Bad memories, experiences you had as a child which still haunts you, reminds you till this day



  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited April 2017
    In Kindergarten I went, down the; playground's slide & the metal at the, end wasn't rounded/smooth so; it shredded my back & thus I was afraid to, go down them; via then!

    I had a gym class a few years later within, which weaving around; the swings & then going down the slide at, another school was; our required exercise! Well I'd weave around the slide instead even, the threat of failing gym class didn't force me to; face my fear & I was a huge fan of American Gladiator's so, of course I loved that we we're essentially turning the swing/slide set into; an obstacle course!

    Anyway he reported me to, the guidance counselor she took me to; the swings & told me that, we weren't leaving until I went; down that slide! It was completely ridiculous I, mean it wasn't a fear that; was a necessity to overcome lol :D but I did! Unfortunately that was the, beginning of; me having a reason to hate myself because I was a tough girl whom, never tolerated being; treated unfairly & at, that age I; was actually my toughest but that day I just didn't have the fight in me so, to be honest I'd rather still be afraid of going down a slide than; hating myself for my moment of weakness!
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    That time when me and my friends overheard some older boys taking about a dead body they found by the railroad tracks. It was believed to be the body of a classmate of ours who had been missing for a while. My friends and I decided to set out to find it and be heroes. Seeing that dead body really impacted me for life.
  • jpoehls9025
    jpoehls9025 Posts: 471 Member
    That time when me and my friends overheard some older boys taking about a dead body they found by the railroad tracks. It was believed to be the body of a classmate of ours who had been missing for a while. My friends and I decided to set out to find it and be heroes. Seeing that dead body really impacted me for life.

    stand by me (movie) ?
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    edited April 2017
    Yep. I have some. And I wrote it here. And already edited. ;)
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    HyeKarma wrote: »
    I was that little girl who grew up to be a survivor. And now looks back to see, sometimes why it was good to be overweight, and not the center of attention for looking pretty. So although its wonderful to be at goal weight, and its nice to know your great enough, that your dance teacher wants you front and center. But, you would rather be running the show, not in the show. You would rather be at monitor world or FOH wearing a sound technician cap, cargo shorts and polo shirt, respected for your work by the big guys. Save my bikini for my own back yard. Save my sexy outfits for nights with my husband. But it's okay now. I know how to call 911. I know how to protect myself with a deadly force. Go ahead, try me. :angry:

    I've never wanted to be your friend more!

    Oooh. You quoted me. :/
    But thank you. :)
    How did you know I would go and erase it out? :D
    Same here. :)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    km8907 wrote: »
    Some of these bad "experiences" should not haunt these people still today... some just need thicker skin. But others I can relate with totally Shi** stuff can happen in life just as long as you can turn your circumstances into something constructive. Ive dealt with a lot of trauma in life and I just rather choose to learn from the experiences rather then let it haunt me for ever.

    Please don't undermine someone else's trauma.

    I suppose your right what is common place for me might be an out right tragedy for another, who am I to judge. I still think people could benefit from developing a thicker skin / Positive mindset.

    Maybe too thick of skin can cause someone to think that they are not bigger than their circumstances. They may just take life as it comes and never use those bad experiences to create positive changes in their lives.
    No one can really judge what should or shouldn't be traumatic to another person.

    Exactly this, trust me, I have more than my fair share of really traumatic stuff that I could talk about here. But I don't, I come here to have fun. So I posted a light funny to me "traumatic" story. If I told you my real tragedies, they would haunt you too.
  • FaeryLove18
    FaeryLove18 Posts: 41 Member
    edited April 2017
    When I was around 6 or 7, I almost drown. I was alone as well and panicked. I had been taking swimming lessons and tried to swim on my own and couldn't get back out the water. With a hell of a struggle, I made it out and have been terrified of deep water since then. I still can't swim. Once the water is around my neck or even shoulders, I just panick and can't move. It was very traumatic.

    My little sister also suffered the same but at 3 when she fell into the deep end and luckily our little cousin, who had just finished his last swimming class, was already there and he saved her life. Ever since then I've wanted to try to learn, but my own past gets in the way. :(
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    edited April 2017
    When I was about 10 years old I was taking a shortcut through a heavily wooded area near where I grew up. I came upon a small campsite. I may have stumbled onto something illegal, because two adult men near the camp site started to run towards me. I ran as fast and as far as I could, and they chased me for some distance until I jumped over a stream and ran through a swampy area to get away from them.

    I wouldn't say this haunts me, but it does scare me to remember and to think about what could have happened if I had not gotten away from them.
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    I just want to give some of y'all a big hug. :cry:

    Awe, that's so nice of you ☺
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    I just want to give some of y'all a big hug. :cry:

    .... with a reach around
  • jpoehls9025
    jpoehls9025 Posts: 471 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    km8907 wrote: »
    Some of these bad "experiences" should not haunt these people still today... some just need thicker skin. But others I can relate with totally Shi** stuff can happen in life just as long as you can turn your circumstances into something constructive. Ive dealt with a lot of trauma in life and I just rather choose to learn from the experiences rather then let it haunt me for ever.

