People who say cardio is "too boring" are full of crap



  • SpotLighttt
    SpotLighttt Posts: 174 Member
    I'm not trying to bash someone who doesn't like cardio. Please explain how doing X while sitting on the couch can be less boring than doing X while running?


    perhaps people find mentally stimulating activities such as watching TV more desirable?
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Go your own way. Do what you find best. Do not worry about what others like or dislike or do what works for them. This is life. People find a great deal of things interesting and uninteresting. From work to play to workout, this is the way it is.
  • mburgess458
    mburgess458 Posts: 480 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    If someone finds something boring, who am I to tell them otherwise. Not sure why you are letting other people drive you nuts as you say, in the end we are all different. You do you :)

    It started driving me crazy when people would ask me what exercise I do... I tell them and they say "I can't do that, it would be too boring... I spent 8 hours sitting on the couch binge watching a show on Netflix". Then I noticed a lot of people on this board using the same excuse of it being boring.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I can't watch TV while doing any indoor cardio.. makes my head hurt.

    Anywho who really cares? Not real sure how this should affect someone so seriously.

  • liftorgohome
    liftorgohome Posts: 25,455 Member
    Cardio may be boring but it works for weight loss! Gotta get that heart rate up somehow!
  • mburgess458
    mburgess458 Posts: 480 Member
    I'm not trying to bash someone who doesn't like cardio. Please explain how doing X while sitting on the couch can be less boring than doing X while running?


    perhaps people find mentally stimulating activities such as watching TV more desirable?

    How is watching TV from a couch more "mentally stimulating" than watching the same show while doing something else?
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Some forms of cardio are incredibly boring to many people. Some movies and TV are boring, some aren't. Not sure what each has to do with the other.
    I do not perform any cardio that I find boring, which includes pretty much anything on a machine, except rowing. Fortunately there are almost an infinite number of other ways to get "cardio" done, many of which I find enjoyable. Those are the methods I choose to do.
  • mburgess458
    mburgess458 Posts: 480 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I can't watch TV while doing any indoor cardio.. makes my head hurt.

    Anywho who really cares? Not real sure how this should affect someone so seriously.

    "Affect someone so seriously"? I spent a couple of minutes typing on the computer. I'm not suicidal. Seriously, read some of the threads on here, you don't have to be seriously affected to start a friggen thread.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    If someone finds something boring, who am I to tell them otherwise. Not sure why you are letting other people drive you nuts as you say, in the end we are all different. You do you :)

    It started driving me crazy when people would ask me what exercise I do... I tell them and they say "I can't do that, it would be too boring... I spent 8 hours sitting on the couch binge watching a show on Netflix". Then I noticed a lot of people on this board using the same excuse of it being boring.

    My response would be... Ok cool. And keep doing what you are doing.
  • SpotLighttt
    SpotLighttt Posts: 174 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    If someone finds something boring, who am I to tell them otherwise. Not sure why you are letting other people drive you nuts as you say, in the end we are all different. You do you :)

    It started driving me crazy when people would ask me what exercise I do... I tell them and they say "I can't do that, it would be too boring... I spent 8 hours sitting on the couch binge watching a show on Netflix". Then I noticed a lot of people on this board using the same excuse of it being boring.

    oh its not an excuse. you are still misunderstanding.

    I prefer strength training and will do it several times a day everyday if my body permits but Cardio *sigh*

    Cardio has been a great struggle for me this week infact, I just cant face it.

    After my morning strength session, any time leftover is utlised on cardio such as treadmill walk but 10 mins in and I want to pull my hair out. its not stimulating at all. And Im sure it's because I have weak ankles which hinders me from running for long periods. If I could do that, then my opinion wouldn't be so negative.
  • mburgess458
    mburgess458 Posts: 480 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I like to watch movies, but can't watch them on a treadmill due to how my brain is wired. In public places I absolutely need to be aware of my surroundings or I'll have a panic attack. That means I can't run on a treadmill and listen to music or watch TV because I can't see and hear everything in my immediate area.

    Also, the few times I have done it while the gym was empty or the treadmill faced the main part of the gym I wasn't able to push myself nearly as hard. What's the point of doing cardio if I'm going to put in less than stellar effort?

    So in my case cardio is extremely boring and it has NOTHING to do with it being hard or not enjoying sweating. Deadlifting 360 pounds is hard and leaves me sweating.

    THIS is an answer. For you watching movies while running isn't an option so it answers my question... for you it's a bad question because you can't do the same thing while running that you do sitting on the couch.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    I hate cardio but I do it anyway. It's a necessary evil and reach my quota/goals every week as I do with my lifts. As for TV, on rainy days I'll watch an NFL Network marathon and sit up on my butt all day and I have no shame in that. Life is about balance.