
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Allie- I'm sorry to hear about your Uncle! Prayers for you and your family (((hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR-1X5X 75

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-13X7X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Nicer weather today! I am going to take 2-2 mile walk today. Just getting ready to go on the first of my 2 mile walks today.

    Carb re-feed results. Keto stick says I am producing ketones. I only gained 1 pound. I felt wide-awake and energetic this morning. I find I do not love <3 sweets anymore! At least they did not taste as good as I remember!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member

    DJ ~ So excited for you getting your daughter back home. That is going to be a very long drive for your hubby and the pooch.

    Lisa ~ Good thoughts and prayers for your busy week.

    I don't take notes so just wishing everyone a good week!

    Grandson (7 yrs) did great yesterday at his ball game. He caught a hit and then got a second out when he threw it to first base. I think it's called a double play. He was so proud of his self. He' has never been on a winning team and I think this is giving him encouragement.

    Carol in GA
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Swooning for the Drama Queen here in Texas... Just gorgeous.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Good morning!

    Results of the Keurig refillable I dug out - it's OK, but I prefer the flavor of the coffee I get when using the over the mug drip process - I don't think the Keurig gets the water hot enough. :/

    My method using the little drip entails 3 pours of boiling water over the grounds = if I do it right I get what looks like crema (foam) on top. I wonder if the coffee made for the pods has "special" qualities v. using regular ground coffee.

    , DH sounds like Jake ref the Keurig "coffee snob". He likes French Roast which is too strong for me but makes the kitchen smell great.

    Kim, glad your Fitbit showed up - funny we get so attached to these little things. Katiebug, I have to remind myself to plug mine into the charger - hate it when I get the "battery low" message in the morning and I don't want to disconnect it from myself long enough to charge it and miss out on some steps, lol. I've done the same as you - postponed major activity until the thing had some charge. :D

    Janet, I saw some videos of tornadoes in your area on Weathernation's FB page last nite. Too close for comfort! Hope the one by Ada didn't do too much damage. Looked pretty nasty! Do you have a storm cellar?

    Here's a cartoon for anyone in the mood to declutter this week:


    Time to grab some cardboard boxes and start the thrift store pile. And check my walking shoes to see if they are dry from puddle jumping yesterday so I can do it all over again today!

    SW WA State
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lanette wrote "Janet, I saw some videos of tornadoes in your area on Weathernation's FB page last nite. Too close for comfort! Hope the one by Ada didn't do too much damage. Looked pretty nasty! Do you have a storm cellar?"

    That was actually a very weak tornado and did no damage, it only hit a field. Large hail did more damage. The really scarey ones are the mile wide ones that stay on the ground for an hour and move across the city like we had four years ago this coming May. Our grandson' s home was leveled, vehicles both totally vanished, his Mom covered het two younger children with her own body but his Mom was hurt by falling debris. Seven grade school children were killed in the the school those kids attended, his Mom had already gone and got them and brought them home. Many others were killed and hundreds of houses and businesses totally destroyed. It passed about two miles south of us. No we do not have a storm cellar but we have access to our neighbors cellar whether they are home or not.

    Janetr okc

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Hello all!

    Lanette - I'm going to send that cartoon to my friend in Portsmouth who has a garage just like that!
    I LOVE my coffee drip cone. So easy. I like the Cafe Direct Rich Roast. Really strong! I only have one cup a day after exercising. DH usually makes it for me. :D

    I'm feeling more cheerful today. The weather has been glorious here for a few days. Cloudless skies and really warm. This morning I dyed my roots so I'm a natural blonde once again. It's so cheap and easy to do myself rather than pay a hairdresser a fortune. I just wish I could cut my own hair, but I have straight hair in a long bob, so it is definitely a job for a professional. I love my hairdresser anyway. :D I have a "wet cut" with no styling as with all the exercise I do every morning the styling is gone too quickly and is a waste of money.

    DH and I went food shopping this pm. Also bought weedkiller and moth sachets. Found some lovely diced veal in the butcher and huge duck legs . Plus the biggest cauliflower I have ever seen for £1. Going to have Italian sausages for dinner (we have two each and kerp one each for lunch the next day ) with mushy peas and local purple sprouting broccoli. 375 calories.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    MnTuna: I hope you find a running partner. I have a bad knee and running is not on my to-do list unless I'm being chased by a bad guy or bad critter. Even then, I'd probably have to hide or fight rather than run. I have a niece who runs with a group of women friends. I can ask her how to find running friends if you like. What is your nearest town or city? :flowerforyou:

    Charlotte from W Australia: Welcome! :smiley:

    Sarah: There is a marina down river from us that put in some cabins that are quite pleasant. The one we stayed in had a bedroom, bathroom, and living area, a tiny kitchen area and a table. It may have been about 14 by 20 on the outside. It was great for a weekend, but I wouldn't want to live in it for an extended period of time. It was more comfortable than DSIL's RV, though, and lots of people seem to be happily spending extended time in RVs. :flowerforyou:

    Kelly: Good morning back-at-cha. :bigsmile:

    Rita: I love the little bearded guy and critters. :flowerforyou:

    Charleen in CO: Drama Queen looks like it will be absolutely gorgeous. It is already a piece of art. :heart:

    Lanette: DH said we should send the "One day Son all this will be yours," but if our daughter found out she'd have hurt feelings. :devil: :laugh:

    Heather: I love broccoli no matter what color it is. I haven't seen purple sprouting broccoli though. I will probably have to go to a fancier store to find it.

