Fellow shorties needed for support and motivation 5'5 and under :)



  • roundcanuck
    roundcanuck Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all, I'm 5'3 CW is 163 :'( This is the heaviest I've been. Though Ive managed to lose a couple pounds over the past few weeks since I started using MFP, I'm a bit impatient and want to lose a bit faster. Ideally I want too lose 35-40pounds which is where I was 4 years ago. *Sigh* I'm trying to exercise daily between using my treadmill and Pilates videos but find it hard to stay motivated and push myself. Tired of clothes not fitting and sizes going up! Feel free to add me!
  • nanitacruz3
    nanitacruz3 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I'm about 120. I'm not overweight but I'm not for either, I boredom eat and find myself eating when I think I'm hungry but it when I am. I really would like a workout/weight loss buddy for motivation. Morale is definitely low lol.
  • nrbutton
    nrbutton Posts: 165 Member
    tasha12004 wrote: »
    LOL, the hunger of a grown man? :D and great job for loosing all that baby weight so quickly! Must feel like weight off your shoulders.

    She was 10 lbs on the dot :neutral:
    The last month was the worst month of my life, I wasn't so sure I was going to make it lol

    It was instant relief having her, the c-section pain was nothing compared to how I felt pregnant.
  • SalmonSister
    SalmonSister Posts: 37 Member
    #clubshortie #biggysmalls all the way! I'm 5'2" sw 178 gw 120, always an athletic body until surgery for umbilical hernia, 3 stomach tears with a mesh implant, on-going patellar bursitis. But, I'm ready to get back down to my normal weight! No high fives, only low fives! Keep up the good work!
  • marylovesnini
    marylovesnini Posts: 41 Member
    I'm 5', 27, mommy of a 4 year old girl. I'm currently 138.8 GW 115, my heaviest was 160.5 feel free to add me
  • Whippetchica
    Whippetchica Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'3"...when to the "lady" doctor and she told me my 172.8 lbs was waaaaay too much. I'm going to try to focus on 10lbs at a time. I think I will be happy if I was around 150 to be honest. I build huge leg muscles, and even when I was running track in high school I had big boobs lol.
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    5' 1/2" (sometimes I round up and say 5'1"). Currently at 188.8 (or 189 if you wish). My ultimate goal is to get down around 125-130 - I probably felt the best when I weighed that, but it was a really long time ago (more than 10+ years) so I'm not sure how realistic that is. Right now I'm just focusing on 10 lbs at a time. I would like to be 10 lbs slimmer by end of May. My issue is the calorie counter set for me has my calories so low that I am constantly hungry. We're talking stomach-growling hunger about two-three hours after my most recent meal. I know there will be some adjustment, but I really need some tips to deal with the hunger until my stomach shrinks some - it's driving me crazy!

    - Drink 1/2 your weight, in ounces, every day. Try to get most of it in before dinner.
    - Meal & snack prep
    - Focus on low-fat proteins & high fiber foods
    - Don't buy junk food & soda.
    - Drink coffee and or tea three times a day
    - Measure, weigh & log everything you eat healthy drink
    - Be kind to yourself. It's about progress, not perfection!
  • candoitkaren
    candoitkaren Posts: 16 Member
    I am 5'1" and weigh 166. I continue to struggle with any movement on the scale. I recently started double logging my foods on here AND weight watchers since I haven't lost any weight with weight watchers in the 6 months I have been a member. Someone had suggested I may be under-eating calories based on my exercise....I am at wits end. I will try anything. I could use advice, support, guidance.......I'm so discouraged. People that are taller seem to have a easier time with lose. Please add me to your friends if interested or have any advice :wink:
  • DreaRN15
    DreaRN15 Posts: 453 Member
    MiamiSeoul wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    5' 1/2" (sometimes I round up and say 5'1"). Currently at 188.8 (or 189 if you wish). My ultimate goal is to get down around 125-130 - I probably felt the best when I weighed that, but it was a really long time ago (more than 10+ years) so I'm not sure how realistic that is. Right now I'm just focusing on 10 lbs at a time. I would like to be 10 lbs slimmer by end of May. My issue is the calorie counter set for me has my calories so low that I am constantly hungry. We're talking stomach-growling hunger about two-three hours after my most recent meal. I know there will be some adjustment, but I really need some tips to deal with the hunger until my stomach shrinks some - it's driving me crazy!

