Row the World Game - CLOSED boat (Capt jagrib0112)



  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member


    Hiiiiiiiiii Girlies....You're all sooooo pretttttyyy. I lurve you ladies. Like soooooo much. *hic*

    Whew - is this boat wobblin around a little more than usual??? I think Lee spiked my juice last night. Yep. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. *giggles*

    Before we all went out to the bar last night, you Knotty, knotty girls burned off 6478 calories - we went about 129.56 miles. Lovely job.

    *break from drunken stupor, as it's a lot harder to fake it than I thought it might be*

    Today is a special day. We are attacking a boat. But it's different than it has been the last two times. First, we're attacking one of the boats nearby - we're allowed to pick from one that is 1-2 ahead or 1-2 behind us. So, that's Team WTF, Vita Sana, Commando & Feelin Nauti (listed in order of their positions). The next twist to this is that, since Lee got me wasted, I'm kidnapping the crewmate that burns the LEAST amount of calories today (not including zero burns). But then, I get to multiply that by FIVE! So, take a look around (you can search forums for the team threads - it's called recon! *giggles*) and let me know who everyone thinks we should attack today.

    Also, Lee posted a new topic this morning. Please take a look at it. If anyone has any ideas to share, things that you think might be fun to incorporate with the challenge, please do so!

    *returning to drunken stupor*

    *smooches* to all of youuuuuuuusssss!

    *starts singing*

    DAaaaaaayyyy-O! Daaaaaaaaaayyyyy-O! Daylight come and me want to go .... :sick:

    I better go lay down.....*giggles*
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    ive been up since late last night drinking in preparation for this too!!! BRANG IT!

    lol...i think we should drunkly attack Team WTF. i dont have any ideas for lee...but i will think about it in my downtime for work.

    side note: i lurve you knotty girls! you are all amazing! and wonderful! and...*passes out*...
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    Another 651 for me today!! Even though I've taken a break from logging I will still keep track of my calories burned for the challenge, don't want to let you guys down!! However I'm going to the Rockies tomorrow for 4 days hiking and not too sure how much cell coverage I'm going to have if any :grumble: because of the valley that I'm going to be camping in. I'll try and get my burns in if I can!! The one other crappy thing is that I'm going to have to start all over from my 75 day streak :sad: You ladies have a fabulous weekend and keep up the awesome work!! :drinker:
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    I am literally LOL!!! Okay I have been so busy that I totally missed the swimsuit conversation. I live them being referred to as chicken cutlets (not a good visual) :-). I refuse to wear a bathing suit. No I don't skinny dip. Ha

    I will try to scope out the boats and see who we should kidnap. I have to be sneaky while I am work.
  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    Hey Gals!

    So like cobylea, I'm going to be out of pocket for the next few days. I'm heading to help my sweetie's dad with an endurance ride this weekend and it's out in the middle of nowhere... with no cell coverage or internet... So i'll be MIA till Monday. :( Good luck to all this weekend and talk to you on Monday! :)

    Love ya all!
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Hey Sexiest girls on the ocean,

    just online for a second, have to run to teach my class. My opinion ... lets attack one of the boats ahead of us. Who worries about the cockleshells behind us? ROFL
    WTF looks good to me. =^_^=
    Tomorrow morning I'll hav e an appointment to work out the details about a fourth class I could start teaching. Seems my Zumba thing becomes a fulltime job. LMAO
    Well, it's good for my knotty girls ... keeps me on my toes and rowing like crazy. :-)
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    WTF looks good to me. =^_^=

    Looks good to me too!! :)
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Well, Mr. Ketty updated the map again, and it turns out that WTF hadn't been updated yet. So, now we're looking at endgültige Zerstörung (I looked this up once upon a time. It's German. Sandy, please translate? :smile:), Vita Sana & two others behind us. I'll do some stalking and see if I can't find out the average for their lowest burns on these two teams.

    I haven't heard from anyone that we've been attacked (yet!). Maybe we'll just quietly row on by without anyone noticing us....? Shhhhhhhhhhh.........
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    hey many teams are there? i have noticed a LOT of banners showing up on the forums and havent seen a boat to go with the team. is there another rowing challenge that i dont know about? lol
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    I think there's only one challenge going on. There are 23 boats. Some of them had issues with losing crewmates along the way, so they had a slow start. And I've noticed quite a few more finally creating banners. And I think when we started the game, there were only 21 boats. Two of them (including the German-named boat) started AFTER the rest of us.

    I've gathered some intel on German-name boat, but Vita Sana must submit their cal burns through PM or on the capt's wall. I've requested her friendship, but no response yet. I'd like to see what their burns look like before I make a final decision.
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    endgültige zerstörung = final destruction
    just my opinion, but that name is almost calling for an attack. ROFL it's like naming you ship Titanic. bwahahahahaha!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Yeah, that one is further out in front of us. Probably a good choice. Right now, their lowest burn is about 300 cals. That would be an additional 1500 four our team. What do you girls say?? Should I go get em!??
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    Yes, got for them!! We'll take whatever we can get!! I can't find the link to view the ships. I'll check previous pages. I know its here somewhere.
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA lately.. I'll make it up this weekend...kinda in a slump.. and been an extra busy week... :( and the heat ain't helping any!!! You are all doing a fantastic job!!! Keep it up!!
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    271 calories for me today. Sorry so late! Hope everyone had a good day.

