March 2017 Running Challenge



  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Finally time to catch up, after being gone the entire weekend!
    I missed both a marathon pace run and a long run, as I visited my family for my brother's birthday. I went straight to the airport after work on Friday, got home really late on Sunday. I had planned to get in at least a short run Sunday morning while everyone else was still sleeping. Instead, I stayed up way past 3am to fix some problems with my mom's computer (easier to work in peace and quiet after everyone went to bed), slept right through my alarm and was still tired when my sister woke me for breakfast less than 5 hours later. Ah well, it was a cutback week anyway, so (hopefully ^^) three days of rest won't be the end of the world...

    I ran some hill repeats Monday evening and was really surprised how much easier they are when you do them rested. Maybe I should rearrange my training in the future so that speedwork day is always following a rest day.


    @WhatMeRunning It's really exciting how well your comeback is going! I can't believe you are already back to 10 miles, awesome :smiley:

    @MissMaggieMuffin Too bad you missed your chance to brag about running in an ice storm :wink: A run in decent weather is nice too!

    @KatieJane83 Congrats on the weekly distance PR :)

    @7lenny7 Glad that your calf is okay again! After 6 20mi runs in 7 weeks, a little recovery was probably in order. That's an impressive amount of miles.
    And cool that you saw a fox! I've only seen one twice last year. Both times I had my phone with me, but by the time I'd unlocked it and opened the camera app, the fox was gone. I think next time I won't even try and just watch it instead.

    @ariceroni That's really horrible that you have to put up with harassments regularly. I'm not sure how I would deal with that - other than pretending to ignore them. It would be nice to be able to go up to these people and tell them exactly what you think of them, but I wouldn't want to risk getting beaten up for it
    Fortunately, pretty much the only thing I get are occasionally cars honking as they drive by. Where I lived two years ago, there was one bench in a park where a group of drunk guys used to hang out nearly every evening in summer, who usually yelled stupid comments. But only in that one spot, and ignoring them worked just fine for me. I suppose I could have just avoided that one path completely, but there were enough other people within seeing and hearing distance that I didn't feel scared, and I didn't want them to "win". Probably idiotic, since I'm not sure they noticed me being stubborn or cared, but it made me feel slightly better...

    @dkabambe Good to hear that you've recovered from your fall. Great 24.5km run! Is that a new distance PR for you?

    @MobyCarp Love the shamrock race picture!

    @dpwellman That bag looks very special. But if it works for running, I guess that's the most important thing. As long as it doesn't bounce around...
    Totally agree on the spam-filter thingy. You'd think that adding a few simple conditions to the filter (duration of membership, number of posts, are there links in the post, ...) would be less work than manually checking every post containing that magic number for years to come!

    @ddmom0811 Wow, shooting star and baby bunny, what a great start of a run :)

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Felt a lot better on today's 4 slow and easy miler. I had a fleeting moment during yesterday's craptastic 4 miler where I thought I may have bumped the mileage up too quickly, but after today I know I can complete this weeks mileage. The next test will be my long run on Saturday. I suspect I'll be fine but I am going to be carefully listening to any discomforts on that run in particular.

    3/4 - 3 miles
    3/5 - 1.5 miles
    3/6 - 1.5 miles
    3/7 - 1.5 miles
    3/8 - 1.5 miles
    3/9 - 1.5 miles
    3/10 - rest
    3/11 - 3 hilly miles
    3/12 - 1.5 zippy miles
    3/13 - 1.5 hilly miles
    3/14 - 3 miles
    3/15 - 3 miles
    3/16 - 2 miles
    3/17 - rest
    3/18 - 3 miles
    3/19 - 3 miles
    3/20 - 3 miles
    3/21 - 3miles
    3/22 - 3 miles
    3/23 - 3 miles
    3/24 - rest
    3/25 - 10 miles
    3/26 - 4 miles
    3/27 - 4 miles
    3/28 - 4 miles

    64.5 of 38 miles total

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @7Lenny7- WTH? Some kind of ski training? Pretty crazy. Also, cool about the fox. I have seen them when running on my own, but never with Stella. I am pretty sure she would not have "stopped to watch what it was doing". That kind of behavior is not in her repertoire.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I have been reading up on the Boston course, and, although I am feeling much better about where I am now vs. a month ago, I am concerned about the course. The Boston course is notoriously challenging due tho the placement of the hills. I must say, that on paper it does not look too bad, but I will not doubt the expert opinion that it's a pretty rough one.

    I have never really had an issue with hills. I train with hills (both targeted hill workouts and generally hilly terrain). Most of my long runs include a fair amount of elevation. Of the 4 marathons I have run, two were really flat and the Flying Pig (which I have run twice) is pretty hilly, but most of the elevation is on the front half of the course, so I have never had to deal with a marathon with hills at the back end of the course. And especially not when nursing an injury.

    I was reading an article on the Runner's World website yesterday about training specifically for Boston, and it recommended a lot of focused hill training. Again, I don't generally worry about hills, but with the way my training has gone over the last 6 weeks (waaay under trained due to my hamstring), I have not done anything to solidify my ability to conquer the hills late in the race. I am contemplating doing some targeted hill repeats at lunch today and I am wondering if this is a good idea. I am not sure if the risk outweighs the reward. As the owner of our local running store said to me this weekend: Better to arrive under trained than over injured.

