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  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kim have fun with Rori I love the meet ups!

    Becca that coordinator should bark less and you should sing more!!!

    Lenora sending peace and strength your family's way.

    Happy Friday everyone (or Jammie day), I am looking forward to a restful weekend.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret: I love the "Faith, Hope, Love" plate with the hyacinths. It is a lovely photo and wonderful message. :heart:

    Yvonne in TX: Kickball was a game I could play, so I liked it. Softball was hopeless for me. I couldn't hit the ball. I had energy, but little coordination or skill back in the day. Nowadays I can hit a yellow jacket with an electronic bug zapper. Perhaps my glasses improve my aim. I know I'm motivated and that is likely the real deal-maker. :wink:

    Alison: We have a supplemental insurance that picks up the cost of an annual eye exam.
    I found this online: "Original Medicare, Part A and Part B, does not generally cover routine eye exams for eyeglasses or contact lenses. However, Medicare Part B will cover an annual eye exam every 12 months if you have diabetes or are at high risk for glaucoma."

    Lanette: DH got his glasses yesterday and drove home from the eye doctor. He is a much happier man. :bigsmile:

    Joyce: I've had similar experiences with embarrassing loss of control but not for a few years. I threw undies in the trash more than once and used quite a lot of Immodium in my daily life. I still have it available but I rarely need it anymore. MFP was a change agent in many ways. I stopped indulging in things like Starbucks Coffee with tons of sweet stuff in it, among other things. Their non-dairy creamers didn't protect me from lactose intolerance. Maybe it was the sugar and not the creamer. I don't know. I use sugar in cooking but stevia in my coffee now. I hope you are able to figure it out. :heart:

    Barbie: It is interesting that your dogs go to bed when it is their bedtime. Our current dog waits for the last human to go to bed and gets up with the first to awaken. Our last girl went to bed when she was ready regardless of what people were doing after she reached a certain age. :smiley:

    Re: I hope the internet business at work comes out with minimal negative consequences. Can you take your own computer, phone or tablet in and use it on break? :huh:

    Heather: If you and DH lost weight while the grandchildren were with you despite missing your regular exercise, it is clear how busy you really were. :bigsmile:

    Lanette: Thanks for the baby giraffe photo. :smiley:

    Dana: Dolly has soulful eyes. What a charmer! :star:

    Yoga today, and I plan to go out to the stable and help set up for an event this weekend. They have a guest presenter coming in who will be doing a cutting horse clinic using a fake cow that operates by remote control. I plan to watch part of the clinic and will take a picture of the "cow" if I can. My teacher will be a student in this clinic. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. It is a gorgeous, sunny day here which really lifts my mood. I have had several melt downs the last few days. All the legal stuff, not-so DD#1 and her Easter antics, and then DH’s visit with the financial advisor and coming home with choices to make on Medicare, supplements, social security….omg it’s just too much. I was already a little worked up over him retiring soon…it just makes me very nervous. But now to be hit with all of this at once is crazy.

    I went to my counselor yesterday and she really honed in on what she views as a power struggle with DD#1. I’m not sure I see it that way. I think it’s more of a common courtesy thing; why would you schedule something without telling anyone until the last minute, schedule it at the same time, and then blame the other person? DH and DD#2 were witnesses to the conversation, so I’m not totally crazy! LOL.

    I also have a request…if anyone here is a member of s-anon, would you consider being a long-distance sponsor? You can email me privately. My little group has no sponsors and the only other group in NE is in Lincoln. I emailed them but never have gotten a response.

    DJ: happy belated birthday!

    Mia: your cutwork is beautiful! So is your new “do”!

    Kim: gorgeous pictures!

    Sharon: I hope things get better at work, or at least you are able to not be so stressed by them!

    Heather: good job on the loss!

    Lisa: being from an old military family, I have heard that phrase about kids for years! I hadn’t heard it for a while, so your story brought back memories.

    Sarah: hope you feel better soon and find your way to onederland!

    Allie: hang in there; I’m sending you good and strong thoughts!

    Dana: wow your foot/leg did improve and I hope it continues!

    Michele: doing the cougar workout!!! Now that sounds like something for me!!!

    Beth: sending (((hugs))) your way

    DJ: I have cruise envy! Where are you going?