  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Good evening Chickadees!

    I hope you've all recovered from our drunken debauchery last night....I was pretty wrecked. *giggles*

    I successfully attacked Final Destination or whatever the heck their name is. (Yes, I know it's final destruction...I was trying to be funny...... No? :tongue: Whatev) I have yet to hear what their lowest burn is.

    As I went to post in their thread to announce our attack, I saw that the team THEy attacked (Team WTF) had a low burn of 26 calories! Yes, you read that right. 2-6. Man, I hope that's not what we have in store! Although, I guess an extra 100 calories would be alright. But certainly an extra 1500 would be even better!!!

    I will let you ladies know our final total in the morning when I hear back from the captain.

    I'm a bit sad to hear that we'll be missing some ladies over the weekend! I hope you all have lots of fun!!!! We have triple miles day on Saturday again, so let's make sure those of us that are here do a good burn. I have a party that night, and need to do some cooking in the morning, but I'm hoping to spend the majority of the rest of my time busting my behind! Gym & pool again.

    I hope you're all still enjoying your time on this boat with me. Some of us have slowed down a bit, and that's okay. I understand that life gets in the way and we get discouraged for one reason or another. What's important is to do something. Go for a short walk (I know the weather isn't really helping with this one) or do some situps at home. Check out a daily challenge on MFP - it'll give you an idea of an exercise that you can do at home, without any fancy equipment. I'm going to try to bump these every day, so take a look at my wall if you can't find it on your own (I apologize in advance for having to scroll through my lots and lots of 'Jen commented on so&so's status' updates....I'm a little addicted to MFP....:ohwell: ). And if anyone just needs someone to talk to or needs advice on something (not that I will have all the answers, but maybe I can google it for you...:wink: ) or if you just need some lovin, ALWAYS feel free to message me. :flowerforyou:
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Oooh! That was quick! So, we picked up an extra 108 calories. That multiplied by 5 gives us an additional 540 calories. Not too shabby! Our total, with our additional crew member, is 6809 ~ 136.18 miles.

    We never did get attacked today. Which is a shame for all of them, because our lowest burn of the day is 215! Someone could've gotten an additional 1000 calories. Oh well!! Ah Ha!

    I'm BEAT! I hope you all have a fantastic Friday! I will (as always) be on MFP all day, counting down the minutes until it's time to go home. :smile:

    Night, Ladies!!!
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    LOL we row in silence and unseen. bwahahahahaha! (Ok, maybe not that silent, but I guess that's why they leave us alone ... a hip full of giggling, crazy girls ... who would freely attack us and make us cry?) Their fault (and our luck) if nobody is attacking us.

    i will take it a bit easier today and give my best on saturday, so we get the most out of the triple day from my burn. Sorry to see some of the ladies won't be around on the weekend, but everbody deserves some playtime on the observation deck. LMAO we other girls will still our butts off. =^_^=
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Good morning, my Lovelies!!!

    Being that yesterday was the end of our third week of rowing, I wanted to give some stats. I'm nerdy like that. :laugh: And I think it helps to give us some perspective.

    Our biggest burn in one day (as a team) was last Saturday with a total of 14,267 calories burned.
    Our smallest burn in one day (as a team) was last Friday with a total of 4592 calories burned.
    Our average daily burn (as a team) is 7982 calories burned.

    Our top three burners are Sandy (Galathea) with 20,248 calories burned, myself with 16,080 calories burned and Toni (HotSouthernMess) with 15,993 calories burned.
    Individual Top Burns are highlighted in the spreadsheet in orange. (if there's a day where I had two burns for you, I looked at the individual numbers, not the total)

    Overall, as a team, we have burned 167,621 calores!!!! Converted to miles, that's 4830.18 miles!!!

    One another note, Let's talk about tomorrow - our next TRIPLES day. I know we're down a couple girls this weekend - so, I'm not going to ask that we BEAT last weekend's triple day number, but let's get close. How about we shoot for a 12,500 calorie burn??? Think that's doable???

    My plan is to hit 2000 calories burned on Saturday. This is a LOT!!! And my closest has been 1500ish. I'm going to start my day with 30ds, then I have some cooking to do for a party tomorrow night, then the gym and the pool. I'd like to do some weight training, too. We'll see how that goes. Good luck, Ladies!!!
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    Oh the pressure!!! :-) I seriously do not know how y'all burn 1000. I've gotten close but no cigar. We are also heading out of town tomorrow, BUT I will make it a priority to work out first or I don't go. HEE. The family would so leave me too. I will post my burn and still try to get more in after we reach our destination. I don' t know what to expect up there, but I will do it if i can.

    Everyone is doing an awesome job and I am so glad to be a part of this challenge with all of you. It really has made me stay motivated and push myself harder. You all are great motivators and great support.

    Burn baby burn!!!

    I didn't realize there were daily challenges, I will start checking those out. I am currently doing the 30DS and C25K. I'm always looking for something to mix it up though.