    I was hoping maybe some of you could weigh in with your opinions (particularly @MobyCarp or anyone else who has run the course before)? Should I be doing anything to test my tired legs on hills for the late part of the race, or am I better off just nursing them and seeing what I am in for on race day? FWIW, I still have not decided on a race strategy. A lot of that hinges on how my 20 mile run goes this weekend. My last two longish runs have been with friends, so I have not really tested myself yet. This will be my marathon simulator run and I plan to do it solo.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    I almost forgot. last night I ran by a woman "running" in the contraptions in the picture below. From the pained scowl on her face, I don't think she was enjoying it much.


    What IS that?!!!!!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi! I've been scanning but not posting. I was off work last week and spent the time both organizing my house and watching a lot of Netflix. I decided to take some time off running to see if my knee issue resolved. As usual, since I wasn't running, I basically quit working out entirely. LOL I took one nice walk the first day off work, and then just gave up. I guess I should find my log and update that.....

    I may test out my knee with a short run after work today. It's also strength night.

    March 1 - hour of walk breaks at work
    March 2 - same
    March 3 - 5 mile run (faster than lately), 25 min strength training
    March 4 - 5 mile run (hilly)
    March 5 - 50 min easy cardio mixed with strength training
    March 6 - 20 min walk....... and 32min HIIT workout (including warm up and cool down lighter cardio)
    March 7 - 3 mile run, 25 min strength/pilates
    March 8 - rest day
    March 9 - 30 min walk, 45 min cardio/strength workout
    March 10 - 7 mile run
    March 11-12 - Nothing, time with hubby before his trip and funeral preperation
    March 13 - 1 mile walk
    March 14 - 1 mile run (knees hurt after lots of time on my feet???) and 40 mins hiit/strength workout?
    March 15 - 70 min walking throughout the day at work
    March 16 - 1 hour walk all at once
    March 17 - 4 mile run, 1 mi walk, 50 min strength workout
    March 18 - 3.75 mi part running part walking (was super tired and the running hills wasn't going well)
    March 19 - 7 mile run
    March 20 - 20 min strength
    March 21 - 3 mi walk
    March 22-25 lazy bum while off work
    March 26 - 4.25 mile walk
    March 27 - 40 min workout (16 min HIIT workout with lighter cardio before and after)
    March 28 - hoping to run later and definitely get my strength training done

    March goal: Enjoy running and improve overall fitness with crosstraining
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    I almost forgot. last night I ran by a woman "running" in the contraptions in the picture below. From the pained scowl on her face, I don't think she was enjoying it much.


    She probably rubbed her feet raw on those hard boots! Haha! Absolutely ridiculous contraption. But I am honestly curious lol.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Hi all, This morning's run went pretty well, half decent pace at 9:50, and HR was 158, so just a little high, but it was only 3 miles, so, I'm not going to say I'm back in it yet. I had a harder workout planned for tomorrow, I was tempted to totally skip it, but I'm going to go for it. It's going to be:

    3 mile warm up
    3x 1 mile @ Tempo pace with 90sec walk/jog in between
    2 mile cool down.

    This is going to be HARD, but I want to use it as a gauge of how my cardio is doing, and with a rest day on Thursday, I think I'll be OK doing it.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    03/02: 4.05 mile easy run, 9:29 pace
    03/04: 3.04 mile easy run, 9:31 pace
    03/05: 10.07 mile long run, 9:28 pace
    03/06: 3.05 mile easy run, 9:32 pace
    03/08: 4.01 mile easy run, 9:32 pace
    03/09: 6.03 mile run - 4 mile tempo, 8:08 average pace
    03/10: 4.05 mile easy run, 9:32 pace
    03/12: 12.05 mile long run, 9:28 pace
    03/14: 5.00 mile tempo run
    03/16: 4.19 mile easy run, 9:41 pace
    03/17: 4.08 mile easy run, 9:29 pace
    03/19: 10 mile race - 1:19:00 - new PR!!!
    03/20: 3.07 mile easy run, 9:30 pace
    03/22: 4.08 mile easy run, 9:20 pace
    03/24: 4.05 mile easy run, 9:28 pace
    03/26: 8.07 mile long run, 9:35 pace
    03/27: 4.10 mile easy run, 9:30 pace
    03/28: 5.11 mile run, 9x400m repeats (1:42 average)
    Total: 98.45 miles

    Totally crushed today’s speed intervals! Ran to the track to warm up, then did some strides and drills. Workout was 3x3x400m with 200 m of recovery jog between reps and 400 m between sets. Goal for the 400s was 1:43; I averaged 1:42 with a range of 1:38-1:44 so pretty much right on target. And I definitely finished with some gas still in the tank; I probably could have done another three repeats at this pace but didn’t want to push myself too hard as this is only week one of HM training!

    @MobyCarp awesome race picture, you look great!
    @ereck44 thanks for the compliment! It's not enthusiasm so much as habit that gets me out there every day! One of my favorite quotes: "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." :)
    @7lenny7 I think we all want to run where you are! So much excitement between the foxes and kangaroo shoes torture devices!


    Training For:
    03/19: Excalibur 10 Miler (Viera, FL) 1:19:00 - new PR!
    04/23: Ravenswood Run, 5K (Chicago)
    05/21: Chicago Spring Half Marathon
    10/08: Chicago Marathon
    11/26: Space Coast Half Marathon (Cocoa, FL)
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    @dkabambe Good to hear that you've recovered from your fall. Great 24.5km run! Is that a new distance PR for you?

    @_nikkiwolf_ Not quite - my distance PR is currently 25.7k but should break that during this weeks long run (and the next 3 after that until I hit my taper).