March 2017 Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,389 Member
    @juliet3455 - your description of your Jasper HM makes me think of one on my bucket list in far north Idaho - the Priest Lake HM. It is one I want to do for the scenery and to go home to Idaho. I grew up there and my dad was a geologist for the government so we spent a lot of time hiking and camping all over the state and neighboring states.

    Also I like the idea of calling out 'Runner' rather than 'on your left' I will give it a try and see how it works.
  • ctlaws44
    ctlaws44 Posts: 182 Member
    I think I'll mark today as the most scatterbrained running day ever in my running diary!
    I'll be travelling for work on Sunday, so I had decided to do Saturdays&Sundays runs on Friday&Saturday, instead of crosstraining on Friday. Of course, I only remembered that plan tonight after I'd already done the cycling and strength training...
    So I decided to compromise and do half the planned distance, 8km instead of 16km. Started to run and was really bothered by how badly my tights fit. I have to admit, it took me almost one kilometre until I figured out that I had put it on back-to-front *facepalm*

    Trend setter?! Now all the cool kids will be doing this. HA ha!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    3/1 - cross-training - strength training
    3/2 - 7 mile general aerobic run (Holy wind Batman!)
    3/3 - 8 mile general aerobic run
    3/4 - cross-training - zumba
    3/5 - 11 mile long run
    3/6 - rest
    3/7 - 5 mile general aerobic run w/6x :12 sec (gentle) uphills
    3/8 - rest - sick
    3/9 - 4 miles - still sick
    3/10 - cross-training - strength training
    3/11 - cross-trainng - zumba
    3/12 - 6 mile dreadmill run - only 2 coughing bouts and 3 tissues used
    3/13 - cross-training - strength training
    3/14 - shoveling
    3/15 - 5 mile dreadmill run
    3/16 - 7 miles (huzzah, finally a decent distance again!)
    3/17 - 8 miles
    3/18 - cross-training - zumba
    3/19 - 12 mile long run
    3/20 - rest
    3/21 - 7 mile dreadmill run
    3/22 - 8 mile general aerobic run - Holy. Wind. Batman.
    3/23 - cross-training - zumba
    3/24 - 9 mile weekday endurance run - I may never be warm again: poorly dressed in the rain
    3/25 - 4 mile dreadmill run
    3/26 - 12 mile long run (1st time ever hitting 40 miles in a week!)
    3/27 - rest
    3/28 - 8 mile gray, rainy run (but I remembered my waterproof jacket!)
    3/29 - 7 mile lunch run/2 mile dreadmill run + cross-training - strength training
    3/30 - cross-training - zumba
    3/31 - 9 miles on the dreadmill (god I hate the dreadmill)

    March Total: 139/145

    347 miles/2,017 miles - goal for the year

    God I hate the dreadmill. Still, the weather was horrendous, and my boss and I went for foot massages on our lunch break, lol, so 9 miles on the dreadmill after work it was. Honestly, it was probably pretty fortuitous that I was stuck there because I ended up having some gut issues and needed to visit the restroom 3 or 4 times during my 9 mile run. So yeah, this run sucked. I did not enjoy it, lol. But, I got the miles in!
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Oh. Yeah.
    Final tally: 125.87 mi out of goal of 120 mi.

    March is done.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    March Running Challenge

    3/1 2 very slow miles and yoga
    3/2 Rest
    3/3 2.2 slow miles
    3/4 3 mile trail run
    3/5 5 mile trail run
    3/6 3 mile trail run
    3/7 3 mile run, strength
    3/8 30 minutes of Lateral Elliptical, 15 minutes of stationary bike.
    3/9 4 mile run
    3/10 5 mile trail run
    3/11 Rest Day
    3/12 3.2 mile trail run with a lot of hiking due to about 1,000 foot of elevation gain
    3/13 4 hours of skiing
    3/14 5 hours of skiing
    3/15 5 hours of skiing
    3/16 Rest Day
    3/17 4 mile run
    3/18 6.2 miles
    3/19 10.1 mile trail run
    3/20 Zumba and strength training
    3/21 4.5 miles: w/u, 3x1 mile intervals at 10K pace, c/d
    3/22 4 miles
    3/23 4.5 mile trail run
    3/24 Strength training
    3/25 12 mile trail run
    3/26 6 mile pace run
    3/27 Strength training, 50 minute spin class, and yoga
    3/28 4.3 miles: 10x400m intervals
    3/29 4 miles, yoga
    3/30 5 miles, strength, yoga
    3/31 7 miles

    Goal: 102 of 90

    Completed Races:
    Cowtown Marathon (Full) Feb 26 (Registered): 3:54:06 / 8:56 min/mile

    Upcoming Races:

    The Trail Run at Eagle Mt Park (5 miles) Apr 2 (Registered)
    XTERRA ATX Trail Run (21K) Apr 23 (Tentative)
    Chicago Spring Half Marathon: May 21 (Registered)
    XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (HM at night) Jul 8 (Tentative)
    La Sportiva Vail Half Marathon: Jul 22 (Tentative)
    Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon: Oct 1 (Tentative)

    Got to 100+! Now, onto April. :D