Fit For Future Families - July 2011



  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Ahh, Thursday, the end of the week is in sight! And this week has been a doozy too. Just a day and a half until vacation!!

    MEGGAMIX, don't stress about taking it at your pace. My obgyn wanted to push for exploratory surgery to look for endometriosis, but I think there are a lot more less invasive steps before we resort to that option. I initially felt guilty about saying no (because I pretty much did whatever she said), but now I know I made the right choice for us at this juncture. Sending good thoughts your way.

    COURTNEY, Welcome back from Puerto Rico! And good luck this cycle!!

    JALARA, So glad you have a plan!! *HUGS*

    Welcome TAMPAMOM!!

    DEVON, So sorry for your loss. As Ashley said, there are several of us with PCOS here (me included) and we're all good for discussing just about anything. Glad to have you here.

    KAREN, FC for your pre-IUI appt.

    ELIZABETH, Sending you strength, sister!!

    ASHLEY, Good luck with the acupuncture. Looking forward to hearing about your experience. And by the way, BD today if you can, then you'll have all bases covered!! :wink:

    Have a great Thursday everyone! If I can make it through my next few meetings I may go home early, I was up until 3 am last night finishing a presentation. Soooo tired...

    :yawn: Stephanie
  • rhondaredhead
    rhondaredhead Posts: 135 Member
    Hello, everyone!

    I just found this group and I'm curious. My husband and I are going to start trying for baby #2 next month (I have a beautiful, vivacious 2-year old daughter, and we got her on our first try :) and I'm interested in joining here—but would you hate me if it happened again? ;) Quickly, I mean? I'm honestly hoping that it does—I have a short time-frame because of my career—but I also know I'm facing a lot more pressure and have changed my physical habits a lot since the last time. I'm not sure, exactly, what that will mean for my body when TTC.

    I'm 36 (37 in May), writing a dissertation, teaching three courses and working in the writing center at a local university this fall, and going on the job market for a tenure-track assistant professor position (vs. part-time lecturer, what I am now). The dissertation/job search are both under time constraints, meaning stress and pressure (have to finish dissertation within a few months, and I can't really start off a new job pregnant, so that means I'd have to give birth between May and August of 2012—during the summer off of school—or wait another year). The last time I got pregnant, I was pretty overweight (between 200-210, and I'm only 5'6") and gained 40-50 lbs (ended at 250). I also had an uncomfortable pregnancy: severe carpal tunnel and hip bursitis (both of which I now attribute to being so overweight) and a lot of painful pressure on my inner thigh muscles toward the end—my daughter was sitting pretty low and was a big girl (10lbs, 8ozs!)—so much so that they still hurt afterward and the nurses asked me if I had a hernia because of the way I was walking. :) I did NOT want to go through that much discomfort the second time around, so I've been working on losing extra weight before I got pregnant again. I lost all of the pregnancy weight within six weeks—must have just been breastfeeding, because I didn't try back then—and since joining MFP a year ago and taking it as a slow lifestyle change, I've lost 40-some pounds. I'm now about 168.5. Still in the overweight BMI range—kind-of a bummer because I won't reach healthy if we get pregnant right away—but much better than where I was the last time. One thing that I think may affect TTC is that I've been training to run a 10K in September and increasing my exercise every week. That tends to throw off my already erratic cycle.

    Enough about me, though. As for this thread, how do your goals/check-ins work? I tried reading through the posts, but there are so many and a lot of people seem to have been on this for a while and already know what's going on. I'm a little hesitant to try to break into what seems like an already tight group, but I'd also like to be in touch with others who are trying to be fit while TTC, thru pregnancy, and beyond.

  • abbysmommy1
    abbysmommy1 Posts: 48 Member
    I'd like to join you. I am TTC with PCOS. I can use all the info, tips and support I can get!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Rhonda and Abby'sMom - welcome!

    Rhonda - ofcourse you can join us! We all hope to have quick pregnancies, it just doesn't always happen that way. We're happy to have you! And wow - you're a busy woman!

    For all the newbies - we have a checkin on Monday mornings, and we are each responsible for our own goals. This is like a support group for weight loss and TTC (trying to conceive) and we're happy to have as many women as want to join us!

    Everyone - thanks for the support! I appreciate it, I really do. It's been a rough week (apparently). I'll respond to each of you in more detail later - I have GOT to clean this afternoon!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Rhonda, your post resonated a lot with me. I'm new here - first post in this group. I'm also working on my dissertation, and my husband just told me he wants to try for a second baby (we have a beautiful 3 year old daughter) but I am now overweight (gained a lot after my pregnancy - was healthy weight before got pregnant) and had recently started my "back to fitness" plan. I have some work constraints that would make a quick pregnancy ideal, but I also have a lot of weight to lose. I want another baby more than anything, I just wish I could have lost the weight first and didn't have to worry about starting dates for my new job next summer. But everyone has their challenges.

