1540.

    I am in awe. Truly in awe.

    Holy crap, no I don't think I've seen that yet!
    I follow a girl on IG who pulls 500+ and I think she's only totaled 1100+ @ 165. I thought she was hella impressive, but geeze. That's like double my total lol.
    Now I'm drawing a blank on the name of the younger guy who's been squatting 1000+... Ray Williams? Crazy *kitten* there too. He was on Mark Bell's powercast a while back and was like yeah I usually lift alone and this and that. Just casually squats 1000 lbs by himself... Crazy.
    Sometimes I have to remind myself most of the world doesn't even lift, and then I feel slightly less inadequate lol.
    Exactly!! I always am like- eh- YOU DON"T KNOW!!! But you're right- the rest of the world- not so much with the lifting- that's why I'm totally in love with the "not my competition" mantra- really trying to make that my actual soul and life mantra- it's hard sometimes- but there is always that stronger person- and then people who look up to you as some sort of swolemate freak of strength- but all of it is irrelevant. Just keep squatting away to be better.
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Also- I'm watching the awards ceremony for bikini- "oh great suit selection"
    "oh she's a beautiful girl- and that electric blue is beautiful- so popular this year"

    OMG- F***KING DIE.

    Hahahahaha! Yeah, I'm not a fan of bikini either. I agree with you about the physique girls getting almost too big. I need to go look harder for vids from the figure girls, I saw some pics of them and thought maybe I should just become a figure fan and forget about physique lol. Like maybe I could get somewhat close to that natty at least? :#
    ETA- like a chubby off season version of course lmao
    I keep thinking one day imam do it- and looking at the girls at the physique who won didn't look too big. I'm pretty big even though I'm super fluffy.

    But getting under 20% for me is super hard- and even then I would have another 15 pounds to go to get on stage- figure would have to be me. I'm way to big for bikini- and way to fluffy for physique- so that would be where I would have to go.

    except. ugh- heels man- why.

    As soon as I posted that I was like WAIT the heels, nope! lol
    You wouldn't have anything near that kind of competition at a smaller/local show any way. You could probably do whatever division you wanted and crush them!

    maybe- I haven't been to any of the shoes- but I've seen what my gym girls look like- which is funny #pettyforaminute- people fawn on them- the little stage groupies- and I just keep looking at them and chuckling in my head because they are so tiny.
    They are leaner- far leaner than I am- but I'm easily twice the size of most of them- so it's just all very comical to me.
    And then I repeat Grrrl Mantra- not my competition.
    They are in there working- and it doesn't *kitten* matter- it's not a popularity contest LOL- I just keep squatting away.

    I just saw this :#

    It's crazy how excited people get when someone is lean haha. Body fat is such a trivial thing though. You could take top level bodybuilders and get them a lil over fat and people would blow them off because they don't have abs so they must not be that great.
    I follow (was friends with but no longer) a girl who does bikini and has lost over 100 lbs. She looks great, but not bikini competition great. She's supposedly sub 15% bf but does not look it because she has so little muscle. All the comments "omg your legs/shoulders and sub par squat, you're so wonderful!" (she loves to post like "30 lbs above bodyweight!" and I'm always like b!tch, please! I'd like to think if I got down to 15% I'd look pretty decent lol)
    (Maybe I'm just salty because not many people appreciate my slightly above average squat? ;) )
    I like eating all the food and being strong though.

    yeepppppp- I would be a liar if I didn't feel a little twinge of salt for similar reasons. But I just keep trying to go back to "no my competition"

    but I would be happy if I had better shoulders- as if somehow that would make people take me more seriously LMAO