Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Oh, I forgot to say! CallaLilly - Good for you for leaving that job. The stress isn't worth it, especially if it's affecting your health! Also, I am a major volume eater (and stress eater) too. I am definitely working on eating smaller portions and telling myself "my body doesn't need to eat this much food to function healthily." So I've been trying to take less food to work, as I eat breakfast and lunch at work. So far it's working since I've tried it, but it does take training and mindfulness for sure!
  • kal900
    kal900 Posts: 69 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hiya! This is my second time round.. Was skinny and fit 12 years ago.. hence reminder avatar... but illness, depression and selfdestruction had piled on 9 stone... Lost a fair bit but stalled... no stamina, no willpower, no selfconfidence etc...
    Anyway, that was then.. this is now.. been back on it since jan, rejoined the gym with my mum (71) and has systematically gone from @ 259 at xmas to current 230 ;)
    Weighing everything has helped, but sometimes i falter and grab a handful of ham to pick at... no sugar or flour for me.
    I do need a kick up the bum sometimes.. I can see it working, friends are now commenting, but I still get disheartened and selfsabotage.. stupid i know, really dont like it!
    If I can do it, anyone can.. its finding that switch and keeping it taped down so it cant flick off ;)
    Aiming to get to 200lbs for my birthday (end june) and ultimately reach @ 150-160, then stay there
  • CallaLilyNess
    CallaLilyNess Posts: 32 Member
    @kal900 Welcome back. Hope you can find support here.

    Ugh, guys, I've been spending most of the morning trying to find ways to be motivated in all of this. We got Burger King for dinner yesterday, and exercise seems completely impossible. I love my fiance but he has no idea how to support me through all of this. Not having the motivation is really a new challenge for me. A few years ago I had gotten up in dress sizes and said that was unacceptable. It was a no brainer for me to eat right and exercise. I rarely faltered, even at a restaurant. Now...I don't want to do the work. How do ya'all do this?? Even walking feels like too much.
  • kal900
    kal900 Posts: 69 Member
    Thankyou CallaLily
    I know your pain, this was me first time round with the 10st bulk inbetween... sould destroying isnt it!
    Just lucky to have found that spark again, but dont get me wrong.. I'll happily come home from the gym and spend the rest of the day sitting at my desk or lounging on the sofa, no way im a livewire, yet anyway!!
    I am lucky in that we never eat take out or burgers, rarely a chinese or indian. I also have a hubs whos happy to lose a couple of pounds too so he has what I have in the evening. He is supportive and I love him for it, its taken 24 years to realise that he does love me whatever size I might be, but we'd both like me healthier/ slimmer ;)
    Can you not squeeze a dvd in at home, just to get you moving? Im sure once you start feeling the benefit it'll kick in to go for it more xx
  • isotoner
    isotoner Posts: 6 Member
    I'm gonna give this group a whirl. I successfully lost 30 lbs a few years ago & gained 50 in the last 2. It's affecting my health so I need some motivation to exercise. Yes, I stress eat. I really need to start exercising again & then I can look at losing that 50. Here we go......
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hope you're all having a good week end. My dtr, Heather, her son Joey (7) & her 3 dogs came down Thursday & left this morning(sunday). She came to have an early B day celebration for me. We had such a nice time. Friday one of my 3 sons & his family came & 2 of my good friends. My son makes the best chocolate cake & butter cream frosting ever. They gave me a box of quest bars. Hubs BBQ hot dogs, we had potato salad & fruit salad & the cake. Along with all of them, we had our 6 dogs & my dtrs 3 small dogs & they were all so well behaved. My grand dtr is getting used to dogs & didn't seem afraid any more, she's 3. On Friday, I got some turmeric pills. by the next day my back was 90% better. It hardly hurts today so I'm going to go swim at the gym, but I'm not going to work out yet, sure don't want to go back to having pain. I've been loosing so slow since I haven't been to the gym since Feb 24, took a month to loose 1 lb, but I'm happy it's going down, after all, time passes weather we loose or gain so just want to head in the right direction
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    This is how my weekend has been. New puppy. Rambo. No gym but lots of following around
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ShyCush6 That is so frustrating when you don't get a workout in due to events you don't even necessarily want to be at! I hope you had a good workout filled weekend!

    @ngolden3320 How cute is he?!?!?! I am in love!

    @bluepoppies777 How did dinner with your girlfriends go? I totally undo all my hard work during the weekends too

    @Evamutt So glad you had a wonderful family filled weekend. Your house must have been crazy with all those pups running around!

    Welcome @kal900, glad to have you in the group! It sounds like you're doing a great job getting back on track with your healthy habits, 30+ lbs since Christmas is no joke!

    Welcome @isotoner!