    Yoga today! Yay!!! I need it almost as much as I need morning coffee. I'm already on my second cup of coffee. So far the river is still deep and our house is still dry. I'm looking forward to seeing the water level go down. I wonder when that will happen.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy International Whiskey Day!

    I made a run down to the river house this weekend (no internet), so I'm skimming to catch up.

    Charleen - I can't imagine how hard it must have been to find out everything you needed to know to keep your bills paid, etc.! I worry that Philip would be in the same situation if something happened to me... I've tried to show him things, but administrative stuff isn't his strong suit. He does know how my paper filing system works, and where I keep all the passwords. That's something, at least.

    Katla - Oh, I do hope you stay dry! Watching a river inch up its banks like that is so nerve-wracking! I know what you mean about My 600 Pound Life. It's hard to watch sometimes, especially when you see the dysfunctional patterns between family members that are so entrenched. What those people are trying to do is so very hard.

    Becca - I enjoyed your spending and pantry hints. Thanks for sharing them!

    Rori - Loved the dog birthday thing. That was my Irish Wolfhound to a "T." He went through life expecting everyone and everything he met to love him, and that if someone put a hand out to him it would distribute either food or pets (or maybe both!). We had a big party for him after his cancer diagnosis, with special doggy cake and ice cream. He wore a party hat, and drank a tiny bit of Guinness, and was loved on by loads of people. What a wonderful attitude to take through life!

    Barbie - We're "coffee snobs" too. We buy high quality whole beans and grind them ourselves right before making a pot of coffee. It's one of the few things we don't scrimp on.

    Welcome to Mummoid and any other newcomers I missed!

    Philip and I drink way too much coffee to use a Keurig. It works nicely for my dad, though, since he only drinks one or two cups a day. We bought a Cuisinart drip machine a few years ago, and it's the best coffee pot I've ever had.

    Well, time to get to work. Enjoy your day!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    Stat for the day- day off with Kirby!
    Spin- 55min, 74ar, 111aw, 12-17g, 158mhr, 20mi = 480c
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    We too are "coffee snobs" Jack drinks way too much coffee. We make one pot in the morning of ground Starbucks Sumatra. Then we use our Keurig all day long. We go through a box and a half to two boxes (18 count) every two days. I also use Keurig green tea and drink about two quarts of water a day.

    Janetr okc
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Morning everyone.
    Beth: Congratulations on the great auction results!
    Karen: Lovely photo of Olivia.
    Chris: Congratulations on the loss!
    Birgit: Wow. Your loss is really inspirational!
    Kim: Glad you found your fitbit.
    Charleen: Love the curious moose and quilter photo!
  • paulastreadmeals
    paulastreadmeals Posts: 5 Member
    Hi lovely ladies! I'm 52 years old and looking to add some friends who log regularly so we can support one another. Please send me a friend request.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Ooooooh Charleen!- The Drama Queen is stunning! Please tell me you are planning to enter it somewhere?! I can't wait to see the finished product!

    I am not a coffee snob. I drink coffee; but not like I used to. I had a "pot a day" habit. And I used to drink it with lots of cream and sugar. About ten years ago I was very sick for about a month and a half and wasn't drinking coffee. I drink it now, but I put my coffee maker away and drink instant. (I know, yuck! instant!) But it gives me the caffeine boost and I can limit myself to one cup and, most importantly, it's cheap. I still add about a tsp of cream, but I skip the sugar.

    Do any of you ladies use essential oils? I think I have ranted on here about the people I know who sell/use them and claim they are never sick, they never get bit by bugs, they shorten their "sick" time, etc. Essential oils are the current "cure-all". I refer to the believers and sellers of the oils as "Oilies". BUT...my niece is giving me some bug repellent to try, made with oils. If this works, I am going to start looking into making my own oils. Have you seen the prices they want for their products? Insane! Anyway, just curious if you use them, buy your own and mix your own concoctions, or even make your own oil extracts from plants.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    KATLA - My dexa scan showed osteopenia so don't need medication yet but not sure I get enough calcium although I try to eat oily fish and I do love cheese and eggs but don't drink milk and only have black tea. I do weight bearing exercise also

    LANETTE - have Goliath on my watchlist on Amazon there are so many series I want to watch

    KAREN - thanks yes had a good Mothers Day few wines met lots of friends listened to some good (and bad) singers on karaoke in our favourite bar

    ALLIE - sorry to hear about your uncle and hope your aunt is ok

    KIM- glad you found Fitbit I had to return mine to Amazon and got a refund so ordered another on Fri and it was delivered Sunday you gotta love Amazon I love that buzz when I do my 10,000 steps

    CHARLEEN - you are so creative and clever, the quilt is gorgeous, can't wait to see finished product

    Welcome to newbies hope you are ready for all the chatty girls on here

    Kate UK <3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited March 2017
    Becca Are those elk?

    Kate I could tell you had a lovely day cuz you signed your name "Kat" instead of "Kate". <3t0306.gif

    Charleen Loving Drama Queen~

    Janetr Whoa! That's some coffee habit Jack has. Lots of brain food! I would never sleep if I drank coffee regularly.

    Karen in Virginia