When someone asks for your 'secret'



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,837 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Remoth wrote: »
    Theo166 wrote: »
    fried slugs, blended with slimfast, that's what I I'll tell them.
    It'll make CICO look more interesting.

    Yeah, but how much oil do you use to fry the slugs? Wouldn't baking them be lower calorie?

    Doesn't work. You need to fry them quickly while still alive(kinda like boiling a lobster). Otherwise they just crawl around all over the oven. ;)

    But they don't need oil. Enough natural slime that they don't stick to the pan.

    Other option is just treat them like Oysters and down them raw.

    Have you ever handled the little suckers?!?! That slime stuff is sticky! I was scrubbing with a hard-bristle brush and Dawn dish detergent, and practically had the skin off my hand before the slime residue was gone!

    (I'm serious. I wasn't cooking them for weight loss, I was trying to get them the (baby feline) out of my garden.)

    Slugs carry liver flukes. Do not handle them. Ever. Please, even in jest. I'm getting super-grossed out just thinking about this.

    It was accidental. Believe me, I was not trying to get that stuff on my skin, I'd been using tools to smoosh them, accidentally got skin contact with slime, and washed immediately.

    Good to know about the liver flukes, though. I hope that doesn't mean one's garden lettuce, in the presence of slugs, is contaminated with liver flukes - if it does, many people are exposed.
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    Remoth wrote: »
    Theo166 wrote: »
    fried slugs, blended with slimfast, that's what I I'll tell them.
    It'll make CICO look more interesting.

    Yeah, but how much oil do you use to fry the slugs? Wouldn't baking them be lower calorie?

    Doesn't work. You need to fry them quickly while still alive(kinda like boiling a lobster). Otherwise they just crawl around all over the oven. ;)

    I use a beer trap to catch my slugs, that way they are premarinated for when I fry them. I found a nice dark stout tastes best. ;)
  • yskaldir
    yskaldir Posts: 202 Member
    Just tell them you have the laws of thermodynamics on your side.
  • Staceygram
    Staceygram Posts: 147 Member
    My secret was a LOT of stress at the same time as an illness...not being able to keep solid food down kinda taught me to not eat for a bit. I don't get the glazed look though. But then I dropped 4 sizes in about 2 months.
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    Hi Guys! So I've lost close to 12 kg around 26 lbs, and at a point where everyone is noticing! I've had a few people ask me what my 'secret' is and I don't know why but it makes me a little uncomfortable? One girl asked if I am on a very strict diet and I told her that I don't find it strict I just limit my calorie intake and exercise more, and then I get the glazed looks lol I dunno anyone else feels the same way?

    Depending on how it's phrased- I hate when someone asks implying or flat out saying it looks easy for me- I have come up with an answer for everyone

    Hard work, lots of exercise, lower calories and much healthier food choices; more exercise, less food.
  • fredgonzini
    fredgonzini Posts: 77 Member
    You want to see a lot of good dirty looks. Just tell people they need to learn how to suffer. I was looking for the magic pill to. Who takes an extreme amount of commitment to do it nobody wants to hear that. 400 logged. MyFitnessPal has been a big part of it.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    You want to see a lot of good dirty looks. Just tell people they need to learn how to suffer. I was looking for the magic pill to. Who takes an extreme amount of commitment to do it nobody wants to hear that. 400 logged. MyFitnessPal has been a big part of it.

    I actually caught a warning over that once. Punching people in the feels is generally frowned upon around here. "How dare you insinuate that I did this to myself, earned this pain, and need to suck it up and deal with it?"
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Ditto to the others' replues - most people are either looking for some magic they can adopt without actual effort, or a story so extreme that they know they can't achieve it (so they have an excuse).

    As an alternative, you could just mess with 'em: "I drink a quart of apple cider vinegar every morning, then eat whatever I want"; "I learned to do headstands, and that made all the difference", "Eat only apples on Mondays, berries on Tuesdays, Cabbage on Wednesdays, . . . .", etc. (I'm joking! Joking!)

    Pine cones from my yard. They were a challenge to get used to them, but If I coat them in peanut butter they slide right down. Also, if you are going to tell people this, please make sure they know you are joking, because no doubt someone will try it.

    Yep, like my sister in law came so close to doing.
    Long story short: We convinced her that eating a pine cone was a Christmas tradition of the household. She would have taken a bite from one if we hadn't yelled "NO!".


    Love it!
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 986 Member
    The things you learn in these forums...the riddle of steel and liver flukes... I Googled the riddle of steel, hoping that I could guess the answer, thinking I may be able to, as I have taken my share of engineering materials classes. I guess not enough, lol! And the thought of liver flukes (had to Google that, too) and touching slugs is fairly gross!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I tell them, very straight forward. if you do not move it, you do not lose it..... you sit on the couch all day, and I GO GO GO!, blunt ALWAYS WORKS!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    ana_varn wrote: »
    Most people just assume that I was starving. A couple of them have asked me straight if I eat nothing/rarely or if I purge whenever I eat. The mother of a classmate I had that was a little chubby started shaming me for eating nothing and her daughter for not being able to do that as well! I told her that I eat normally but less than I used to and it works. When I am out with my mother and people just say that stuff she's defending me because she sees that I still eat normally.

    Apparently people don't like the idea that you can eat "junk" and lose weight as long as you cut the calories a bit and add exercise. Obviously, I was not only eating junk, my diet was "healthy" but junk foods weren't excluded.

    Oh, and the same people who bullied me when I was a child to lose weight are now telling me that I should gain and that I look anorexic. The woman on my profile picture is me. Nowhere near anorexic I'd say.

    Some people are just miserable themselves and will always find something to pick at.
  • heiliskrimsli
    heiliskrimsli Posts: 735 Member
    zamphir66 wrote: »
    People want weight loss to be complicated, but easy. In truth it's simple, but challenging.

    That's the difference between wanting to lose weight and wanting to have lost weight.