    @CallaLilyNess What is it about exercise that makes it feel impossible? If you narrow down the why it's easier to find a solution :)

    I'm back! Monday came way too soon :(

    Saturday I woke up, straightened up the house, and was picked up by my team by 10am to head to the game. Sadly our car broke down an hour and a half away from home, so our other teammates had to pick us up and caravan us to the game. We made it just in time to check in and get changed before we had to play! We got decimated by the other team but we had a really good time and it was a great experience to play with such a high level team.

    After the game we went to check in to the hotel, who was trying to way overcharge us from what we were quoted. I took charge and had to argue with the manager for an hour before everything was finally resolved. Kinda put a damper on the night, but my team was pretty appreciative of my negotiation skills (being stubborn has it's benefits). We went to the after party, but we weren't feeling it after the long day so we headed back to the hotel. Some of the girls crashed, but me and another girl stayed up and hung out in the hot tub for awhile. Some of our other teammates partied until 6am (we were definitely not THAT cool lol).

    The next morning I woke up before everyone else, got things fully straightened out for our check out and we were on the road again. We hit the front end of the snow storm here (2 girls who left later ended up in the ditch so I'm glad we got an early start!). I was so emotionally and physically exhausted after the weekend I dove into a pile of cookies....definitely emotionally ate yesterday. Today I got up early to get a workout in and get back on track eating wise.

    I'm honestly trying to think of a situation where I wouldn't have eaten my feeling yesterday but I was at the end of my rope and I really don't do well then. This week will be better, and for the first time in a month I will not be traveling! Happy Monday everyone!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Rachel - sounds like a great, if exhausting weekend. Hope you have a good week and enjoy the absence of travel.

    Nicole - that is one sweet looking pup! What breed?

    @evamutt - what a great sounding weekend, I'm a sucker for good chocolate cake. Glad the turmeric pills helped and that your back is improved - take it easy getting yourself back on track.

    to all the newbies, welcome! Come back and talk to us regularly!

    @CallaLilyNess - I feel your pain. I don't have answers right now but you are so not alone with the whole motivation thing. I have to find a way to get back on track. I think I'm so close to my goal (about 10lbs) that feel like I've made it when in reality it's the hardest part and I need to make even more effort. I've been close to my goal for months so something has to change. Let me know if you find any magic answers :)

    Joy - ha, not the only reference to the bad mums movie! Friday evening was lovely though the three of us were too tired to misbehave too badly!! I think you are right about the itch - it seems to be a much quicker process these days so perhaps by putting up with each other as long as we have, we've survived it - who knows! Although in seriousness, I would be less than half a person without him and cannot imagine him not in my life - so I make the effort to keep it that way!

    So, we had a lovely weekend - swimming, cooking, playing in the garden (well Alistair played while I did some tidying and gardening!). Sun is shining here today which makes me feel so much better about life. We had a bit of a stupid moment on Saturday - for some reason we have been convinced that Alistair would start school in September 2018. We got this date from somewhere and although it felt early (he wouldn't quite be 4) no-one ever challenged us and we've been cheerfully assuming that we would have to start the application process later this year. But finally on Friday one of my fellow mums over supper challenged me on this and upon further inspection it is indeed September 2019. So stupid and it's thrown us into confusion - future second child plans, holiday plans, financial plans - everything up in the air! So once we've stopped feeling slightly foolish, we'll have to have a think about what, if anything, it changes!

    Hope Monday treats you all well :)
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Rambo is a Border Collie
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome all newbies. Remember your are not in this journey alone we are right there with you.

    Rachel. You had a eventful weekend. Glad you at least had fun even if you didn't win.

    Joy. Great job on be g more that half way to your march goal. You got this.

    @CallaLilyNess Motivation will come. Sometime I think it just take the scenic route. I know mine has.

    @Evamutt Your weekend sounds wonderful.

    Well no painting this weekend. My neck thanks me. Did get puppy and a lot of errands done on Saturday. And then Sunday hubby and Brandon put carpet in Jenna's room and then we went over to FIL house. It was my son Brandon's birthday. 24. Geez so I made crab legs salad and baked potatoes. Much better and cheaper then red lobster. And you can eat more. Which I did. Oh well it is sea food. So it's good for me. Right.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Joy: Oh no! Sorry about the cookie dough! ;) You worked really hard and earned that lb. girl! Proud of you! Hope you had a fun sushi/movie night with your girlfriends!! Bummer some of the girls were sick and you couldn’t make a weekend out of it!

    Kal900: You are rocking it!!! Wow! Way to go!! Keep up the great effort!

    CallaLily: One day at a time. It is a constant struggle… You have to really want it and really work for it. You need to do it for you and no one else. Once you start seeing results, it gets much easier. You get excited seeing the scale go down and you work even harder because it feels good!

    Isotoner: You can do this… We will be here for support!