    I think I will TRY to approach this with a positive attitude no matter what happens - thrilled if I get pregnant soon, still happy if I don't so I can continue getting healthy while we wait for the time to be right.

    I look forward to sharing goals and support with this lovely group.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I hear you GBOH! DH and i just heard of another of my cousins that is expecting, as well as multile FB friends from college and HS in the past few weeks. UGH! I think it gets harder to hear every time... :ohwell:

    One of my BF's had a little girl on the 12th this month (and they were slightly (SLIGHTLY) disappointed b/c they wanted a boy!) and then this weekend if have another BF's baby shower- her first child (oh and this couple, they didnt even tell ppl she was preggers until she started to show at like 5 months b/c they "weren't planning for it" and "weren't really excited at first"!!!) Some people just upset me more than others... And then those friends that are pregnant, they just complain and complains about how they can't stand being pregnant, and they just want this over already... let me tell ya, DH finally said enough is enough, he said something to them about how upset they make me, esp knowning the TTC part for us, thankfully that helped a little, they don't complain at least around me anymore :ohwell:

    I want you to know that I have you in my prayers and i know that the Lord does have a plan for both of us (to include babies)! It's just "all in God's timing" as DH likes to say... Thinking of you and praying for the BFP soon!!! :smile:

    thanks elizabeth. i am praying for you too.

    don't you just want to smack people sometimes? there is a thread on here that i responded to and said i was desperate for another child and someone responded that 'i should rethink that' and another person responded that 'people that want more kids are selfish considering the overpopulation of the world already'. grrrrr. i am glad your husband asked your friends to be more thoughtful around you. yay for husbands.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM, I have my first acupuncture appointment today. I made the appointment a while ago (as some of you may remember) but the acupuncturist was on vacation so my first consultation is today. Anyone have any suggestion on things to ask or look for? I feel knowledgeable in the western medicine part of TTC but a total fish out of water for any Chinese medicine related topics!
    Oh, and I got the slightest + on my OPK Tuesday and a full + yesterday, but DH went out to his families place last night and came home around 22h30 and told me he was to tired to BD (even though I told him that morning I got the +)!!!!!! Hopefully the bding we did Tuesday night and yesterday morning was enough, either way I’m not impressed with him right now.

    oh geez, i would not be thrilled with my hubby either if he did that. hugs!

    let me know how you like the acupuncture. i was thinking of trying it to help with the morning sickness. :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    One thing that I think may affect TTC is that I've been training to run a 10K in September and increasing my exercise every week. That tends to throw off my already erratic cycle.

    i understand that worry. i am training for a half-marathon in october.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hello Everyone. I am 21 and married to my wonderful hubby. We been married for 3 years and almost 3 months. We have been trying to conceive since we got married when I was 18. I had a miscarriage November of 2008 and 2009 and last November I did get pregnant and I carried until May 18th, 2011 when I had to give birth to my stillborn son. I was 28 weeks. Its been 9 weeks and been trying to lose weight to get ready to try again. I haven't had a period and wondering whats going on. I have Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome and it was hard to get pregnant. I finally accepted that I am not pregnant and my son is gone and hoping that we can get down to a better weight before November. It seems like that's my most fertile month. Any advice?

    no advice but i will be praying for you. you have had a heart-breaking time of it.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    another negative. i am glad i am going out of town this weekend and won't be bringing any pregnancy tests with me. :) two days and i am already a wreck.

    p.s. my weigh in day is wednesday and it was 121.0. officially only need 6 more pounds until i am in a 'normal' weight range for my height (although my goal is a few pounds lower than that). c'mon 120!!!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Wow wow wow! I feel like a horrible horrible board buddy....I havnt even had time to "lurk" to keep up w everyone! Much less post! However, bc of how unbelievably boring my job is, I just took the last 90min to read/skim over the last 9pages/20 days of posts!

