

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Hello everybody,
    Most of us have some problems and hardships in our life. But we should be happy all the time, because it could be worse than now.
    Have a beautiful day you all.

    I have to disagree ... it is not possible to "be happy all the time." But is possible to be at peace ...

  • feeeeline
    feeeeline Posts: 4 Member
    Carefully recording calories guys. :) And reading each and every encouraging update.

    Saw the rheumatologist and got a big laundry list of referrals to more specialists and therapies I'll need to complete.

    BUT, I am now settled at a slightly lower dose of prednisone (20 mg a day). My body is adjusting. My weight is stable after a gain of 3 or so lbs (I admit it, I weigh WAY to often... like, almost obsessively).

    The day before Easter my granddaughter and sister visited. We colored eggs (I like a hard boiled egg in my salads!) and made a cake that my granddaughter took home for a family gathering they were having on Easter.

    My knee hasn't slipped in days (torn meniscus, surgery is STILL on hold because of other health issues). I am thinking out putting out an all points bulletin to my facebook friends that are local to come and take me for a walk. There is a mall nearby... I'm hoping a friend or two will snatch me up on the "come help Feeeeline heal" thing.

    I know it seems like I whine a lot guys... hope so much you will forgive me! I'm usually a VERY positive person! This latest round of health stuff has knocked the pins out from under me.

    Anyway... thanks for listening. Goal for today... ask for a walking partner. Keep within my calorie goal. Express gratitude.


  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    becca vent away, this is the place to let it all out-let it go. Hope you had a good cry, and you recognize that you are the center, the beating heart of your family and that is no small thing. You will figure this out. <3 NYKAREN
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    edited April 2017
    :)Ginger I just finished reading two pages of posts and am writing this reply while riding my recumbent exercise bike. I do other Internet tasks while riding. I listen to audio books and podcasts using blue tooth headphones while walking. Thus I am able to be active and using my technology. It has helped me to seek every opportunity to be active

    <3Meg When Brandy died we were heartbroken but during the next few days I realized how worried I had been when we walked and in the middle of the night. Caring for a beloved pet is overwhelming.

    <3 Barbie
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited April 2017
    Cute baby – Your DD looks too young to be a grandmother; but, I was one @ 45; which is relatively young. Our DOS became a Daddy at the ripe old age of 19. His wife was 5 days to go before she’d be 18. But, I have know people with children who got married young as they had; so being a 'young' grandmother isn't all that uncommon.

    Michele – As soon as he comes in from cleaning brushes I’ll ask. Louis said that a 'pressure washer' should get it off. When he does pressure washing of houses that have 'mildew' on them he mixes some Clorox in it.

    I did better this past week, than the week before; I’ll have probably put on a couple of pounds. I’ll make sure, like last time, to wear shorts. Every little bit you can take off, the better.

    For most of mine I put a “1” and a “!” at the end. Certain things I use each granddaughter’s name and some, I haven’t used and would have to ask for a ‘link’ to reset it. I don’t do any online banking; I do have my checks automatically deposited; but, that is a ‘requirement’; only have 2 P.A.D., past that, I still want a ‘paper trail’. I get the same thing on stuff that is ‘important’ and that I have used for years. GGGRRRrrrrr!!!!!

    NYKAREN – We paid off some bills, now I have to re-do our budget. Should be interesting. LOL!!!!!

    Becca – I have my ‘yearly physical next month; and, I will find out what my cholesterol levels are. Hopefully losing 40lbs will have brought the ####’s down because I cannot tolerate cholesterol-lowering medications.
    Keep your head up, girl! I know that it is difficult to work really hard to do what you did when it worked; and, you still gain weight. I know I have probably put back on the 3.5 lbs I lost last time. Getting closer to a ‘goal’ makes it yo-yo (or it has for me). I’ve had a few ‘melt-downs’ for gaining weight when I have worked so hard to either not gain or hopefully ‘lose’.

    They’re talking about ‘how to stop robot-calls’ on your phone on the news. I yell “Robot” into the phone, when I answer it. But, I have more fun answering it, “Fire Department; where’s your emergency?” (That is when it shows up as being ‘out-of-state’. Occasionally, I have actually ‘gotten a person on the phone that really gets funny.

