Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    I hope this posts properly...this is for you, jdelaroy...for your story about the terrible day with the migraine (sucks) and the cranky mean MIL and general unpleasantness...
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    Okay, I am two weeks behind, so I have stuff to say...I've been reading what you've said, just lazy and antisocial.

    First! Welcome newbies (@kasey39, @jenny5344, @CallaLillyNess, @selectdiva, @kal900 & @isotoner)!

    Second, catch up comments (aside from the one above..couldn't help it. so geeky it keeps making me giggle)...

    @janetay--glad Alistair is better. Hope things with the job sort themselves out. I commute 30 minutes both ways two days a week and that's more than enough. If they told me I couldn't work from home anymore, it would suck...I don't want to imagine that kind of commute! Mom's night out sounded like it was fun...and especially after the kiddo was sick.

    @shycush6--wow on Lexi & getting her permit! My 16 year old...cousin's kid (no idea what that makes him to me) just got his and my cousin was teaching him...thought she was praying in her head, "Oh, god, please don't let me die like this!" and her son started laughing at her. Turns out, she said it out loud. I'm glad he's got a sense of humor! I'm so impressed by how often you get exercise in! A while ago you said you had too much cheese...NO SUCH THING! Yum! And sushi! So hubby won't eat sushi and gets really creeped out if I eat it in front of him so I have to rely on the kindness of friends! I especially <3 your memes with the crazed looking dogs! I'm really curious about your chart. Last summer I started some monthly charts where I wrote (in a shorthand of sorts) whether I exercised or not and what my weigh in was. I kinda stopped around December.

    @Rachel0778--I am, for the most part, boot free. No boot since last Thurs. Not sure I love it, cuz it means it aches a lot. But that's the price of recuperation. Wow! What an adventure for your first derby match. Glad you enjoyed it, even if it was a bit crazy. Glad you're recuperated from all the family visits & craziness...over stimulation is too much, glad you got the time to recuperate & had a good vacation. You are so lucky! Two date nights in two weeks. We don't do date nights much. Sounds fun. Hubby doesn't see the point. Sigh. You've been talking about your pole dancing class from time to time and I was looking for something on the local university website (my alma mater) and ran across a note that there is a pole dancing club! How did I miss that when I was a student?!? Really enjoyed your Friday meme.

    @ngolden3320--painting is crazy...I'll have to do my house sometime really soon and I don't look forward to it...we have too many books/book shelves to move. If we ever want to sell and buy something bigger, I have to...but yikes! And such an adorable puppy! I'll say it guys make me miss having a dog (but then I remember the hives...).

    @gemwolf110 --Congrats on the new job (I don't remember if I said that before). I've heard such good things about spin classes, glad you're enjoying them. I'm doing stationary bike a little for my ankle rehab and just a little wears me out...spin classes would kill me. Your breakfast quiche sounds tasty! I love quiche! Good luck on the taxes...we got ours done this last weekend. So glad it's done.

    @jdelaroy--so glad you're back up and around! And three 7ks! Yikes! Ambition... Sorry to hear about the migraine...those so suck. I used to have them. Don't know what changed, just stopped. It especially sucks when you already feel like crap and some one wants to dump on you. Really? Anyway...nice job giving the scale the've lost a lot and it's just giving you a hard time! And Apollo! So Cute!

    @bluepoppies777--Your story about being attacked by a pizza was really amusing...that and your memes! Love the fitness protection one and the swimsuit vs sweats messages. I laughed a lot at the last as I was wearing sweats at the time. I'm really glad you enjoyed the Globetrotters...they're a lot of fun. I'm not a bball fan but I went to a game with a big group in high school and really enjoyed it. Kind of a bittersweet of the guys in our group was killed in a drive by a week later... he wasn't someone I'd known well before but we all kind of bonded that night and he was so funny...anyway.

    I was going to say more but I've gone I'll wrap up. I'm on board with the snow hatred. Pretty tired of it. I've been working on flexibility in my ankle and have given up the boot. Tomorrow is my Friday as I'm taking two days to do some winery tours with friends & their six year old (no wine for him, as much as we might like to...). I'm not drinking a lot of wine lately but having it is nice for when I want it. So...I wanted to add a comment about this stupid program I'm doing (still stupid)...I've had an is really a combination of intermittent fasting and super restrictive calories. I'm not a big fan of either of these. Needless to say, I'm not following it particularly. I take what I want and leave the rest. Have lost nearly 8 lb since, which is pretty similar to how I was losing before. For those of you who have posted losses...Yay! Okay...I'm going to shut up now! Have a great week!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Just a quick drive by posting. Training for the rest of the week so not a lot of time. I started making some goals for my 7K and made some smaller steps for this week. Hopefully, that will help me stay on track.

