Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited April 2017
    lynmac54 wrote: »

    Well, I still want a visual reminder of success, but I've opted for a fun visual. Two jars on my desk: one filled with the number of marbles equal to the number of pounds I want to lose; one empty one. After I weigh in I'll move the number of marbles equal to what I lose in a week into the empty jar so I can visually see the progress - and it will be sooooo colourful too! The real plus is when someone asks what my marble jars are for I can chuckle as I say "oh it's just me losing my marbles!" >:)

    I love this idea!!! Great visual. We seem to downplay " just losing a pound", or not losing fast enough! I love your idea of visuals to remind us of how far we have come! Thank you. And made me laugh also --- I am always losing my marbles!
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    lynmac54 wrote: »
    @mary_clinton6 "My steps aren't always counted since I don't always have my phone on me"

    I just figured out today that I can add steps to my phone. So when I don't have it with me, I'm still counting steps so I can add them later on. Works great!

    How do you do that
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    Goals for saturday:
    1. Drink 50 FL oz water
    2. Get up at work tonight and stretch (I sit too much on my chair doing charting and documenting on patients, then get up to eat. Sitting so long hurts... I need to work on stretching.)
    3. Eat a salad.
  • Ocean_Breezy
    Ocean_Breezy Posts: 55 Member
    We are all in this together. Some are first timers, some are returning (like me). It's never too late. I like what you said about logging everything no matter what you eat. It makes a huge difference to see how certain foods - even those we think are "healthy" or good for us, impact our intake and ultimate goal.

    Add me as a friend.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6

    Wow! Impressive loss--15 pounds since the first of the year. Congratulations! Don't get discouraged--perhaps visualize yourself in a new outfit, or one that you can no longer wear. Probably losing weight slowly, the way that you are doing it, is better for your overall health---just my two cents worth.
    10. get back on here tomorrow. be accountable!!! I agree that is really important.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,111 Member

    Well done on your weight loss so far!!!
    I would love to be where you are already!

    It's great how you're improving all the time!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member

    Beginning 3/1/17, I'm putting monthly goals in writing. I think having others see them (I love this thread!), I won't be able to pretend my goals didn't exist 30 days ago. :wink:

    Updates for March:
    • Lose 4 lbs - Lost 3.5# :smile:
    • Find tape measure and start measuring again (once per month) - I quit searching and bought new tape measure, which is looped on towel bar in bathroom. Took official measurements 3/25 and logged. :smile:
    • Walk dog or on treadmill 4X per week (with fresh snow falling today, probably more of the treadmill) - Walked 4 days per week for three weeks; for one week, walked 3 days, including a 10K. :smiley:
    • Log more often on weekends, it keeps me more accountable - Really helping me keep on track. :smile:

    Goals for April:
    • Lose 4 lbs...slow pace, so I don't feel deprived and get crabby
    • Take measurements and log on 4/29
    • Walk, preferably with dog, otherwise on treadmill, at least 4 days per week
    • Keep logging on weekends whenever possible, it really helps

    Spring is finally looking like it! B)
  • lynmac54
    lynmac54 Posts: 23 Member
    lynmac54 wrote: »
    @mary_clinton6 "My steps aren't always counted since I don't always have my phone on me"
    I just figured out today that I can add steps to my phone. So when I don't have it with me, I'm still counting steps so I can add them later on. Works great!
    How do you do that

    What kind of phone and app are you using? I use an iPhone and the Health app that interfaces with MyFitnessPal.
  • lynmac54
    lynmac54 Posts: 23 Member
    Well today's going to be a "fun day" not!

    Saturday bingo night with my Mom and sister and we know we can't just sit there and daub away without munchies. BUT I have a plan and that's half the battle! Bring along my usual food snackpack that I take to work every day (counted veggies, cheese, crackers) to munch on so I stay away from the fries and other temptations.

    So Just for Today...
    • Motivation - Record, come h-ll or high water and no matter what the results, because that's the key to accountability.
    • Food Choices - Healthy choices when out - fresh veggies instead of fries
    • Water - Drink my daily dose and bypass the pop at bingo
    • Activity - Keep counting my steps, each one counts if only a few and not just for calories. Do some stretches between games at bingo. o:)

    ... and my body will take care of itself, if I take care of it! :)
  • wendyron3
    wendyron3 Posts: 91 Member
    JFT Sunday- get some rest, continue to try to drink water, exercise and finish cleaning.
    -thanks to all of you who gave such great suggestions for drinking water. I'm gonna give infusing a try:) to bad Diet Coke doesn't count as water though:)
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member

    Exercise video :)
    24 ounces of water :/
    Log and stay under goal :)
    Read and study :)

    March goals were met except for the daily water goal. I lost one pound.

    April goals:
    Lose one pound
    Drink more water and less caffeine drinks
    Exercise 3 days a week and walk at least 2 days.

    Didn't make any goals for today, but it was a good day.
    10,000 steps
    Under calorie goal.
    Spent some time with my mother in law, had lunch date with my husband, and went shopping with my daughter.

    Walk 2 miles
    Log and stay under my goal
    Read and study
    Drink my water!!!

  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    @lynmac54 android
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    Didn't make any goals for today, but it was a good day.
    ... 10,000 steps

    How do you make so many steps?!? I'm only ever between 2 and 4,000
  • lynmac54
    lynmac54 Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 2017
    @mary_clinton6 I checked and there's actually a "myfitnesspal" help Q&A. Here's the link to the page. Seems we can easily add steps in the "my exercise" section of the app.

    MFP Help pages...

    I never thought of doing it that way but will try it next time.
    Hope this helps!

    <singing.... you put your right foot in, and then your right foot out, you put your right foot in and then you shake it all about. You do the hockie pockie and you turn yourself around.... that's what it's all about!....> EVERY step counts! lolol
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    Goals for sunday:
    1. Since I'm probably going over my calorie limit cause I had junk at work, i'm setting a limit of only going over by 200, max, if that.
    2. Eat another salad (bad habit of forgetting it's in the fridge then it goes bad. Plus, it tastes good).
    3. Don't get kicked in the waist at work tonight..or hit anywhere really. (Patients can't always help it on my unit).
    Going to go sleep before my night begins.
    Hope everyone has a beautiful sunday!!
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Just for today: Saturday

    Think about goals for April- :)

    Just for today: Sunday

    Shopping. I do pretty good with this. Need to purchase more veggies prep and eat them.
    Get some things done around the house

    Congrats to all of you!!! The big picture is we are all improving our overall health. I am so glad I found this thread. You are all such an inspiration. I was secretly hoping to be in the 140's end of March. Currently 151.8 and not looking back. My clothes fit better, I feel better and my food tastes better. Ready for shorts which I haven't worn in years. I do good with logging everything, but need to tighten it up and pull out that scale I purchased. My body thanks me in numerous ways when I stretch regularly. Need to make myself do that.
    Enjoy your Sunday and keep pushing forward! <3