    - Drink 1/2 your weight, in ounces, every day. Try to get most of it in before dinner.
    - Meal & snack prep
    - Focus on low-fat proteins & high fiber foods
    - Don't buy junk food & soda.
    - Drink coffee and or tea three times a day
    - Measure, weigh & log everything you eat healthy drink
    - Be kind to yourself. It's about progress, not perfection!

    Boy that drinking half your weight is hard to do!! I'm trying to get better but I'm usually 60oz short right now.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Its not being taller that makes losing weight easier.

    The closer you get to goal the lower your calories are no matter the height

    At 387lb starting weight i could eat over 2000 calories and still be losing several pounds a week

    This week i averaged 1650 and lost 5lb

    When im down nearer where i want to be ill need less calories or more exercise to be losing a pound

    It sucks *kitten* but its the way it is
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    DreaRN15 wrote: »
    MiamiSeoul wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    5' 1/2" (sometimes I round up and say 5'1"). Currently at 188.8 (or 189 if you wish). My ultimate goal is to get down around 125-130 - I probably felt the best when I weighed that, but it was a really long time ago (more than 10+ years) so I'm not sure how realistic that is. Right now I'm just focusing on 10 lbs at a time. I would like to be 10 lbs slimmer by end of May. My issue is the calorie counter set for me has my calories so low that I am constantly hungry. We're talking stomach-growling hunger about two-three hours after my most recent meal. I know there will be some adjustment, but I really need some tips to deal with the hunger until my stomach shrinks some - it's driving me crazy!

    - Drink 1/2 your weight, in ounces, every day. Try to get most of it in before dinner.
    - Meal & snack prep
    - Focus on low-fat proteins & high fiber foods
    - Don't buy junk food & soda.
    - Drink coffee and or tea three times a day
    - Measure, weigh & log everything you eat healthy drink
    - Be kind to yourself. It's about progress, not perfection!

    Boy that drinking half your weight is hard to do!! I'm trying to get better but I'm usually 60oz short right now.

    It's makes such a difference. I've trained myself to drink at least cup every time I grab water. When I wake, before I get out of bed I drink three cups. I also drink two cups before I eat anything. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I try to stay around 1200 calories. But with my workout schedule I could definitely eat more, but I would prefer to have a larger deficit to lose a little quicker (in theory right lol) so I try not to.

    I just started incorporating heavy lifting 3x a week, and on those days I am absolutely ravenous! On those days I tend to eat over 1200 no matter how much I try not to.

    I hope I'm in ONEderland by now...I didn't weigh myself this weekend but only had a couple lbs to go so hopefully I made it. I'm obviously very far from a healthy weight range, but the weight loss is going sooooo slow. I'm still just trying to focus on 5lbs a month. That's it! It seems so small....ughh, but it's hard!
  • JenniYo
    JenniYo Posts: 10 Member
    Hello all!
    5' even. I was 5'1 but I don't know what happened lol. Started at 150, lost 7 my first two weeks, back to 148. I seem to drop weight pretty fast, but also put it on fast. One bad day can ruin a month of hard work it seems.
  • hcdo
    hcdo Posts: 201 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hey Everyone,

    5' 1/2" (sometimes I round up and say 5'1"). Currently at 188.8 (or 189 if you wish). My ultimate goal is to get down around 125-130 - I probably felt the best when I weighed that, but it was a really long time ago (more than 10+ years) so I'm not sure how realistic that is. Right now I'm just focusing on 10 lbs at a time. I would like to be 10 lbs slimmer by end of May. My issue is the calorie counter set for me has my calories so low that I am constantly hungry. We're talking stomach-growling hunger about two-three hours after my most recent meal. I know there will be some adjustment, but I really need some tips to deal with the hunger until my stomach shrinks some - it's driving me crazy!

