Sisterhood HCP Week 2



  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I just wanted to write a quick HELLO!!! and let everyone know where I was at... My scale has not budged under my 7 pound mark, but I have been working my booty off-literally-with my workouts. I did P90X twice, played 4 hours of volleyball, and had a workout from the big guy in the sky this morning... It snowed like you would not believe (well, definitely you, Punkin'). I shoveled my parent's driveway and will have to do my own later on today. I know that if I follow with what I have been doing, I will be happy once again on next Tuesday, and MAINTAINING is better than GAINING!!!:tongue:

    As for saving money on groceries... I definitely agree about the coupons... I try to get the Sunday paper as often as possible, and clip out anything I can. To some people, 25 dollars a week or two doesn't sound like much, but to a mother of two kids, I think about how it could save me over a thousand dollars a YEAR at the most... Totally worth it!!!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    How many calories are you alloted to eat in a day, before exercise, and how many calories do you earn from doing your exercise? I have my days, like tonight, when I get a crazy number of calories burned from playing volleyball. If I ate all the calories added together, I'd have to eat over 3,000 calories in one day. I think it's insane to do it, so I just make sure to have a healthy snack when I come home from the gym.
    I'm supposed to get in a little over 1300 and I earn anywhere from 350-660 depending on how long I exercise for. At the very least 350, yesterday was 460 I think. Last night after posting I did have a snack, but, that was only about 170 calories. Then I was done, went to bed perfectly full. I think most of it is because we live in the boonies and have been snowed in on this mountain for about a week and a half now. So I don't have to worry about the temptation of eating out or bad food out of necessiity of grab and go to work. I cook everything. And when all you have in the freezer is elk, deer and boneless/skinless chicken, I'm not exactly rackin up the calories. It's good because I haven't had to alter my eating habits all that much, but now with burnin so many calories, I just don't wanna go into starvation mode. :grumble:
    Here's my menu from yesterday:
    Breakfast -- Red beans and rice (1 1/2cups) with an egg (sounds weird, but yummy leftovers), 3 cups of coffee with creamer -- 350 cals
    Lunch -- salad with turkey and dressing -- 135 cal
    Dinner -- Chicken breast, broccoli, and twice baked potato (with sour cream) -- 251
    Snack -- eating right chips -- 110
    toast with honey -- 170
    Total for the day -- 1016 plus my 460 exercise calories
    maybe that gives you a little insight? I ate plenty, and I don't think that force feeding myself is good neither is eating junk food just to fill calories? Any other opinions?:ohwell:

    I couldnt agree more i get i think 1300 calories which is way too much for me to eat and thats before the 300 or so i get for excercising . i am always under my calories and im talking as low as 300 calories left over and yesterday i was 600+ under :noway: but dont get me wrong i eat i just apparently am not eating high calorie foods. i eat lots of salad and fish, chicken, some meat and low carb tortillas and im eating more than usual since i am forcing myself to eat breakfast, now every day since i have started i have been told that i am putting myself into starvation mode :huh: am i supposed to force myself to eat when i am not hungry? am i supposed to eat more when i am even if i have eaten a normal sized portion and an appropriate meal? i am also noticing ill go over my protien (not by so much but enough) but i am on a low low carb diet so i eat lots of protien :bigsmile: but everything else is really low i think what i am going to do is just keep eating the way i am 3 meals a day south beach low carb and not worry :bigsmile: although how can i not help getting worried when i read every day that i am putting myself into starvation mode and that this can slow down my weight loss results??? :noway:

    who would have thought not eating enough could slow down losing weight :huh:
  • Thanks for all the info/help everybody. I guess I just keep on doing what I am, and tweek a few things and as long as I see results, I guess I'm ok.:ohwell: I feel your pain pepamint. I guess it's not an exact science, and we'll have to be attentive to how our bodies react and go from there.:wink:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    thats true i am going into week three that is still pretty early and i HAVE lost 4 pounds so if it aint broke dont fix it :laugh: until and hopefully this wont happen the weight losing slows or :devil: stops :laugh:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Looks like there are some military families on here. We're one too. DH has been in for 13 years, started out in Marine Reserves, went to Army Reserves and is now National Guard. In 13 years he has never been deployed. Unless you count working at the border with BP. Anywho, ya'll are awesome for what you do as wives of deployed men!!