    For all the Newbies, WELCOME! I'll give u a brief intro and give some updatesY for the "oldbies"(I'm voting this a legit word Pam) My name is Alisa. I am 25 and have been married to not only my wonderful husband but also the Navy (i like my husband better!) for 16 months. I have an almost 6yr old boy from a previous relationship (missed a few BCP when I was 18 and oops! Ur preggo!) i went off bc in october 2010 so that the hubs and i could TTC the two months before he left on a 7month deployment. unfortunately getting preggo so fast the first time lead us to believe I was "fertile mertile"....NOT the case. I was diagnosed with PCOS in May. I haven't had a cycle that wasn't medically induced by provera since April and I'm not even sure IF I have ovulated at all since I've been off bc. After a bunch of different bloodwork and a HSG (that showed no blockage in my tubes and a normal size/shaped uterus) I start my first round of clomid next cycle. Doc has me starting out on 50mg x 5days and he gave me the "go ahead" to manipulate my cycle w provera and the clomid so that I will ovulate when I meet my husband in Hawaii. The good news is at that point my husband and I won't have had sex in 7months so that's pretty much all we're going to want to do so it elevates some ofthe "baby making" pressure. If we are auccessful in O'ing but not in impregnating the first round, doc wants to do a seman analysis to make sure he works just fine. If the O is not successful then we'll probably up the mg...With that all said, we've been given his scheule for next year and his next deployment rotation and holy moly! Starting in February I won't see my husband for more than 3 weeks at a time! :-( praying the first round of clomid takes so that this can just be done!

    For those that have been/are on clomid now...what advice can u give me? Are the side effects only prevalent when u are actually taking the meds or does it last the whole cycle? Should I expect to be a lunitic while I'm in Hawaii even though I'll be done w the dosage? I've also heard it dries u out so preseed has been recommended for me to take....should I take robitesson with the clomid and the preseed...I need ALL the help I can get!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    AlisaToth - I don't really remember many side effects from the Clomid (it was a few years ago) for me except it screwed up my cycle. I'm sorry to say that but my normally 28-29 day cycles turned into one LONG 3 month cycle with no pregnancy. It was very exasperating for me because we couldn't move on to anything else. They eventually had to 'jump start' me. :frown: Of course, that was me. These things react differently with everyone I believe.
  • brown_eyed_girl_06
    awesome group!! :happy:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Thanks bhurley - unfortunately I already have 60-75 day anovulatory cycles and bc of our time restraints my doc is okay w "jump starting" my cycle if I go longer than 30 days
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Abeare – that sucks about the lack of doctors! I can’t imagine not having a GP! Although I recently had someone from PEI say the same thing. We are lucky enough to live in Halifax instead of the country though, since the clinic and everything is handy.
    Let us know about acupuncture – I’m interested!!! And I’d want to strangle Dh if he did that too.

    Karen – fingers crossed!

    Synay - welcome, and it sounds like you have a great outlook!

    GBOH – what thread did that happen on? We should all go over and give her a great big :angry:!!! She sounds like a real peach.
    So when is(was) AF due to show? I’m not sure if I could restrain from testing – I’m not very good at that! I’m a pee-pusher for sure!

    Alisa – Hi!!!!!!! Missed you!
    Clomid – the days I take it I have horrid headaches, but those go away once I’ve taken them all. I find I get really emotional around O and that it depletes my CM and makes my lining really really light (when I was on 100mg I was having 1.5-2 day super light periods). At 50 mg I find it’s not so bad. But we use pre-seed all the time just in case! I also use Robitussen from time to time.

    Bhurley – would you mind telling a bit more about you IVF experience? I’m really interested, given recent events.

    BrownEyedGirl (BEG) – join us!

    AFM - nothing new today, I'm just settling things in my mind, and went on a bit of a laundry spree today, as well as cleaned out my fridge and went grocery shopping. I have a roast, carrots and potatoes in the crock pot right now. Yum!
    Given the last few days DH got really upset and is feeling really down so I wanted to make him a good dinner and try to give him an easy evening tonight.
    Easy evening.... I'm going to court tonight as a witness to a dangerous driver who passed illegally, on the wrong side at a crosswalk with lights AND a crossing guard) and nearly hit a kid (his mother barely got him out of the way). She said she just wanted to pass on the "bike lane"... on top of her other dumb moves - there's no bike lane!!!!!

    One odd thing - I O'd a couple of days ago and I'm having weird menstrual cramps.... has anyone had that happen? It doesn't feel like my ovaries, it feels like actual period cramps. I know it's not a pregnancy thing because that would be impossible this early (even if we were that lucky) but it's a little weird just the same. Thoughts?
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    jalara I'm glad you have a plan. I know that helped me so much! After we went and had our theory about infertility confirmed, I was stressing out! My DH and I hadn't really discussed a plan yet because we really were just gathering info so we could start thinking about it. But the whole thing made me feel so rushed and anxious for some reason and I felt like he was dragging his feet. I finally told him (again) the plan I had had in my mind forever about kids and timing, etc. and after I let him process that a bit we were able to come to an agreeance on our little plan. So I hope it works for you! And for everyone who is trying so hard!

    I know my DH obviously isn't going to read this, but I'm feeling all squooshy inside today because he's been such a good sport about all this BDing! :) He gets up so early for work and then yesterday went and played basketball until late and even though I told him this is my fertile week I didn't think he'd be up for anything, and he totally was and I just appreciated that so much!