    Lanette: stick to your guns! Love the giraffe photo!

    GRIT: NO they do not ever grow up…see my remarks about DD#1. But I do feel for you! All that family drama is wearing on one’s soul. Take care.

    Kim: you and Rori will have such fun!

    Kelly: ah, yes….eating then lying down…no good! Glad you can control it now!

    Dana: I LOVE your dogs, especially Dolly. I just love hounds!!! Can she come visit? I am missing my Benny Beagle.

    OK ladies, time to get up and give an exam. We still continue to slog on with the legal issues…looks like DH will be taking some kind of plea deal, which does not make me happy, but I have accepted that I have no control over any of this. Thank you s-anon! Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Just a quick question: Have any of you seen a message board for breastfeeding moms? My DD is on MFP, but hasn't been logging in because of all of the calories she has to consume to produce milk for Joaquin. Wondering if there is a board that can help her with the "best" food options, types of exercise she CAN do or basic breastfeeding mama health advice. I hesitate to throw this question out to the masses on MFP; because I have seen some of the trolls and the message boards they set up/frequent. Thanks for any help! Kelly
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    (((Meg))) be very kind to yourself. I agree you are on overload. The magic word now is NOOO! Try to only do the things that nurture you. Best you can let go of the rest. I would put not so DD#1 on the back burner. She may be under tremendous stress too and reacting irrationally for reasons you do not have the energy to handle at the moment. As it Frozen LET IT GO!
    Love that song!

    :heart: Margaret
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    Good morning!! It's cloudy and may rain today. TGIF!!
    Have a great day!

    Pipcd34 Love your dog! What's his name?


    Here's our Dolly; Treeing Walker Coonhound:swz8auqcruxc.jpg

    that one is floyd
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Afternoon ladies. Well another day the weather man got terribly wrong. I know that for the farmers the month of April is very low on the rain level but I enjoy this weather. When we signed our contract for our remodeling, it said that as each sub contractor was done, we were to pay the remaining half of that persons work. I was surprised that the garage door company didn't ask for their payment. But they didn't. So today the contractor called and said he would come by for that check. Charlie didn't like it since ALL of the work isn't done but I showed the phrase to him. He doesn't want to do it but it is specifically in black and white.

    I have been looking at different types of hardscapes for the front yard. It would make the mowing so much easier although you still have maintenance. When we were at the insurance office yesterday, they had a lovely small tree with flowers and other greenery. But the main thing I loved was an odd shaped rock that had a hole in the top with water coming out of it. I have seen them making that on some of the shows on DIY. Money, money, money.

    Last night we were art Texas Roadhouse. It is one of two places I will allow myself a glass of tea since I love theirs even though it is unsweetened. I use a sweet n low. But when she gave me a refill, it was out of the piture that had the word 'sweet' on it. I pointed it out to her and she brought me a unsweetened glass. But I took a sip of the sweet tea. Oh my. I think she opened up Pandora's box. It was so good. But that one small sip was all I did.

    I can't remember who put up the picture of April's baby. The camera comes down tonight at 5. I have enjoyed watching Mom and babies interaction but baby prefers a space right out of camera range. I will miss it but it's not going to affect my life. There is a lot of drama over them taking it down.

    Tummy has been OK although it hurt a lot during the night. Pepto Bismol does help.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    well today was a day~ got my granddaughter on the bus but boy was she wound up, had a field trip to Mystic Aquarium today.. then get a call from the assistant at work telling us that electric company had installed a boot on our electric meter at work for non payment :o so here we are down there with no electricity calling people that we did have the numbers to cancel them.. we finally got power around 12:30.. so most of our day was wasted and we only had a few patients.. working tomorrow too.have Chester snoring next to me..
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Good evening, I hope everyone ate healthy foods for your bodies and minds. That's more important than what the scale says or the total calories.

    Pipcd34 I love all three of your pups and you have them all sitting on the porch!!

