30 Day Slimdown Challenge (Starting August 1st)



  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Thanks coquetona...I am trying to set a good example...well, except for the wine...

    Tomorrow is QTZ, I've decided that I am going to alternate even and odd sets...I think I will start with odds since the next day is a rest day...I really don't like the NMTZ...I much like cardio better.

    Oh, I just bought the Ripped in 30 yesterday *wooo hooo*

    You're setting a great example!

    It's so hard for me not to not drink wine! I know exacly where you are coming from! I make homemade wine a lot... It's a wonderful hobby but when you have 70+ bottles in your closet and you are trying to lose weight it is extremely challenging not to drink it. haha
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Hi Everyone-

    So I am one of those people who workout hard for a month and dont see super dramatic results and then I quit....I have almost all of JM videos and love them just have a hard time finding time to do them. I have 2 babies at home (4 & 3) and they really dont give me time to do anything. I have decided that I am going to start getting up at 5 am before work and do my video and then do one at night when the kids are sleeping as well.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this faster. I have had the last 6 months to lose 25-30 pounds and now I only have 37 days until my best friends wedding.....HELP!!!!!

    I definitely know where you are coming from on this one! Before I joined MFP I also would start doing something and would last two weeks to a month and then give up. I have been a member of MFP since the end of May and can really see a difference in my body. Support was key for me and also learning that slow and steady is the best way to approach it. The best thing I can say is to pick a program and finish it! Once I did the 30DS I felt so great that now I'm doing Ripped in 30 and don't even think of quitting as an option. Once I finished the 30DS program and saw the changes, I didn't want to stop. If you ever feel like you want to quit, message us and we will help push you through. Also don't diet, try to make healthier choices daily. Hope some of this was useful. Good luck! :o)
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Yay, glad to see more people joining! Can't wait to start the slimdown on aug 1st! I'm in Week 3 of Ripped in 30 right now and its brutal!!
  • bbahmer377
    bbahmer377 Posts: 36 Member
    bump! This schedule looks fun! I get so bored with 30 day shred every day for 10 days each level!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Day 1, July 15th, Shred #1...182 cals
    Day 2, July 16th, Shred #1...186 cals
    July 17th, Rest day
    Day 3, July 18th, NMTZ...437 cals
    Day 4, July 19th Shred #1...184 cals
    Day 5, July 20th, BFBM...440 cals
    July 21st, river tubing 3 hours
    Day 6, July 23rd, QTZ...305 cals

    Day 7, July 24th, Shred #1 and Warrior Dash in MN (wish me luck)

    I'm plugging away at this and feel really good!!! Hoping that someone joins me soon!!!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Great job nisjam5! We'll be joining you soon...Aug 1st is just around the corner! Good luck with Warrior Dash
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Day 1, July 15th, Shred #1...182 cals
    Day 2, July 16th, Shred #1...186 cals
    July 17th, Rest day
    Day 3, July 18th, NMTZ...437 cals
    Day 4, July 19th Shred #1...184 cals
    Day 5, July 20th, BFBM...440 cals
    July 21st, river tubing 3 hours
    Day 6, July 23rd, QTZ...305 cals

    Day 7, July 24th, Shred #1 and Warrior Dash in MN (wish me luck)

    I'm plugging away at this and feel really good!!! Hoping that someone joins me soon!!!

    WTG!! Good luck with the Warrior Dash! I was thinking about doing it this year but I have something going on today. I'm in MN too! :o)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    WTG!! Good luck with the Warrior Dash! I was thinking about doing it this year but I have something going on today. I'm in MN too! :o)

    Do you know the Afton Alps area? That's where they did it. The hills were HORRIBLE. Lots and lots of hills.

    Funny thing is, my hubs and I were walking up the hills and talking about Biggest Loser and I was feeling sorry for them. I can only imagine what their days are like.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    WTG!! Good luck with the Warrior Dash! I was thinking about doing it this year but I have something going on today. I'm in MN too! :o)

    Do you know the Afton Alps area? That's where they did it. The hills were HORRIBLE. Lots and lots of hills.

    Funny thing is, my hubs and I were walking up the hills and talking about Biggest Loser and I was feeling sorry for them. I can only imagine what their days are like.

    Yes, I do! I heard it was brutal! A few of my coworkers did it yesturday.

