Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    bri150lbs wrote: »

    J4T Friday

    1. Pre-log :smile: and stay on plan :smiley: Do not go over 1200 calories :smile:
    2. Go for a walk, maybe jog a little
    3. Zumba in evening :smile: went to Zumba, but it was cancelled so I did an good hour on the treadmill and elliptical.

    Today was my 3rd day in a row of pre-logging my meals. I always had trouble staying in control while I am cooking dinner and in the evening, but have found it VERY CALMING to know ahead of time what I will eat.

    I spent this morning in a very difficult therapy session with my daughter (difficult but hopefully (prayerfully)helpful).

    It would have been so easy to de-stress by stuffing my face all day but instead I just ate what was on my menu and I was fine. I forced myself to change my clothes and go to the gym because I knew that the bast way to de-stress was to exercise.

    Tonight I am guilt free, relatively relaxed, looking forward to tomorrow!

    1. Take protein smoothie with me to work for breakfast
    2. Eat lunch out, pre-logged.
    3. Pray for guidance on my way to more family therapy.
    4. Grocery shop for family gathering Sunday. (Oldest daughter's 30th birthday.) Plan for healthy options.

    And just in case I don't make it back here by Sunday...

    J4T Sunday
    1. Pre-log my meals (5k race=slice of cake! :smiley: )
    2 My 1st 5k race since the beginning of October. I will have to mostly walk, but that's ok!
    3. Pick up a gift for the birthday girl and a little something for my youngest daughter who has been struggling so much lately.
    4. Cook and clean.
    5. Party time!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member
    @bri150lbs Sorry to hear you and your daughter are having a hard time! But well done for sticking to your plan! Logging before you eat is a real good way to keep on track!
    And a further well done because I'd probably devour the house!
    I really hope therapy makes a difference!

    Keep it up!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @Bex953172 Yes, today is my birthday. I'm dying for a huge piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting too. My kids and husband took me out for brunch last weekend to celebrate early and I will be taking THAT calorie count to my grave! haha! I love your humor...makes me smile!

    The journal that I keep is a gratitude journal. My daughter bought it for me for Christmas one year. It helps me to relax at the end of the day by listing 5 things I'm grateful for that day and then I just write whatever else comes to my head. Sometimes it's something nice that happened, something funny, or sometimes I'm just pissed off at my kids or my husband and I write that down too. But getting it out on paper helps me let it go so I don't lay in bed feeling angry when I try to fall asleep. I tend to lay in bed and stew over things and my brain doesn't stop to let me sleep so it helps me to get it down on paper and let it go.

    Happy birthday weekend to you! :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Friday
    1. Hydrate with my new infusion water bottle. Try different fruits, veggies or flavors. :) Infused with tangerine. Was really good! Got 3 full 16oz bottles in which is good for me.
    2. Stay under calorie goal. ;) I did do this because I didn't eat much, but what I did eat was not good food so this is not really a win for anyone except the Girl Scouts of America since it was their box of cookies I ate.
    3. Get as much work as I can get done today, and then put it away for the rest of the weekend. Do not let work get inside my head all weekend. :D Done!!! I don't have to work this weekend! So excited. Didn't even dream about work last night, which is huge!
    4. Be "present" with my family and not distracted with electronics all night :D My husband was on YouTube last night watching videos on woodworking, so I was pinteresting...but we sat next to each other on the couch while we browsed! ha!
    5. "Simple Abundance..." book, journal and assignments. :) Yup.
    6. Early to bed so I can get up early and enjoy the day! Hoping my husband will take me up north bumming tomorrow for my birthday. :wink: B) Hoping to head out soon!

    I see so many are struggling with teenage drama right now. I'm so sorry. I raised 3 teenagers by myself and it was the hardest years of my life. Now I have a 17, soon to be 18, year old granddaughter living with me and I'm getting to do it over again. It wasn't all that much fun the first time, so I find myself thinking "what the hell?!" I guess all I can say is I'm sorry you are having to go through these difficulties, but it does get better. Make sure you find ways to get in some "me" time. It helps so much and if you don't take care of yourself, you won't be any help to anyone else. Trust me...this is something I know all too well. Much love to you. xoxox

    Just for Saturday
    1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
    2. Eat 1 lb of fresh veggies today
    3. Just enjoy the day. Maybe go bumming at some thrift stores up north. Visit a book store. Get a cup of fresh brewed tea from "The Attic" downtown.
    4. Stay in a place of peace today. No drama.
    5. Activity of some sort. 30 minutes. 10,000 steps today.

    Keeping it simple today. Going to just enjoy the day!