    Meg I'm sorry you are missing your Benny. I'll have to ask Dolly if she wants to go to Omaha! I'm south in Hot Springs. You know, we moved from Austin to Arkansas and we brought our cat Ivan with us. He was 13 and diabetic. We were only here for 2 months and he died. I cried for a week! We had him cremated because we had him at the vets office and I didn't want him disposed of with other animals. So, about 6 mos. later I was wanting a pet and since we had a nice fenced backyard, we decided on a dog. We went to the local pound and saw the cutest puppy, only 2 months old! I couldn't leave without her! Now Dolly is 16 mos. old (70lbs) and the sweetest hound dog ever. I love that dog!

    Yes my foot/ankle is going down. I went to a medical supply to get a compression stocking but the woman there said I needed a prescription. So now back to the doctor on Monday. Oh well!!

    Katla49 yes, Dolly has those eyes. She's always watching you too!

    Mia I love your hair! I wish I had the guts to do that!!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mia – Your hair rocks!

    Re – When I worked for the Federal government; we could not have a personal email account set up at work; the IT would remove it, if we did. I had the job of ‘backing up’ all the day’s work; and, if I did not do it I got a call early the next day about it from the Clerk’s Office in Macon.

    LOL! Hell would have frozen over before I’d have answered her emails. Unless, like you said, you sent them to her supervisor. Sure, a price would need to be ‘expected’ if they wanted your input about the job she took over. It would cost them a helluva lot to get me back into a situation you left (whether you did it on good terms, or not). DDnL#1 has complained about ‘how they do things and I told her to ‘keep her head down and her mouth shut’ … they have a reason for why they do things in the order they do and if she tried to make short-cuts it would come back to bite her in the @$$’.

    Eyelash extensions. Before they became really popular a few years ago, when I was younger and working, I would take a pair of eyelashes and cut them up to 2 or 3 lashes and take the glue and attach them to my eyelashes. Trick I learned from the ‘gay guy’ at the salon across the driveway to the parking lot. Now? I could not do it because my hands shake so badly.

    Joyce – Our DMGD loves taking pictures. She has my old 35mm camera; but, her pictures taken with her cellphone are probably better because she can catch them on the fly!

    Marcelyn – Epson Salt bath is good to make the itching from ‘chiggers’ stop being so bad. I think that chiggers are immune to bug spray (because they get in the dark recesses of your body and stay there).

    Margaret – Thank you for the prayers; we really seem to need it in the worst sort of way. DOGD is talking about NOT coming home between Spring and Summer school (because of how DDnL#1 spoke to her when she came home for Spring Break; she even left ahead of time to go back home).

    Becca – It is a sad thing for a Senior Citizens Center to have a ‘grumpy’ Director. We just lost the one who basically has worked there for over 50 years. They named the new building after her. She had her finger on everything that went on. I’m sure it will be a while before everybody gets used to a ‘new’ one.

    That’s an idea I can do for supper with my left-over chicken! I need to make sure that Louis feels like eating before I make it. Do you scramble your eggs? Or are they cooked into it whenever your stir all the other stuff into it?

    I am amazed at the thrift queen status.

    KJ – Glad that you were able to figure out what was causing the heartburn and regurge. Louis usually gets home about 5:30 or 6:00; washes his brushes and pots, comes in and takes a shower and watches the news. I will ask him ‘how hungry he is’ before I go start cooking up something. Depending on what he ate at lunch and the time, sometimes we eat lightly.

    KYKAREN – Thanks, hoping that peace and strength will come our way soon. DDnL#1 called DOS and complained about her phone not working. His response was, ‘too bad’; then she railed him up and down that ‘HE’ has a phone. Louis told him that he needs to tell her ‘yeah, it is a business phone’. He told him, ‘then YOU tell her’. Louis said, “NO PROBLEM; she says something to me about it … I will’! Said that was the ‘only’ time during the day that he was huffy. They argue over some of the most idiotic things. She will text or call him 3 or 4 hours during an hour, asking, ‘where are you’? WORKING! … the list goes on. GGGRRRrrrrr!!!

    Katla – I am going to look for a ‘bug zapper’ the last one we had got shorted out. It was so much fun; but, Louis and I would run in to get it and about knock one another over to get to it. I think we need 2 of them! LOL!

    I’ve thrown a few pair of panties in the trash myself. I can’t take the Miralax like the Gastroenterology suggested.