    Eva: Sounds like you had a wonderful pre-birthday celebration! Hope you have a great birthday coming up. Glad you have found some pain relief as well!

    Nicole: Rambo is adorable!!! What a great weekend… How fun! Love our fur babies! Yum… Love seafood!!

    Rachel: Glad you made it to the game and had fun! That’s what it is all about!! Glad you had some team bonding as well! Makes it all the more fun! Let the cookies go.. you made up for it with a great morning workout! ;)

    Missy: Hope you have a good day and accomplish a lot!

    Had a pretty good weekend. Friday night Lexi and I got subs and then went and upgraded our cell phones… my hubby broke his and I was going to upgrade at Christmas but never got around to it. Got an early workout in Sat. morning, then we went to my parents as they are leaving for 2 weeks down south… Had a nice family day. My brother and sister both made it over as well! Saturday night… sushi buffet! Yum! Then we had a family movie night! Sunday Lexi had her job interview and then her friend came over for awhile. I started some spring cleaning. Got the bathroom, kitchen and dining room cleaned top to bottom! Then Lexi and I hit the gym. Great workout… only wow did it kick my *kitten*… Not sure why. Then last night we had another movie night. So overall very nice family weekend! Woke up to the pup barfing on my bedspread, just saliva at least, but still… no snooze button for me. Then I had to skip the workout and go out and shovel that white *kitten*! Ugh! Roads were very slippery too. Yuck!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited March 2017
    I know I live in Wisconsin but Yuck!!!! I'm ready for spring!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,399 Member
    Rambo is adorable!! I had a border collie in the past & we were in Flyball, It was so much fun4uqsdvldno98.jpg
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Everyone sounds like they had such great weekends. Sorry I missed the catch up on Monday. My oldest daughters dinner party was a great success. Lemon spaghetti, garlic bread, a salad, and cake, lots of family and fun by all.
    Then Sunday, cleaned up, errands ran. Monday was an emergency run to the dentist. My middle son broke a tooth. He was a champ.

    Last night I signed up for 3 7K's. Oh my! I think I am crazy. I would like to actually run the last one in September. Maybe even the one in June. We will have to see. I would like to be 50 pounds lighter than I was when I did the one in September last year. (if I remember right, I weighed about 30 pounds more than I do now. so 20 pounds in 6 months is very doable. so maybe even 60 less. Oh my that would be crazy good. Guess I better get my *kitten* in gear.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy 3 7Ks, you're a rockstar!!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes with the races and training. I'm glad your daughters dinner went well, what a fun way to celebrate!

    @ShyCush6 There must be something in the water, my dog puked on me this morning! I'm glad your weekend went well, some workouts are just harder than others. I bet they'll be back to feeling good in no time!

    @ngolden3320 That dinner sounds amazing. Great job saving money and calories!

    @janetay01 That is too funny! Sorry it has thrown your world into chaos though!

    @gemwolf110 I have roadside assistance but the individuals driving/who owned the car did not so it was a bit more up in the air. They were able to limp the car back home after the game though which was good. I hope you were able to get some down time on your day off!

    Last night was just what I needed. My significant other made corned beef and cabbage in the slow cooker so I had a delicious, hearty meal. When I got home from our bout viewing, I was able to curl up on the couch and read until almost 11pm! Tonight my significant other and I set aside some time for a date night so we can actually spend time together! lol.

    Now the only downside is I set my alarm later than normal so I could sleep in after staying up so late (daylight savings is messing me up!) which means I still need to fit in a workout at some point. I hate that the weather is so crappy, it makes it hard to get up the energy to do anything.

  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Shy I feel you pain. Ohio also had the white *kitten* this morning. In fact we have a winter weather advisory until tomorrow evening. How did Lexi's job interview go? Where was it at?

    Rachel Daylight savings time is killing me also. Your corned beef and cabbage sounds good. Im not sure if the kids would eat it though. I know hubby would.

    @jdelaroy 3 7K's that is impressive. Wish I liked to run, but I never cared for long distance running. I was always a sprinter in high school. Back in the stone ages as my kids would say.

    Not much to report today. I have to go do our taxes after work and then if we want to eat dinner I am going to have to go to the grocery store. Maybe I can speed walk through the grocery store.
  • CallaLilyNess
    CallaLilyNess Posts: 32 Member
    Isotoner- I'm in the same boat. I really have no advice to give other than this is super hard. Try to hang in there.

    ShyCrush6- This may not be helpful, but I wish I were in WI with colder weather. I'm down at the gulf coast in MS and I'm not ready for the heat that's coming very quickly. And, when it comes to this diet and exercise's complex. Diet...I'm constantly starving, so I eat and eat. actually makes me irritable. I'm kinda exasperated, but trying to hang in there. I bought a Zumba dvd and some new exercise clothes plus I have been trying to make a sticker reward system.