    And welcome to all the newbs!
  • rhondaredhead
    rhondaredhead Posts: 135 Member
    Wow, thanks to jalara, synay, GBOH, Alisa, and meggamix for the warm welcome! I appreciate it and look forward to getting to know you and your stories. That being said, I hope I can keep up with it all!

    AFM (that means as for me, right? I'm not much into internet/text abbreviations... it's the writer in me that fights against it. I'm studying Rhetoric & Professional Communication and teach technical and professional communication.), I'll wait to set any goals for myself until Monday. Honestly, I typically set long-term goals—my long-term weight loss goal is to get down to 140 lbs., and my short/longish term running goal is the 10K in September, and after that maybe a half then full marathon—but if everyone here does short-term goals every week (and I'm not sure about that—will have to nose around a little more), I'll have to think about them. Will probably have to do with balancing my fats/proteins etc.

    Thanks again for the welcome, and I look forward to the weeks to come!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Ok, so here’s the story of my first acupuncture appointment. (It’s along one, sorry)
    First off I was slightly late, taking a city but on a busy street during a heat wave to get to an appointment is not recommended! I thought I’d never get there, but I did. They had me fill out a long form asking me everything from my health background, fertility background, menses, and then the weird things like “what type of foods I like to eat”. After filling out the form I sat with one man to go over it all, he was really nice and answered all the questions I had about acupuncture, and was the first one to admit that the concept of how acupuncture works can feel completely strange and overwhelming to a westerner. He explained to me that they look at the energy of things and that two people can have the same “problem” such as PCOS or Endo, but that they are possibly caused for different reasons, and that is what they treat, the reason and not the disease. Now this is what I got from my conversation with him, please don’t take what I’m saying at face value because there very well been parts that I misunderstood.
    So after going over the form with him, and him re-writing key notes down for the main acupuncturist, I then met her. After going over the notes and form (they were very thorough!) she looked at my tongue (still not sure why) and listened to my pulse for quite a while. She then told me that she believed I had an under active liver (not in the western sense, but that the energy my liver was producing is low) and that I had too much humidity/dampness in the body (I’m still trying to understand that one). She seemed more concerned about the humidity, and told me that my weight was affected by it too. She gave me some suggestions on my eating habits, some of which made sense, others were a bit weird to me. First off she told me to eliminate all refined sugar and watch how many natural sugars and carbs I was eating, she said that for everyone she always recommends the usual of low fats, no caffeine, and alcohol, but in addition to those I need to watch my sugar too. She told me to not eat/drink anything cold, that my water should be room temperature at the coolest (between that and the no sugar, there went the frozen yogurt I wanted during the heat!). I should also avoid raw foods, to steam all my veggies even if it was for a couple seconds. So far all of this seemed not to strange, but then I was told to not eat starch and protein in the same meal! I should have protein in one and starches in the next. I like to mix my foods (salads, stir fry’s, casseroles, etc..) so this one will be difficult. So after all this talk, she wrote down a few notes and sent me off to another acupuncturist.
    The needles don’t hurt! I had maybe 20 or so in and only one pinched a bit going in, actually when he took them out I felt nothing, I was shocked that they were out! It did feel strange to have one between the eyes, and the knowledge that two were inside each ear was a strange concept too, but I couldn’t feel them at all. I had to lie there for 25minutes and quickly realized that the lamp looking thing he put over me was producing heat, my stomach was soooooo warm! I sadly don’t have much to say about the actual acupuncture part, some people say its relaxing and maybe it will be once the newness wears off, but I was so curious and anxious about everything that I didn’t really find it relaxing perse. Well maybe next time, yup I’m going back, they have me on a weekly schedule, and will do this for the next three months or longer if I have to start IVF. It seems like a long time but I get that this isn’t a miracle drug that I just pop and instantaneously I’m cured.
    So I’ll keep you all updated on the process!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    abeare, that sounds like an ineresting experience. Definitely keep us posted on how things go. The only thing I know about acupunture is what I see on TV. :)

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    For those that have been/are on clomid now...what advice can u give me? Are the side effects only prevalent when u are actually taking the meds or does it last the whole cycle? Should I expect to be a lunitic while I'm in Hawaii even though I'll be done w the dosage? I've also heard it dries u out so preseed has been recommended for me to take....should I take robitesson with the clomid and the preseed...I need ALL the help I can get!

    clomid made me crazy, like marriage-breaking crazy. it was bad. i was super emotional and angry about everything. i could not talk with my husband without ending up yelling or in tears. i also had a headache each day. i become 'normal-crazy' around the day of ovulation. but hopefully you won't react the way it did.