    @melaniedscott No need to rush, You always have wonderful things to say. Great job on the 8lbs and thanks for the meme!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Way to go on working towards your goals, I hope training goes well today!

    @melaniedscott I am so jealous of your upcoming winery tours. That sounds like so much fun! You're doing a great job dropping the weight, I'm glad you're ditching the stupid program and going back to your awesome habits. Keep up the great work! Sorry to hear the only pole dancing in your area is a student group. Maybe they'll open a full studio at some point so you can join in?

    @CallaLilyNess How many calories are you eating in a day? Maybe you've set your rate per loss too aggressively so your body is rebelling? As far as exercise goes, what about it makes you irritable? Is it the time or the activity itself? It may be time to start thinking outside the box on more fun ways to move your body that promote joy instead of frustration.

    @gemwolf110 I don't know what I'd do without my roadside assistance either. I love knowing that they're there when I need them. Sorry to hear you got hit with the big storm. We only got about 7 inches so I wasn't trapped but the roads were pretty rough there for awhile. I'm jealous of your banana bread, that sounds wonderful.

    @ngolden3320 Speed walking the grocery store is very wycwyc (what you can when you can). I love it! I had to do that yesterday too. I was having a rough day and I just didn't feel like doing a workout DVD after work so I took the dog for a walk instead. It wasn't the biggest burn in the world, but at least it was something.

    I had a wonderful night with my SO last night. His corned beef recipe turned out perfectly (he really is a great cook when he sets his mind to it) and we spent the rest of the evening snuggled on the couch with the dog and our books. I finished my book and feel so refreshed today! Yesterday I had a -100 desire to workout so I just took the dog for a walk. Tonight I'm going to my pole dancing class to get back at it and Thursday and Friday I'm committing myself to at least a 30 minute workout DVD before work. I've been slacking since the weekend trying to recover from being peopled out but recovery time is over! The mini cookie binge from this weekend is still in the back of my mind. I don't want to backtrack any more than I already have
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    Beware the Ides of March!
  • DoRight110
    DoRight110 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm here because I'm trying to reclaim my fitness. A friend of mine has mentioned he found a lot of success, with meeting people who are motivated in "Fit Life". When I started this journey, I had no clue on how I was going to do this, the only thing I knew was that I had to do it. My life depended on it! Today, I feel I have a great routine, which I tweak, as I learn more and develop. One of the most motivating things I do is that I wake up at 4am, I truly believe getting started at 4am assures me that I can fit all my positive self developing activities in EVERYDAY!!!! "ALL IN, ALWAYS IN"
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Jdalaroy: Good for you! Sounds like you have a great plan for the summer!!

    Rachel: I hit snooze yesterday (repeatedly) This weather and tie change have e all screwed up as well! Yum corn beef and cabbage. We are making it in the crock Sunday!

    Nicole: Snow is still here… slowly melting. My tulips are sprouting up through the snow… I hope they survive. Lexi’s interview was at Culver’s restaurant. He told her he couldn’t hire her spot on but he would probably call Wednesday. So hopefully she hears today!! How’s Rambo adjusting?!

    Missy: Awesome!! Look at you planning your summer! You are rocking it as well! Way to go! Love banana bread!! Yum!! Hope you have better weather for your staycation!

    Callalily: We can change homes… I would love to be down near the gulf! ;) Always want what we don’t have! I love warm weather and the humidity doesn’t bother me as much as the cold! Great job on the sticker reward. I have a sheet I just color in with a marker on the fridge! And new workout clothes is motivating! Hopefully you like zumba! I know I do! Rachel is right, you need to find an exercise you enjoy. I actually don’t mind treadmills or elliptical as it is me time… I watch my tv shows and give myself space. You can’t dread it… look at it as your own personal time to better yourself! You can do it!

