April 2017 Running Challenge



  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    11 mile run planned for this Saturday. I will skip the long run the following week due to a vacation. I am thinking a 12 the following Saturday and a 13 after that. At that point I will decide if I am training for a full marathon in October or not.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    11 mile run planned for this Saturday. I will skip the long run the following week due to a vacation. I am thinking a 12 the following Saturday and a 13 after that. At that point I will decide if I am training for a full marathon in October or not.

    if you're up to 13 mile Long Runs, you have plenty of time to train up to marathon distance by October.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @WhatMeRunning Loose dogs make me so angry :angry: :rage: I hope the situation with your daughter is resolved also.

    I ended up running 3 miles yesterday evening with a sufficient warm up of a half mile so I didn't have leg pain again. I decided to use the metronome again (I think it was last Mon or Tues I tried it, so maybe a weekly thing?). I noticed that when I turned on the metronome my form seemed to straighten up/clean up immediately. As I've slowed down more and more I've developed this shuffle I think where my feet barely get off the ground and I have no kickback behind me either. When I turned on the metronome to 180bpm, I started to drive my knees/lift my feet off the ground. So I think that's a good thing? But it feels tiring although I don't think I'm running that fast due to the increased cadence. I'm only increasing from like 170 to 180. But it feels exhausting, so I don't want to overdo it on the metronome use.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @WhatMeRunning What an awful start to the the day for everyone!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    @WhatMeRunning oh man, what a morning! I hope the day improves for you, and everyone else involved!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,867 Member
    @WhatMeRunning OMG that poor little dog. one of our little dogs died that way :( I also feel for the big dogs, they should not have had the chance to escape their yard, and now theres a good chance they will be euthanized. Im such an animal lover (especially dogs) these stories kill me. I have 3 dogs, I would love to take my Newfoundland running, but she tends to be aggressive towards other dogs if they come on our property (out in the country), so i dont want to take her with and chance coming across theres with dogs, even if shes only done it at home. She is a big strung dog, and a very good dog, but way over protective of her people.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    4/1 - 7.7 miles in sunny San Diego
    4/2 - Travel day
    4/3 - Rest day
    4/4 - 5 comfortable miles.
    4/5 - 4.4 miles.
    4/6 - 5.05 miles.
    4/7 - Unplanned rest day.
    4/8 - 6.31 super hilly miles.
    4/9 - Too many hills :-(
    4/10 - 5 miles.
    4/11 - 4.93 miles of track/speed work. Then upper body weights.
    4/12 - 4.5 miles.

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    edited April 2017
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @OSUbuckeye906 Strava reports one decimal. Congratulations. You are right where you belong, with the rest of us data nerds :smiley:

    I think your cumulative mileage will be correct tho, it just doesn't show the second decimal.

    Based on my first run this morning, I think this is true. The lack of the hundredths place on the mileage was bugging me, but the pace, splits, etc. seem right. So, I'm going to keep giving Strava a chance because I like to hang with all you running geeks.

    @MNLittleFinn - Just noticed the 50k is on your race list. I think that means it is signed, sealed and delivered. Just register now.

    @iofred - I worry about that all the time! Knock on wood, it has never happened. The odd thing is, it happens with some "regularity" on my daily runs.

    @WhatMeRunning - Wow! That sucks all around! Glad the little dog seems like it will be OK. Going to give the owner of the other two dogs the benefit of the doubt. I had a dog (small terrier) that once ran out our front door as someone was on their run going past and bit her. I still feel so awful about it. It was a very small injury, thank goodness, but I know it certainly was not how she wanted her run to go.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Thanks. I "know" there's nothing wrong with my HRM, it's just amazing for me to see the effect of my training transformed into data....I'm such a data geek.....

    This is not a bad thing!
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @WhatMeRunning - Wow. I am impressed with your bravery, fortitude, and quick reaction. What are the chances that a dog aggressive enough to go after a strange dog will let a strange human just hold him?

