What is your favorite Laughing Cow Cheese recipe?



  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Does anyone know or has anyone tried freezing LCC? I bought some in bulk at Sam's Club and i was thinking about freezing some for later use.

    I don't know about LCC cheese... but I was over at my parents house the other day... mom had tried to freeze regular white cheddar cheese, and it turned out HORRIBLE! It must have done something to the bacteria in the cheese or something because the smell alone made me want to gag and it wouldn't hardly cut even though it was completely thawed... But once you start cooking with it... they have like a 6 month shelf life in the refridgerator... you will probably get hooked on it and have no need to freeze it :)
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Bump!! :bigsmile:
  • Goal4Good
    Goal4Good Posts: 115
  • zwartepaard
    I've been using Laughing Cow in place of cheese and mayo on my sandwiches. The texture when spread on toast or bread is the same as mayo or miracle whip, but with the flavor of cheese. Knocks out two high calorie items on a sandwich in one hit! I use D'Italiano Light bread (2 slices for 80 calories) and usually use one Garlic & Herb Laughing cow wedge.

    As far as alfredo goes, I've found a recipie that I like to use that uses cream cheese instead of heavy cream. http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/smarter-fettuccine-alfredo-91370.aspx# As is, it's 290 calories per serving (one cup serving), which is about the same amount as what are in lean cuisine microwave dinners, but those are usually around 330 for a meal. I'm sure if you used laughing cow in place of the cream cheese (though you'd need quite a bit!) you could probably cut the calories down even more.

    The Laughing Cow also has recipes posted on their website under the "products" section, but I've not tried any of those.

    Hopefully this post has helpful information and isn't just a bunch of stuff that other people have already posted. :)
  • Stagezz
    Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    I have read the entire thread yet, so I don't know if anyone has put this. I like making a grown-up grilled cheese sandwich by spreading a wedge on the inside of Sara Lee Delightful bread with a slice of 2% cheese.
  • stporter
    stporter Posts: 16
    OMG - I looooove this thread and all the great ideas! Thank you so much for posting!!!
  • lacerja25
    lacerja25 Posts: 2
    Yummy. I can't believe that I've never eaten Laughing Cow Cheese before now....
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
  • My600PdLife
    My600PdLife Posts: 57 Member
  • Aries03
    Aries03 Posts: 179 Member
    Yum Bump v:happy:
  • chelsea_carter22
    chelsea_carter22 Posts: 22 Member
  • ckenning
    ckenning Posts: 71
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Thanks for all the recipe shares! I have lots of stuff I want to try now!!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    Will definitely be trying some of these, thanks!!
  • MeredithRN
    MeredithRN Posts: 119 Member
    I just bought some- never tried it, glad I found this!
  • mesafford
    mesafford Posts: 56 Member
    GREAT THREAD!!! Tonight for dinner I took a few boneless skinless chicken breasts, butterflied them, seasoned them open with garlic salt, pepper, and parsley. I spread a sundried tomato basil LCC wedge in the middle of each one and closed it up. Seasoned the outside with same spices. Baked at 375 for 40 minutes.

    This was a huge hit in my household!! My husband thought we were going off our diet for the night. He als thought I had taken the time to mix together a filling for the "stuffed chicken breasts."

    Next time, I am going to do the exact thing with the fresco chipolte wedges using garlic poweder and chili powder, and I am going to put chopped red bell pepper in there too. I am excited to try it!

    What's funny is I thought I was super creative and clever, and then I came across this thread.,, haha. I guess I'm not the first person to think of cooking with LC wedges afterall. LOL!
  • Damandaloss
    I am definitely trying some of these recipes. MeSafford, if your husband loved your recipe, I am definitely making it for mine (picky eaters are wonderful!!) Since there are 12 pages of threads, I will add my recipe in hopes it hasn't already been added :)

    Marinate boneless skinless chicken breast in wing sauce for approximately 4 hours. You can make your own healthy wing sauce, or buy one you find with the lowest amount of calories, carbs etc, depending on what you are counting!

    Remove from marinade and throw excess away!

    Grill the chicken

    Once you remove from the grill add a slice of laughing cow blue cheese wedge on each breast and broil until melted!

    This recipe rocks. The broiler will make the edges of the chicken crispy and it almost feels like you are eating WINGS!

    I like to serve with carrots on the side.mmmm