    One day they were going to run some tests on my bladder; but, I had been so constipated the day before that I took things into my hands and they worked all at once a little too well. When the nurse came in I told her that Bill could NOT do a pelvic or anal check and why. She laughed and said she’d give him a ‘head’s up’. Mmmm, would really have been a ‘bottom’s up’. YEAH! Didn’t do it and the test they ran did not make me lose any control. My toilet was happy to see me NOT coming in the bathroom!

    Meg – I think my son, who married his first wife (because they had gotten pregnant) did ‘what HE thought was the ‘right’ thing). But, he got involved with what would become our DDnL#1 [I don’t count the other as anything other than the ‘ex from Hell’]. She hasn’t been happy for almost as long as I can remember them being married. I know that for a couple of years when they would have DOGD for visitation … she did not want to bring her over. If they did, then my ‘Swiss cheese short-term memory loss’ just don’t remember it. Went from her being a 1 ½ year old little tyke to next I remember was her mother entering her in a ‘beauty contest’ when she was almost 4. DDnL#1’s mother bought her this tacky-looking dress with petticoats that made it stick straight out, with lace socks. I had already told her ‘mother’ (the ‘ex from Hell’) that I was going to buy her dress. She told me that she wanted me to buy one for her. Got a beautiful Bougainvillea-colored [deep pink] sheaf with pearls on the top (above the waist) and it was sleeveless. I told the ‘ex’ that she would need to be the one to inform DDnL#1 and her Mother about the choice in dress, which she had NO problem doing. I was ‘thrilled’ when she won a ribbon for the Prettiest Dress. I could not imagine how miserable she would have been to have to wait around with a bunch of petticoats on. We never wore them, we always had little cotton slips. I had a friend that, especially on Easter, would wear so many that her dress would stand straight out. Back then, kids dressed up for birthday parties. She looked miserable and kept pulling at them. I realized that my Mother was right, ‘they are a P.I.T.A.’ and I never asked about them after that.

    DDnL#1 won’t come down here (unless she really needs something), then she will usually send one of the girls. When they are arguing, DOS doesn’t come down here much. I get a lot of ‘what is going on’ from DH who has to listen to it all day from DOS who works for him. What started the argument yesterday is that DOS told her ‘that she was the cause of them having to file for bankruptcy’. Something he was trying his best NOT to resort to. But, when she walked out of her job I guess she thought she would be in such high demand that she’d get a job within 3 or 4 days. I had told her 3 or 4 weeks earlier that she would be a lot better off, if she had a job, before she quit her job. She was concerned about when to tell a prospective boss when she could start work. You tell them, MONDAY – unless you need to make arrangements on childcare. I got hired on a Tuesday and asked if I could have the rest of the week to make childcare arrangements; so I started the following Monday. Georgia is an ‘at will’ employment state which means a boss can let someone go without cause or notice; and, and employee can quit without cause or notice. Most employers do NOT want a ‘disgruntled’ employee working out a 2-week notice [too much can be done to sabotage the company]; and, you ‘give up your vacation time’ … he doesn’t have to pay you. Also told her that since she walked out, not to expect to get ‘unemployment benefits’. She was insubordinate when she walked out. But, after a month, she applied and quickly got denied.

    KJ – Google “Le Leche League” breastfeeding groups. That is what is was called when I was nursing my babies. But, they call it something different depending on the area where you live. One bit on information I can offer here is that BEFORE the baby is born; she needs to start going braless so that her nipples will not be as sensitive as they will be if she doesn’t. Whoops, guess I am a bit 'late' on that part. But, still ... going braless will toughen up her nipples. Get some nipple covers (for lack of a better way to describe them). They fit over the nipples much like a nipple on a bottle so that ‘if’ her nipples get ‘cracked’ or ‘sore’, she can still breastfeed. There are all sorts of groups for support. Be rough with her nipples (or have her husband be); it is about the most important thing a mother-to-be can do if she wants to breastfeed successfully.

    There are lotions she can rub on her breasts and nipples. She can get support 24/7 from some of the groups.

    My BF, who had just moved here; and, we found out through the Catholic Women’s League, that our two boys were exactly the same ages was a Le Leche League leader. She was a little more into it than I was. When she had her 2nd baby; if the first one – at those point almost 3 wanted to suckle, she would allow it. To me, that was just carrying it a bit too far.