    I'm glad you weren't hurt and the little dog will survive. I have to wonder about people who own dogs like the big black ones.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @WhatMeRunning - I am sorry that you had to deal with both of those situations today. I hope that all of the dogs involved will be okay and I hope the incident with your daughter turns out to be nothing as well.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    April Running Totals (miles)
    4/1 – 18.19 paced run
    4/2 – 3.90 easy 30 minutes
    4/3 – rest day
    4/4 – 10.75 tempo intervals
    4/5 – 6.85 group run
    4/6 – 8.18 tempo intervals
    4/7 – rest day
    4/8 – 12.07 paced run
    4/9 – 7.83 almost easy 60 minutes
    4/10 – 4.51 easy 30 minutes + 4 strides
    4/11 – 7.81 warm up, speed work, cool down
    4/12 – 3.81 easy 30 minutes

    April total to date – 83.90

    Nominal Challenge Goal – 150 miles
    Real Goals: Run Boston. Finish healthy. Recover well.

    Today's notes – Yesterday evening's Boston Send Off party was pleasant. I skipped the social run in favor of a walk, having run my workout in the morning. Had some Boston Clam Chowder, passed on the Sam Adams Lager. Spent a lot of time chatting with other runners who are running or have run Boston. Much of this time was devoted to convincing myself to go out slow for the first 6 to 10 miles. I know I need to have that fixed in my head in advance, because I don't think all that clearly when I'm actually running a race.

    Today's assignment was 30 minutes easy. That's barely more than a warm up, but I honored the time limit. Held the pace pretty easy, with only 3 minutes in HR Zone 2, 24 minutes in Zone 1, and the other 3 minutes in Zone Zero. The Zone 2 was clearly associate with the two little hills on the route.

    At this point, today feels like a rest day and the 30 minute run feels like another errand to check off as I prepare to travel. Tomorrow I get to run 20 minutes easy, 10 minutes MP, 10 minutes easy. That will be more than today, but not a whole lot more.

    Now I need to focus on what needs to be done logistically. The more of that I can get done today, the less pressure I'll feel tomorrow.

    2017 races:
    January 1, 2017 Freezeroo #2 (Resolution Run 7.5 mile) (Mendon, NY) Finished in 50:45
    January 7, 2017 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) Finished in 1:32:40
    January 14, 2017 Freezeroo #3 (Pineway Ponds Park 5 mile) (Spencerport, NY) Finished in 33:42
    January 28, 2017 Freezeroo #4 (Hearnish 5 mile) (Victor, NY) short course, finished 4.88 miles in 32:50
    February 4, 2017 USATF Cross Country National Championship Masters 8K (Bend, OR) Finished in 35:39, team won the 60+ Men's cross country championship
    February 11, 2017 Freezeroo #5 (Valentines Run "In Memory of Tom Brannon" 8 Mile) (Greece, NY) sat out due to training schedule
    February 25, 2017 Freezeroo #6 (White House Challenge 4.4 mile) (Webster, NY) short course, finished 4.34 miles in 27:51
    March 11, 2017 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 33:25
    March 18, 2017 USATF Masters 8K Championship (Shamrock 8K, Virginia Beach, VA) finished in 30:59, PR for 8K
    April 17, 2017 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @karllundy I'm pretty much sure that I'm doomed and will end up signing up for it....I keep telling myself that since I have the ??? after it, it's not fore sure, but I'm SOOOOO tempted to go for it.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @7lenny7 Awesome race report! I'm glad I'm a speed reader though....LOL
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @MobyCarp- That is so cool that your club has a Boston send off party! So I guess you are heading out tomorrow? My husband and I are flying out Friday morning. We have a direct flight, so we should get in with plenty of time to hit the expo on Friday. He is running the 5K on Saturday, which should be fun.

    Do you have any last minute bits of advice you would like to share? Things to do and not to do? Things to bring? Things not to bring? Things to worry about? Things not to worry about (yeah, right!)? Anything you care to share from your experience would be much appreciated! I can't believe it's almost finally here. Qualifying in an October race was both a blessing and a curse!