Lose 5 Pounds A Month July 2011 Challenge



    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    7/01- Start Weight: 167
    7/08 - 168.8
    7/15 - 166.8
    7/21 -169.8 :(
    7/28 -
    7/31 -

    I feel torn because I went up again! But Ive been doing Insanity WITHOUT MISSING ONE WORKOUT going on almost 2 weeks now. I did eat out a few meals this weekend, but otherwise I've been perfect. Im disappointed that the scale isnt showing it. I need to have a very healthy weekend and keep up with my workouts and just hope I drop down!

    I also think my start weight was incorrect, because I have barely even been close to the 167 I was when I started. Hope everyone else did better than I did!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Morning all, hope everyone is dropping those pounds! I'm finally moving in the right direction again after a 3 week stall out!!

    7/01: 135 SW
    7/08: 135
    7/15: 134
    7/22: 133 CW
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    July 1st SW: 194
    7/08: 199
    7/15: 195
    7/22: 192
    7/29: ?
    7/31: ??

    WK 3: 3lb Loss

    Going in the right direction but I've got a lot work to do this week to hit the 5lbs.
    This has been the most difficult month yet since joining MFP. I hope to not experience something like this again!

    Wishing everyone a successful WK 3 weigh in!!!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Exercising a lot, especially strength training, can cause you to retain water in a big way. It is normal to gain a couple of pounds or more. Your muscles replenish their stores of glycogen (a source of energy for them), and hold onto extra water for each gram of glycogen. Also effective weight training causes micro trauma to the muscle fibers, resulting in inflammation. Inflammation = extra water in your tissues. Use a tape measure to check waist, hip, chest, thigh, etc to record progress without the tricks the scale can play on you.

    Also, if you like weighing every day, check out Physicsdiet.com. It is a free weight tracking site that uses some statistical analysis of your daily weights to compute a moving average. It shows the trend of your weight loss over time, filtering out the ups and downs in your daily weight to get to the real trend. I find it helpful. Even when my weight is up for a given day, my trend line keeps moving down almost all of the time. Good luck!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    SW 7/1: 196.6
    7/08: 193.6
    7/15: 193.4
    7/22: 192.8
  • taniux88
    taniux88 Posts: 43 Member
    Good morning just checking in progress,
    07/01 156.7 SW
    07/08 154.2
    07/15 152.8
    07/22 151.6 cw yay! goal reached :bigsmile:
    07/29 ??
  • Starting weight - 111.0 pounds
    7/08: -111.0 pounds (no change)
    7/15: -111.8 pounds
    7/22: -111.2 pounds

    It looks like I need to adjust my calorie intake by less. Hope to get to 110 at least, that's all!
  • Started off the month at 143.5, then went up to 145. At that point I changed my intake (increased my cals) and got back to 143.5. Then I bumped it again (to lose half a lb a week instead of 1 lb)...and it had a great effect!

    Now at 142 lbs.
  • Aeliyah
    Aeliyah Posts: 247
    Hello Everyone :)

    I hope everyone is keeping cool with the heat waves going on everywhere.... remember to drink lots of fluids and be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat stroke!

    Here is my weigh in for this challenge:
    Starting off on July 1st: 252 lbs
    7/08: 250 lbs!
    7/15: 248.5 lbs :D
    7/22: 248 lbs (Oh! For some reason I thought I was still at the same as last week! That was a pleasant surprise!)

    Update: My sunburn is healing up still, but I'm able to work out normally. Until yesterday of course, when I over stretched my ankle... and now I'm on and off crutches to stay off it and help the healing.... /sigh
  • JustBreathSB
    JustBreathSB Posts: 103 Member
    7/1 - 213.8lbs
    7/8 - 211.4 lbs :-))
    7/15 - 210.4 lbs
    7/22 - 209.4 lbs
    7/29 -
    7/31 -

    Solid pound every week. Not too shabby :) 4.4lbs, 0.6 to go
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    JustBreatheSB & taniux & BrunetteWife:

    You all have been losing consistent each week and I wish I was doing the same! Slow and steady! Any tips???
  • nicnic424
    nicnic424 Posts: 14 Member
    7/1/11 - 214
    7/8/11 - 213 (-1)
    7/15/11 - 212.8 (-.2)
    7/22/10 - 210.4 (-2.4)
  • Xandralexa
    Xandralexa Posts: 87
    Congrats to everyone who reached their goal.

    7/1: 186
    7/8: 184
    7/15: 182
    7/22: 180

    I guess I can say I reached my goal this week, because lose 2lbs a week, overall loss being: 6lbs.
    This challenge was great, it helped me stay on track. I still look forward to next week.

    Good luck everyone.
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    Starting the Lose 5 Pounds A Month July 2011 Challenge! drinker

    07/01/2011: 120 lbs.
    07/08/2011: 119 lbs
    07/15/2011: 119 lbs
    07/22/2011: 117.8

    Slow month....
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm at 238, I've lost my 5 pounds but plan on keeping going! :)
  • 07/03/2011: 155.9
    07/12/2011: 151.9
    07/15/2011: 150.1
    07/22/2011: 147.7

    Hooray! I've lost 8.2 lbs so far! Hopefully I continue to lose weight~ I'm already 3.2 pounds ahead for next month's challenge!

    Good luck to everyone on their weight loss goals! We can do it! :D
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    July 1st: 163
    July 8th: 162
    July 15th:160
    July 21st: 158

    Yay, I lost two pounds this week, but even better was that the other day when I measured I had lost a total of 6 inches! So happy to be back in the 150's!
  • 7/1/11 332
    7/8/11 TOM
    7/15/11 328 -4pounds
    7/22/11 325 -3 lbs
    7/29/11 323

    Total 7lbs :)
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    July 1st: 163
    July 8th: 162
    July 15th:160
    July 21st: 158

    Yay, I lost two pounds this week, but even better was that the other day when I measured I had lost a total of 6 inches! So happy to be back in the 150's!

    WAY TO GO, JENN!!! Woohoo for the 150's!!! And 6 inches? :noway: WOW! That's a lot! Great job!
  • afitchpatrick
    afitchpatrick Posts: 54 Member