    Melanie: My daughter has been driving 4-wheelers since she was 3, tractors since she was 8 and grandpa let’s her drive his truck around their yard. I’m not at all worried about her driving… She has already started correcting everything I do wrong and honestly… I kind of like it as I know she is paying attention. =) My hubby actual got me started on sushi! My chart is an excel file… I keep track of my fitbit steps, my weight, my goal weight, my cardio for the day and calories burned, my weight lifting reps and my water count. If I fill it out and it’s good, I highlight it… Nice to see lots of highlighting on the page! Glad to hear you are bootless! Hope it feels back to normal soon! Have fun on the winery tours! Awesome!

    Rachel: Sounds like you had a wonderful night with the SO Glad he can cook and you get some me time! You’ve earned it. And way to keep moving… walking the dog is still a workout… just a more fun and not as tough one! ;)

    So yesterday… I was a flop. I seriously hit snooze WAY too many times and ran out of time for a morning workout… Figured I would just do it after work.. no biggie! My hubby made an excellent dinner… He is becoming quite the cook now that he is off earlier than me every day! He even started baked spaghetti last night so he just has to throw it in the over tonight! So then my sister-in-law called and we have been trying to catch up, haven’t seen each other since Xmas.. and she lives 5 blocks away. So she came over and we chatted and had a couple beers… then her husband got off work and decided to stop over as well. By that time Chad has already joined us and it turns in to a night of drinking and laughing until midnight… Needless to say I only hit snooze once and got in a 500 cal burn this morning. Hoping to get in one more tonight to make up for yesterday! Ugh! Friday night, my GF and I are doing dinner and a movie… 50 shades… so I am looking forward to that! No other plans for the week so far! Tonight Lexi and I will watch Survivor together and maybe hit the gym! Hope you all have a great day!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member

    @gemwolf110 Rambo is starting to fit right in. He has been torturing Buddy so yesterday Buddy thought he would get even and steal all of his toys. Buddy has played with toys in a long time mind you. He's old and lazy. This morning I let him out to go potty and he was almost to the top of his back in snow.

    @melaniedscott Great job with losing 8 lbs. especially since you have been laid up with your ankle. Enjoy you wine tasting. sounds fun.

    @jdelaroy great job with your goals. you've got this.

    Rachel Way to recover from your weekend. You needed it.

    So woke up to an additional 5" this morning. Forget the shoveling, I hopped in the 4x4 and off to work I went. Thank God I go in at 6 because im sure if I went in any later and had to deal with even more people who forget how to drive when it snows the I would have serious road rage. This guy decided he had to drive down the middle of both lanes today. I get that if they were covered but the snow plow had just cleared them. No school for the last 2 days which is great cause Cassidy has been really sick with a temp of 104. Dr said it was the flu. Flu shot is really sucking it up this year.

    I got the taxes done, and then I did speed walk through the grocery store. And then multiple trips up and down the basement steps to carry them in. so that is something.

  • karridomigan
    karridomigan Posts: 2 Member
    I am recently down 6 pounds and have about 25 more to go. I am looking to not be "skinny," but to be healthy, active, and be a good example for my two young girls, ages 7 and 8.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Me last night... ugh!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Shy, that couldn't be you last night - there's no snow in that picture! HA! I'm sick of winter too, but I actually think (knock on wood) that the snow is finally gone for good. It's been raining here this week, but I'll take anything if it isn't snow! LOL! Fingers crossed for Lexi to get that job! and I'm gonna have to look up a recipe of corned beef and cabbage, I don't even know what that is but everyone is making it now!

    Missy - good for you for your fitness races this summer! Makes me want to look into a bike race. I will have to check things out in my area. I used to run a lot, have done 4 half marathons, but never a bike race or triathlon! Now I feel like I'm too old and fat to do anything like that!

    Calla - I don't know what to say about the motivation thing. It seems to be like a magical fairy, sometimes I have it with me and lots of times it has disappeared and impossible to find! I am currently trying to take it hour by hour, day by day as I have been known to fall of the wagon and eat the whole world at the drop of a hat and for no particular reason! We just have to try to stay focused and remember why we want to succeed! Of course it's easier to throw in the towel and lie around with a tub full of cheesy poofs, but will we really be happy? (I would for about 15 minutes and then I wouldn't - just for the record!) LOL!