    Please don't undermine someone else's trauma.

    I suppose your right what is common place for me might be an out right tragedy for another, who am I to judge. I still think people could benefit from developing a thicker skin / Positive mindset.

    Maybe too thick of skin can cause someone to think that they are not bigger than their circumstances. They may just take life as it comes and never use those bad experiences to create positive changes in their lives.
    No one can really judge what should or shouldn't be traumatic to another person.

    actually I believe having "thick skin" will allow you to not fall victim (adhere to some ones standards, criticism or any other form of physical / mental abuse) to the circumstances and allows you in your words to always be bigger then them in any or all situations. Thus this will allow the individual to always have a positive outlook, no mater what adversity they face in life, and as I said "who am I to judge" because at the end of the day some one on one side of the world has probably witnessed friends and family murdered to the hands of tyrants and here in the US we drop our gum on the sidewalk and its just an absolute tragedy... thats my point.
  • jpoehls9025
    jpoehls9025 Posts: 471 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I just want to give some of y'all a big hug. :cry:

    .... with a reach around

  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    When. I was 7 I was at my Grandmas house for the weekend like always. Something was wrong though because she was on the phone all night crying and yelling. It was past bedtime when she told me and my brother to get in the car we were going home. That NEVER happened. We always spent the night. When we got home we (my 10 year old brother and I) were brought into our parents room where my mom told us our father had committed suicide. At 7 I didn't know what that meant but my brother did and started crying. So I did too. It was very scary. Then I was driven to my aunt's house to sleep and I had never slept there before. I finally figured out what suicide was and had to deal with it all alone in a strange bed with nobody to talk to.

    I'm 38 and clearly remember this night. Worst of my life for sure and has caused many issues growing up.
  • jpoehls9025
    jpoehls9025 Posts: 471 Member
    When. I was 7 I was at my Grandmas house for the weekend like always. Something was wrong though because she was on the phone all night crying and yelling. It was past bedtime when she told me and my brother to get in the car we were going home. That NEVER happened. We always spent the night. When we got home we (my 10 year old brother and I) were brought into our parents room where my mom told us our father had committed suicide. At 7 I didn't know what that meant but my brother did and started crying. So I did too. It was very scary. Then I was driven to my aunt's house to sleep and I had never slept there before. I finally figured out what suicide was and had to deal with it all alone in a strange bed with nobody to talk to.

    I'm 38 and clearly remember this night. Worst of my life for sure and has caused many issues growing up.

    I hope you found peace in life after such an occurrence. Ill pray for you!
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    When. I was 7 I was at my Grandmas house for the weekend like always. Something was wrong though because she was on the phone all night crying and yelling. It was past bedtime when she told me and my brother to get in the car we were going home. That NEVER happened. We always spent the night. When we got home we (my 10 year old brother and I) were brought into our parents room where my mom told us our father had committed suicide. At 7 I didn't know what that meant but my brother did and started crying. So I did too. It was very scary. Then I was driven to my aunt's house to sleep and I had never slept there before. I finally figured out what suicide was and had to deal with it all alone in a strange bed with nobody to talk to.

    I'm 38 and clearly remember this night. Worst of my life for sure and has caused many issues growing up.

    My petty bad memories is nothing compared to yours. It must have been hard for you.
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited April 2017
    At 13 I found my mum after she hung herself, couldn't get her down as her dead weight had set in and I was too weak.

    It haunts me every day still though not nearly as vividly as then. At 28 i'm now only less than 10 years younger than she was.

    It's a head frick seeing someone you love so much who gave you life so dead and lifeless.

    I am happy to talk about it now though.

    It nearly caused me to take my own life, but I overcame it and now I regularly fundraise for mental health charities and give presentations on suicide and depression awareness.
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    When. I was 7 I was at my Grandmas house for the weekend like always. Something was wrong though because she was on the phone all night crying and yelling. It was past bedtime when she told me and my brother to get in the car we were going home. That NEVER happened. We always spent the night. When we got home we (my 10 year old brother and I) were brought into our parents room where my mom told us our father had committed suicide. At 7 I didn't know what that meant but my brother did and started crying. So I did too. It was very scary. Then I was driven to my aunt's house to sleep and I had never slept there before. I finally figured out what suicide was and had to deal with it all alone in a strange bed with nobody to talk to.

    I'm 38 and clearly remember this night. Worst of my life for sure and has caused many issues growing up.

    A shocking experience at any age. It does mess with you, my story is above. Remember you're not alone and always open up to family or friends or even a helpline. Someone is always willing to listen.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Wow. This thread is deep. I feel fortunate for my childhood.