    Happy Saturday!
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    Just for today: Friday

    Water 8 glasses- :)
    10000 steps- :)
    Stay focused at work- :)

    Today is also my baby's 21st birthday!! Banana cream pie and blt's for her. Not sure yet how we will spend the day. Everyone is so busy haven't made any plans yet lol. She said sleep, Mom. I just want sleep lol. I got second place is the work challenge. I am just over the moon about it. Down 15 lbs since the new year. I did it, even though I messed up a ton!! Thank you ladies for your support, guidance, and keeping me coming back and not giving up!!! Soooooooo

    Just for today: Saturday

    Enjoy my day!!!
    Buy something pretty for my daughter and myself
    Drink my water

    Still a little upset that I am missing 2 crock pots!!! Yes 2. No corned beef for me yesterday. Last time I didn't have it I was in labor 21 years ago lol. Guess I bake it and enjoy today. I will try to solve this mystery today.
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    Steps 7000 :)
    Drink 32 ounces of water :/
    Log all food and stay under goal :)
    Read and study :/

    Steps 7000
    Drink 32 ounces of water
    Log all food and stay under goal
    Shopping with my daughters
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,242 Member
    edited March 2017
    Friday3/17. Happy St Patricks day!
    1. drink water :)
    2. stay within calories :/:/ I celebrated you guys's birthday also!!!! Well, at least that is my excuse! Way over my calories - started with lunch at Hardees. But .... it was a nice day spent with my husband. So I am going to tell myself that is is OK, and today is a new day.
    3. try to get out and walk today since I didn't get to the gym :/ But I did walk for about a hour, so will count that
    4. lay out clothes and shoes, and try and get to the gym tomorrow morning :/ Didn't make it, but hope to get out today for a long walk
    5. look and plan for 1 new recipe :/
    6. enjoy the day :):)

    JFT, Saturday
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. get out and enjoy the day - maybe go to the quilt show?
    4. get out and try and get in a walk. It is in the 50s, and breezy
    5. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow, and GO!
    6. Dig out my simple abundance book, and read it tonite

    @OConnell5483 - I have had the Simple Abundance books for over 20 years. I love them! I am going to dig mine out again, and start reading also!

    @Bex953172 and @OConnell5483 -- I celebrated your birthday with you! Didn't even attempt to log all the calories I ate yesterday.

    @bri150lbs - so sorry you are having problems with your teenager. But you are handling it so well! No one is immune from problems in life. My daughter was a perfect teenager - we did not have any problems at all with her. Her problem was that she kept everything hid from us, so we had no idea of what was happening in her head. We thought she was doing fine, but she was pretending, and hiding all the emotions that are now surfacing. She now suffers from severe depression and anxiety and bipolar. So while it is hard dealing with teenagers, be happy that you are knowing what is going on in their heads. That is so much easier to deal with. But I am proud of you guys for not handling it with food. Something I have yet to conquer.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member


    1. Around 100G carbs :)
    2. At least 5 freggies :)
    3. 30-day ab challenge: 65 situps, 85 crunches, 42 leg raises, 55 second plank :(
    4. Heavy gardening--at least 2 hours :smiley: 5 hours of super heavy work...ufff!
    5. 10+ cups water :)

    Back from my trip!

    1. Track all food
    2. At least 5 freggies
    3. 30-day ab challenge: 70 situps, 95 crunches, 42 leg raises, 60 second plank
    4. 3-4 hours of bachata and salsa dancing
    5. 10+ cups water
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    shenna333 wrote: »
    Good morning all!!

    @azulvioleta6 I have been dying to know what the heck a freggie is!

    freggies= fruits + veggies

    In my case, mostly veggies since I have to eat lower carb. I used to do 8-10/day and am trying to work back to doing that again.
  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    shenna333 wrote: »

    Still a little upset that I am missing 2 crock pots!!! I will try to solve this mystery today.

    I've lost crock pots over the years, too!

    Here's my theory:

    I think the HUSBAND is in a hurry to get home from the church social to watch football, so he grabs a crock pot and puts it in their car without his wife's guidance. Then when they get home she sees that he made a mistake, but also sees that THIS crock pot is the really cool programable one with the lid that seals really well. So she keeps it and then tells her husband that they have to change churches!

  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you so very much for all the encouragement concerning my teenage daughter.

    Joan, I always think of you and the patience you have with your daughter, when things get difficult.

    My daughter is adopted and has been hiding14 years worth of anger about that situation inside herself. For the past couple of years she has directed that anger at me and recently (even worse) at herself. We are all working together to help her learn to deal with her anger and depression more appropriately. It is incredibly frightening to feel so helpless when your child needs help so badly.
    bri150lbs wrote: »
    1. Take protein smoothie with me to work for breakfast :smile:
    2. Eat lunch out, pre-logged. :smile:
    3. Pray for guidance on my way to more family therapy. :smile:
    4. Grocery shop for family gathering Sunday. (Oldest daughter's 30th birthday.) Plan for healthy options. :smile:

    J4T Sunday
    1. Pre-log my meals (5k race=slice of cake! :smiley: )
    2 My 1st 5k race since the beginning of October. I will have to mostly walk, but that's ok!
    3. Pick up a gift for the birthday girl and a little something for my youngest daughter who has been struggling so much lately.
    4. Cook and clean.
    5. Party time!