    Having or getting a Pediatrician who believes that breast-feeding is the best thing you can do for your baby is also something important. She can make an appointment to go talk to the Pediatricians to find one that she feels comfortable with. Our boys’ Pediatrician was a ‘bit on the strange side’; but, each time you took your baby in, he would give you a sheet as to what you needed to expect for them to be doing by the time you brought them back for their next check-up. And he would also give you little tricks to work on them to ‘change bad behavior’. He strongly believed in ‘time-outs’; but, he also realized that sometimes a ‘pop’ on a diapered butt gets their attention when you are not where you can do a ‘time-out’ immediately. A cupped hand on a Huggie or throw away diaper makes a loud sound; but, doesn’t hurt. Gee, I can remember getting a switching. They did not call it ‘child abuse’. Also, when a baby starts crying ‘in public’ tell her to take him/her outside or to the restroom and talk to the about behavior in a public place. And that they’ll go back inside when they stop crying. I have never believed that a mother should tell a child, ‘wait until your Daddy gets home’! That only makes that child ‘fearful’ of him. My Mother took care of any issue she had with us growing up, right then and there. We did not ‘act out’ but ‘once’ in our lives. She would pull us up off the floor and tear our butts out. When DOS decided to ‘throw a temper tantrum’ in the middle of the grocery store, I walked away from him screaming on the floor. Then while I was on the next isle I heard this quiet little “Mommie?” I’m right here, on the next isle. He’d come running and want to get back up in the seat of the buggy. Of course you could do a lot back in the ‘70’s that you would not dare do now-a-days.

    I nursed ‘on demand’; which makes you produce more milk. Every 4 hours is too long between nursing. They’ll work themselves into a schedule if they ‘know’ that breast is going to be there. She doesn’t want to eat anything with onions or anything that makes her gassy; it will pass on to the baby. But, getting the nipples ‘prepared’ before the baby comes is probably one of the most important things. When she is in the shower, use a hand-cloth and rub them vigorously. She should be eating 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day. Little at a time. That is one thing that I got when I had Will (in Macon). I could ask to keep him in my room or I could ask for someone to come take him back to the nursery. But, with both of mine, I stayed in the hospital for a week, because I was considered as ‘high risk’.

    Cracker is my ‘first’ pound puppy; now, I am not sure I would ever have another pure-bred. She is a hoot. She has Louis wrapped around every toe on every paw. The minute he comes in she is on him like fly-paper. She lays down in front of the bathroom while he is taking a shower. She takes her toys over to where his chair is and talks him into throwing them. He has started a habit; that I won’t do.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited April 2017
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Re: I hope the internet business at work comes out with minimal negative consequences. Can you take your own computer, phone or tablet in and use it on break? :huh:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Alas, there is no internet other than the corporate network... so, that wouldn't work, at all. I have a "stupid" phone - all it does is *gasp* make phone calls... so, no love there.

    And, I am with you. I am only "lactose intolerant" of Ice cream, and milk in sugary cereal. I have No issues with cheese, or half and half in my coffee. Go figure? I guess it's the combination of high fat and high sugar - sends me RIGHT into the ladies room, every time. It was, however, a lifesaver when it comes to dieting. I seriously CAN'T eat more than a cup of ice cream - without paying a steep price. One scoop is my absolute limit, these days. It's a lifesaver, because I really, really, REALLY love ice cream... LOL. >:)


    Re in TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Eyelash extensions. Before they became really popular a few years ago, when I was younger and working, I would take a pair of eyelashes and cut them up to 2 or 3 lashes and take the glue and attach them to my eyelashes. Trick I learned from the ‘gay guy’ at the salon across the driveway to the parking lot. Now? I could not do it because my hands shake so badly.


    I know, right? I could really use the eyelashes, too - but that quake is a PITA.


    Re in TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Good evening, I hope everyone ate healthy foods for your bodies and minds. That's more important than what the scale says or the total calories.

    Hiya, Dana!

    I wasn't feeling the whole "food" thing, today. Had a protein shake latte for lunch. Dinner tonight is turkey soup.

    But, first... off to the gym for a good healthy sweat! Hope your day was healthy, also!


    Re in TX