    More problems with Atlanta Interstates; this time, one buckled up (maybe due to a gas line); one car involved and one motorcyclist who is in ‘critical’ condition after landing 200 feet away. They are continuously working on it or making it wider; or moving it over a block.

    Hated that the Ninja Dad got hurt on his way up the Wall; had to be taken off by EMTs; then his son, Ninja Son, couldn’t make it up the Wall either. A couple of women finished. You’d have to be really fit and focused to do those events.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,128 Member
    pitegny wrote: »
    M in Oz: Tired just reading about your cycling.


    Well ... I've been training for this since about Christmas, gradually building up the distances I cycle etc. so it wasn't too bad. I did make a couple mistakes ... I need to work on my core. My back kind of gave out a bit. And I forgot that the protein shake I had in the morning of each event had milk as it's main ingredient. Milk does not sit well with me.

    On the bright side, I was planning to eat a whole lot of food this weekend ... but didn't ... because of that milk. So that should be good for the waistline. :)

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Where is Re in TX? Missing her.

    Oh, Becca we have all been there. As a matter of fact I am now, maybe not as seriously but I am. I have been eating right on track, doing some type of exercise for at least 45-60 minutes a day. Monday is my weigh-in day. Last Monday I stayed exactly the same as I had been the week before. I almost cried. I truly felt like I had lost a t least pound or two. So I ate all day Monday. Told myself I'd get back on track Tuesday. By Tuesday I felt miserable with a sinus infection and just threw caution to the wind and ate junk all week. I had family and neighbors for dinner yesterday and ate junk all day long. Oh yes, I weighed this morning, logged the nasty gain on my chart and knew it was my own fault. I too ask myself will I never learn. But I can truly answer YES, I have learned. Before I would have just gave it up and kept going. Today I said, okay that was last week and I'm back on track today. The best part of all is I KNOW this is right where I want to be.

    Biggest (((hug))) ever. You got this.

    Janetr okc
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Thanks Janet and the rest that have said uplifting posts. I suppose you can't be happy all the time, and today my melancholy feeling is my wake up call. I have to go thru it, and my word of the day is PERSEVERANCE!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    (((((((((((((((((((Big Hugs back!!!!))))))))))))))))
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good eve.
    Had the vents,furnace etc cleaned out today.Saw the pics of what they were finding,mainly dust & rust here & there.This house was built 12 yrs go & we bought it 4 yrs ago......doubt it was ever cleaned out before.Hope it helps with dust!

    MEG...all good thoughts for you & yours.Could DD feel she couldn't cook or put on a gathering like you? Maybe a simple "we are happy to help,but if not....fine." Maybe too easy to say....

    KATLA ..I hate the password bother.Besides,does anyone think a simple password is going to stop the ppl who go looking for state secrets? Not that I have any...sometimes feel like saying,just write down whatever & go on your way.

    Becca,did the nurse mention that many times,some ppls bodies makes cholesterol that has nothing to do with food you eat.My good friend had that problem & nothing helped until they found a Statin that worked for her.Her cholesterol was higher each time they tested.She felt it was either a statin or was gonna have a stroke.

    Son in law's family had their dinner Saturday.We didn't go,but had a great Sunday with DD & Sil.Had a nice catch up visit,went out for dinner at 2.Then sit on their porch & gabbed some more.Was nearly 6 when we got home.Weather was like a summer day.

    Kroger's had fresh pineapple for $1 each.Hun used the corer & I cut each slice into small pieces.Drank the yummy juice,froze the pineapple for smoothies.

    Tomorrow I will be looking at dishes,of all things.Somehow..mine have come to be a hodge pudge ...ends of thins n that.None worth a dime.Would you believe I have never bought dishes? DH had a set from Japan.....from his service days.Then got a set for a wedding gift.We need new dishes.