  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    Steps 7000 :)
    Drink 32 ounces of water :/
    Log all food and stay under goal :)
    Shopping with my daughters :)

    Steps 6000
    Drink 24 ounces of water
    Log all food and stay under goal
    Sets of squats, crunches, and push ups
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 and @OConnell5483 -- I celebrated your birthday with you! Didn't even attempt to log all the calories I ate yesterday.

    We should of had a MFP party! :sweat_smile:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member
    edited March 2017
    Goals for Sat
    - Celebrations will continue tomorrow at in laws but I WILL be more reasonable - I think I was more reasonable but couldn't log my tea because I didn't ask what my MIL used! Oops
    - Exercise tomorrow - no I didn't, forgot to take my tabs so I was far too tired
    - Drink a bit more - no, mistook my dehydration for hunger! Mega oops

    Goals for Sunday

    - Clean the car!!! (Puppy projectiled in it yesterday) :sick:
    - Eat healthy today - get back to normal
    - Drink more water
    - 30 mins exercise!
    - Complete day 1 of my journal! ( @OConnell5483 )

    March Goals
    Current Weight: 12st 6lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Motto for March
    Strive for progress, not perfection.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,242 Member
    1. log all food :/
    2. concentrate on water :/ WHY do I forget water, and eat instead. A combination of stress eating, and being thirsty. Thank goodness a new day starts today!
    3. get out and enjoy the day - maybe go to the quilt show? :/ Just didn't feel like going. But ... I did get in a 5 mile walk with a good friend :)
    4. get out and try and get in a walk. It is in the 50s, and breezy :)
    5. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow, and GO! :) Yes - got to the gym this morning! A terrible, short workout, but at least I went
    6. Dig out my simple abundance book, and read it tonite :/

    JFT, Sunday
    1. remember to carry that water bottle with me all the time. It is not hunger --- it is thirst!
    2. log all food
    3. already went to the gym, but lay out clothes for tomorrow morning
    4. Dig out my simple abundance book, and read it tonite
    5. no more binging on sugar. Get that sugar out of my system!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,597 Member
    F 3/17/17
    1) Do not dwell on change in weekend plans with hubby / do not be a grump - Yes (well, first I vented to a friend / co-worker) when I went home for lunch with hubby, I put a smile in my voice and we were fine. Oh, and it helped me to learn plans got changed again, more to my liking. :wink:
    2) Meditate in afternoon - Yes, even with all the Friday commotion at work
    3) Evening, walk on treadmill....yesterday I was so excited to see all ice finally melted from the streets in my neighborhood and planned to walk the dog Fri-Sat-Sun. This morning it's snowing again, the packy kind that cars will compact and turn to ice. Bummer! I'm registered for a 10K in two weeks, so have to keep on the treadmill. Yes walked on treadmill 1.75 miles in evening. :smile:
    4) Floss - No, it's lazy Friday :wink:

    Didn't log on Sat. and didn't eat well at all. Late start to the day, nice to sleep in. Went to pick up tax returns with hubby (30 minutes drive) but so glad MJSW deals with all those schedules for us instead of me; why did I wait years to hire her, I will never do my own tax returns again! Had late lunch at one of our favorite drive-in's, then pizza and ice cream for supper. I logged everything after the fact. Oh my! One bright note, I did walk the dog 3 miles. And except for hubby's computer system issues (stupid Windows update!), we had a great day.

    Just for today Sun. 3/19/17
    1) Eat fewer calories today than yesterday!
    2) Hunt for that darn tape measure. Where oh where can it be?
    3) Walk dog in afternoon.
    4) Need to restart the flossing goal again - boy, it's easy for me to skip that!
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 - don't start the workweek sleep deprived.

    @OConnell5483 I go to The Attic too (not very often) and love it!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,242 Member
    bri150lbs wrote: »
    It is incredibly frightening to feel so helpless when your child needs help so badly.

    @bri150lbs I am so very sorry you are going through this. And I understand all so well what you are saying. It is the hardest thing in my life I've had to deal with -- not being able to help our daughter, and feeling utterly helpless. I have learned that all I can do is be there, and understand that your daughter is also hurting. Take good care of yourself. You are handling it all so much better than I do. I tend to go and grab food, which does nothing at all but makes me feel even worse. Hang in there!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Track all food :)
    2. At least 5 freggies :)
    3. 30-day ab challenge: 70 situps, 95 crunches, 42 leg raises, 60 second plank :(:( I am so far behind on this!!! not sure if I can catch up
    4. 3-4 hours of bachata and salsa dancing :smiley: my feet hurt but I had SO MUCH FUN
    5. 10+ cups water :)

    1. Track all food
    2. At least 5 freggies
    3. 30-day ab challenge: 75 situps, 100 crunches, 42 leg raises, 65 second plank
    4. an hour of gardening
    5. swim a mile
    6. 10+ cups water
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member

    Steps 6000 :) 9000
    Drink 24 ounces of water :)
    Log all food and stay under goal :)
    Sets of squats, crunches, and push ups :)

    Steps 8000
    Drink 24 ounces of water
    Log all food and stay under goal
    Walk at least 2 miles