    Jen - That sounds like a nice dinner for your daughter and her friends! I've never tried lemon pasta, sounds good! And good for you for signing up for 3 races! You can do it with the weigh loss before September, that would be a major kick *ss feeling to do that race 50 lbs lighter!! Good on ya!

    Nichole - RAMBO!! I love that we are dog lovers on this thread. SOOO cute! My pup Copper is half golden/half border collie! Pretty much every dog I've ever had has been part border collie, they are so awesome.

    Melanie - great job with losing 8 lbs! That is nothing to sneeze at. But yes, try to find something that is suitable for you to continue with the losses for sure. I love the wine tasting, I live in wine country so we literally half at least 200 wineries in my area.

    Rachel - too bad you guys lost your away roller derby, but at least you had a good time with your teammates. Sounds like a bit of a crazy trip with hotel/car/snow etc! But it's all good memories to laugh about with the gals! I dove into the cookies myself over the weekend, so I'm feeling your pain!!

    My weekend was good - the dinner with the girlfriends was good! I was the DD (on purpose so I didn't drink too much) and had one drink, and I ordered a healthy dinner. I baked cheese buns on Saturday and may have had a few too many with some amazing homemade soup... The time change seriously kicks my butt and throws me way off kilter, so the last few days I've been feeling down in the dumps and totally discombobulated! I've eaten way too much too! (I'm an emotional eater, so feeling down didn't help!)

    I think I was also feeling down because I started a minimalism project - going through all of my photos on our computer (we have thousands and I want to organize them and delete lots). This week I've completed one year: 2010. I think I was feeling down because that was 7 years ago, and I'm fat in the pictures, and still fat now! I felt totally discouraged and also irritated that year after year I feel like I'm stuck in a fat suit! LOL! I gained back 2 of the 4 lbs I lost - how dumb is that, being bummed that you are fat, so you eat and gain back some weight ??? HA!
    Anyway!!! I'm finally adjusted to the new time, and I'm back on track - finding my mojo is almost all back. I lost one of those pounds again.... Going to the gym after work to try to sweat off the other pound! Want to break even by Friday!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • jwcanfield
    jwcanfield Posts: 192 Member
    hi my name is Gill, i'm from the UK, i am 43 and looking to lose about 40lbs. I usually attend kickboxing class on Monday, walk on Tuesday, circuit training Wednesday, Kickboxercise Thursday, kickboxing Friday and kickboxercise on Saturdays. I love being active but unfortunately I love pasta, bread, potatoes, rice, Pizza, garlic bread........the list goes on. The one food i have decided to cut altogether is pasta as it makes me bloat. I don't currently have a way of counting steps

    As active as you are I don't think you need to worry about counting steps.
  • CallaLilyNess
    CallaLilyNess Posts: 32 Member
    Just a quick check in. Had a couple of bad days health wise. May not make much sense but I embraced the binge on all things bad. I've been under so much stress for a very long time that I think I need to be more understanding to my body and its need to rest. I'm very slowly coming out of the need to binge. Doing better today. My DF is a Staff Seargant in the USAF and his new position require 12-15 hour days and he works nights. We just moved here and I'm still adjusting from the move. I came up with the idea to email each other when we can cause we barely see each other. I hope it helps. Other than that, the plan is to do some mild cleaning and possibly an errand run. Random question but any cat lovers on here? I've got two and they are my babies. Plus, love the memes guys!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited March 2017
    LMAO... This is so me!!! Pizza is my kryptonite!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    @CallaLilyNess -- writing messages for your mate is a great way to keep connected! The six months both before and after my husband and I were married, I worked 3:30pm to 8:30 am four days a week. We never saw eachother! And he worked a lot of Saturdays. We started a one page couple newsletter called The Cat's Pyjamas and would leave editions out for the other to find. I used a publisher-like software to add little graphics and do layouts (this was 17 years ago....mine were much cooler than his...but I cherished the contact). It was fun and kept us connected. Sometimes I would leave him "recipes" which inevitably involved heating leftovers in the mucrowave! I still have all of them! Don't let crazy hours get you down!

    I do love cats but I'm allergic to anything that breathes, so I have none...honestly, I just like animals. Saw a cute sign yesterday...Cats spend 2/3 of their time sleeping and the other 1/3 starring in viral videos!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    <3 that Shy!
  • CallaLilyNess
    CallaLilyNess Posts: 32 Member