    I have a pretty high opinion about military wives... Whether their spouses have been deployed or not!!:wink: Maybe I'm a TEENSY bit biased... Out of the three your husband has been in so far, which one did you like the most?
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    How many calories are you alloted to eat in a day, before exercise, and how many calories do you earn from doing your exercise? I have my days, like tonight, when I get a crazy number of calories burned from playing volleyball. If I ate all the calories added together, I'd have to eat over 3,000 calories in one day. I think it's insane to do it, so I just make sure to have a healthy snack when I come home from the gym.
    I'm supposed to get in a little over 1300 and I earn anywhere from 350-660 depending on how long I exercise for. At the very least 350, yesterday was 460 I think. Last night after posting I did have a snack, but, that was only about 170 calories. Then I was done, went to bed perfectly full. I think most of it is because we live in the boonies and have been snowed in on this mountain for about a week and a half now. So I don't have to worry about the temptation of eating out or bad food out of necessiity of grab and go to work. I cook everything. And when all you have in the freezer is elk, deer and boneless/skinless chicken, I'm not exactly rackin up the calories. It's good because I haven't had to alter my eating habits all that much, but now with burnin so many calories, I just don't wanna go into starvation mode. :grumble:
    Here's my menu from yesterday:
    Breakfast -- Red beans and rice (1 1/2cups) with an egg (sounds weird, but yummy leftovers), 3 cups of coffee with creamer -- 350 cals
    Lunch -- salad with turkey and dressing -- 135 cal
    Dinner -- Chicken breast, broccoli, and twice baked potato (with sour cream) -- 251
    Snack -- eating right chips -- 110
    toast with honey -- 170
    Total for the day -- 1016 plus my 460 exercise calories
    maybe that gives you a little insight? I ate plenty, and I don't think that force feeding myself is good neither is eating junk food just to fill calories? Any other opinions?:ohwell:

    I couldnt agree more i get i think 1300 calories which is way too much for me to eat and thats before the 300 or so i get for excercising . i am always under my calories and im talking as low as 300 calories left over and yesterday i was 600+ under :noway: but dont get me wrong i eat i just apparently am not eating high calorie foods. i eat lots of salad and fish, chicken, some meat and low carb tortillas and im eating more than usual since i am forcing myself to eat breakfast, now every day since i have started i have been told that i am putting myself into starvation mode :huh: am i supposed to force myself to eat when i am not hungry? am i supposed to eat more when i am even if i have eaten a normal sized portion and an appropriate meal? i am also noticing ill go over my protien (not by so much but enough) but i am on a low low carb diet so i eat lots of protien :bigsmile: but everything else is really low i think what i am going to do is just keep eating the way i am 3 meals a day south beach low carb and not worry :bigsmile: although how can i not help getting worried when i read every day that i am putting myself into starvation mode and that this can slow down my weight loss results??? :noway:

    who would have thought not eating enough could slow down losing weight :huh:

    They say for key weightloss you shuold eat every two hours. Even if it is just a small snack like a half an apple or something. Also if you are not meeting your calories then you shuold try and pick snacks that are high in calorie. You could try eating a banana or an apple with 2 tbs of peanut butter. That snack is almost 300 calories and healthy. If that is to much for you at one time just eat half. Just some idea's. I know from experience your body will eventually go into starvation mode. I try and stay as close to my calories as possible. I do not always eat my exercise calories but I eat the normal ones.
  • Good morning all! TGIF:happy: Hope everyone has a great weekend planned!
    Terraw -- Have a Happy birthday!!!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Good morning, everyone!!! I am feeling sore and doing well!!! We got snowed on again last night... And I don't know if it has made the news nationally, but there's an active volcano that I live next to called Mt. Redoubt. We are hearing predictions that it's going to go any day now, which means we have to get ready to deal with the ash that may come from it!!! Keep us in your prayers, I've never dealt with anything like this before!!!:ohwell:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Good morning, everyone!!! I am feeling sore and doing well!!! We got snowed on again last night... And I don't know if it has made the news nationally, but there's an active volcano that I live next to called Mt. Redoubt. We are hearing predictions that it's going to go any day now, which means we have to get ready to deal with the ash that may come from it!!! Keep us in your prayers, I've never dealt with anything like this before!!!:ohwell:
    Oh my gosh! I can't imagine being snowed in and a volcano. I will be thinking of you. I of course have not seen anything even if it is on the news since I am in lala land and have no real tv.
  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27
    Looks like there are some military families on here. We're one too. DH has been in for 13 years, started out in Marine Reserves, went to Army Reserves and is now National Guard. In 13 years he has never been deployed. Unless you count working at the border with BP. Anywho, ya'll are awesome for what you do as wives of deployed men!!