    I tend to be the same way and it was very frustrating, so I just don't wait that long. I have a (healthy) snack(s) between meals to keep me from wanting to eat my own arm by dinnertime. It can be anything from cottage cheese to bell peppers to those tuna/cracker snacks in a box to a protein bar. I pre-portion my snacks out when I meal prep for the week, so I already have them ready to go so there's no excuse to reach for something else. (Of course, I often find an excuse anyway....) Maybe having a lot of healthy snacks handy (that are planned into your calorie count for the day) might help? I know it's helped keep me sane (for the most part ;) I also try and have a lot of low/no-cal drinks around, and that can help, too, but sometimes I just need food!
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    Yeah , currently I focus on drinking a gallon a day. It helps so much with energy, and weight loss. It also helps not getting wore out easily in the gym :0 feel free to add me :)
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    what were your guys biggest obsticles during your journey?
  • stelly76
    stelly76 Posts: 120 Member
    You guys are making me feel tall (I'm 5'4")! When I moved to Long Island in 2007 to move in with my now husband, I weighed 115 lbs. I was comfortable at that weight, but knew I could still be comfortable with even a few more pounds. Well, I got VERY comfortable and weighed almost 150 lbs less than a year later! I eventually went down to about 135 and hovered there for awhile. Last winter I gained 15 lbs and am trying to make my way down to the 130 mark. I think because I gained so much weight so quickly (both times), I feel very uncomfortable in my body. I'm aware that I will never hit 115 lbs, and I don't want to. I think 130 is a good compromise (enough to get rid of this stomach and extra fat pockets, but not back to being "skinny").
  • Allgaun
    Allgaun Posts: 222 Member
    I'm 5' 3" (almost, just a little under) I started here in January at 216, today I weighed in at 192.5. I've never been thin, but never thick either until I got an office job. Sitting all day really packs on pounds. I am going to get to the 140's, at least that is my plan. I have my calorie level set at 1200, sometimes I go over but I don't want to raise it because it's working for me and I know myself, if I was allowed 1350 I would still occasionally go over.

    I think it's funny how we are all "and a half" or "almost" or "Just under" etc. Reminds me of kids "I'm 5 and a half"
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    stelly76 wrote: »
    You guys are making me feel tall (I'm 5'4")! When I moved to Long Island in 2007 to move in with my now husband, I weighed 115 lbs. I was comfortable at that weight, but knew I could still be comfortable with even a few more pounds. Well, I got VERY comfortable and weighed almost 150 lbs less than a year later! I eventually went down to about 135 and hovered there for awhile. Last winter I gained 15 lbs and am trying to make my way down to the 130 mark. I think because I gained so much weight so quickly (both times), I feel very uncomfortable in my body. I'm aware that I will never hit 115 lbs, and I don't want to. I think 130 is a good compromise (enough to get rid of this stomach and extra fat pockets, but not back to being "skinny").

    I think it matters what weight you feel comfortable at . I'm 5'2 and a half and I am "supposed" to be from 115 to max 140 for my height. But for me, I carry my weight very well so 140-150 has me looking thin with my muscular and porportionate body. So it's not all about numbers from doctors and such.
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    Allgaun wrote: »
    I'm 5' 3" (almost, just a little under) I started here in January at 216, today I weighed in at 192.5. I've never been thin, but never thick either until I got an office job. Sitting all day really packs on pounds. I am going to get to the 140's, at least that is my plan. I have my calorie level set at 1200, sometimes I go over but I don't want to raise it because it's working for me and I know myself, if I was allowed 1350 I would still occasionally go over.

    I think it's funny how we are all "and a half" or "almost" or "Just under" etc. Reminds me of kids "I'm 5 and a half"

    Yes, I have the same thing. Once I got a office job I got to the heaviest I have ever been. It is very hard because there is always free food or you just want to snack. But I pre log almost everything into my food journal before hand and plan my workouts to prevent me from going over. :)