

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Eyes are not going to stay open to post. That will have to wait until tomorrow. It was a great day.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited April 2017
    Where in Arkansas are you planning to move to? We moved from Austin to Hot Springs!! We love it. Mild climate and the people are so friendly! I like the woods but town isn't far off with a lot of shopping and great doctors and a large hospital. The cost of living is much lower too. Our house here would be triple the cost in Austin and the taxes 5x more!!

    Dana - Actually, we'll be up near the Oachita National Forest a week from now, and will do some driving around scouting out property while we're there. The property values are exactly why we started thinking about Arkansas more than a year ago. Then last year, we drove up the west side, from Mena up to Fayetteville, and across the northern part as far as Mountain Home. That pretty much sealed the deal. My husband is looking for lakes and mountains and rivers, and me, I'd just like to live among trees that are taller than I am. You wouldn't think that would be too much to ask, but for those unfamiliar with West Texas, all the trees are mesquite or cedar in this general area. The tallest things around are what I used to call "rocking horses," the ever-in-motion pumpjacks.

    We took off Thursday and spent the night down in New Braunfels (between San Antonio and Austin, for non-Texans), and just as a funny, I checked property prices along the way through the Hill Country. Insanely high. Beautiful area--but wow. The bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush are in full bloom at the moment on every roadside, so it really was a lovely trip.

    Got some writing to do before writers' workshop tonight, and won't have to write a last editorial for the paper, as I agreed to keep writing them once I'm done being editor. Do need to start putting together my second book of columns, though. So far, my working title is "She's Thinking Out Loud Again." :) The first one, of course, was "She's Thinking Out Loud." If I write long enough to get a third one put together, it will be "She's Still Thinking Out Loud." Might as well stay with a theme! :wink:

    One more paper to put out this week - then a week-long driving vacation, with two or three nights at our daughter's in Louisiana, then up to Arkansas for some property searching, then back to the desert. Then May 1st, the new job begins. The CEO and her assistant are supposed to drive over from El Paso to meet me in person, now they've hired me. One hopes they won't be disappointed. :)

    Off to the races, kids.
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,727 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Went to sleep at 6 last night, was mentally exsausted...woke up at 8:45 and didnt get bacl to sleep until after 10 or so,flipped and flopped.
    Thanks for all the love ladies... you know I guess it is like an alcoholic you have to just get to a low point to dig yourself out.. yesterday morning was it...
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited April 2017
    Heather - thank you! It's been nice to have this space to express all those dreams. As the newspaper editor in a small town, I haven't been too forthcoming with those who know me here, for pretty obvious reasons.

    Allie, my dear heart - It's why I haven't been too verbal about all the happenings since you found out Tom had a girlfriend. You had to come to this point in order to make the change, and I'm so sorry it feels like the lowest point. I've said more than once in the past that, until I looked at him and thought, I'd rather die alone than live with you, I wasn't ready to go. It turned out to be my highest point, instead of the lowest--but it's always hard when love dies in front of your eyes. You are stronger than you know--and there will be some tears yet in your future. But you can do this.

    Lisa in West TX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,727 Member
    Lisa~ thanks for the encouragment.... the girlfriend thing has fizzled out from what my friend Jim says he works where Tom does.. I woke up yesterday and started to put english muffin in toaster for Tom , and he flipped out started throwing the towel in the sink and I asked what was wrong and he just started yelling shut up just shut up. now poor Taliah was sleeping so I told him to shush and he told me not to shush him and he was a jerk the rest of the day , I stayed quiet until he got up from a nap, went into the kitchen and said I am done.. hope you have fun in Florida ,I am tired of the emotional and verbal abuse and will not take any more of your $h--. and I turned around and went in my room and took a nap..,then he came in and asked if i wanted to take a ride to the shore.. well I took the ride because I will never refuse a ride to the beach,, but I didnt say anything to him..
    I think he finally gets it!!! Like Barbie said, I have done everything I possibly can to save this marriage.. with no return from him...done.. finito
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,577 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Janet Baby Mia is so precious

    Becca love the pic of you and your sister.

    Heather insightful and sobering message about exercise and maintenance. THis is where I tend to fall down, I don't have trouble losing #s, just maintaining, and the key is exercise as you said.

    So this is my last day of vacation before heading into the busy season (8 weeks of BUSY). I'm looking forward to enjoying today to get things checked off and top of the list is exercise! I have some research for DH, gotta find him a new heart doc, then lots of quick things to accomplish like errands and housecleaning. All in all, I kept to the goals I had set out for this vacation--to enjoy and celebrate the season and clear the decks by spring cleaning, all while keeping the exercise up and the overeating down--mission accomplished.

    It is important for me to set myself up with successful strategies as I head to busy end of school year concerts, interview committees, recruitments, etc. with lots of healthy make ahead meals, positive clothing choices and of course that great stress buster---EXERCISE!!

    Cheers, NYKAREN
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Allie, you deserve better, and I hope you can continue to believe that, because it's the bedrock truth. Hang in there--you've done so much for so many, reach out for support to those you love in your area, too. There's no such thing as too much support... and you have a lot here, as well. Will be thinking about you.

    Time to go wake Corey - he's going into PT in Odessa, taking my truck, and I have a whole day stretching out in front of me to do only what I choose to do. I love him dearly, but he's been home now for two and a half MONTHS, and I've missed my alone time more than I'm willing to admit. One more month until they do his X-ray, and hopefully release him back to work.

    Have started another painting, this one of a cathedral window quilt hung over a rocking chair. The initial sketch is done, but dang, there are times when I despair of ever getting perspective right... hopefully will learn to have a little perspective about it. :smiley: Trying not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good, or at least good enough, anyway.

    Weight is steady, staying right where I was at the beginning of the month--hurting too much for cardio, but may go lift weights and do my flex work. No swimming pools available here, so no water aerobics...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Allie ~ Tom sounds a bit like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. After being nasty all day and then wanting you to go for a drive with him. Stay Strong is all I can say.

    Went to church on for the first time in a long time with son and his family. Enjoyed the sermon so much but the music was VERY loud. Then we all contributed food for lunch at his house, dyed and decorated eggs, and had an egg hunt for the 5 & 7 yr old. Very enjoyable but we were really tired at the end.

    The Pom went to the vet on Saturday and they could not say why he was having messy poop and vomiting except he probably had eaten something that disagreed with him. One shot and 3 prescriptions. He did better on Saturday afternoon but is still not eating very much.

    Mia I love the glass decorations for your tree. You are so talented!

    Janet ~ Mia looks very sweet!

    Becca ~ That is a great picture of you and your sister. You both look so happy.

    Food ~ I wish I could experiment more with cooking unusual foods, but, my hubby is a meat and potatoes man and dislikes spicy food. As a result, we have lots of simple meat dinners with pasta, rice or potatoes on the side. About The only vegetables he likes are green beans and salad.

    Carol in GA
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • princessagb2013
    princessagb2013 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All -

    Thank you for your warm welcome! I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and to start being involved in the more personal 'discussions.' For today, however, I am going to just say wave hello and hope everyone has a great Monday.

    Technically, I have today off work, but plan to go in for a couple of hours. I have a couple of things on my todo list that if I get them crossed off, my week will be significantly less stressful. I also have a few items on my todo list here at home that I would like to take care of.

    Managing stress is key to my success so I am really going to focus on managing my life to make it less stressful. I have also planned out my food (and entered it) so I am off to a good start in that regard.

    Happy Monday!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Carol beautiful family <3