    I have a pretty high opinion about military wives... Whether their spouses have been deployed or not!!:wink: Maybe I'm a TEENSY bit biased... Out of the three your husband has been in so far, which one did you like the most?

    Well, I can't count the Marine's. I met him as he was coming out. I guess the Guard has been my fave. Although after this long I'm ready for him to just be done, ya know?
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Well since I started my heathy eating and working out on the 5th of January, I mad a vow not to eat fast food but once every two weeks. So as a treat to my daughter we went to Burger King this evening for dinner. Well that is a big mistake for someone who has not eaten it in what seems like forever. Anywa my stomach is making some weird sounds right now. To imagine that because my hubby was gone and it was convienent we would have eaten BK like 2 times a week before. I am hoping the scale agrees with eating BK. I was very careful with my calories all day since I new I had promised her this. I only went 76 calories over and that is not with my workout calories so I probably did not go over at all. Anyway hope you all have a great Friday!
  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27
    Good morning, everyone!!! I am feeling sore and doing well!!! We got snowed on again last night... And I don't know if it has made the news nationally, but there's an active volcano that I live next to called Mt. Redoubt. We are hearing predictions that it's going to go any day now, which means we have to get ready to deal with the ash that may come from it!!! Keep us in your prayers, I've never dealt with anything like this before!!!:ohwell:

    Wow, that sounds scary! prayers said!!
  • SJGBassett
    SJGBassett Posts: 10 Member
    IS this the group with the breastfeeding moms in it?
  • Snow and volcano? scarey:ohwell: I'm so glad that the military wives have connected on here. I think so many times they get swept under the rug by the populous since they aren't the ones "over there". I don't consider myself one, since my hubby just got out when I met him. I haven't been through all the stuff you all have so I don't put myself in the same catigory. I have a few friends that are though, and a sister and a niece (in-law). The struggles you women go through and yet come out smiling are amazing. You deserve medals too:wink:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    By the way, I added a few pics to my profile. I put up my motivation to lose weight. Before Christmas my daughter came home with a Christmas Card she had made in spanish class. Inside the card it had a picture of me, my husband and my youngest daughter. In the picture is had me looking like a big fat orange. I looked the word up that she used to describe me and it said "My Momma is Fat". I cried but not in front of her. I knew she did not mean harm but I was so hurt that is how she sees me. I told my husband that as soon as he left I was going to get on track and lose weight. I also put some pictures of me the day I started. I have only been at this for 3.5 weeks and I can see a huge difference already. I am not taking after pics until April that is when I set my goal to reach. So anyone else motivated for a certain reason?
  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27
    IS this the group with the breastfeeding moms in it?

    Yes, this is it.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    IS this the group with the breastfeeding moms in it?
    Yep you found it. I know that dsangel is bf and abullock and I think a few others. If you scroll though you might find them. I had to stop when my lo was 3 months for medical reasons. I could not take a medication I needed and continue to bf. So hope you can find some support here.
  • Good morning, everyone!!! I am feeling sore and doing well!!! We got snowed on again last night... And I don't know if it has made the news nationally, but there's an active volcano that I live next to called Mt. Redoubt. We are hearing predictions that it's going to go any day now, which means we have to get ready to deal with the ash that may come from it!!! Keep us in your prayers, I've never dealt with anything like this before!!!:ohwell:
    I haven't heard anything on it either...but I will definitely keep you and those around you in my prayers.
    Please keep us posted!! Are you in any danger?? Ash is one thing...but molten lava would be my concern!! :noway:
  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27
    By the way, I added a few pics to my profile. I put up my motivation to lose weight. Before Christmas my daughter came home with a Christmas Card she had made in spanish class. Inside the card it had a picture of me, my husband and my youngest daughter. In the picture is had me looking like a big fat orange. I looked the word up that she used to describe me and it said "My Momma is Fat". I cried but not in front of her. I knew she did not mean harm but I was so hurt that is how she sees me. I told my husband that as soon as he left I was going to get on track and lose weight. I also put some pictures of me the day I started. I have only been at this for 3.5 weeks and I can see a huge difference already. I am not taking after pics until April that is when I set my goal to reach. So anyone else motivated for a certain reason?

    I know what you mean. I'm so afraid of my boys seeing me as fat. I'm motivated because of 1. my boys. I want to be able to play with them and not get tired! and 2. for my husband. He's a cop and I know what kind of women he comes across everyday. Not that I'm worried about him! I just want him to be able to be proud of how I look.
  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27
    Thats great! I'm trying to cut out most of fast food too. We had Popeyes for supper last night though. :( I was suprised that the calories weren't that much though.
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