Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • FitGlowNow
    FitGlowNow Posts: 8 Member
    I went to the doctor to realize I gained another 10 pounds after having the flu. When I got married I was a size 0, fast forward 10 years in a 10 or 12. And I can't blame it on having children. I'm just so uncomfortable in my body anymore.. I don't even feel like it's my body. I don't feel sexy for my husband anymore.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I gained 20 pounds in 2 months and managed to stop it but then realized I was wearing leggings all the time because none of my pants fit. When I broke my foot at the end of Jan, I laid around not doing anything - decided end of Feb, since I gained another 7lbs in that 1 month, I needed to do something.
  • RaphaBianchi
    RaphaBianchi Posts: 51 Member
    When none of my clothes fit any more and I refuse to buy the next size up.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 986 Member
    Ogopogo: If you haven't already gone to your doctor, please do so. Chest pain needs to be checked out, sooner than later. We all would like to hear of your continued success.
  • JaxxieKat
    JaxxieKat Posts: 427 Member
    A few things happened right together. The first was the day I went to get a pedicure and I couldn't even lift my leg over the edge of the foot tub to get into the seat. I had to grab my pant leg and hoist my leg over the edge. The second was I broke a hammock. The final straw was watching my grandmother go through countless nearly life-threatening health crises that were almost totally related to her poor diet, obesity, and sedentary lifestyle.
  • MrsChapmanTwo
    MrsChapmanTwo Posts: 5 Member
    Lord, not even cancer could get me to face how bad I had gotten! I guess right now, I'm just so fed up with always being tired, moody, and my knees constantly hurting. Plus my bad habits are rubbing off on my husband and step-daughter, whom were not overweight before I came into the picture. Now I'm trying to get all of us to eat better and move more. I've accepted that I'll never be one of those effortlessly thin people. I will need to track for the rest of my life.
  • rhiawiz57
    rhiawiz57 Posts: 906 Member
    edited April 2017
    My cholesterol and weight were both at an all-time high during my annual physical this Feb. I also turned 40 in Jan. I've never been a thin person, so i just decided that was okay/normal for me to weigh more than I should. I now see that my health stats are being affected by these extra pounds and the bad habits that come with them, so i can't just get away with it any longer. If I don't start changing my ways now, I'll continue to get in worse shape with increased age. I've lost 10 lbs since the end of Feb and need to lose about 30 more to even be at the top of my "acceptable" weight range! good luck to all.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    rhiawiz57 wrote: »
    My cholesterol and weight were both at an all-time high during my annual physical this Feb. I also turned 40 in Jan. I've never been a thin person, so i just decided that was okay/normal for me to weigh more than I should. I now see that my health stats are being affected by these extra pounds and the bad habits that come with them, so i can't just get away with it any longer. If I don't start changing my ways now, I'll continue to get in worse shape with increased age. I've lost 10 lbs since the end of Feb and need to lose about 30 more to even be at the top of my "acceptable" weight range! good luck to all.

    @rhiawiz57 Keep up your great start. My high pain level of 40 years is very low today after finding MFP back in 2014 and learned how to manage my pain and escape Rx and over the counter meds by my way of eating.
  • rhiawiz57
    rhiawiz57 Posts: 906 Member
    edited April 2017
    excellent! I definitely want to solve my problems without any meds! I know the extra weight I carry is 100% contributing to any pain (specifically feet/ankles) and bad numbers that I have.
  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    I gained the weight very rapidly due to steroid use in university (had a lot of allergy problems) so I would bloat up 10-20 lbs each time I was on those pills, then drop down 10 lbs a few weeks after. Add in a total abuse of antihistamines (they also stimulate hunger) just to finish my degree along with the steroid use and the weight just stayed. I came home, and people from my church just came up to me all the time and said you have gained so much weight, you look awful, pretty aggressive and in my face about it. So did my parents, mother especially, and I looked at myself physically I knew I was bigger now, saw the scars, stretchmarks, and the scale which reflected that. So I started exercising and put on weight, so now I am just focusing on lowering my calories and eating enough to keep me mentally happy enough to keep on losing weight. Now for the why cause it just sounds like I am sick of people getting in my face so obnoxiously about it ( I am), well I know that if I want a certain job, and even with my family history (everyone on my dad's side is diabetic with complications, and obesity) that the one thing I cannot ever lose again is my health. Mental or physical, and I just got a reprieve from using all those drugs by moving I don't ever want to be back in that dark situation again.
  • GoddessofBody
    GoddessofBody Posts: 12 Member
    I've been normal BMI/weight for most of my adult life , but just not being able to see my abs unless I choose a really good lighting and a really good angle is such a downer! I mean am I going to be posing and sucking it in 24/7 when I'm in a bikini with a really cute guy and all I can think about is if this angle is good or is this lighting good for me? No, I don't think so. At least that is not the way to live life. I realized that when I'm in little to no clothing, I want to be able to be fully immersed and enjoy the moment to moments, even like sports on a beach, without worrying about a pinch of flab on me.
  • Skylinesburn
    Skylinesburn Posts: 1 Member
    Hmmm... well I'm not overweight although I'm definitely on the higher end of normal. Maybe 3-4 pounds from that dreaded 25 bmi. I guess mine is that I was anorexic in highschool with a low bmi of 15. I guess after so many years of recovery I finally feel ready to address the extra weight in a healthy and productive way.

    Also I'm going to California to see some friends I haven't seen in almost a year and I wanna look my best cx that's kinda the short term reason.
  • CmaeF
    CmaeF Posts: 1 Member
    I knew I had to because I had been gaining weight, but no real desire to.
    Then my husband had a heart attack. No real warning, like high cholesterol and not overweight.
    That was my ah ha moment. I have a bad heart and I am overweight. If it could happen to him, I am at a much higher risk. The time is now, not later.
  • ianwhite7
    ianwhite7 Posts: 6 Member
    edited April 2017
    I had a health Scare , scared me a lot so decided something had to be done but my Mum and Dad told me that they were told to expect bad news and i may not live for much longer


  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I need it. My daughter needs a healthy mom and strong role model, not a strong roll model. I'm down 40 pounds from my highest weight. 40ish pounds to go.
  • rahimlj
    rahimlj Posts: 239 Member
    Hey, l used to be around 125-130 lbs when I was 19 so about 5 years ago. l got in a relationship when I was about 18 and started to gain weight. Broke up quite a while back and l decided l want to try to slim down and be around the weight I used to be but this time lnstead of being small l want to have more muscle. also I used to play soccer on several teams and been in tournaments with Pro Under 20 players aswell. l used to be in pretty good shape and I want to get back to my old weight.