    No kidding! Biggest loser contestants really have to push it. It seems so challenging!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Day 1, July 15th, Shred #1...182 cals
    Day 2, July 16th, Shred #1...186 cals
    July 17th, Rest day
    Day 3, July 18th, NMTZ...437 cals
    Day 4, July 19th Shred #1...184 cals
    Day 5, July 20th, BFBM...440 cals
    July 21st, river tubing 3 hours
    Day 6, July 23rd, QTZ...305 cals
    July 24th, Warrior Dash in MN...500 cals
    July 25th, Rest day, WD was killer (Shred 1, 2, 3 combined) :wink:
    Day 7, July 26th, plan to Shred #1

    I've already had too many days off according to "The Plan"...but, I sure am enjoying the summer and staying active. That's what it's really all about, right?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Just wanted everyone to know that on my Day 7 of the slimdown:

    I did 4 real push-ups
    Bumped up the weight to 8 lbs for chest flys and back rows
    Burned 150 calories which is down from the 180s, means that my heart is getting stronger as well
    Punching squats with 3 lb. weights

    It's all good :smile:

    I'm excited for you all to get started
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    I just found this thread, and I am so glad!!! I am currently in a 30DS challenge, and someone brought up the 30 Day Slimdown and I really want to do it! I might overlap a few days; my 30DS will end on Aug 3rd….but I might as well keep the momentum going :) I like your version @coquetona with RI30 and adding in the Level 3 exercises in there! I think I’ll do a combo between that and the original, as I don’t yet have her 6 week 6 pack dvd! I am very excited about this!!!

    nisijam5 - from looking thru the thread, it looks like you're making great progress!!! I can't wait to get started August 1st!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Week #1, July 15th thru July 26th

    1884 cals burned
    4 real push-ups
    Bumped weight to 8 lb. for chest flys and back rows
    Only burned 150 calories with shred #1 which is down from the 180s, means that my heart is getting stronger
    Punching squats with 3 lb. weights

    Week #2
    July 27th, Shred #2...197 cals
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    nisijam5 - from looking thru the thread, it looks like you're making great progress!!! I can't wait to get started August 1st!!

    After warrior dash, I can do anything...LOL...I feel like I have good results thus far...thanks!!!
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    I just found this thread, and I am so glad!!! I am currently in a 30DS challenge, and someone brought up the 30 Day Slimdown and I really want to do it! I might overlap a few days; my 30DS will end on Aug 3rd….but I might as well keep the momentum going :) I like your version @coquetona with RI30 and adding in the Level 3 exercises in there! I think I’ll do a combo between that and the original, as I don’t yet have her 6 week 6 pack dvd! I am very excited about this!!!

    nisijam5 - from looking thru the thread, it looks like you're making great progress!!! I can't wait to get started August 1st!!

    Welcome! We are happy to have you! Good luck with the rest of the shred!
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    nisijam5 - from looking thru the thread, it looks like you're making great progress!!! I can't wait to get started August 1st!!

    After warrior dash, I can do anything...LOL...I feel like I have good results thus far...thanks!!!

    WTG! Keep up the great work!! We'll be joining you really soon now!
  • babygirl1795315
    Hello everyone I'm new to MFP I'm too doing the 30 day slimdown challenge I'm hoping to slim down some. I already started it as 7-26-2011 so far so good. I did the NMTZ today & I know Im going to feel it tomorrow :)
    Good luck ladies :)
  • carousello
    carousello Posts: 9 Member
    Hey I'm in!!
    I'm waiting on my JM 30 day shred DVD to arrive, it should be here by the first, so I will start with that I'm new to her DVDs, so it should be a challenge!!
    But I'm ready for a challenge!!!! And they sound great..!!
    Ya! Bring it on!!! :happy:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Week #1, July 15th thru July 26th

    1884 cals burned
    4 real push-ups
    Bumped weight to 8 lb. for chest flys and back rows
    Only burned 150 calories with shred #1 which is down from the 180s, means that my heart is getting stronger
    Punching squats with 3 lb. weights

    Week #2
    Day 9, July 27th, Shred #2...197 cals
    July 28th, HANGOVER :sick: Late night out with friends + vodka = No exercise and trash eating

    I must get thru QTZ (evens) at some point tonight
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    nisijam5 – we all have those nights! Keep up the great work :)

    3 days until we start :)