    Have enjoyed the pictures of babies & family.
  • PumpkinSage
    PumpkinSage Posts: 29 Member
    Chris in sunny, glorious MA
    Thanks for sharing! I have a similar weight journey (57, been overweight since my 30s) and was lamenting that I will be in a nursing home when I hit my goal weight
  • PumpkinSage
    PumpkinSage Posts: 29 Member
    ...but now see it's possible!
    (Figured out I can't use emoticons on my phone because it truncates my messages).
    Jude in Chicagoland
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,409 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Back to work today, off to a rocky start with my password not working - took the guys in IT 15 minutes to figure out who I was and get permission to reset it. Then my computer glasses weren't right. Couldn't see the computer screens so gave up and wore my regular tri-focals which were a little better. But it was great seeing my peeps and I think was able to help them. Will get several more days in by the end of the month.

    Got home and checked - had taken in the WRONG computer glasses so should be in better shape tomorrow. Also the password here on the laptop was acting flakey when I logged in this afternoon. Or maybe me, I'm kinda tired.

    DH didn't sleep well last night - someone in the neighborhood was either playing music with loud bass or running a semi/generator with that low-tone thump-thump. Anyhow DH has super sensitive hearing and this sound drives him bonkers. It finally stopped at 11 and he came to bed. I remember when we had the farm, a trucker decided to drop his reefer trailer on the State Highway Right of Way for the weekend (illegal) right across the road from our house. We listened to that thing "chug" for a couple hours the first night, then I sneaked out and turned it OFF. Problem solved and he never dropped a trailer there again. >:) Just imagine the trouble I'm going to get into at the nursing home some day, lol. Anybody brave enough to be my roommate?

    , good advice about maintenance-

    Becca, is this the highest your numbers have been? My DH's numbers are also similar to yours (and also took a big jump in a year), DH refuses to take statins because of the side effects. His doc told him his "ratio" which takes into account the LDL helps mitigate problems. Also there's a book out by Dr. Stephen Sinatra "The Great Cholesterol Myth" - it's been a while since I've read it but cast a different light into the "high cholesterol" anxiety. There's more info about it on the internet and a Youtube presentation. Did your mom pass from health issues?
    Loved that pic of you and your sister. Those smiles lowered my BP a lot B)

    Marcelyn - I am going to check out "LastPass" - never heard of it, what a neat idea.

    Better cut this short - gotta get supper going and play catch up around here.

    Have a great week, dear ones!

    SW WA State
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Evening ladies. Watching Disney night on Dancing with the stars. One of my favorite every year. Just makes it all more magical! And it helps bring out the child in the dancers.

    Our painter came be today. We had showed him color scheme we wanted and gave him permission to find them for us. Today he came by with his choices but instead of a 2 color scheme, he brought a e color scheme. We have had our gutters in the red color along with with the same color of other trims. He is suggesting a dark grey on the gutters, lighter grey on the doors and the red, actually pomegranite, as the rest of the trims. We have varying degrees of chance of rain all this week and next but there are a couple of days that it is just 20% so tomorrow he is going to start preparing the surfaces and if time allows will start the first coat. Hopefully will be done by the end of the week. We had torrential rain yesterday and we have no gutters so we want this job done. Only part of the job we don't want done is that as soon as it's done, the money is due.

    Charlie has his every 6 month appointment with his cardiologist tomorrow afternoon. I asked him if he was going to tell of any surprise symptoms and he said no. His main worry is that when he saw him last year the doctor told him he needs to be 183 pounds and it's closer to 210 pounds. Sometimes he makes an effort but mainly no effort. He does try to walk on the mall. He used to do it religiously every day. But now it is more like 3-4 days a week and he is thinking about doing it less. He used to walk 2-3 miles, has decreased that to 1 and his butt is dragging with that. I can see his Parkinson's being worse little by little and cutting the walking will not help.

    Becca, hold your head up high and keep on keeping on. The blood cholesterol level isn't always a good picture of risk for cardiac disease. Do you know what your different relatives have? My Dad had terrible heart disease with a cholesterol level of 130. You are one strong women, you are a chief's wife. Get out there and show them what you have. You do not ague with the chief's wife!

    Joyce, Indiana